Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1668 Marriage and Inheritance Law of the Elders

Chapter 1668 Elder Marriage and Inheritance Law ([-])
Israel cannot serve people for a long time, not to mention that most of the early life secretaries couldn't even talk about "color".With the continuous development and growth of the Senate, the resources of maids have become more and more abundant, and the quality has been greatly improved. In the situation where female students from Fangcaodi compete with ladies from rich and noble families in East Asia, the position of early life secretaries in the family has become precarious.

Although the elders had a "long-term love" for their first maid, most of them had a deep emotional foundation.But this does not prevent them from disliking the first generation of life secretaries as "not good-looking", "low-born" and "uneducated"-Du Wen once proposed that the elders and the first life secretary should be regarded as "de facto marriages". ", and was rejected by a large number of votes in the vote-planning to choose one of the female students from Fangcaodi who had received a full set of new education or the wealthy daughters of wealthy families on the mainland to be the official wife.Only Wu Nanhai and Wu De are the few veterans who actually married the life secretary as their legal wife.

And most of the life secretaries also have this awareness, knowing that they cannot enjoy the title of "first wife", and their children become the only guarantee of their own status and future prospects.For the latecomers among life secretaries, they do not have the advantage of "original spouse", and they have to rely on their own heirs to improve their family status; therefore, all life secretaries regard their children as "talismans", pampering and doting is Very common phenomenon.For the life secretary who gave birth to a boy, it is also natural to take advantage of her child's "first-mover advantage" and try to win the "elder seat".

Ji Xin knew that the elders had very few heirs, most of them only had one or two children, and there were not many secretaries.After the mainland strategy is launched, the wife and children will have a good harvest.If we don't set the rules now, there will be bloody cases when we make housework.

In the "Senior Marriage and Inheritance Law", the spouses of the elders have two kinds of relationships: "legal marriage" and "de facto cohabitation".The legal status of the two is different.The conclusion or divorce of the former has to go through formal procedures, and is approved by the Court of Honor of the Senate and issued relevant certificates; the latter does not need to go through legal procedures, and can only be filed in the general office.

The spouse of a senator is another senator, no matter before or after, it is a "legal marriage".

Elder spouses are not restricted by gender.As long as the female patriarch wants to, she can also keep more than one male "life secretary".If someone is gay, the Senate also recognizes the legal status of their spouse.

The spouse under the legal marriage is a husband and wife relationship recognized by the law of the Senate, and enjoys all the names and rights of a formal spouse, and has the priority of inheritance after the death of the elder; de facto cohabitants do not enjoy it at all. How much share is determined by the patriarch's will or executor.

This is actually a disguised "division of concubine and concubine", which is equivalent to legally recognizing the unequal relationship between "main wife" and "concubine".Therefore, at the draft stage, it was firmly opposed by a small group of elders headed by Du Wen, who believed that it was a serious "reactionary".But the Law Society that drafted the bill reminded everyone that, at least in the legal sense, the elders did not have "concubines".

"Whether it's a big step or a small step, it's a step we've taken in the history of human civilization." Ji Xin earnestly persuaded the opponents at the meeting, although proportionally speaking, there were very few opponents.But Ji Xin made a full explanation with the attitude of "my heart can show the sun and the moon", "Comrade Du Wen, I understand your feelings, and I agree with your ideals, but our current situation cannot completely To realize your idea, instead of holding on to the idea and gaining nothing, it is better to lower your posture and achieve your goal gradually..."

The legal status of the spouses is different, but the status of the children is equal.The Marriage and Inheritance Law stipulates that as long as the sons and daughters of elders who have been registered with the Heraldry of the General Office have the same legal status regardless of whether they were born in wedlock, illegitimate birth or adoption.There are no restrictions on the adoption of children by elders.It is also possible to designate adopted children to inherit the elder seat - only when there are no biological children or when the biological children are unable to inherit.

However, how to inherit the seat of the elders, whether it is "Li Xian" or "Li Chang" or other inheritance methods, is determined by the elders personally. Legally, the legal children of the elders are eligible to inherit, regardless of gender or mother's birth.However, children whose mother is a female patriarch have the priority of inheritance.

The method of selecting heirs or the list of heirs must be sealed and handed over to the Heraldry Institute of the General Office for secret storage under the condition of a third person's certificate.Together with the will, it is opened and read after death under the supervision of the funeral committee of the Senate.Once it is read out, it will be established, and no one shall have any objection.

