Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1660

Chapter 1660
As he said that, he quickly handed over the IOU, and laughed along with him; "It's all slaves who are old and dim-sighted, and have eaten shit..."

Lin Ming accepted the IOU, and said with a smile, "You have good eyesight, I just dropped a Delong ticket, don't you see that you picked it up for me?"

The bustard smiled dryly: "Yes, yes." He handed back the ticket in his hand with the utmost reluctance.Lin Ming took a look in his hand and said, "It doesn't seem to be my one. My one is 500 taels..."

**Almost paralyzed, almost kneeling down to beg, Lin Ming just smiled: "I'm sorry, this is the one. You go."

**As if received an amnesty, he hurried to go.

Lin Ming helped the woman up and said, "Hurry up and tidy up, there are five taels of silver here, you will find a boat tomorrow, and go to visit relatives and friends no matter where, and leave this place quickly..." The woman's tears had already broken Yu Ban fell down, knelt down and said softly: "Yes... thank you... thank you for your kindness, my servant will never forget..."

At this moment, the moonlight came over and shone on her face. Lin Ming was taken aback for a moment, and blurted out, "Su... Aunt Su!"

Cummins was taken aback, and saw the woman tremble, slowly raised her head, glanced at them, but quickly lowered her head again, and said, "My lord misidentified the person..."

Cummins looked at her seriously.I saw that the woman was wearing a green-dotted plum jacket and a water-red silk skirt covering her little feet. It was really only about three inches long.Her black hair is loosely tied on a Suzhou peg, which hangs half down on her shoulders, and her white eyebrows are full of black eyebrows.Cummins felt a little crazy, no wonder Mei Yuan couldn't forget Qinhuai Bayan's face, that's all, it's so charming and charming, it's really interesting!
"Aunt Su!" Lin Ming was taken aback. The woman in front of him had a pair of dimples at the corners of her mouth, her slightly crooked brows, and the small mole on her right cheek. She still had the charm of the old days.Who is not Gao Shunqin's concubine Su Ai!
Speaking of Su Ai, he was really an old acquaintance.When Gao Shunqin disappeared, he was entrusted to investigate the matter, and Su Ai was one of the suspects.Mrs. Gao secretly gave him several hundred taels of silver, asking him to beat Su Ai into a trick and make him an "acccomplice", or even torture him to death.Thanks to Su Ai's knowledge of current affairs, she bribed him with the money she had accumulated over the years, and Lin Ming has always been a person who cherishes beauty and love, so she was merciful and didn't suffer a lot.The two can be regarded as having such a friendship.

Gao Shunqin's case later became an unsolved case, and Lin Ming made it up to the Guangdong officials, and got money and lost favors.Su Ai's whereabouts were naturally ignored.Unexpectedly, three years later, the two would meet again on such an occasion!
The world is really vicissitudes and unpredictable!Lin Ming's face instantly turned pale.At the beginning, I took my sister-in-law to handle the case, and the "suspect" of the high house was interrogated at night. I searched for clues all the way to Haojingao, and my sister-in-law disappeared... The past events flashed clearly one by one, and it was like a cloud of fog, a blank, and I couldn't remember anything clearly. .It's strange that Luli has such a fate, Su Ai was just a passer-by in his life, but all his later encounters have a great relationship with this woman, and finally he met here again...

He stared at her face, tried his best to suppress all kinds of feelings in his heart, and said, "I am Lin Ming, Jin Yiwei tried hundreds of households..."

Su Ai was like a sleepwalker, looking at him with dazed eyes. Suddenly, as if she had been stabbed by a needle, she knelt and collapsed on the ground, covered her face with her hands and cried loudly, her whole body trembling with convulsions. , Tears poured out along the fingers.

This disturbed the people in the courtyard, the residents in each room looked out through the windows, and the idlers who hadn't slept also probed their brains and whispered.Lin Ming hurriedly said: "Aunt Su, it's God's will that we meet here—this place is not a place to talk, just clean it up, let's change places!"

Cummins was dazed and confused by their crying. He stood aside like an idiot and listened to Lin Ming's words. He immediately realized that the people here are unfamiliar, and it's midnight. What's the trouble?Quickly said: "Let's go back to the boat and talk." Then he ordered the bodyguard, "Clean up the things on the ground, and lock the door here."

Lin Ming was at a loss at first. He was not the owner of the salt boat, and there was absolutely no reason to rashly bring a woman back. Even though Zhaoqing had acquaintances, he couldn't go into the city to disturb them in the middle of the night. Cummins' words could be regarded as a solution to his siege. Said: "Master Kang is right, let's go back to the boat and talk if we have anything to say!"

When he got back to putting it on, Thorpe was a little surprised. Lin Ming told the ins and outs, and Thorpe thought to himself that he met an acquaintance!He had read the report from Guangzhou station and knew about the relationship between Su Ai and Pei Lixiu.Originally, it was just a gossip like reading a story, but I never thought that the protagonist in it would appear in front of my eyes.

But in this way, his suspicion was relieved a bit, and he said with a smile: "In that case, we will send the Buddha to the west. It's just that it is inconvenient for her to sail with us on the water, so I will send two bodyguards to send her first tomorrow." Leave Guangzhou to Pei Lixiu."

