Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1670 The Second Five-Year Plan

Chapter 1670 The Second Five-Year Plan

In order to overcome the water resource problem, after the end of the engine operation, the Senate began to implement the construction of Lingao's main reservoir: Songtao Reservoir.

Songtao Reservoir is the largest reservoir in Hainan Island, with a total storage capacity of 31.25 billion cubic meters and an irrigated area of ​​312.2 million mu. After completion, Lingao, Danzhou, Chengmai, and Qiongshan in the northern part of Hainan Island will all benefit to varying degrees. Among them Lingao is the largest irrigated area.

After the completion of the project, not only can the agricultural production of the entire northern part of Hainan Island be promoted, but also the problem of insufficient industrial water that plagues the current industrial ports can be alleviated to a certain extent.

However, the Songtao Reservoir requires a large amount of work.In this time and space, the construction of the dam began in 1958, and the earth-rock dam was not completed until 1961.The supporting irrigation canal project was not completed until the 90s.This is not only a drop in the bucket for the industrial blueprint in the next five-year plan of the Senate, but also far enough to quench the near thirst.

Whether it is transportation, water resources, human resources, or markets, the Pearl River Delta was the best place in China in the 17th century.To further develop productivity, industrial transfer is imperative.

In the second five-year plan formulated by the Planning Institute, the scale of the Mayao Iron and Steel Company will no longer be expanded, and the center of gravity of the Senate's iron and steel industry will be transferred to Guangdong, and a second machinery manufacturing center will be established in Guangzhou.

The second five-year plan will focus on the development of the following industries and projects:

Electric power: manufacture of complete sets of equipment for self-provided power stations; manufacture of 220V and 380V small-scale low-voltage network power transmission and distribution equipment and related instruments; manufacture of incandescent lamps.

Machinery: focus on the development of equipment manufacturing, complete the self-replication of basic industrial machine tools, be able to manufacture basic machine tools such as turning, milling, and planing, and experimentally manufacture [-]-ton hydraulic presses; vigorously develop the manufacture of various professional machinery and equipment—the focus is Equipment for metallurgy, machinery and chemical industry.Increase investment in the design and manufacturing capabilities of process equipment, and increase the output, type and quality of standard parts, gears and bearings.

Precision instruments and equipment: increase investment in the development and trial production of optical equipment, instruments and measuring tools, and focus on the development of hand-operated mechanical calculators.

Chemical industry: further expand the production scale of three acids and two alkalis; expand the production of ammonia by combined carbon process; focus on the development of salinization and coalification.Preliminary exploration of organic chemical production.In terms of specific projects, the focus will be on medicine, pesticides, chemical reagents and explosives.Find and experiment with rubber substitutes.

Metallurgy: Launch the second iron and steel complex in Guangdong to further expand steel production and increase steel grades and profiles.Carry out projects for special steel related to the needs of the national economy: silicon steel, stainless steel, manganese steel, and tungsten steel.Expand the production scale of electrolytic copper.Further increase the output and purity of non-ferrous metals.

Power Equipment: Further improve the performance of boilers and steam engines to expand production.On the premise of ensuring the quality of boilers, explore medium and high pressure boilers; the development focus of steam engines is multi-expansion, high-horsepower, mainly for ships and power stations.Batch manufacture of small single-cylinder and multi-cylinder diesel engines.Launched experimental production of gasoline engines.

Means of transportation: Serialized and standardized production of steam locomotives and wagons; popularization of iron-ribbed wooden shell technology on large and medium-sized ships; vigorous development of inland river motor ships; promotion of new ships; experimental construction of iron-hulled ships and piston aircraft.

Light industry: Focus on promoting the production of silk weaving, garment manufacturing and deep processing of food.

Electronic appliances: Carry out research and development of electronic tubes and manufacture of radio components, mass-produce wired and radio transceivers with all self-produced components; mass-produce radios, loudspeakers and the first generation of manual switching telephone systems.

Transportation and communication: Complete the simple roads around the island and the cross-crossing island in Hainan and the cable telegraph system. By the end of the Second Five-Year Plan, all districts and counties in Hainan will have roads and telegraphs; construction of the Guangzhou-Sanshui Railway; Phase I of Haikou Port; Phase II of Sanya Port ; Phase II of Kaohsiung Port; Phase I of Changhua Port; Changhua-Shilu Simple Highway; Sanshui River Port; construction of Guangzhou Radio Station and Sanya Time Service Station.

Mines: Tiandu Iron Mine Phase II Project; Shaoguan Coal Mine Phase I Project; Hongji Coal Mine Phase II Project; Southeast Asian Oil Exploration and Experimental Development.

Water Conservancy: Complete the construction of Songtao Reservoir and some supporting channel projects.After the completion of the second five-year plan, we will ensure Lingao's industrial and agricultural production and people's domestic water needs.In addition, coastal embankments were built in the main coastal agricultural areas of Kaohsiung and Lingao to resist seawater intrusion.

In terms of culture and education, in the second five-year plan, one primary school will be set up in every county in the whole Hainan region. For counties with a population of less than 1, a junior primary school will be set up first.

