Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1635

Chapter 1635
Seeing that everyone didn't believe it, Huang Tingkun roughly talked about the various measures Lingao has taken since the Australians came, such as building roads, suppressing bandits, building water conservancy, clarifying taxpayers... a lot of miscellaneous things.I heard everyone fascinated.

After a while, Liang Cunhou let out a sigh of relief: "In this way, the Australians seem to be able to govern the world."

Huang Tikun was silent, he inadvertently said a lot of good things about the gangster, and even he was a little unexpected-how can he contact the loyal people?However, he is unwilling to speak nonsense to belittle the actions of Kun thief.

"Australians really have a new look!" someone praised.

"Brother Huang is probably also working for the Australians. Otherwise, how would he know so clearly?"

"Learn the arts and martial arts, and sell them to the emperor's family. Brother Huang is full of knowledge, and he can teach the Australians to understand the truth."

"I heard that there are very few scholars in Australia, "Since ancient times, they won the world immediately but could not rule the world immediately.It's only natural that Brother Huang is being used again..."

Although he said "Brother Huang", he was "myself" in his heart.

Most of these scholars have little family property, no way to become an official, mediocre writing, and little prospect of being admitted to the imperial examination.Although they are located in the south, their news channels are much better than ordinary people.Seeing that the imperial court is ineffective in suppressing chaos in Shandong, Shaanxi, rogues are everywhere in the interior, and there are eastern captives knocking on the border outside the pass... Internal and external troubles.The desire to win fame is also much weaker.The power of the Australians entrenched in Qiongzhou is strong, they want financial power, financial power, and force, which gives them a vague temptation for a group of people with no future in sight.

There are some low-income families who just hope to catch up with the Australians like Mr. Gao, sell Australian goods, and make a fortune; those who are always ambitious and poor, secretly hope that they can get rich as soon as possible from the dragon.

It's just that they don't have the chance to talk to Australians at all.Although this Guangzhou city is a big commercial port for Australians as soon as it goes out of the city gate, the people who are busy inside are all local people, and Mr. Liang also said: there are not many real people in this magnificent world, they are all of the men.

Among them, the only one who can talk to "Suspected True Kun" is Mr. Liang.The Liang family and Guo Dongzhu have a close relationship, and they co-founded the largest charity hall in the area.However, the Liang family hadn't had a deeper relationship with Guo Dongzhu in the past few years, and it seemed that they deliberately kept a distance.Moreover, with Mr. Liang's character, it is quite difficult for him to match up with everyone.

Now that there is such a Huang Xiucai who is familiar with "Kunqing", everyone will naturally regard him as a treasure.One by one desperately knocking around.

Huang Jinkun smiled wryly, what kind of disciples are these saints, all of them are greedy for profit!Daming hasn't died yet, but he's thinking about becoming the minister of the dragon!
"Although he is said to be a capable minister in governing the world, he is still a cruel official." Huang Zhikun tried to turn to the topic of the black gangster. "The law is strict, and the small people will be blamed. ..." Then he talked about the various "bad deeds" of the thieves, such as urinating everywhere and being caught as a coolie, spitting and being whipped... Of course, the most heinous crime is not giving preferential treatment to scholars, not only spreading them to their parents , Even the food exemption has been written off.

In this way, the atmosphere of "Lingao is a paradise on earth" during the meeting was weakened a bit.Needless to say, this "refusal to treat scholars preferentially" cooled the enthusiasm of these scholars.

"It's said that governing a big country is like cooking a small fish. I'm afraid it won't last long if the gangsters do this. Qin's lessons are not far away!" A scholar sighed.

Huang Zhikun was about to agree, but Lin Zunxiu frowned and said, "If the law is so strict, wouldn't the people in Lingao be living in poverty, so how can they live and work in peace and contentment?"

"Qin's downfall was not due to strict laws, but the abuse of people's power!" said a scholar in the middle, "Qin's laws were severe. Since Shang Yang's reform, why didn't the country be subjugated at that time, but finally managed to unify the six countries? It can be seen that it is not The source of chaos!"

This scholar looks very young, and his clothes are shabby, and he is very eye-catching among this group of scholars: "I think the reason why Australians can achieve such achievements is the benefit of severe punishment. Don't talk about it." , that is, all kinds of malpractices in taxes, how can Australians get rid of them without severe punishments?"

"This is Wu Ni," Shi Xiucai said in a low voice, "he is not even a scholar..." There was a little contempt in his words, "but his knowledge is not bad, he is good at making shocking words."

"You can't say that... Although there are many tax abuses, the grain households and gentry are the foundation of the court. I am afraid that the actions of the Australians like what Brother Huang said will make people feel chilling." Some people are worried.

Then a few people argued again, and it seemed that there were many people who agreed with the "severe punishment law" for thieves—most of them were urban industrial and commercial owners, and they had no personal interests in land taxes, but they valued social security very much, so they had a high opinion of Australia. People's various practices are very appreciated.

