Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1636 Kunology

Chapter 1636 Kunology
After this banquet, Huang Tikun became a "member" of this group of scholars.It wasn't until the end of the banquet that he realized that most of these scholars were members of the "Yuyuan Society", saying that they were "studying articles, reciting poems and composing Fu", but in fact it was a group of people mixing together to eat, drink and have fun, writing poems and discussing state affairs.

The club was loosely organized, and its members were not limited to the students of Nanhai County School, but also Juren like Liang Cunhou and scholars like Wu Bi without fame.Among them, Lin Zunxiu is the patron, and Liang Cunhou is vaguely the leader.

A few days later, Huang Tikun was invited by Lin Zunxiu to go to his "villa" for fun.

The Lin family's villa is located at the foot of Baiyun Mountain, nicknamed "Bamboo Garden", but it is actually just a villa in the mountains.The layout is also ordinary, the advantage is that the surrounding scenery is repaired, the environment is quiet, and it is not far from Guangzhou City, so you can enter and leave the city on the same day.Lin Zunxiu used this place as a meeting place for members of the Yuyuan Society, especially key members.

When Huang Tingkun came here, he realized that Mr. Liang had already arrived.Seeing the slight smile at the corner of his mouth, he immediately understood that it must be Liang Cunhou's idea to invite him.

This is a bit confusing.Although Huang Tikun knew that most of the members of the Yuyuan Club had a good impression of the Kun bandits and intended to benefit from their rise, Mr. Liang's attitude was very ambiguous.Huang Tikun instinctively sensed that his thinking was more complicated than other members.

Besides Mr. Liang, there were several scholars, some of whom had met in the restaurant, and some who were not present at the banquet. Both Shi Xiucai and Wu Yi, who was good at making shocking words, were present.Lin Zunxiu introduced them one by one.

After the boy servant offered tea and gossiped, Lin Xiucai got to the point.

It turns out that these few of them are all scholars who are obsessed with "kun work".Among them, the one who was most interested was Mr. Liang who rarely talked about "Australians" outside.

In terms of his relationship with Australians, he is probably second only to Gao Ju in this city of Guangzhou.Back then when Guo Yi held a philanthropy hall and started a business, the Liang family contributed a lot.Later, the Ming army invaded Lingao, and the Liang family also secretly defended Guo Yi's property and personnel in the area.So when Guo Yi returned to Guangzhou, he quietly went to visit him.

However, the communication between them is limited to this.The Liang family is a family of officials and eunuchs for generations, and they are extremely cautious about their interactions with Australians, and they don't want to get too much color from them.After all, making friends with overseas people is not only unpleasant, but also more likely to cause trouble.

Although keeping a distance from each other, Liang Cunhou has always been very interested in everything about Australians.In his view, although the influence of Australians in Guangzhou is increasing day by day, and there are many scholars who talk about "Australians" and "kun studies", most of them are scratching their heads, and no one really understands kun thieves.

The group Yuyuan Society just gave him a great opportunity to gather fellow enthusiasts and study Australians—because of his identity, it is inconvenient for him to talk about "kun studies" openly on weekdays, and it is not easy to collect materials about kun thieves everywhere.With the skin of Yuyuanshe, it will be much easier.Beside him, gathered a group of scholars who were obsessed with learning.They used this place to discuss Kun studies, collect various "Australian books", and imagined that one day they could hold "Kun affairs" to make the country rich and strong, and support the revival of the Ming Dynasty.

Huang Tikun was secretly startled, he never thought that there would be such a group of people in the city of Guangzhou!But judging from their remarks, they are not like the scholars in the restaurant who are eager to "follow the dragon", nor are they like the officials who are as fearful as tigers.There are some thoughts of "concern for the country and the people".

This kind of talent is what I want to find!Huang Tikun was secretly happy.

The topic started with Lin Xiucai's new Australian book "Little Knowledge of Physics".The reason for buying this book is that they have heard that many of the "kidney things" of Australians are based on this.In fact, this book is based on popular science books in physics, and it talks about the most basic physical knowledge of mass, force interaction, and energy conservation.There is no practical knowledge.For scholars who have always read poetry and books, it is a bit difficult.

Because Huang Tinkun had read Huang Ping's textbooks and heard some of his explanations, he was able to say that he was ugly.Now choose what you know, and talk about it in detail.

"Kun study is really difficult," Lin Zunxiu shook his head and said, "It seems that if we really want to set up kun business, we must have specialized talents."

"Back then shopkeeper Li Da wanted to buy a gun factory from the Australians and hire craftsmen, but the Australians didn't allow it." Shi Xiucai said, "I think it's difficult."

"He refuses to hire, can we send someone to learn it!" Huang Tingkun interjected.

"Go to school?" How many people's eyes widened?

"That's right," Huang Tingkun nodded and said, "Kun Thief is good as a teacher, and he held a school in Lingao, where all the knowledge of Kun people was taught. He searched everywhere for children to enroll--my younger brother even sent a young boy to learn about thieves. "

"How did you learn?" Liang Cunhou was very concerned, "Have you ever learned how to build guns and ships?"

