Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1661 Hill 8

Chapter 1661 Qiu Ba
He said: "Master Suo, it's inconvenient for her to go back with this black light. Besides, we have to guard against accidents."

This sentence reminded Thorpe that if he sent it back to the police and made trouble again, he would not care about it.Immediately said: "Since this is the case, let's go and pack up the luggage and move over here, and the rent must be settled, so don't lose your tail."

Lin Ming immediately agreed, and took the bodyguard to handle them one by one.Thorpe told her to pack up a cabin in the back cabin and let her rest for the night.Make arrangements tomorrow.

"Keep an eye on it at night." Thorpe whispered.

"Yes." The bodyguard understood.

The next day was planned to be a staff trip in Zhaoqing, so Thorpe informed Lin Ming to find a reliable boat for Su Ai, and then sent a seasoned bodyguard to take her back to Guangzhou.

However, the bodyguard asked around the passing boats at the pier, but none of them were willing to carry Su Ai into the water.The bodyguard was surprised and hurried back and forth to Lin Ming.Lin Ming was an old man, and after a little thought, he understood that there was someone behind this woman, and this person had a lot of influence, and he was bound to win over Su Ai.

Lin Ming was secretly amazed at who was so bold. There were very few people who dared to confront Jin Yiwei on the ground in Guangdong. Even high-ranking officials such as governors, councilors, and politicians also had an attitude of "letting go" of them. Will get angry with them for a woman.If it is said that the local Chenghu and Sheshu are the ones who "know the current affairs" the most, it is not their style to stand up to the "power" in the official face.

Surprises are surprises, serious things still have to be done.Fortunately, I didn't propose to save people, otherwise the comment of "causing trouble" would have fallen on my head.

He found Thorp and said roughly:

"...I'll go to the acquaintances in the yamen to inquire about the situation first," Lin Ming said, "The two heads should be more careful."

Thorpe nodded: "You go and inquire. If you want to come to the wharf of Zhaoqing Fucheng, the bad guys would not dare to come here in broad daylight. I will tell the bodyguards to be more careful."

Lin Ming left the boat and landed, and entered Zhaoqing City.He has acquaintances in both the government office and the county office, so he decided to go to the county office first.The law and order on the ground in Fucheng is generally in charge of Fuguo County, and if there is any news, the leader of the fast class and Master Xing will definitely know.

He went to the teahouse in front of the county government office and found the leader of the fast class without any trouble.

"Master Shi, I know about this, and I was just thinking about whether I should tell you." The leader of the fast shift, surnamed He, was a shriveled old man in his 50s, but his eyes were shining brightly. On the rattan couch, holding a teacup in his hand, "I heard that Mr. Shi is romantic and romantic, and he loves women the most. But this woman surnamed Su is also a middle-aged woman. What good is it, you insist on good deeds from bad guys? Debts are the hardest to pay."

Lin Ming smiled and said, "It's not that I didn't think about it, and I didn't dare to! Who do you think Miss Su is?"

"who is it?"

"Madam Ru of Gao Shunqin, the censor of Guangdong patrol!"

He Bantou held the teacup, thought for a moment, and said: "Master Shi, stop talking and joking. Mrs. Ru, who is a patrol officer, can come to this pier to sing? I know her details, she originally belonged to the family of Mr. Liu here." Little woman, when did you become Gao Xun's Mrs. Ru again?"

"You only know one thing, but you don't know the other thing." Lin Ming immediately told the whole story, and then lied again, "Lord Gao and I have some kindness, although his whereabouts are unknown now, he is still an official of the imperial court anyway, he It would be too disrespectful for Mrs. Deru to fall to this point and ask me to stand by and watch."

Bantou He nodded: "Master Shi is right. It's just that you can't afford to offend this fairy!" He leaned down, and the disciple next to him hurriedly helped him up,
Lin Ming said: "Where did the gods come from? How dare they call the wind and rain on this pier? It's clear that they don't take you seriously..."

Lao He smiled: "Master Shi, don't provoke me. I won't be sloppy with you. Your Jinyiwei brand is on display. People are afraid of people, and ghosts are worried. This Xijiang River, no matter which way you go Heroes have to give this brand three points—even the magistrates of the county and the masters of Futai don’t want to entangle with you. But this time is no better than in the past—” He coughed a few times, and spit into the spit box provided by his apprentice , "Someone asked me to talk to you about the weight, since you are here, let me take a few steps less..."

The other side's condition is very simple: hand over Su Ai immediately.

"...The other party said that as long as you hand over the person, the past will not be mentioned, and I will give you another 300 taels of silver to make friends..."

Lin Ming said: "What if I don't make friends?"

He Bantou smiled: "Then he didn't say anything. But I don't think it's a good thing..."

"Old He, don't make riddles for me. Where did the god come from? Let me know! I can also wonder if I can make this friend."

He Bantou nodded: "As the saying goes, when a scholar meets a soldier, it is hard to explain why. I have been friends with you for many years, so let's talk directly, and you are a master Cao."