"Let's just say that the Australians fought under the city of Guangzhou a few years ago, and how many bandits were suppressed. The surrounding suburbs are now peaceful. This is a great benefit."

Huang Tinkun frowned secretly. He peeked at Lin and Liang Liang's disregard for the more and more "treacherous" remarks, so he responded casually a few times, except for silently saying "businessmen are cool", that is, He talked about Lingao's scenery and customs, such as big iron boats and small trains, even the appearance of Fangcaodi School, the strange clothes of the students, etc. He kept silent about why he came to Guangzhou, which aroused the amazement of others present.

Lin Zunxiu finally sighed and said lightly: "Hey, Mr. Huang. Now the country is facing difficulties and refugees are everywhere. Sometimes, I want to sell this restaurant and open a big restaurant like the Australians. If you hire this refugee here, you can repay the grace of heaven, and you can be saved by the common people." Huang Tingkun pretended to nod seriously, putting on a look of approval, knowing in his heart that these scholars had been captured by the thieves. It has been affected, and I don't know if there are any discerning people in this county school who can see through the sinister gangsters.

Everyone was meditating, when the voice of the cook outside rang again, "Sanxian, dragon and tiger fight!" Along with the voice of reporting the name of the dish, suddenly a miserable female voice came in from outside: "Master, please do me a favor, my son!" I haven't eaten for a few days, my lord—"

Everyone heard the commotion outside, and went to the corridor to look out. They saw a disheveled woman leading a five or six-year-old girl, begging for food in the hall outside the restaurant. The diners either ignored it or pretended Can't see, or scold Xiaoer angrily.Several shop assistants dragged this crazy woman out desperately, but they couldn't get out. Everyone could only hear the woman's crazily crying.

Seeing this, Lin Zunxiu just snorted, flung his sleeves and sat back in his seat. Huang Tikun saw that the master had returned to the wine table, so he followed back. All the scholars sighed for a while, and then returned to their seats one after another.Only the fat Mr. Shi took his own bowl, picked up a few large pieces of meat and put it on the rice, and went out of the box with the bowl.Everyone sat silently, Huang Tikun wanted to say something, but he couldn't speak.

After a while, Shi Xiucai came back slowly: "Oh, what a tragedy, what a tragedy, a man died in the family, and was kicked out of the house by my uncle, and I haven't eaten for a few days. Please be merciful, I will let their wives We’re full, send them to Dongzhu Guo’s charity hall.” Shi Xiucai rambled on, but no one answered him at the table.

Lin Xiucai said: "If you can save them, you won't be able to save them for a while. Is this a tragedy? The Nanhai County in Guangzhou City is a hundred times more miserable than them! Why don't you go and see how much money the Shantang received today? Lu is planning to go to the Huaren Factory. If you can save these, there are tens of thousands of poor people in the eighteen provinces of the world. Can you save them? There are people in the Central Plains who are eating human flesh——in the end, they all became thieves and came looking for them with knives and guns We want to eat well. I think we might as well just close our eyes and eat his mother's bastard, so we don't have to worry about the country and the people!"

As soon as Lin Zunxiu's words came out, all the scholars Huang Tikun saw turned pale.The newly served dragon and tiger buckets smelled fragrant, but no one was in the mood to move their chopsticks.

"Hey, if I can open a big factory, a big artillery factory, not only will I make money, I will put an end to the chaos in the world, and the poor people I employ will also have food to eat." Lin Zunxiu said leisurely.

Huang Tingkun raised the wine in his glass: "Nowadays, bandits are infesting the Eastern captives everywhere. Mr. Lin is worried about the state affairs and the court. I offer you a glass."
"Hehe, the imperial court? I have built the artillery factory. Whether it is the emperor or the officials, you should pay me back the city redemption fee, happy donation and happy loss owed to me, right?" , all laughed, and the atmosphere gradually became active.

"Of course, my family doesn't have the money to open a cannon factory, hehe, it's impossible to sell these restaurants." Mr. Lin said dejectedly.

"Come, come, eat vegetables and eat vegetables." The atmosphere on the wine table became lively again, and all the scholars on the table gradually opened their arms and opened their mouths.This one is talking about how much grain and grain our family lost back then, and the other one is saying that this is nothing to you. Our family almost hanged himself in order to pay for the city fee. Fortunately, Mr. Gao was decent in his work, and finally got it back the next year.Otherwise, the salt notes in your hand will become a pile of waste paper.

"Highly exalted, he's a real fart!" Said Gaojia, and someone complained, saying that a few years ago, Ziminglou issued shares, but Gaojia was a hindrance, and the family wanted to buy more but failed to buy.Wanting to meet Guo Dongzhu, he also put up slanderous words and made people block the door.All kinds of wine table jokes flew together, and Huang Tingkun felt a little annoyed by the disturbance, but the scholars present were very curious about the Australians, so if he had to say it, he had to pick out some novelties about thieves building buildings and farming Things have been said.On the other hand, Mr. Liang, although he didn't say much, Huang Tingkun felt that he was always paying attention to him.

(End of this chapter)

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