Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1640 Students of Sociology

Chapter 1640 Students of Sociology
It’s just that when he turned to Yongqing Street, he couldn’t help but stop and linger. There was a piece of wasteland here.Recently, the refurbishment of Australian films is very fast. Originally, it took at least half a year for a new film to be released after it was released. Recently, there was a new film in a month.It was almost the end of the month again, and he couldn't help but check to see if there were any new movies coming.

Seeing that there are still no new films such as "Fire in Zhongzuo", "Test", "Lingao Scenery of a certain month", "Sanbao Eunuch's Voyage to the West", I can't help but lose interest.The hawkers selling rice noodles and oil cakes yelled enthusiastically, which made Zhang Yu's stomach growl. However, he touched a few copper coins in his sleeve, swallowed hard, lowered his head and hurried to the community school.

Because I lingered for a long time on the way, I was already late when I arrived at the social studies, and the gentleman at my level hadn't arrived yet, but the "senior" Wu Bi took everyone to endorse.This Senior Wu is the best at talking, and the two of them both like Kun Xue on weekdays, so they have a common language.

As for the husband, he is obsessed with the new Mark Six lottery.This color has only suddenly appeared in the last few months.But it became popular in Guangzhou at once.When it comes to gambling methods, there are five hundred if not one thousand in Guangzhou.Among them, there are a lot of tricks, but none of them are as simple and easy as the Liuhe lottery. It doesn't cost a lot of money to bet, and there are two lottery draws every ten days.It quickly attracted a large number of citizens to participate.

Sir is but one of thousands of ecstatics.Once in class, a group of students were reading: "The Master said: I am determined to learn when I am [-], I am established at [-], I am not confused at [-], I know the destiny at [-], and my ears are compliant at [-]..." Mr. suddenly shouted: "I got it!"Zhang Yu, who was distracted, jumped in fright, and then the husband rushed out of the room, leaving a class of students staring at him.Later, I heard from the senior that my husband found the number in the book and won the third prize of five taels of silver.Since then, my husband's enthusiasm for gambling has become even higher. Last month, Zhang Yu actually saw her husband and a group of laborers in short shirts talking about hot numbers at the door of a Mark Six lottery shop. Sociology is even more superficial, and it is completely for errands.

Inadvertently memorizing a few passages, the senior announced: "Mr. wants everyone to carefully observe "Selected Works of the Times" No. 13."

Good students honestly take out their books and study them.Li Ziyu beside Zhang Yu winked for a while, and he pushed his good friends Zeng Juan and Chen Shixin tacitly. The four of them packed their schoolbags and truanted out of school. Anyway, the seniors never cared.

After running out of the study, a group of friends chatted and laughed to enjoy the fun of skipping school.The owner of a bookstall on the street saw them waving their hands: "Masters, the latest Romance of the Three Kingdoms doll book has arrived."

Several people stopped in their tracks immediately, and the one in front of them took a comic book, found a stool in the crowd and buried their heads in reading it.Shixin was reluctant to spend money, so he just looked behind him.

Although the books printed by this Australian are all in vulgar script, there is no problem if you are used to them. Besides, the paintings are exquisite, and even a few grandmas can read them with relish. A few tears.

After a long time, several people reluctantly put the comic book back on the bookshelf, and searched up and down again. Seeing that there were no new books, they paid the money and squeezed out.Don't forget to shout out: Remember to inform us when the new Three Kingdoms arrives.

"Master Guan is still great!" The friends who were immersed in the book chattered
"The next episode should be about Xu Chang."

"Fart! If you haven't watched the trailer for the next episode, you're going to Maicheng."

"It was Maicheng that frightened Cao Cao to death before leaving. My mother-in-law told me."

"Don't make noise, don't make noise, one episode will come out in ten days."

"This doll book only comes out once every ten days, so I can't wait."

Several people chatted and laughed, and when they walked to the Pearl River, there was a boat-shaped stone in front of them, which was Haizhu Stone. It was one of the eight scenic spots in Yangcheng at that time, and it was called "Zhuhai Qinglan". Instead of joining in the fun, I went to the "secret base" by the river: I just sat down under a big banyan tree by the embankment to learn new things, and I couldn't wait to take out an Australian charcoal pencil from my schoolbag and start copying the comic strip I just saw.The other three had already seen the strangeness, and Zeng Juan suggested: "Let's play Three Kingdoms."

Li Ziyu took out his schoolbag and said, "Don't worry, my family bought a new game for Kun Ren yesterday."

Zhang Yu took a look: "Ming's Assistant Prime Minister? Is it the Kunren's promotion map?"

"It's much more fun than the promotion picture. I heard that it was created by Prince Yumian Ma of the Kun Song Dynasty. It is best for Kun people to worship this sage, so that they can keep their homes safe."

Everyone listened to Li Ziyu's explanation and studied it, explaining that they quickly got started, and the more they played, the more they devoted themselves.

"You colluded with the eunuch party!"

"I want to defend myself"

"The chief assistant's holy family is almost gone, impeach him quickly."

After half an hour of the card battle, Li Ziyu successfully ascended to the top position. The three of them joked with each other while tidying up. The topic soon turned to Liao affairs. Thanks to the Kunren Military Magazine, they no longer regarded the duel of generals as a battle. The content of the article I read in the magazine turned into my own thoughts rushing out of my mouth:
"Must be in formation."

