Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1626 The Banquet of the Little Elders

Chapter 1626 The Banquet of the Little Elders

"Oh, it's not good to argue in person!" Liu Xiang sighed inwardly, and decided to be a peacemaker.

"Is our little seafarer back?" Liu Xiang shouted loudly on purpose, and he had already arrived at the gangway on the deck.Sure enough, Qian Shuixie and Qian Duoduo shut up after hearing the guest's voice.

Then Liu Xiang saw that Qian Shuixie was still angry, and Qian Duoduo had an expression of "I can't explain it to you".It seems that the uncle and nephew are still holding back their anger.Just about to speak to ease the atmosphere——

"Hello, Teacher Liu!" A few more people came up from behind, and they were Lin Ziqi and Zhang Yunmi's "Women's Sailor Team".A few years ago when Liu Xiang was still an otaku in Lingao, he also went to Fangcao District to take classes. Xiaolin and Xiaozhang, who were underage, had attended the liberal arts comprehensive course he taught—yes, you read that right, a doctor of engineering I went to the comprehensive class of the University of Literature, History and Land Politics, and arranged 96 major class hours in one semester... Liu Xiang’s application for a foreign job is also a large part of the reason. Self-study at night; staying up late is more energetic than a cat: how terrible it is to live a life of changing homework.

When Xiao Zhang Xiaolin greeted Liu Xiang, Qian Duoduo also said "Hello, Uncle Liu" with pursed lips.When Liu Xiang was in charge of the class, Dodo was still the king of the children in the big class of the kindergarten. Teacher Liu must not be able to shout out anything. Besides, Liu Xiang used to come to Feiyun to participate in activities. Of course Dodo’s impression of him is "" The uncle who often comes to the house to play."

"Okay, okay! Everything is fine!" Liu Xiang responded enthusiastically while welcoming everyone onto the deck.

"Oh, I haven't seen you in a few years, you've grown up!" Liu Xiang glanced at Zhang Yunmi several times, "Especially our Duo Duo, who is already a brave captain!" He took a step back with an exaggerated expression Saluted: "Salute to you! Veteran Captain Qian Duoduo! A small step for you is a big step for the younger generation of the Senate!"

Unexpectedly, Qian Duoduo returned the salute in a very serious manner: "I salute you! Liu... Veteran!"

When Qian Shuixie heard Liu Xiang's words, he curled his lips to express his dissatisfaction, but he didn't say anything else, and walked to the communication equipment on his own, which was to report to Qian Shuiting and the others that they were safe.

The two Liu Xiang who came in behind also knew each other: Zhong Xiaoying, the "daughter" of Dr. Zhong, was a household name in the circle of veterans. Everyone was waiting for the day when the pious Dr. Zhong stretched out his sinful hand... Sonia, Liu Xiang also participated in that auction, so he naturally recognized it.Qian Shuixie said just now that after the women's sailors go to sea once a week, they will have dinner on the Feiyun, and Liu Xiang also invited the two to sit down.

Zhong Xiaoying hesitated for a while before she sat down—after all, she was educated as a maid, and although she was the adopted daughter of the elder, she always felt that she was inferior in front of the chief.As soon as Sonia heard the greeting, she immediately sat down and began to organize the documents in her hand.God knows what she, the naturalist, has recorded.

As soon as she sat down, Qian Duoduo, who just felt that she was "recognized", began to talk about her "voyage feat" today with an excited face, from how she was thinking about going to the other side of the strait, how to hold a temporary meeting of elders, how to command Ruoding started to talk about how to sail cautiously in the dark and forked Juhuayu waters when returning to the voyage, and pay homage to the naval battle sites. Of course, she was very sensible and didn't mention anything about being severely criticized by the Qianshui Association after returning to the voyage.Liu Xiang was sweating in his heart when he heard it: The degree of death of a bear child is indeed linearly related to the resources he can control to die...

When Qian Duoduo was talking about it, Zhong Xiaoying kept helping her to excuse, why there are a lot of patrol boats in the strait recently, and the sea conditions are very good recently, so she specially called the radar station to ask about the weather; It made the atmosphere more active; Sonia occasionally added details, such as when passing by where is the dark sand rising from the starboard side instead of an island, and what kind of sea is inhabited on the sandbar at the entrance of Juhua Island. birds and such.Only Xiao Zhang was sitting on the sofa with a smile on her face, sipping Li Mushan Oolong tea lightly, without interrupting, as if she was the one who came to listen to the story.

When Qian Duoduo came to the end of his talk, Qian Xuanhuang came over and said that the master had a "temporary enlarged meeting" today and couldn't come back for dinner, and his wife would also attend the meeting today... Anyway, Qian Shuiting and his wife are working overtime today, Zhou Weisen's family A few days ago, each had a business trip. Of course, Zheng Shangjie was far away in Guangzhou. Today's reception banquet was only received by Qian Shuixie. To express his apology, Qian Shuixie had already gone to cook in person.Secondly, Liu Xiang's little girl woke up, and Guo Ling'er asked if he wanted to bring the child over for the little chiefs to meet.