Speaking of the three words Pei Lixiu, Su Ai shrugged her shoulders, and tears rolled down her face.Seeing her haggard face, Thorpe hurriedly called for face wash, and said: "It seems that she hasn't eaten yet, so get some food!"

"Thank you gentlemen, I'm not hungry, so I don't need to bother." Su Ai seemed to be recovering from a serious illness, her body was trembling, and she barely had a blessing. ..."

Lin Ming said: "What are you talking about now? I think you seem to be recovering from an illness soon? Sit down and rest quickly, these two masters are not outsiders! You don't have to be polite."

Su Ai sat down on the stool in the bulkhead. She seemed to have had a big dream. At the beginning, this man who had no friendship at all suddenly appeared here and rescued herself from the fire pit... The chance of life is really true. It cannot be said.

Lin Ming asked: "Aunt Su, after the case was settled, why didn't you go back to Gao's house? How did you end up here?"

Su Ai shook her head slowly: "Master Lin, the case is over, and you know that the Gao family will not tolerate me, and the master will almost put me to death after something happens. I don't have a man and a woman to rely on. The master is gone, Even if they asked me to go back, I would not dare to go back. I didn’t get the body I had accumulated over the years. Fortunately, I still have some savings in my hand, so I invested it in a sister from the past.”

After all, the savings around you are limited, and you can't just sit and eat.She was raised as a skinny horse since she was a child, and she didn't know how to make a living.As she got older and didn't want to show up again, she married a Zhaoqing businessman as a concubine under the help of her younger sister, and then came to Zhaoqing.

"Why didn't you go to Pei Xiuli back then? With your friendship with her, whether it's letting you eat a bowl of rice in the Ziming Building, or giving you money so that you can go back to the south is not difficult." Thorpe asked suddenly road.

"Is this master also an acquaintance of Miss Pei?" Su Ai said weakly, "I originally wanted to find her, but at that time the Australians fought against the imperial court, the Ziming Building was sealed off, and Miss Pei was also missing. Some people said that she She has already fled back to Australia, and some say she was taken away by the big bosses in the court."

She has calmed down at the moment, but she occasionally twitched and mourned when she spoke, and she recounted: "I am probably born with a tough life. I beat my parents when I was young, and finally got out of the fire pit and entered the high mansion. Master Gao; when we arrived in Zhaoqing again, we didn’t live a long and stable life, and we beat a man... I’ve been with two men, but I didn’t leave any flesh and blood, and I didn’t have any support..."

Speaking of this, she was already full of tears that could not be wiped away, and several people couldn't help but sigh.

"...After my master died, my aunt came to chase me out. I said, I will wait for someone to be buried, and I will die. Naturally, I took my things and left. My aunt said: 'You are not from my family at all. It’s just something I bought. It’s a great mercy if you don’t sell it now.’ Immediately drive me out! Regardless of March 21, [-], like a robber entering the house, I took away all my savings and clothes. kicked me out right away..."

Su Ai's words hurt her feelings, her eyes were full of tears again, she held her mouth and choked for a long time, and then said: "It's cold winter, and the boss blows the wind. I don't know where to go. Standing by the river, looking at the river, at that time There is no way to enter the sky, and there is no way to enter the earth. I really thought about jumping down and dying. Fortunately, some kind people saw and persuaded me, so I didn’t let me go to the end. I hid some money in my body at the beginning, and I finally didn’t do it. I was starving and dying. I wanted to go back to Guangzhou, but there was no man to take care of me, and I didn’t have money to spend, so I had to eat this bowl of rice here again..."

Thorpe didn't have much sympathy for her at first, thinking that she had fallen into prostitution and had been a concubine twice. Although there were "last resorts", to put it bluntly, she was just as lazy and lazy as her colleagues in the 21st century.Thinking about it at this moment, her situation is different from that of another time and space. There is no place for a single woman in the 17th century!Come to think of it, there are too many "last resorts".Can't help sighing: "Since you have met Master Lin, I don't think you need to eat this bowl of rice anymore. Go to Guangzhou to send you back to Guangzhou, you can go and join Pei Lixiu. Ziminglou's business is doing even bigger now. When you arrive She will go there, and she will do whatever errands for you—better than serving people in Israel. How many years can you eat like this?"

Seeing the doubts in Su Ai's eyes, Lin Ming hurriedly introduced: "This is Master Suo, my... um... boss... Master Suo heard your weeping, he kindly ordered me to come and have a look , only today’s adventure”

Su Ai knelt down on the ground, choked with sobs, and said, "Master Suo must be the reincarnation of a Bodhisattva...God will surely bless your descendants, Yubo, Lord, Lord, and Marquis for generations..."

Thorpe thought to himself that Lin Ming knew how to be a man!But it sounds useful.I lifted it with my hands: "No need to be too polite. That's it, I'll send two bodyguards to take you back to the lower part of the temple to pack your luggage. You can rest for a night and make arrangements after paying off the rent tomorrow. "

(End of this chapter)

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