Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1633 Australian Book

Chapter 1633 Australian Book
Huang Tinkun rubbed the grain reincarnation sticking to his shoes on the ground vigorously, while slandering the officials of Ming Dynasty in Guangzhou, the city of Guangzhou is not as good as the little Lingao of the gangster, it is really incompetent generation.

While wandering around, I suddenly heard a street vendor yelling: "Pull Australian movies, pull Australian movies!" A group of children ran out of the alley, ran past Huang Tikun, and bumped Huang Tikun, who was unsteady. staggered.

"Azi, don't worry, you can read it once for a penny, and you can read it twice for a penny—" Huang Tingkun didn't see the circulation coupons he was already familiar with in Lingao, and he didn't know that the evolution should be grasped from the baby. He started talking, but seeing the children flocking to him, he knew that things would not go well when he came to Guangzhou.

"Kun thief, how poisonous your intentions are."

After hesitating again and again, Huang Tikun settled down in the joint inn of Qiweizhan. Not only is the place clean and tidy, but the key is that he can use circulation coupons directly, so that Huang Tikun will not have an economic crisis for a while--the Lingao market unconsciously Silver has become less and less common, and slowly all have become currency notes.Huangjiazhai's money box was filled with negotiable notes.I can't even see a silver fur in my spare time.Although Mr. Huang still buried a few earthen pots with five or six hundred taels of silver under the study room, but that was the capital of the Huang family, and he couldn't use it easily-he used the "Lu Ping" to go to Delong for the silver. I went to exchange it: a total of 600 taels was exchanged.I had to go to the private dealer in Dongmen City to exchange more than a dozen taels.

Huang Tingkun rested in the store, took a bath in the store's bathroom, changed into clean clothes, and felt relieved.All the unpleasant feelings of entering Guangzhou City have disappeared.

But along the way, he also realized how deep the Kun thief's penetration of Guangzhou was. "It's better to settle down and think of a way."

All Huang Tingkun could think of was the way to find capable people.The ideal is naturally to be able to enter the curtain.But I am just a mere scholar, and a nameless person in a small county.If you want to enter the scene, you can only find a recommendation from a powerful boss.

However, my family is still considered a "noble family" in Lingao, but it is too small in the whole of Guangdong.It is not known how many people in the city of Guangzhou know that there is a county in this province called Lingaodu.

He has no relatives here, and the distant relative who is going to move to Lingao is not from Guangzhou, so he can't help him.In his pocket, there was an eight-line letter written by Liu Dalin, entrusted by one of his Jinshi "Tongnian".But he had already inquired just now, and the master had just passed away a few months ago.

Thinking of this, he felt that his ambition was very slim.When he was a teenager, he came to Guangzhou with his father on business, because he stuttered in Cantonese vernacular, mixed with a lot of local accents, and he still remembers how much ridicule and ridicule he suffered.

After thinking about it, the only way is to "study on a study tour", try to contact the local scholar circle as much as possible, and try to integrate into it.Although the scholars are poor and rich, it is not difficult to make friends by virtue of their status as scholars.

It's just that some people have to pay for it deliberately, and some don't, so it takes some thought.Huang Tikun was going to the book store to buy a copy of "Jin Gentleman's Record" and see who was on it, so he needed to pay more attention.

After settling down, Huang Tikun followed other people's instructions the next day and came to a large bookshop in Guangzhou.As soon as Huang Tingkun entered the door, he saw the work of greeting at the door, with his front teeth open and his mouth wide open, he greeted: "Master, please come inside. We have all kinds of new Australian books here..."

Huang Tikun couldn't hear the word "Australia" the most, and his face sank immediately, and he said repeatedly: "No, no, no."

The buddy stumbled in vain. Hearing his strange vernacular accent, he slandered: "It turns out he's a country boy!"

However, for the sake of sales commission, he still spared no effort to sell.

"Master, look at the books in the bookstore. Apart from the books of the four great wits, the magazines from Australia are the most interesting. Please take a look, master—"

"I want "Jin Shen Lu"!" Huang Tikun's tone was a little impatient.

"Yes, yes, this book is very ordinary, master don't read other things first..."

Huang Tikun waved his hand impatiently, and the man could only take it resentfully.

The clerk was dawdling with the goods, and Huang Tingkun could also take a stroll in the bookstore to have a look.The tables are filled with popular books.When the traditional subsets are released, not to mention traditional things such as anthologies, story books, and household all-purpose books, most of the so-called "new books" are on the table.Judging from the horizontal layout and vulgar typeface, these new books are exactly the books of Kun Bandit—he saw a lot of them in Lingao.

In addition to the "Zheng Ni Atrocity Records" that he has seen, there are many others that he has never seen.In particular, many "Australian books" have never been seen in the libraries and bookstores of Australians in Lingao: "How to Make Red Sleeves", "The 36 Beds of the Family", "Soup and Healthy Techniques" ", "Learning to Cook Australian Cuisine", "Fighting Wisdom with the Chief Examiner--Eighteen Provinces Jieyuan's Scientific Examination Mind", "The Art of Serving Shangguan", "The Way of Being a Curtain"...