If it was the Taiping Festival more than ten years earlier, Lin Ming would not pay attention to authentic military generals such as guerrillas and generals - military officers are worthless.However, in recent years there have been military turmoil in various places, and Miao Yao and other ethnic groups in Guangdong and Guangxi have also rioted and rioted from time to time. The originally low-status army has become the target of local officials' flattery and dependence, and has gradually become arrogant and domineering.Since the end of the apocalypse, it is not uncommon for soldiers to riot, beat or even kill high officials of the imperial court. Most of the civilian officials involved are severely punished, but military commanders are rarely severely punished.

Lin Ming knew that if a dispute really broke out, Xiong Wencan would definitely put all the shit on his head-not to mention closeness, just a "surprising subordinate" would have no good fruit if it spread to the court.What's more, if you really want to face head-to-head, the opponent is a local soldier, and you can pull out dozens of people with a wave of your arms. There are only a dozen people on your side, so you will suffer.

Seeing his hesitation, Bantou He said: "Master Shi, you are loyal and a friend. You are a good man. But the old saying is good: a good man does not suffer from immediate losses. These Qiu Ba are not good people, and the one named Cao is even better." He is a ruthless character: Is Boss Ding, who was standing on the pole on the pier, ruthless? There are more than 40 people in his family, and he led soldiers into the house in the middle of the night and slaughtered them alive—if he died, he died. I didn't even dare to let go..."

"Lord Xiong didn't say anything?" Lin Ming frowned, "I never thought that Zhaoqing would become like this!"

"Now it's not the same as before. Ever since Mr. Wang lost all his men and horses in Hainan Island, Mr. Xiong has pointed to the remaining men and horses to fight for him. He is a scholar, with little food and insufficient salary. Why attract the hearts of these Qiuba people? If he dares to say the word 'military discipline' more, his subordinates will clamor, and his position as governor will not be secure..."

"Let me go back and think about it." Lin Ming was in a difficult situation now.He is not a person with a stand. In the past, of course, he would hand over the money immediately, but now it is the Australians' intention to rescue Su Ai, and he can't make the decision himself.Also because of the temper of the Australians, I am afraid that he is unwilling to hand over Su Ai. If the situation is too dangerous, he is afraid that Thorpe and others will suspect that he is tricky and deliberately exaggerate.

"You go and think about it." He Bantou cleared his throat, "Master Cao said: If he doesn't send the woman back to the temple before the watch tonight, he will have to bring his brothers to ask for it. Tonight Closing the city gate will not cause any trouble to the adults and lords in the city..."

Lin Ming returned to the boat and hurriedly asked the bodyguard to find Thorpe and the others.Unexpectedly, they didn't know where they went, and several bodyguards went out to look for them all day, but they couldn't find them.It was dusk when they came back, Lin Ming hurriedly told the news he had inquired about:
"...The two chiefs don't know something. Now that Qiu Ba is the most violent on the ground, it is probably impossible to rely on the government. You have to pay attention quickly." He looked at the sky, "There is not much time left. "

Cummins sneered and said, "Okay, come on, let them try what a machine gun is..."

"Using a machine gun saves effort, but our staff trip is over." Thorpe rubbed his chin and smiled wryly, "It seems that doing good things can't be done casually."

Cummins couldn't hold back, because he was the one who initiated this matter, and said immediately: "Why don't I take a gun to meet that Mr. Cao, and shoot him straight away."

"I'm afraid this Master Cao's face is not so easy to see. Besides, it's easy for you to kill him with a single shot. His brother Pao Ze made a fuss and we have to use machine guns to clear the way. This trip is just as yellow..."

From the perspective of cost and benefit, handing over Su Ai is obviously the best choice. Not only can this staff trip continue, but also get 300 taels of silver for nothing.Su Ai was of little use to them either: she was neither an important source of information nor a person of importance.It is pitiful to be reduced to prostitution, but there are thousands of women in this world who are more pitiful than her, and the Senate may not be able to save them.

But this thing can’t be done, it’s not just a matter of morality, Thorpe thought to himself, he is very aware of the group thinking of the Senate, and he can do anything, except for “losing status” things.The Senate has a glass heart.If I make a decision to hand over someone at this time, although the rationalists seem to be the best choice for maximizing benefits, they will definitely be sprayed into a sieve by the "majority".

However, Thorpe was really unwilling to give up his staff trip just like that. He was in a dilemma when suddenly the voices outside became louder and louder.A bodyguard suddenly came in, with a nervous expression on his face: "Masters, there are many people on the pier, and it seems that the visitors are not friendly."

Lin Ming's heart tightened, and he hurriedly said, "Don't act rashly, I'll go out and talk to them!"

Thorpe calmed down and said, "What can you tell them? Hand over Su Ai?" He waved his hand, "Open the box! Get the machine gun! The machine gunner is on the poop, ready to press the top!" "

(End of this chapter)

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