Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1641 Small Businesses

Chapter 1641 Small Businesses
In the afternoon, Zhang Yu walked home step by step lazily, and when he arrived at the tea house at the street, he heard someone calling him: "Master! Here, here." Looking around, it turned out to be the storyteller in the tea house.

Sitting down at the table, the storyteller kindly pushed over the steamed pork buns: "Master, eat buns, eat buns."

Zhang Yu always saves money and skips breakfast, so he happens to have a good meal and wait until he is full.The storyteller handed over the book "Story Club" with a smile on his face. The storyteller was semi-literate, so Zhang Yu was always invited to read these market books as the source of the storytelling.

Zhang Yu turned to the serial "Entertainment Tycoon" and began to read it in a low voice: "Last time, when Mr. Guanxi sent the bookcase for repairs, he lost hundreds of photo pictures of secret dramas in the interlayer. Miss Jiao almost committed suicide in shame and indignation..."

After reading for a long time, the storyteller came to his senses and wiped his saliva: "This Australian really has a lot of tricks. Is there anything more exciting?"

Zhang Yu flipped through it: "This is an anecdote in the market: "The Sea and Sky Feast for the Orioles Meeting, the Case of the Slave Hidden in the Cellar of Xin'an County"."

After reading the book, the storyteller gave Zhang Yu Shiwen copper coins. In addition to the money saved from skipping breakfast these days, there was enough money for the next issue of "Research on War History", and Zhang Yu walked briskly.

The mother, who was sulking at the shop, couldn't help but smile when she saw her son come back, followed behind and kept asking about his studies, and brought a pot of hot tea and a plate of freshly baked walnut cakes.Zhang Yu wanted to go downstairs to help his father knock walnuts and noodles, but his mother didn't do it: "Young children can just concentrate on studying." Then he babbled about the difficulty of doing business, and cheated hundreds of cash from the errand, which is equivalent to doing nothing today. You see, Shaodong, a tailor shop in the east, has been admitted as a scholar, and the servants and beggars are afraid to come. Our family's hope is on you.

"You must be a scholar!" After his mother left, Zhang Yu opened "Selected Works of the Times" with a sad face. Question No. 13 is an intercepted question, or an inexplicable ruthless answer: "Mrs. Breaking the topic, rambling on about the topic, and starting the lecture without any content, Zhang Yu felt depressed and bored for a while, and couldn't read it anymore, so he pushed the book away.

Although the oath of being a scholar was still in his ears, Zhang Yu couldn't help but took out the "Research on War History" from the bookcase. Although he had read it several times, it was still so fresh and exciting.Turn to the new book advertisement on the back cover: the classic science fiction of Australia and Song Dynasty debuts!Science fiction everyone vomits blood!The masterpiece you must read this year!A mind-blowing adventure!Australia Song Publishing House made a huge contribution!Rubbing the title of "From the Earth to the Moon" and looking at the advertisement picture of a shuttle in front of a giant ball full of potholes, Zhang Yuman was full of curiosity.He has read fantasy novels, and now there is a serialized political fantasy novel "Diary of a Subjugated Slave" in "Research on War History". Officials don't raise people and don't investigate. No one sues the officials for troublesome things. Those who have troubles also sneer: "How could it be possible for the Ming Dynasty to perish at the hands of the Jurchen? It's absurd and absurd." But Zhang Yu has never read science fiction novels. After that, it was really itchy, but the price of the book also made him shake. Although the Australian came and knocked down the second-hand bookstore, and the price of the book dropped by almost 300%, he could only rely on a little money from his parents. Money, the Australians keep coming out with new things. They pull out new Australian films and draw picture books for a while. It’s not enough to earn a few coppers by saving breakfast money and reading story books to storytellers.

When I think of new words, my heart is also confused. In fact, how many talents can be selected in sociology?Most parents send their sons to school just to learn how to recognize a few words and to look at the account books. Even if they don’t read it, they feel disappointed when they think of inheriting this small shop for a lifetime.Ever since the Kun people came, I knew that besides the Four Books and Five Classics, there is such a vast world. In my mother's words, I was ambitious. The only golden road that I thought was now seems narrow and closed. Go to Lingao?" An idea appeared in Zhang Yu's mind.

Zhang Yu was quickly taken aback by his own thoughts, and defected to the Kun thief!He knew that he could not do such a bold thing.In the early days, there were no food, no food, nowhere to go, and the last option to save their lives was to go to Lingao to shave their heads; later, some craftsmen and peddlers were eager to find jobs and do business there. De Lingao; right now, there is a third type of people, those downcast scholars like Mr. Wu who can't study well, can't stand the ridicule and poverty of outsiders, and leave the so-called "nowhere to stay, Lord, Lord" in a fit of anger. Going to be a gangster" rhetoric, defected to Lingao to seek an official position.

Although the life of the Zhang family is not well-to-do, at least they are not worried about food and clothing.Keeping this old ancestral store, even if he can't win the show, he probably just continues to run the store like Laodou, marry a wife and have children-just like grandpa and Laodou, this old walnut cake shop was established by his father. It's the fourth generation.Mother always said that opening a store to be able to open a century-old store is really more difficult than becoming a Jinshi.

