Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1631

Chapter 1631
The service center of the elders' apartment area is the "library for elders".

Zhang Yunmi was sitting at the desk in the reading room, and there was a letter that had just been sealed on the shiny black lacquer table.The white senator's special letter is lightly printed with the shading of the gray image of the sunrise of the holy ship, which is elegant and delicate.

Her seal is printed on the red sealing wax at the seam - a character in seal script, artistically transformed into the shape of a flying phoenix.

At this time, Zhang Yunmi's face was completely gone from the youthful and lively face of the past, replaced by a pale face.I don't know how long she was in a daze, but suddenly, a gleam of light bloomed in her gray eyes, and she swept to the rows of bookshelves in the front left, which were full of books "only read by seniors".In the end, Li Li's gaze was fixed on the position of I210.1/1:3——I remember it so clearly, just because she just restored the "Complete Works of Lu Xun" before writing the letter.

Human blood steamed buns...

Zhang Yunmi pressed one hand on the envelope, and countless noisy voices rang out in his mind again.

"Yun Mi! No matter what the situation, I will support you! Your business is my business! Whoever makes you unhappy for a while, I will make him unhappy for the rest of his life!"

Self-proclaimed dominator classmate, besides the conversation about dance rehearsal, can we exchange words on other topics to make up 3000 words for an update?Don't you think you are too broad?He even went to school to show his loyalty--just because you like me doesn't mean you are my boyfriend, okay?

"Xiao Zhang, you are the idol group ACE that our Plaid Skirt Club managed to set up. We can't bear this kind of thing! We must seek justice for you!"

hehe!Zhang Yunmi reflexively released a professional skill of a goddess.You leg control!Foot control!Silk Control!Safety pants control, 80 yuan to buy a standing ticket and tilt your head to watch the show, waiting for the house where Mr. Floor will make contributions!
"In today's political class, we will talk about the debate between procedural justice and outcome justice..."

"In this history lesson, let's talk about how the powerful nobles in Europe deal with their face issues..."

When Zhang Yunmi recalled these things, he couldn't even say hehe in his heart.

"Xiao Zhang, Aunt Du is telling you! This question is not a simple one!"

"Sister Zhang, Sister Cheng, as a modern woman..."

"Xiao Zhang, based on Uncle Shan's experience in my struggle..."

"Mr. Zhang, if we don't pursue this matter, how will the dignity and authority of the elder be maintained? This is a big question of right and wrong. You can't be confused!"

Nothing good!

For the image of a self-proclaimed boyfriend, for the face of a certain group, for the so-called ideals of each, and to combat dissidents... You have been buzzing around me for long enough!

Zhang Yunmi's tender palm touched the piece of sealing wax. The artistic word "Zhang" in the seal script was a year before time travel. The homework in elementary school handicraft class was to carve radish chapters. In order to hand in the homework, Lao Zhang stayed up all night to design it for her.

But none of you understand me!
No matter what, he will always be my father!
Abusing the elders' children and slandering the elders are two heinous crimes.According to the opinion of the Law Society, it is enough to sentence the death penalty.At this time, people from the Law Society are discussing how the court should operate, how to apply the law and who should be judged.

As for other people from all walks of life, they also have their own thoughts and active activities.Although this incident was not as fatal as the maid suicide case, it caused the elders to have a good meal because it involved several sensitive issues at different levels-even a major military and political event such as sending troops to the Guangfu could not dispel some people's feelings. enthusiasm.

Zhang Yunmi is in the center of public opinion and is being devastated by the storm every day.Different people, different interests, and different propositions all hope that Zhang Yunmi will do something to give them more weight.Lao Zhang?The character image has been nailed to the point of "kneeling everything that can be kneeled in the house to the maid who can bear him a son and a daughter after returning home", and there is no opinion on Lao Zhang in any public opinion field except for the position of "negative model". any expectation.

I am young!But I'm not stupid!

Dad must stand up, even though his position in the Senate is over.will never be reused.From now on, he will be a "eating chief" until his death.No matter how much I hated that maid, it was only that person's business.Think about that after the "pursuing" mother left herself to the "unmotivated" father, it was this man who worked hard to maintain this incomplete family with his not meager but not rich income. In the choice of fate, he also made a rare effort to join this magical time-traveling group.

"Girl, dad is going to rush with them now, not to find a wife for himself. You are growing up, no matter how difficult it is for dad to take good care of you, dad is there for you." I vaguely remember that on the night of the maid revolution, dad put the wrench away. The words I said when I was wearing the belt, when I spoke, my eyes were sincere.

Father, my daughter only wants you to be happy.

