Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1669 Marriage and Inheritance Law of the Elders

Chapter 1669 Marriage and Inheritance Law of Elders ([-])
Section [-]

The group discussion on the "Law of Marriage and Inheritance of Veterans" soon fell into a fierce struggle. How to ensure that the succession can meet the wishes of the senators themselves and fully take care of the development of the family and the Senate In the "Thousand Years of Prosperity", all parties have carried out a long speech citing classics.

Vest stood there in a daze, his group was very close to the big library group, and beside his ears were the voices of Cheng Yuan: "Concubine", "Concubine", "Poisoning", "Murder", "Slander", " "Father killing", "Jing Nan", "four elder brothers", "Xuanwumen"... Words like these kept coming.Over there is Wu Nanhai's high-pitched voice: "History proves that the Manchu secret reserve system is a very advanced succession system..." Vest sighed slightly melancholy: he already knew this would happen.What everyone cares most about is actually their own DNA.

According to the legal scholars who drafted this law, there are major hidden dangers in both the organizational structure and the inheritance law-he is not worried about "dictatorship" or something like that, in the eyes of the legal scholars, The biggest problem with the Senate is not "dictatorship" but the super-national premise of "sacred elders".

As long as this magic spell exists, there are bound to be hidden dangers in the Senate system.In his opinion, the Senate is not the worst political system, but one of them.Of course, "the sanctity of the elders" is the political correctness of the Senate. Only some amendments can be made to this point, and it cannot be denied fundamentally.Otherwise, his political future as the person in charge of the law school would be ruined.It's not over yet, but it's in jeopardy—the Tribunal's eventual dismissal in discussions about its organizational structure seems to have heralded their group's unpopularity.

"You hate law so much, but you don't know that any country that has been established for more than a hundred years has not established a mature system and implemented the 'rule of law'!" Vest secretly complained.

"Commissioner Ma, the discussion of the executive committee group is about to begin..." An Xi appeared beside him with a look of panic. With the abolition of the arbitral tribunal, his position as the director of the arbitral tribunal's office will no longer exist. .With his level and ability, it is obviously not enough to be a judge on the Supreme Court.Naturally, the Supreme Law cannot do without administrative miscellaneous work, but this status is not as good as before...

The new Supreme Court is much inferior to the original arbitral tribunal: even the most determined faction of the separation of powers in the Senate would not be willing to have an American version of the high court—a few seniors can make a ruling Unconstitutional or not, this is too undemocratic.So nine out of ten it is TG's high court model.

Anxi is like this, so it's not like he is wrong.The vest looked up at the sky and sighed: Those who know me say I am worried, those who don't know me say what I want.

The group discussion of the Executive Committee has already started. In addition to the members of the Executive Committee sitting here, there is also Wang Luobin who came back from Sanya.After the vest came in, he said hello and looked at all the gentlemen present. Except for Zhan Gong who was frowning, all of them were expressionless, or as pale as a chrysanthemum, or with a smile on their faces. The chest is as deep as the city.Power really exercises people!
When he entered, Ma Qianju was speaking, "...I have no opinion on the succession law, as long as everyone thinks it is appropriate--the premise is to ensure the stability of the Senate, especially the stability and unity among the next generation of senators..."

The vest sat next to Wang Luobin. Wang Luobin stayed in Sanya for several years, engaged in construction every day, swam and kept fit, and became a dark and strong man.Ma Jia knew that he had just had a fourth child.

"Wang Gong, what are your plans?" Vest asked in a low voice.

"Me? Let the eldest son inherit it. Save worry and effort." Wang Luobin said, "It's too annoying to have a group of elder brothers fighting over each other."

The two of them were secretly having a small meeting when suddenly someone handed in a small note from the outside, and several people immediately circulated it: You Huo and other ten elders jointly made a proposal just now, requesting that the "Elder's Retirement Regulations" be drafted and approved immediately, It is clearly required that the elders who have reached the age of [-] do not have to come out to participate in specific work as long as they propose it, and enjoy all the treatment and power of the elders as usual until their death.

Skaide frowned and said, "So you're thinking about retiring? It's too early."

"It's nothing..." Xiao Zishan laughed, "People always get old, haha...haha..."

The vest glanced at everyone, everyone knew what Youhuo and others' proposal meant, but no one knew how to speak.

Wen Desi smiled and said: "What retirement regulations? This is sword dancing in Xiangzhuang. Some comrades are very dissatisfied with this inheritance law. Comrade Vest."

