Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1627 Emperor Studies

Chapter 1627 Emperor Studies

"Potter? There is no such thing now! Remember that this thing became famous later than cognac!" Liu Xiang asked suspiciously.

Qian Shuixie leaned into Liu Xiang's ear and whispered: "The owner of the deer's vineyard has produced wine for the first time this year! Semi-fermented grape juice is directly mixed with brandy shipped from Europe. I don't know that this port is considered a local product. It’s still imported, haha.”

Liu Xiang also knew a little about wine, and immediately gave a thumbs up after listening to it: "Hell! Willing to work hard and spend money! But I remember that later Porter and Shirley were directly mixed with alcohol."

Qian Shuixie said with disdain: "I don't like that kind of black heart wine! Besides, 'brandy shipped from Europe' is a big gimmick, and all the special supply stores rely on it to return currency. Minister Hong jumped up and down, ready to throw his arms around and make a big move."

"You mean his number 82..."

"That's right, it's been approved." Qian Shuixie nodded, "Of course it's still under the name of the General Office."

Hearing that it was the private work of Minister Hong, Liu Xiang nodded, and no longer elaborated on the matter, but jokingly said: "Why don't you 'invent' the glass bottle and the cork again, and have a wine refund! There is no such thing as OPorto with wine!"

There is nothing to hide from saying this sentence, and the voice is louder.Sonia, who was sipping the fine wine in her glass, picked her ears and heard the familiar place name "OPorto". She stared blankly at the two elders for a long time, then shook her head in disappointment and said, "OPorto (Porto) And the whole Douro River Valley produces good wines, but they don’t have such a taste. Besides, I really can’t imagine transporting wine across half of the world to the Far East... starting from the port of Madeiraville, the closest wine producing area to the New World on the outer sea It takes about 60 days for the local wine to reach Pernambuco with a downwind boat, and it is a gift from God to guarantee that half of the wine barrels will not turn into sour waste..."

Liu Xiang smiled slightly and said, "That's because you neither understand the reason why wine becomes sour, nor master more advanced navigation techniques."

Liu Xiang said as he fished out a bone-in lamb chop from the plate. As a meat-loving foodie, how could he not eat meat with the first chopsticks.

"We do have a method of long-distance transport of wine, and it is not a spirit like brandy, or a new sweet wine. But this is a major commercial secret, and the interests behind it must be imagined Yes. Not to mention the colonies in the Far East and the rest of the world, they are shipped to the UK and Northern Europe, and the profits are enough to give birth to countless rich people.” Liu Xiang gnawed on the meat while blowing water, “As for the navigation technology, two teeth Oh, no, the entire Iberian Peninsula has begun to fall behind. Just a dozen years ago, a medium-sized ship transported some Puritans who refused to recognize the Anglican religion from Plymouth to the northern pioneers of the New World. It only took 66 God! And you're still scrambling across the Atlantic Ocean with heavy tortoise-like Galen..."

For some reason, Liu Xiang's desire to express himself is particularly strong today, and the topic soon shifted from Galen's bulky shape to earlier times, the disastrous defeat of the Spanish Armada in the "last century", and then from Britain-Northern Europe The development of ship types dates back to the Nordic trade in the Hanseatic period, and then ridiculed the current European policy of taxation based on deck area, and then praised the Dutch invention "at the end of the last century" to deal with this Such a policy of the flute-shaped ship (Fluyt), and finally talked about the advanced nature of the deep V-shaped cross-section design and watertight cabin...

Qian Shuixie secretly wondered, why did Liu Xiang show off these things so desperately?Do you have any thoughts about Sonia?Seeing the admiration on the face of the naturalist, he couldn't help worrying secretly: Lao Lin would have to strike him directly with lightning.

When Liu Xiang said that he came back this time with a "design" model of a high-speed ship that "only takes 90 days from Lingao to London", Qian Duoduo ate the food in his bowl with two or three strokes, and then strongly demanded to go Seeing the 66cm "Short Shirt Size" miniature that Liu Xiang showed off just now, Sonia also said that she must have a look... In short, after the second half of the meal, only Liu Xiang, Qian Shuixie and Xiao Zhang Xiaolin were left on the table.

After blowing the water, the topic stopped, and it seemed a bit cold.What's even more weird is that Zhong Xiaoying was sent away by Zhang Yunmi in the end. What is this for?

The scene was boring for a while, it took about two lamb chops before Zhang Yunmi managed to organize his words.

"Mr. Liu, remember that you taught us economics before!"

When Liu Xiang heard this sentence, he twitched for a while—it was "talking about economics" at the time, because he was criticized several times on "Venus" for this issue, and he was charged with "poisoning the next generation of veterans."

"Why is this girl bringing this up now?" Liu Xiang wondered in his heart.