In Guangzhou and Kaohsiung, a ten-year national model school was set up to imitate the Fangcaodi model.In Kaohsiung and Jeju Island, establish a school according to the standard of 1.6 elementary school for every 1 population.

There are also projects in higher education that have not been involved in the past: the Naval Academy in Hong Kong and the Army Academy in Jeju.In Lingao, a comprehensive polytechnic college and a higher normal college were established as institutions of higher learning in arts and sciences.

Holding the document in his hand, Tom Liu looked at the long list of projects listed above: Shaoguan Iron and Steel Company No. [-] Blast Furnace, No. [-] Open Hearth Furnace, No. Gao Optical Equipment Factory, Guangzhou No. [-] Machinery General Factory, No. [-] Pit of Hongji Coal Mine, Hongji Central Coal Washing Plant, Lingao Instrument and Measuring Tool Factory, Lingao Electronics Factory, Lingao Cable Factory, Ma Niao Tungsten Ferroalloy Factory, Ma Niao Metal Structure Factory, Guangzhou Glass Factory, Guangzhou Meat Factory, Guangzhou Silk Factory, Guangzhou Gas Factory, Guangzhou Electric Machinery Factory, Qiongshan Building Materials Cement Factory, Changhua Cement Factory, Wenchang Coconut Products Processing Factory, Haikou Seafood Processing Factory, Jeju Island Meat Factory Joint factory, Leizhou sugar factory...

This time it is really time to do something big, Tom Liu is happy and excited.Due to the difficult production of silicon steel sheets, the development of the power system has been sluggish recently. In addition to setting up a self-provided power station for the non-ferrous metal smelter and the salt chemical plant to solve the problem of electrolysis electricity, the prime mover in Lingao's industrial system is still Mainly steam engine and gas engine.Tom Liu felt sensitively that the members of the Power Party did not enjoy much in the Planning Academy.

From the planning of this five-year plan, it can be seen that the Senate generally still affirms that electricity is the direction of development!With such policy-oriented support, the electric power revolution is no longer an empty slogan shouted by a few of their power parties in the South China Sea cafe.

Those who feel left out are the veterans of the IT profession. Obviously, rebuilding the modern IT system in their lifetime is a dream, and the most is to continue to maintain the IT equipment that is getting less and less with the passage of time.The biggest hope is that the Senate can re-develop the electronic tube large computer as soon as possible-the Lingao version of ENIAC.

Before that, they could only meet the research and development and use of "mechanical computers" in the second five-year plan.Busy with punching paper tape and organizing punched index cards.Secretary of State Ma Qianju was very interested in this, but IT programmers knew very well that these projects needed fitters rather than IT engineers.

The technical veterans had a heated discussion on the Second Five-Year Plan. For a while, the venue was very lively, and many people showed rare excitement on their faces.Although many projects in the Second Five-Year Plan are only to expand the scale and improve the quality, they are completely dependent on the industrial capacity of this time and space to expand and upgrade the industrial scale without the support of products brought from different time and space.It's a grim test of the industrialization they've been working on for five years, and the challenges are self-evident.

However, it is precisely because of this that once they pass this test, it means that they have basically possessed the core capabilities of "self-sustainment" and "self-upgrade" of the industrial system, mastered the highest technological level and the strongest productive forces.Next, conquering the continent and even the world is just a matter of time!

"There are so many port and road projects, our construction company may not be able to bear it." Mei Wan was both happy and worried, "The traffic will be improved quickly, and our construction company must contribute, but there are still so many industrial projects..."

"Don't worry about this, the construction company will definitely expand." Ma Qianzhu said firmly, "The veterans must give full play to their roles as industry leaders and managers, so that the naturalized people can fully let go of their hands and feet, and they can't always I have considered being a foreman, a construction worker, and the Planning Institute. Here I will tell you a policy: When Guangdong is conquered, the indigenous construction enterprises and employees in the whole province of Guangdong will be unified. These people Needless to say, carpentry and bricklaying can always be done, maybe even better than the workers we trained ourselves.”

"Okay, I'm relieved now." Mei Wan nodded repeatedly.

"Besides, don't be intimidated by these second-phase projects. They are used to set us up with the concept of civil engineering in another time and space. That's the difference between clouds and mud." Wu De laughed, "The second phase of Sanya Port is just a breakwater Don't think too much about the matter with a trestle bridge."

"With regard to the oil industry, where is our target? Is it Brunei or Taiwan?" The oil party members who have been suppressed for a long time raised a question.

In view of the huge consumption of oil shale mining and processing, the oil sand mines in Danzhou, Hainan and Zhaoyuan, Shandong were not included in the second five-year plan, but the exploitation of shallow oil fields was directly considered.

Shallow oil fields have shallow oil and gas resources in Miaoli County, Taiwan. They were exploited in small quantities during the Qing Dynasty and the Riju era. The maximum drilling depth was no more than 120 meters, which is very suitable for the current ingenious drilling technology of the Senate.However, the oil output of these oil wells is very small, and the oil fields with large reserves are mostly buried below 2000 meters.

Brunei's oil fields are not only shallowly buried but also have large reserves and good quality, making them very suitable for mining.But the distance is too far, if you want to develop, it is necessary to set up a new base.

(End of this chapter)

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