The vest nodded and said: "Chairman Wen, you are right. In fact, I am not very satisfied with this bill. However, the provisions are not formulated based on my personal likes and dislikes, but also take into account the public opinion of the Senate."

"I don't think this public opinion is reliable." Wen Desi said, "Everyone knows what's going on with this clause. I won't say more. In order to prevent a certain family from having four votes, forget that there are other elders There are three votes in the family, so it feels unfair to be the first. Besides, there are still a few unmarried female elders in our senate, and there are several people who come and go in and out of your duke. There is a rhythm of three votes..."

"Chairman Wen, I have to declare again that I have a working relationship with the two lesbians Du Wen and Tang Tang..." Ma Qianzhu said.

"Any single male elder, as long as he marries a female elder, he will immediately become a double-ticket family. This power is incredible-can we also come up with a regulation prohibiting intermarriage between male and female elders? Otherwise, other elders who marry naturalized people It’s not fair! I have said many times that our senate has a tendency to control the world and the genitals. If a good old man is not passed on to his grandchildren, he insists on adopting an irrelevant stranger. Heir, who can be convinced by this matter? Children can have their own heirs, but old men and women are not allowed to have heirs. Which country's fallacy is this?"

"This issue has been discussed in the past, and the result of the discussion at that time was that the elderly senators already had children, and it was inappropriate to give them another seat." Vest explained, "When we formulated the inheritance law, the senators who held such views in the Senate also most……"

"Comrade Vest, I am aware of what you said. However, as a bill that involves the vital interests of the elders, shouldn't we provide the elders with more choices?"

"So this is the draft." Ma Jia said, "The elders are free to put forward various opinions and revisions. In the end, it will be decided by voting. I can make a statement first: My colleagues in the Law Society and I do not agree with any discriminatory policy."

"The question is, if old senators are given free inheritance rights, is it unfair to other single senators?"

"No, I think we still put too much emphasis on 'family' and forget that they are elders first." Ma Qianju said, "We should talk less about 'family' and more about 'individuals'. After all, they are elders. Individual. Every elder is working hard for our great cause. Just because they are a member of a certain family, it is not advisable to suspect and restrict them. On the contrary, it will strengthen the concept of "family" among the elders, This is not advisable."

Zhan Wuya also said: "Our old comrades are still very traditional and moral. They have played a good role model in the Senate. Once this regulation came out, female veterans stopped talking about it, and they have no such ability. Male reproductive ability But it can be kept to a very old age. Originally, people live in peace and care for their lives. If you do this, even if he has no such intention, the junior will probably try his best to persuade him to get a life secretary or something... This is not sabotage family!"

Skaide also came to echo: "I really need to use my brain, there are ways to avoid this regulation. Besides, adopting children is not good, it is also a kind of marriage."

"Old comrades, let's not talk about the role of the old couple of Ming Dynasty," Ma Qianju said, "It's just ordinary aunts and veterans who have done a lot of things for our great cause. There is a lot of waste to be done. They cook, wash and clean for everyone. Now many of our comrades can’t trust the aborigines and doubt the naturalized people. That’s right, it’s for the sake of future generations. I propose to revise the draft inheritance law to reassure people’s hearts and also to demonstrate the principle of equality for the old man…”

No one in the room raised any objections, so the vest asked, "What about the veteran's retirement regulations?"

"It can also be added. Retirement is also human nature. But it depends on personal wishes. As long as we can make use of the surplus energy, we will not engage in mandatory retirement." Wen Desi said, "Administrative positions can be set to a job age, If you don’t want to be an executive committee member at the age of 90 or [-], let’s stop doing things like longevity..."

The Marriage and Succession Act of the Elders was finally passed in a rather harmonious atmosphere.The seat inheritance of the old elders has removed the blood relationship restriction, and the old elders can adopt anyone as the heir of their seats and property.The only restriction is that adopted children must inherit the patriarch's real surname.As for the succession of the elders, whether to establish the eldest son or establish the virtuous, the parties are still arguing, and in the end it is up to each family to decide.However, in terms of technical means, a "full black box" is adopted: whether the elders choose the inheritance mode of "establishing the eldest son or establishing the virtuous", and the specific list of heirs are all top-secret documents, which are kept by the Heraldry Academy.After the death of the senator, the general office, under the supervision of the representative of the Senate, went to the Heraldry Academy to take out the documents and read out the list of heirs in public, which was completed.If there is no specific list of heirs, this group will select heirs according to the "principle of succession" left in advance.As for the veterans' retirement regulations, they were also passed by the way-everyone knows that this is just a matter of attitude.

(End of this chapter)

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