"Last week Ma Du... Uncle gave us a special weekend class on political economics. In the end, he left several economics articles for us to write our own thoughts after studying..." Zhang Yunmi became more and more embarrassed as he said this, after all, this belongs to Find someone to do the homework for you.

"Yes, yes, it's the original Niaoyu text for Xiao Zhang, it's too pitiful..." Xiao Lin chimed in.

"Special class on weekends?" Liu Xiang looked at Qian Shuixie suspiciously.Qian Shuixie explained a little bit, this special class is "weekend", in fact, it is a separate class for young elders every Saturday.You must know that the naturalized people have two days off a month.Those who can spend Saturday as a weekend holiday are the children from the original time and space.This day is mainly to talk about some content that is not suitable for large class teaching, such as all political, economic and technological content related to the "history that has not yet happened" in this time and space.I don't ask these little veterans to be more proficient in these things, but to cultivate them so that they can be closer to other "old uncles" in thought, instead of becoming more and more like local naturalized people.Is this also considered "noble education" in another sense, or "imperial studies"?
Duke Ma attaches great importance to the ideological education of the young elders!

"What aspect? Did you not understand or have no idea?" Liu Xiang responded.

I don’t understand it is a problem of knowledge structure, at least it is a problem of professional vocabulary-if it is Niaoyu literature, it is basically difficult for non-professionals to understand.If you don’t have an idea, you can just talk about it, go to some higher-level forums in the original time and space, and economics can be regarded as a hot topic, so you can understand a little bit.At least you can ask "Have you paid your taxes" after someone else has finished telling the story of a shit-eating economist.

"A few of my English articles are about neoliberalism in South America." As soon as Zhang Yunmi finished answering, Xiao Lin rushed to say: "A few of my articles are about South Africa."

After listening to Lin Ziqi's description, Liu Xiang and Qian Shuixie looked at each other, and found that there was also a burst of confusion in each other's eyes.

"Dodo also want to write?" Qian Shuixie asked.

"Well, it seems to be a very biased topic, what's the matter with Buddha?" Xiao Lin responded.

Qian Shuixie shook the silver bell on the dining table, and Qian Xuanhuang came in. Not long after giving an order, Qian Duoduo returned to the dining room alone unwillingly.

"Send me the decline of industry in Wallonia and the disintegration of Flanders."

Qian Shuixie was at a loss when he heard this: "This is a bit more difficult."

"Who else do you know?" Liu Xiang didn't answer Qian Shuixie directly, but asked again.

"Zhuo Xiaoshou... um... Min's is about the 'Prussian Road'." Xiao Lin accidentally slipped his mouth.

Zhang Yunmi nodded and said: "The other students have something about homestead law, North Italy, etc... Oh, yes, Uncle Ma also told us that if we don't understand, we should go to the big library to read more. , or ask other uncles and uncles who 'understand economics and history'."

When Zhang Yunmi said the second half of the sentence, he especially emphasized his tone.

"Grand Du is indeed a bit of a bully!" Liu Xiang called his nickname indifferently. "The logic is a bit devious. Yun Mi, you have to write this article in reverse. Don't write about the medicine of 'neoliberalism', but write about the disease that this medicine is supposed to cure." Liu Xiang elaborated He told Zhang Yunmi the concept of "developmentalism" originally practiced in Latin America.

"...The fundamental goal is to industrialize and break the unequal 'centre-periphery' international economic structure dominated by developed countries. Industrialization relies on three major means, a large amount of investment, the implementation of protectionist policies and strict foreign exchange controls, and adjustments in taxation Policies on wages, profits and employment to encourage the development of domestic enterprises. In the process of industrialization, "import substitution" should be carried out to get rid of the dependence on the international market, especially the products of developed countries, form their own production capacity, and achieve economic independence. Here I want to explain that when Latin America began to engage in import substitution in the 1930s, due to historical reasons, foreign capital dominated, and it did not run away after the revolution like China. Therefore, China learned from the beginning of the manufacturing industry and had no foreign capital. Latin America is a substitute, targeting foreign capital.”

However, in terms of this time and space, it seems that there is only one "foreign capital" that can export industries right now!The position of the senate in this time and space is not that of a Latin American country, but that of a developed country!
Has the duke changed his mind? !
For some unknown reason, Liu Xiang suddenly had a weird image of Queen Du glaring, raising her fist the size of a sand bowl, with hundreds of millions of rays of light blooming from the fist.

In fact, Liu Xiang knew it from the very beginning, no matter how much everyone approved of the land reform on the surface.But in the final analysis, he was willing to come and travel. If he had no intention of "privately owning the land", Liu Xiang would never believe it.Don't look at everyone saying that land reform is good, but most people regard land reform as a "technique" to establish the "human empire" of the Senate.

(End of this chapter)

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