Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1632 Go to Guangzhou

Chapter 1632 Go to Guangzhou

"No, Uncle Xiao, it doesn't matter how the Senate or the Executive Committee decides to sentence me. My opinion is already on this pardon letter: I forgive her for the crimes she committed against me. As for your consideration of grand plans Whether to pardon her or hang her, I'm not interested." Zhang Yunmi said, "I don't mean to interfere with the trial. I mean can I not go to court?"

"As a party involved, it's inappropriate not to attend." Xiao Zishan said.

"I can appoint a party to appear in court instead of me. I think you can understand, Uncle Xiao..."

Xiao Zishan nodded, thinking about it in his own shoes, it was really embarrassing.

"Just let Ziqi appear in court instead of me. I signed a power of attorney and entrusted her with full powers to represent me—her opinion is mine. I issued a pardon that she could not deny me."

"Okay. I'll mention it to the tribunal. Let them arrange it."

"Thank you, Uncle Xiao," Zhang Yunmi said, "I know this is not easy for you adults."

"Where is it?" Xiao Zishan shook his head with a wry smile, "Guangzhou is not in our hands yet, since you think the dormitory of the Academy is not suitable, why not move to the second guest house first."

"Lingao, I don't want to stay any longer. If it doesn't bother you, Uncle Xiao can send me wherever you want and let me be quiet first. It's best to leave Hainan Island."

"I can arrange for you to go to Hong Kong." Xiao Zishan said, "But it's boring there..."

"It doesn't matter, I'll go to Hong Kong."

"You first apply for an internship through the Institute of Learning. I will take care of Hu Qingbai and send you to the organization as soon as possible."

Watching Zhang Yunmi turn and leave, Xiao Zishan secretly sighed, in fact, this matter is not complicated, but "the elders have no small matters", a little carelessness will affect the unity, and even make a bad opening later.

In fact, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the matter has come to this point, the case has nothing to do with Zhang Xiaozhang's wishes. Although Zhang Yunmi's retreat is a bit negative, it also saves a lot of people from scrambling to eat human blood steamed buns.

The phone on the desk rang, it was Tintin calling, and he was asking about the coverage of this matter again.

"I'll say it again: This matter is not allowed to be published in the newspapers. Yes, except for "Venus", any media that can be seen by the naturalized people is not allowed to publish. This is the decision of the Executive Committee-yes, the Standing Committee also means this! "Xiao Zishan reiterated again, "This is a big question of right and wrong, you have to grasp it, and your ears can't be soft."

He put down the phone and was annoyed by Tintin's "failure to correctly understand the spirit of guidance"-this person is a journalism major, and his mind is still full of his journalism, plus his girlfriend's tendency...

It seems that it is more appropriate for the propaganda department to be in charge of the propaganda department.In the future, it is better for Ding Ding to concentrate on being the editor-in-chief of his newspaper, which is a professional counterpart and a promising job.

A few days later, under the arrangement of the general office, Zhang Yunmi boarded the scheduled ship of Dabo Shipping to Hong Kong.As a veteran, she was escorted by the guards sent by the office and lived in the most luxurious stern cabin of the T800.And among the guests in the steerage below the deck was Master Huang Tikun and Huang Er.

Huang Tikun's destination is not Hong Kong, and he doesn't even know that there is an island called Hong Kong in the world.He went to Guangzhou.

The idea of ​​leaving the mainland has been around for a long time, but Huang Tikun has never moved - there are many affairs at home. Since Mr. Huang became a county councilor, he does not go home every day to visit, study and hold meetings. A "movement" - as a county councilor, you have to set an example.So for a while it was the "Rodent Elimination Campaign", another was the "Clean Village Campaign", and recently it was the "Every Household Castor Planting Campaign". The eldest brother has to run the family business again, so he has to take care of these messy things.

The village and the family were not stable either. The eldest brother’s children came in and out of the house every day with paper flags made of bamboo sticks and buckets of white ash.There are slogans everywhere in Huangjiazhai.It annoys him to watch.

Fortunately, at this time, a distant relative of the Huang family on the mainland wanted to move to Lingao.Huang Tinkun took the opportunity to ask for an errand and went to Guangzhou.

Drifting on the sea for a few days, Huang Tikun felt a sense of joy in escaping from the cage. No matter how powerful the gangsters are in Hainan, after all, there are few people and few lands. Daming has been ordered by the sky for more than two hundred years. He is rich in the world, deeply benevolent, and has his own righteous men Recover the land of sinking land.

Huang Tikun originally hoped that after arriving in Guangzhou, he would try to move around and see if he could get into the shadow of a certain local official—using his ability to understand the inside story of the Kun thief, and by influencing his Dong Weng and his colleagues, he would write to the imperial court to strictly implement it. The sea ban shakes the foundation of the thieves.