For the elders who have not made inheritance arrangements, the seat after death will be arranged by the Senate to designate an heir.The principle is "Establishing the heir and establishing the elder".If there are no children or the physical condition of the children is obviously unable to inherit the seat of the elders, the senate will arrange to adopt the children of other elders to inherit the seats.

The properties of the elders, except for the shares that are nationalized after death as stipulated in the common program, the houses, vehicles, high-end furniture and other properties owned by the Senate are taken back by the general office, and the rest of the personal part is distributed according to the will of the elders. Distributed by the Senate.In principle, the person who inherits the elder seat is the main heir.

This set of marriage inheritance system roughly takes into account the opinions of elders from all walks of life, so there are fewer disputes.However, some people suggested that the "primogenarian inheritance system" should be adopted across the board to benefit the stability of the elder family.

"...The so-called establishment of virtuous people is tantamount to raising Gu. It's okay to say that there are few children. If any elder's family has more than five or six children—I think this is very possible—there will definitely be a 'gong fight' for the position." 'Drama. How do you reflect your 'virtuousness'? The children of the elders will definitely show their talents, and there will probably be many tricks of framing. Maybe there is no shortage of poisoning and drugging...

"Whether you are a senator or not, the distinction between the upper and the lower is really a difference! Under our system, the senate is the emperor, and the senator is also the emperor. Since ancient times, there have been many cases of father and son fighting each other because of the struggle for power. We should learn from the European practice and make it clear that the eldest son takes all, so that other children can stop competing for the seat, and let them turn their attention to the outside world as soon as possible, instead of staring at their own seats, which will help reduce internal friction."

"Is it useful for the eldest son to take all?" Wu Nanhai is a staunch supporter of the "Li Xian faction". Boss, the concubine murders the first son... We Chinese don’t have aristocratic complexes. It’s just that princes and generals have kindness, and the eldest son system doesn’t have such a magical effect. Let me say, if you raise Gu, you will raise Gu. Anyway, the winner in the end is definitely not The weak are much stronger than the useless eldest son. Besides, what we are implementing now is tantamount to a secret reserve system, which can curb the infighting among the elders' children."

"I think we should provide enough protection for the children of the elders to reduce conflicts," someone suggested, "What should the children of the elders do if they can't get any inheritance or can only get a small amount? They will have a strong sense of loss, and maybe they will Become a factor of instability. The Senate Foundation should have special arrangements for these elder children, allocate special funds to provide housing and allowances, etc., to ensure that they can all live a good life..."

"This is no longer a child of the Eight Banners!" Wu Nanhai strongly objected, "This is harming them! Besides, you have to provide the guarantee of a good life for the children of the elders, do you want to guarantee the grandchildren of the elders? This population increase is a geometric progression ! That’s called the big tail!”

The vest coughed: "I also think we can't artificially create a 'senatorial family' - the consequences are unimaginable. Our senate provides the best education for the children of the senators, and he can inherit some property to some extent - ―If he is still a dick, then there is no need for the Senate to pay more attention to him.”

In the end, the eldest son inheritance system did not get more response, and it was still in accordance with the original terms of "the elders themselves decide".

In order to further reduce the possibility of "Gong Dou" among the children of elders, curb the involvement of the children's mothers, and reduce the interference from ideas and concepts in this time and space. The "Marriage and Inheritance Law" stipulates that the children of elders must be sent to the kindergarten affiliated to the Xueyuan after the age of three, and enter the elementary school of the Xueyuan after the age of six.

In the final stages of the deliberations, the question of succession to the seat of the elder senators was raised.Since adopted children can also inherit the seat of elders, even old elders who have no reproductive conditions can use this clause to inherit the seat of elders through adopted children.For example, they can completely pass on their seats by adopting grandchildren without "cheating outsiders".

If it is said that the seats of old elders cannot be inherited, it would be contrary to the spirit of more equality of elders. After some heated discussions, the final decision was to admit that old elders have the right to adopt children and pass on their seats, but cross-generational adoption is not allowed. That is to say, either adopt the children of other elders or adopt naturalized people.In addition, it is also stipulated that the surname of the adopted children can only follow the original surname of the elder, not the surname of the husband.Adopted children cannot be older than three years old.

"An aunt in her early [-]s, adopting a child under three years old, this is the rhythm of her life..." Someone couldn't help complaining.

"60-year-olds take care of a lot of children. Besides, elders can use nanny or babysitter, which is not a problem." The vest said leisurely, "The age limit of children is to reduce the family relationship between adopted children and biological parents. The lowest." At the same time, in order to prevent some elders from using "sending children for adoption" as a way to expand the power of the family, it is clearly stated that a elder can only send one child for adoption.

(End of this chapter)

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