"This is the most advanced knowledge in kunxue. I have never learned it, but this book," Huang Tikun pointed at "Little Knowledge of Physics" with his fan, "he understands everything."

"There is such a thing!" Lin Zunxiu was very excited, "I don't know if Brother Huang has a connection? I also want to send a few servants to study Kun Xue!"

"Brother Lin Xian, don't force others to make things difficult for you." Liang Cun said kindly, "Let's discuss this matter slowly."

Huang Tingkun hurriedly said: "Australians are closely checked inside and out, and foreign students are not accepted at all. But if you think about it, it's not impossible, but..."

"But what? Could it be that the tuition fees are expensive, don't worry about that?"

"It's not about money," Huang Tinkun thought of his own Huang Ping, and couldn't help but sigh, "you don't know, Australians are the best at deceiving people's hearts. If a good child enters their school, it will only take a year or two. , it is a 'fake hair'. Forget the master, the ancestors have also faded away, all kinds of natural principles and human relationships are not a problem, it is all Australian knowledge, Australian rules..."

"You have to find an older, determined child who can study."

"Where can I find such a child!" Shi Xiucai said, "Who is willing to send a child who can read to study? If it is an ordinary servant, they are all dull and ignorant people. If you tell Brother Huang Usually, after going there, I am still confused..."

"It seems that this matter is very difficult."

Speaking of kunxiu, Lin Zunxiu was most interested in it, and thought he had studied it the deepest. Unknowingly, he began to talk loudly: "If it is difficult, we must try to do it! Kunxue is a top priority! Since the beginning of Chongzhen, the iron boat went north, entered Qiongzhou, and defeated my Wang Shi In just three or four years, it has become a country. It builds machines, repairs warships, and lures the people to cross the sea to vote. The government can't control it! This is indeed a big change in 3000. China's bow spears, bird guns, and earthen cannons , can’t fight against the Kun people’s guns, China’s boats and boats, and can’t fight against the Kun people’s marine engines and ships, so they are restrained everywhere. In today’s situation, it is false to talk about expelling the barbarians, expulsion, etc., and they want to keep peace Bureau, guarding the territory, if there is no guns and ships, it is empty talk. The students think that the way to self-improvement lies in learning from what they can and taking what they have. Chuanfang, most of these Kunren gunships are also made in Qiongzhou. The iron used is our Chinese iron, and the craftsmen are just exiled people. They can hold it and invade our Ming Dynasty. If we can deeply If you follow this method, you can build cannons like the Kun people, maybe even surpass them, and then you won't have to worry about killing the Kun thieves!"

Huang Tikun listened attentively to this grand discussion, and he was very appreciative of his argument of "a major change in 3000 years".This is a deafening cry, but it is a pity that the emperor, the ministers of the central government, the governors, governors, and chief envoys of the provinces cannot hear this cry. Except for an Australian, no one is really aware of the conspiracy of the bandits. Count too deep.

"Brother Lin, you summed up today's situation with the phrase 'a big change in 3000', which is very concise and pleasant. With this sentence as your purpose, you can write a big article and copy it out , so that everyone in the world can be shocked."

"Hehe, I wrote this article, and scholars all over the world still scold me to death." Lin Zunxiu showed a helpless smile on his face, "It would be light to call me 'scaremongering', but to say it is 'blasphemy', I But it’s beyond redemption.”

Liang Cunhou gently slapped his palms with his fan: "Brother Lin Xian is overthinking. Whether it's learning to study, doing business, or citing their good methods and systems, there is one basic point that must be kept in mind at all times, that is, you must use I am based on Chinese famous teachings. I take Chinese ethics and famous teachings as the foundation, supplemented by the art of making the Kun people rich and strong."

"Exactly! Brother Liang said it well!" Several people clapped their hands and agreed, "It is said that learning is for practical use, and middle school is for body. Australians should learn from their strengths, and we must not lose the mantle of our ancestors!"

Huang Tingkun thought so deeply, and was about to speak, when Shi Xiucai said: "Learn to learn and do business, not to mention whether you can wipe out the Australians, at least you can protect yourself." Wu Zheng's image of a fat man, but he talked about things without any ambiguity, "At the time when the Australian soldiers came to Baietan and burned Wuyang Post, our soldiers were powerless to fight back. Fortunately, the Australians are good at business and profit, otherwise, I'm afraid It is this city of Guangzhou that has already fallen into their hands!"

Wu Ni sneered and said, "Isn't it theirs now? It's not that I'm alarmist. Australians want this Guangzhou city, but it's just a matter of effort."

"Yes, this city of Guangzhou is a sea of ​​gold and silver."

"Then why didn't they take it?" Liang Cunhou asked suddenly.

"For business." Wu Yi closed his fan, "It's not difficult for Australians to take Guangzhou, but it's rare that once they take Guangzhou, they can't do business with Daming. So what if there are gold mountains and seas of silver in the city? What they value is not money!"

Huang Tingkun couldn't help but echoed: "What you said is very true! Although the Kun people say that they are good at business and profit, they are not aiming for this!"

"Then what are they planning?"

(End of this chapter)

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