That being the case, even if Qian Duoduo didn't come to hint, Zhang Yunmi had already figured out a solution.Since the vast majority of people think that bitch should be damned, and the Executive Committee also thinks that this kind of "major incident" cannot be dismissed with a single chore, then you can play and judge it as you like!However, according to the principle of "aristocratic politics" that you educate us little elders, since Dad has clearly expressed his forgiveness, I will also give you a pardon certificate.

However, I don't want to stay here anymore.Zhang Yunmi's heart felt cold, it seemed that even the hot tropical day could not dispel the coldness.

I want to leave, not in Hainan Island, anywhere is fine.

For a moment, she even thought of leaving this messy Senate completely, and disappeared from sight.Go as far as your doctrines and ambitions go.

However, she also knew that this was impossible, and she was destined to disappear like the characters in the novel.

"Uncle Xiao, this is a pardon signed by me personally, or it's called a statement, it doesn't matter." Facing the head of the Senate, Zhang Yunmi's tone was much less cold.

Still losing my temper!Xiao Zishan sighed in his heart, and didn't care about the impoliteness in the tone of the little elder in front of him.

"Uncle Xiao, I have already mentioned to Uncle Hu and Principal Zhang that I want to apply for an administrative internship."

"Ah!?" Xiao Zishan, holding the wax-sealed pardon, didn't react for a while when he heard this sentence.

"You know, a lot of remarks recently have interfered with my study very much—" Zhang Yunmi told Xiao Zishan again what he said to Hu Qingbai and Zhang Zhixiang. For some reason, Zhang Yunmi always intuitively felt that this matter Xiao Zishan can play a decisive role.

"Our systematic study has long been over, and now the rest is specialty training. I just read more foreign language materials, write more and translate more. I can do it anywhere. So I want to apply for an administrative internship and go to a place other than Hainan Island Hide and hide." When he said this, Zhang Yunmi already had an aggrieved expression on his face, and he looked unbelievably pitiful, as if the allusion of the four words "I feel pity" should be transferred to her.

well!It's not easy for this girl!There is such a thing on the table, such a father on the table.

"However, both Uncle Hu and Principal Zhang said that the approval from their side can be issued, but because there is no precedent for minor veterans applying for administrative internships outside of Hainan Island, they suggested that I come here to submit the pardon certificate by the way. Uncle Xiao, please ask how to deal with this process."

There is indeed no precedent, but this matter comes to me. If a new process is discussed in a serious meeting, I don't think you need to think about going out to relax.Xiao Zishan silently complained in his heart about the bloody decision-making efficiency of the veterans on these "major policies", and then scratched his head in great embarrassment—how did this thing happen to her?
"How about going to Qiongshan? Or Sanya. Sanya is well developed now, and it's a good place for vacation."

"I don't want to go on vacation, but I want to go farther, preferably away from Hainan Island." Zhang Yunmi said.

Leaving Hainan Island, Jeju Island and Shandong are a bit far away, and the conditions are also slightly difficult.Besides, whether Xiao Zhang can bear the turbulence of the long-distance voyage is a problem; there was an assassination incident in Taiwan, and the spread of malaria was severe; there was a movement to destroy machines in Hangzhou, and if he sent it there, he would immediately become the focus of public opinion!Where else... Hongji, the battle is about to start over there, Guangzhou? !
"Well, there is going to be some action in Guangzhou, veteran Liu Xiang—you know him!" After talking for a while, seeing Zhang Yunmi nod his head, Xiao Zishan remembered that Liu Xiang had also taught the young veteran's class in Fangcao.

"Well, he is going to lead a team there to take over the Guangzhou regime in the next few days, and he is authorized to invite other veterans to form a team. If you really want to leave Hainan Island for a while and find a place to do administrative internships, You can ask him for help, well, I will also talk to you."

Recalling Liu Xiang's eyes that glanced back and forth three times when they first met on the Feiyun that day, Zhang Yunmi felt that it should not be a big problem to persuade this teacher Liu.

"Then I'll go and pack my luggage. I'll be leaving in a few days!"

"Don't worry." Xiao Zishan said, "Although you have issued a pardon document, the trial process of the court of honor still needs to go through. After all, this is a 'vicious case'." He considered the words, "Anyway, the court session will only be held in the past few days It's over, just wait a bit."

"Can the court not be held?"

"This matter is actually quite complicated." Xiao Zishan said, "Actually, you will know when you think about the facts of the case. Strictly speaking, this is already a public prosecution case. Although it is said that 'the elder's power is above everything else', according to legal principles, this kind of understanding It can only reduce the effect of punishment, but cannot completely exonerate the crime..."

(End of this chapter)

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