However, thinking about his future life, Zhang Yu felt that life was boring: every day, he had to get up to do business after the first crowing, and he had to take a break from business at noon. , the trivial and complicated are numerous.I have done it at the dinner market, and I have to prepare and process the ingredients for tomorrow.If you can't do the second watch, you can't sleep.From the first day of the new year to the thirtieth year, every day, every year.

As Zhang Yu grows older, he gradually realizes the difficulty of making a living.Especially after going to bed at night, I heard the conversations of the parents next door before going to bed: business is always difficult, everything outside is expensive, and there are many miscellaneous taxes; when it comes to family expenses, I sigh again.In the words of my mother: "In the past few years, even the inside has gradually come up."

Thinking about the possibility that I might not be able to live such a carefree life even though it is not affluent, it is like a snake eating my heart.In the past few years, there have been quite a few of his classmates in sociology, neighbors in the neighborhood, and shops that have gone bankrupt: those who hanged themselves into the river, sold their sons and daughters, and became beggars and prostitutes... He has seen them all.There are a few classmates in social studies who disappeared after their homes became dilapidated, and some reluctantly returned to school, huddled in a corner in tattered clothes and dare not speak.Because there is no money to give gifts to teachers, social classmates, even teachers, seniors and classmates are disgusted.This is not bad, there are also people who are said to have been sold to pick up guests in the Xianggongtang, and some people saw him wearing women's clothes, with jewels and emeralds on his head...

Every time Zhang Yu thinks of this, he breaks into a cold sweat... He also knows a thing or two about Longyang.There is also this kind of atmosphere in school, most of them are older students with a little money in their families, and they are good friends with younger students who are beautiful and beautiful.Even the teacher didn't care.The students occasionally made fun of it, but it was not a big deal.But this is not the same as wearing women's clothes and dressing up as a woman to bribe wine and pick up customers...

I was thinking wildly, and I heard the mother downstairs yelling, followed by crackling, crackling and the screams of the apprentice begging for mercy.In the past, when the business was good, there were only two or three shop assistants in the shop, but now there are only apprentices who don't get paid for food.Even so, Niang kept talking about the apprentices "eating too much" and "stealing", and she didn't look good.

Zhang Yu was so upset that he didn't even read the book. When he went downstairs, he saw his mother was still angry, and the boy had already run away with his head in his arms.He comforted him: "Mother, don't worry, you hurt yourself, just punish him not to eat."

Then the mother turned pale, stroked her son's head and said, "It doesn't matter, won't it hurt your hand if you hit him a few times?" She looked resentful: "It's true that there is no law of the king, and his old mother is still talking to me." Give me some money for shaving and taking a bath, I haven’t paid him for the rice he’s been eating for the past few years! Ask me for the money for shaving and taking a bath?!”

Zhang Yu hurriedly persuaded: "Mother, isn't it a word from us? If she wants to say it, let her say it."

The mother sighed: "Silly boy, will the mother be angry about this? Look at what he has done!" She became aggrieved, "I told him to peel the walnuts, but he didn't pick them clean. I put them in the walnut cakes." It has a bitter taste, and regular customers will know it as soon as they eat it, so how can we continue our business?"

To make walnut cakes, you need to use walnuts. Guangdong does not produce walnuts, so you have to buy them from the north-south goods store.Originally, they used to buy new walnuts at home, but now the business is not as good as before, and the price of walnuts has risen again.Then I started to use cheap old goods.

The taste of old walnuts is not as good as that of new ones, so the store uses a mixture of the two, which not only has a fragrance, but also ensures a sufficient amount.It's just that the inner skin of the old walnut must be picked clean, otherwise the taste will be bitter.After the inner skin is peeled off, there are still residues in the sunken place, so you have to pick it out little by little with a sewing needle.This was, as usual, the apprentice's evening work.However, there is only one apprentice in Zhang's small shop.Doing chores during the day, and peeling walnuts under the lamp at night-naturally, I can't do it properly.

"This is a major matter related to the reputation of our store. Mother, you taught me the right lesson." Zhang Yu nodded repeatedly, "If you indulge for a while, the consequences will be disastrous."

"Yu'er, you are so much more sensible." Mother couldn't help sighing, "I just don't know if your father has the ability to pass the store to you..."

"What?" These words were like a thunderbolt to Zhang Yu, and the experiences of several classmates suddenly flooded into his mind.

"Yu'er, you're old too, you should know a thing or two about family affairs." The mother took a breath and told him to sit down, "You always know the big world of Australians outside the city."

"Yes, my son knows." Zhang Yu nodded, "It looks like it will be repaired soon."

"Nowadays, the big world is attracting business, and it is said that many shops will be opened. There are everything for eating, drinking, and entertainment," Niang said worriedly, "I heard that the Australians themselves are going to open shops in it—there is a tea shop among them."

(End of this chapter)

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