"That's right, as long as you stab to the right, the Tartars can't do anything.

"Shaking the spear can break the rain of arrows.

"The javelin can defeat the enemy!"

Zeng Juan was deeply touched, and shook his head and said, "Even if the Tartars are good at fighting, one can stand up to ten, and there are only 20 capable fighters. Our Ming Dynasty has a large population. If we choose one out of a hundred, and choose 200 million spearmen carefully, we will surely destroy Kun and Tutar!" It is a shame that all the officials of the court are full of wine bags and rice bags, and all the princes in the court are punished, so the affairs of Liao and Kun are nothing to worry about."

Zhang Yu snorted: "200 million? Where did you get so much money to recruit soldiers?"

The concept of spending money on wars is only acquired after reading Australian military magazines.

"There are thousands of miles of fertile land in Liaodong, and the Liao people have been slaughtered. They can be awarded elite soldiers with a soldier's land certificate, and they can get the land after returning to the Liao Dynasty. How dare all the soldiers die?"

Before Zhang Yu could open his mouth, a steam whistle sounded on the river, and a Kunren steamboat pushed the waves up the river.Several sailors with short hair and short suits were busy on the deck.Although they have long been familiar with the strangeness, a sense of powerlessness still flooded everyone's hearts.

Shixin also put down the charcoal pen, and murmured, "The Kun people have fierce firearms, what can I do? What can I do?"

Li Ziyu sneered and said, "Although the Kun thief's firearms are fierce, my Ming Dynasty also has a big killer weapon."

Zhang Yu knew that Uncle Li Ziyu was an avant-garde Qianhu in Guangzhou, so he often boasted that he could read "Wu Bei Zhi" by Ming Dynasty.

"Is it the fire dragon coming out of the water you said last time?"

"No, no," Li Ziyu waggled her fingers and learned to turn the text: "This thing is a flying sand cylinder, take two rockets upside down and tie them together, and shoot the enemy's canopy to spray arsenopyrite, which is specially wounded The eyes of a thief."

"That's nothing surprising."

"The strangest thing is that after the arsenopyrite is sprayed, another rocket can fire backwards and fly back to the base camp. Although the gunmen have sharp firearms, they should have never seen it before. They will be terrified and inexplicable. It's as easy as flipping the palm of your hand!"

Everyone couldn't help admiring, and Zeng Juan was even more excited: "My Ming Dynasty has a lot of talents. Although the Kun bandits are fierce for a while, they are definitely not as strong as my Ming Dynasty."

Zhang Yu thought about it carefully: How many people can this artifact scare, how many times can it scare?How about canceling the flying rocket and adding more arsenopyrite gunpowder?But Li Ziyu's family acts as a military officer, and he can read books that they can't read. As the leaders of their small circle, it's better not to be questioned by the public.

Zeng Juan on this side became furious: "I have this artifact in Ming Dynasty but I can't use it. It is precisely because of these corrupt officials and thieves colluding with each other. I heard that the Ziming Building called Guangzhou gentry to hold a sea and sky feast and a group of warblers. **** spread outside the building".

"If you want to destroy your country, you must first destroy the morale of the soldiers. How poisonous are the thieves' intentions!"

"Kun thief has no king and no father, he is lustful by nature, and he is most used to hooking up with shameless people!"

They scolded vigorously, and they have been silent for a long time, but hesitantly said: "Actually, I think Kun people are also good. They don't disturb the people, and they do things with integrity. Even businessmen like to do business with them."

Li Ziyu sneered, "Why don't you shave your head when you say such good things about the gangster?"

But Zhang Yu suddenly realized: "Could it be that you went to meet Kunren in Shixin?"

These people cheered up and forced their acquaintances to tell the truth together.Shixin had to admit that he was really curious a few days ago, and went to visit the Jiangbian Dashijie construction site.

"That big world is really majestic," Shixin swallowed, "although it's not yet finished, but there are iron frames and glass everywhere, and there are no dragons or phoenixes, which is quite shocking. And those steel machines are really amazing." It's both awe-inspiring and awe-inspiring..." He was so excited, he couldn't help but took out the drawing paper and charcoal pencils and began to draw.

I was painting vigorously, but a voice sounded from my side: "The perspective here is wrong."

When Shixin woke up and looked back, he was a smiling man, tall and straight, obviously a real man.Shixin had seen Zhen Kun from a distance before, but it was the first time he was so close, and he felt a little scared but dissatisfied.He had read illustrations in Kunren's books that he had never heard of before, so he also bought charcoal pencils to copy them. Although there is no teacher relying on his own talent, there are always [-] to [-]% similarities, and the viewers are all amazed.

Na Zhen Kun simply sat down beside him, and talked to him about the principles of perspective and painting skills for half an hour, and even brought out the Kun Ren album. He went to Lingao and said that there was a special place to learn painting, and there would be a lot of work after learning painting.

"You really want to go to Lingao, don't you?" Li Ziyu said sternly, "That's a thief! Besides, you don't have any fame, no matter how good you are at painting, you are just a painter. How much money can you make?"

"I don't know." The novice's eyes were full of confusion: "Actually, I really don't want to study, I don't want to go to the examination of scholar -- I probably can't pass the exam, I just want to draw, and it's really amazing to think that I can draw such a painting. It's worth dying for."

Thinking of their own future, everyone couldn't laugh anymore and fell into silence.

(End of this chapter)

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