But he soon realized that the ideal is plump and the reality is skinny.As soon as I passed Hong Kong Island by boat, I saw a boat with a blue and white double-color star flag chugs and chugs in the bay with black smoke. A large expanse of sea.And the navy of Daming couldn't even see a boat, and the fishermen were fishing under the banner of the bandit's fishing industry. There were also many small boats, and they rushed to the boat of the bandit from time to time to sell seasonal vegetables, wine and food.This situation made Huang Tikun feel a little anxious. The Pearl River Estuary of the Ming Dynasty has become the world of gangsters, and the officials of the Ming Dynasty can only let it go.It seems that even if everything goes well in Guangzhou, it will take ten years of life together to return to Linggao. Among other things, it will take several years to accumulate these giant ships of the thieves.

When the boat docked, Huang Tikun's anxiety soon sank to the bottom.The traces of Wuyangyi being burned by the fire have not yet been repaired. Outside the southeast city, there is a huge fortress standing by the river. It looks like the fortress of the bandits.Under the wall of the giant fortress is the wharf, where countless big ships are moored, and the cranes emitting black smoke are hoisting all kinds of goods from the ships.

Inside and outside the giant castle, there are many scaffoldings, but a road has been paved from the gate of the city, and it is also used as black cinders as if it is facing the height.Not only is the paving smooth, but the roadside trees are also planted—although the saplings are young and lined up on both sides of the street, they are very neat.There are sparse houses and shops on both sides of the road.Pedestrians are endless, there are small vendors in single clothes and short shirts, there are also groups of workers wearing coarse clothes, and there are some gorgeously decorated sedan chairs, which are carried by the porters, step by step towards the giant castle. Let's go, I don't know who is in the sedan chair.This situation reminded Huang Tikun that the bandits had just come to Lingao: the old story of Jiezhai Bairen and Lishi Dongmen, Huang Tikun secretly sighed: Is the Lingao incident going to be repeated in Guangzhou?

Huang Tikun walked down the boat slowly with his luggage on his back. Now he no longer had the pleasure of escaping from the cage, but he was a little hesitant.In Guangzhou, the kun thieves obviously haven't presided over the county government as grandly as Lingao, but it seems that the matter of turning barbarians into summer is being re-examined in Guangzhou.

The quays were, as usual, crowded with innkeepers seeking customers.

"Master, why don't you come and stay at the store? The store is clean and tidy, and the water is convenient!"

"Master, our store is a joint account of Wei Zhan! There is no one in Guangzhou that can compare with us..."

"My lord, the latest Guangzhou travel guide—here's a copy! Come with a map of Xunfang!"


The guys who were attracting customers on the pier yelled, and Huang Tingkun pushed away the guys and peddlers who came to pester him in disgust.The gate of the city was almost the same as his impression.When he was young, he used to go to Guangzhou. In his impression, Guangzhou is the most prosperous and prosperous city in the south of the country. The streets are neat and the streets are bustling, which gave him a great stimulation after he came out of this small and remote county.

But now that he walked into the city, he suddenly felt a little disappointed. There were still blackened marks on the city gate that had been burned by the fire. , but compared with the current roads in the county town of Lingao, the bluestone slabs here are uneven and messy, which seems quite unsightly.And many side roads and alleys have no gravel, not to mention stone slabs, but only some dirt roads, which are like mud when walking.

The shops on the side of the street also looked gray, and the goods inside also showed a sense of crudeness.The walls are even more stained with urine and littered with rubbish.Sewage flows across.He looked at these shops with a little distaste, and felt that not only were they not as grand as he remembered them, but they were even a bit disheartened.

What made him even more unacceptable was that on the side of the road, at the foot of the wall, and in the corners, there were always remnants and traces of human defecation. Some weak beggars were lying beside the excrement and urine, stretching out their skinny arms to Passers-by begging.There have been no beggars in Lingao County for a long time. Anyone who is an individual can have something to do—even the disabled can have work arrangements.Those who refused to do it had to do it in the labor camp.Don't look at Huang Tikun's slander against the Kun thieves, but he agrees with the policy of never condoning "lazy people" against the Kun thieves.

The person in charge of the local area is really incompetent!Huang Tikun cursed secretly.However, the dirty road and the beggars in the corner also told him clearly that the thieves hadn't fully penetrated into the city of Guangzhou yet.Within the ten rooms, there must be loyal and faithful men, and there must be righteous men who will not succumb to the evil power of the thieves.Thinking of this, Huang Tikun cheered up a little, and strode down the streets of Guangzhou.I want to find loyal people who oppose the Kun bandits, unite with the gentry who have been extorted by the Kun bandits, persuade businessmen and businesses, build ships and train soldiers——

The more Huang Tikun thought about it, the more excited he became, and his steps became lighter and lighter.Suddenly, he stepped on something that seemed cool and warm, but hard and soft. He looked down and saw that it was fresh and hot.Huang Tikun stumbled and yelled, "Oh!! Bad luck, bad luck, what can I do?!"

Everyone on the street looked at this whining guy strangely: Are you sick?
(End of this chapter)

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