That's all for nothing, this kind of "life-related books" in Daming's bookshops is also ancient.It’s just that it’s not so “comprehensive” and “white”. Pick up a book at random, and almost all of them are equipped with a large number of pictures, which are lifelike and completely different from the embroidered portraits in ordinary books.

Judging from the wear and tear of the book covers, these books are very marketable, many people have read them, and probably many people have bought them.But he is not interested in these.His eyes turned to the books of "Austrian Learning": a big sailboat was painted on the cover of the first book, which looked similar to the gunboats of the Hongmaoyi people. The title of the book was "Knowledge of Ships". It is rare to see such a large picture. In the lower right corner of the book, there are subtitles "Why did the Spanish Navy lose to the English pirates?", "Battle at Luliang Sea"... Huang Tingkun didn't know who Spain was, I don't know where the so-called "Luliang" is, it seems that it is all military history.Looking at the side, there are also some similar books, the format is not small, and the number of pages is not thin.What are "With Horses and Without Horses--A World of Inertia", "Research on War History" and so on.These books are not cheap: one or two taels of silver each.

The state affairs are getting tough day by day, even the bandits know that scholars and scholars are most concerned about military affairs, Huang Tikun sighed secretly.Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of a book, "You Can Win by Reading - How to Kill the Eastern Prisoners".Hmph, what a big tone, Kun Thief is really shameless, brazenly saying that he can win just by looking at it?Picking up this book, it seems that it is not very thick, and there is no plain cover on the cover. The author is Shi Zhengxin. When he opened the title page, Huang Tikun couldn't help being shocked. On the title page was a person The portrait of him is bald and hairless, with an eagle beak and wolf neck, wearing a military uniform of a gangster, wearing round glasses, and carrying a good Japanese sword on his shoulder. This person looks like a monk, a general, and a scribe, even more strange It is a vivid image, as if the person is right in front of you.Huang Tikun was fascinated by looking at the picture, but he didn't notice that the buddy had wrapped up "Jin Gentleman Record" and stood aside, "Master, the book you want is ready."

"Oh, who is in this book?" Huang Tikun pointed to the picture and asked the buddy.

"Going back to the old man, I heard everyone say that this person is the author. It is said that he is an Australian veteran. His surname is Shi and his name is Zhiqi, and his name is Zhengxin. He is currently leading the army and living on Hong Kong Island in the south." The assistant didn't care. Said, "Back then, Chief Shi led his men and horses across the Pearl River in a small boat. It was like no one was in the land."

Bin Kun nodded thoughtfully, and the man hurriedly said, "Master, although this book costs four taels of silver, if you use Australian circulation coupons, you can get a [-]% discount."

"I don't want it!" Huang Tikun suddenly became very angry, and hurriedly paid the bill for "Jin Gentleman Records" with silver, then turned and left.The buddy looked at his leaving back with hanging eyes: "Bump!"

Huang Tinkun ignored the clerk's contemptuous gaze, and went straight back to the hotel with the "Jin Gentleman Record" in his arms, thinking that the thieves and thieves would be so sought after by the marketers in Guangzhou.I'm afraid that the gentry and gentlemen may not understand the methods of the thieves!

Huang Tikun read "The Records of the Gentlemen" over and over for a long time, but he didn't see anything famous. He circled a dozen names among the gentlemen marked as "registered" in the Guangzhou government, but looking at their resumes, the worst was one of them. Juren, as a former county magistrate, with my status, let alone go to the door to ask for an audience if you are not relatives, even the doorman probably doesn't bother to say a word to him.

It seems that he still needs to make more friends with scholars, so he called his buddy to find out where in Guangzhou city literati gather for gatherings.The buddy said that there are eight scenic spots in Guangzhou, and there are banquets and gatherings for literati and refined scholars almost every day.Feel free to check it out if you're interested.

So Huang Tin-kun put on a new direct patch the next day, and went to "travel".However, he was soon disappointed.It turns out that there are quite a few literati holding gatherings in these places, and there are servants and servants guarding them all around them. Not to mention trying to talk to them, they have already been chased away as "idlers" before they even got close.

After much deliberation, I had to go to Nanhai County School with the cheek to see if I could talk to him.

Nanhai County is the Fuguo County of Guangzhou. The scale of the county school in the No. [-] city in Nantian is not comparable to that of Lingao County.Even the Qiongzhou government school is not as large as it.Not only is it magnificent in scale, but it is also neatly repaired, completely different from the knee-deep barrenness of Lingao County School back then.Back then, because they couldn't pay Qian Milai on a monthly basis, it was rare for scholars to go there once a year.

Scholars coming in and out, reading books in the lecture hall loud and clear, and servants being courteous, this is the real "Da Ming".Huang Tiankun sighed while walking around.If all the prefectures and counties in the world were like this Guangzhou, how could the Kun bandits succeed?At best, it's just like a Franc and a robot, stealing a small island to do business.

(End of this chapter)

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