It's really not easy to sort out the relationship from Qian Xuanhuang's various titles, because she is a maid shared by the three families, so she has different titles for the six masters. Qian Shuiting is called Master, Qian Shuixie is called Mr. Zhou Weisen She was specially approved to call her Big Brother Zhou, and the two wives were called by their surnames: it is not easy to call the elder master and the second master, and the elder madam and the second madam are more likely to cause misunderstandings——Later, Zheng Shangjie was not in Lingao for a long time, so she directly called Ai Beibei Mrs.As for Mendoza, according to Mendoza's own insistence, he wanted to call Miss, but firstly, several masters strongly opposed it, and secondly, Qian Xuanhuang himself felt that Duoduo was the eldest lady, and finally compromised and called Mendoza directly. name.When they first came to Feiyun Club to participate in the activities, everyone said with emotion that Qian Xuanhuang was already at the level of the top maid of Jia's family in addressing this point.

Qian Shuixie cooks in person, and Liu Xiang thinks that the bigger reason is that he doesn't want to watch Qian Duoduo blowing water in the living room, maybe he will get angry when he hears it, so it's better to go to the kitchen and vent his anger on the ingredients.As for the baby, when Qian Duoduo heard that there was a baby to hold and hold, she immediately excitedly said that she wanted to see it right now.Liu Xiang smiled and nodded, and asked Qian Xuanhuang to call Guo Ling'er.

Babies are not afraid of birth, and they won't cry when anyone hugs them.The girls, including Sonia, took turns hugging and teasing, but Zhong Xiaoying looked envious—speaking of which, Zhong Xiaoying and Guo Linger were born at the same time—looking around with enthusiasm.Sonia, on the other hand, glanced at the baby with a look of "studying the differences between yellow-race babies", which made Liu Xiang very upset; The baby who was always smiling sweetly laughed out loud.Zhang Yunmi took the baby, but the baby kissed her for some reason, first patted Xiao Zhang's shoulder vigorously, then squinted at Xiao Zhang and laughed for a long time, making Zhang Yunmi stunned for a while.In the end, the baby clung to Zhang Yunmi and refused to come down. Qian Duoduo tried to snatch him several times, but the baby threw herself into Zhang Yunmi's arms and refused to let it go. The baby was torn off from Zhang Yunmi's body, and after coaxing for a long time, he was willing to let Duo Duo hug him.

"Uncle Liu, I want to kiss her, why does she keep hiding!" Dodo seemed determined to regain some dignity.

"Of course! My little baby has been taught since she was a child not to be kissed casually!" Liu Xiang teased Duoduo deliberately.

"I want to kiss, I want to kiss, I want to kiss!" Qian Duoduo suddenly lost her temper, "Hey, give my sister a kiss! Just give me a kiss!"

"Uncle Liu! Let the baby be awkward, I want to kiss her little mouth!"

The baby thought you were playing crazy with her!How can this stop!Liu Xiang was so entangled in the end that he had no choice but to give Qian Duoduo a trick, asking her to pout and wink at the baby. Sure enough, the baby looked at Duo Duo for a while, thinking that this little lump of bright red flesh The meat was for her to eat, so she bit on Qian Duoduo's lips.This made Qian Duoduo very happy.

Qian Xuanhuang has been the de facto "First Secretary of Feiyun Club" for these years. He finished arranging the dinner plate inadvertently, and he didn't know where to push out a child seat for the baby—about Original on the yacht.After the baby is settled, everyone sits down and eats together.

Qian Shuixie came over with the last dish, which was bone-in lamb chops boiled in wine.This is a rare enjoyment - the area controlled by the Senate now does not produce wine grapes, and 99% of the wine shipped from Europe has been turned into grape vinegar.And the main ingredient of this dish is lamb chops, which must be ordered.Regardless of the taste, the emphasis on Liu Xiang can be seen from the preparation of ingredients.

"This is a rare thing. Where did this wine come from? One in a million?" Liu Xiang asked in surprise.

"It's a long story! Come on!" Qian Shuixie first poured a glass of wine for Liu Xiang and himself, then Qian Duoduo took over and poured it for Xiao Zhang and Xiao Linman, and then Zhong Xiaoying poured wine for himself and Sonia Had a glass.With Sonia, a Yanmar who understands English, saying "For The Senatus!" would feel all kinds of uncomfortable. When Qian Shuixie picked up the glass and stood up, his mind turned countless circles, and the last toast changed. Became "for our common ideal!"

The several elders and young elders naturally came to this toast, and Zhong Xiaoying, as the "adopted daughter", naturally followed, but Sonia remained silent, and just stood up and raised her glass to signal.But after taking a sip of wine, Sonia's eyes lit up. "There is such a round and luscious wine! In New, there is no such good wine in Iberia!" Sonia almost screamed.

"Of course! We have the best brewing technology in the world!" Qian Duoduo was very proud.

Liu Xiang took a sip. It was indeed a very good sweet wine, and it had a very refreshing taste without ice.Wait, this taste is a bit familiar!
(End of this chapter)

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