Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1686 Complaint

Chapter 1686 Complaint
"Without progressive taxation, we can open up wasteland and plant more land."

"It doesn't count, it doesn't count." Bai Puting shook his head repeatedly, "There is too much land, and the expenses are also high. If you pay the tax, it is hard to say whether you will lose or gain. Besides, if you have too much land, you have to hire workers. There is no one at home. The place is for long-term workers to live in.”

"Hehe," Yun Suji said with a smile, "You have a good abacus! Don't worry, I will definitely study your question when I go back, so that hardworking people will not suffer!"

"Thank you Chief for your concern!" Bai Puting nodded repeatedly.

"Where's your little girl?"

"It's in the house. She is still an ignorant baby, she dare not come out to disturb the chief..."

"Hold it out and let me see."

Bai Puting murmured in his heart, wondering why the chief wanted to see his little girl—what's so good about a child who is only over [-] years old?But since he said that, he naturally couldn't disobey, and immediately called: "Big girl, take Er Niu out!"

The eldest girl agreed, and went in and carried the second girl out. Yun Suji saw that the child was white and fat, wearing an old calico padded jacket, with a peach head shaved on his head—the girl who is used to the country is coming She didn't start to grow her hair until she was eleven or twelve years old—it was really cute. She immediately hugged the child and said, "It's quite heavy."

Bai Puting said: "That's because she was lucky to be born in such a good place." Involuntarily thinking of the youngest son who died on the road, tears almost fell from his eyes.

Yun Suji teased the child for a while, then asked, "What's the child's name?"

"What's a girl's name? They call her Erniu."

"Doesn't my sister have a name?"

"Yes," Bai Puting smiled, "Young girls can't be included in the genealogy, so what's the use of having a name?"

Yun Suji smiled: "Is it okay if I give her a name?"

Bai Puting hurriedly stood up: "Chief, you are making me angry. I, I am a farmer..."

Yun Suji smiled and said, "Sit down, sit down, what's the point of choosing a name? I don't think your eldest daughter has an official name, so I took them all together: the eldest daughter is called Bai Li, and the younger daughter is called Bai Li." Ya."

As soon as Han Daoguo heard that he was going to name the daughter of the Bai family, he had already prepared his pen and ink—he still kept the habit of carrying an ink cartridge when he was a clerk in his early years—Yun Suji took the pen and wrote on the white paper. Next two names.

Bai Puting never dreamed that the chief would name both his daughters. This is really smoke from the ancestral grave!
He was both happy and regretful--if only the youngest son was still alive!This advantage was taken away by the two girls for nothing!
He stuttered and didn't know what to say for a while.It wasn't until Fan Twelve kicked him that he woke up like a dream, and shouted: "Big girl! Don't hold your sister and kowtow to the chief!"

The eldest girl let out a hey, and as soon as she knelt down with her sister in her arms, Yun Suji shook her hands: "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, don't. The Senate doesn't like this. Get up and talk!" Then he asked the eldest girl how old she was, and if she could read or not?Can I read the newspaper?

"I'm 13 years old, and I can recite "Hundred Surnames" and "Thousand Characters". I can recognize more than half of the characters in the newspaper, and I can probably understand the meaning." Asking questions, I couldn't help thinking wildly: Did I fall in love with myself?

"Can you write?"

"You can write a few words, but your handwriting is ugly..." The big girl's face turned red.

"Who taught you how to read?"

"The master in the winter school taught it."

"Do you like going to winter school?" Yun Suji asked.The eldest daughter of the Bai family has a typical Shandong girl's face, dark and bright eyes, and she is quite tall.

"I like it. The winter school is lively and knowledgeable." Bai Li nodded and glanced at her father secretly as she spoke.

Yun Suji knew it well, and asked Bai Puting, "Are you not letting your daughter go to winter school?"

Bai Puting was taken aback, the chief really knew things like a god!He didn't dare to deny it, and said with a smile on his face: "Why not! It's just that there are too many people in the winter school this year, and men, women, and children mix together and talk and laugh. It's not good at all—she's still a big girl..."

"What's wrong? I think it's very good." Yun Suji said emphatically in a very sure tone, "It's not a small good, it's a big good!"

Bai Puting was taken aback, not knowing what he said had touched the chief's nerve, so he said quickly: "Yes, that's great!"

Yun Suji said to Fan Twelve again: "You have to pay close attention to learning about winter. Some people don't want to learn it, so you have to force him to do so. Which family's parents don't want to learn it themselves and don't ask their family members to learn it?" , you need to be properly educated. I think you can find a way to restrain your feet."

Fan Twelve nodded again and again: "Please rest assured, Chief, I will definitely run the winter school in the village well!"

While talking, suddenly there was a heart-piercing scream from outside: "Injustice..."

As soon as the word "injustice" was uttered, it was stuck alive. Yun Suji was startled, and Fan Shier and Han Daoguo turned pale.Bai Puting was still smiling at first, but this time his face became inactive.

At this time, a guard ran in at the door, saluted Yun Suji, leaned down and whispered: "Chief, I caught an old woman who wanted to climb the wall outside the backyard wall, and she said she was wronged..."

Yun Suji nodded, and said in a low voice, "Take it to the village office to have a look. We'll talk about it later!"

Fan Twelve couldn't sit still anymore, he stood up and said in a trembling voice, "Chief..."

"It doesn't matter," Yun Suji got up and said, "I don't think it's getting too early, I'll just spend the night with you today. I think I'll eat at Lao Yang's house for dinner tonight. Go ahead, I'll Chat with Lao Bai for a while."

Fan Twelve had no choice but to go out first with Han Daoguo. Before he had gone far, he saw Liu Yuanhu outside killing a chicken and wiping his neck and winking at them. Fan Twelve gave a "bah" and said, "What the hell are you doing now! Look! Good man!"

Liu Yuanhu was full of grievances: "This old bastard is going to the toilet, I can't follow in? Who would have thought that she has such good legs and feet at an age! Get out of the window of the public toilet!"

Fan Twelve still wanted to scold him a few words, but Han Daoguo persuaded him, "Forget it, it's over. Let's stop blaming this and that, and think about what to do!"

Liu Yuanhu was young and said, "We haven't done anything wrong..."

Fan Twelve scolded: "Fart! Do you think it's a shame to kill and set fire to rob someone's wife? The old lady Cao is not a good person! She went to the chief and talked nonsense, and everyone went to the Cheka with their luggage and went to drink tea together." !"

Liu Yuanhu became nervous now, and said, "Then what should I do? The old lady was taken to the village office, and the four guards watched, but there was nothing I could do!"

It is better for Han Daoguo to calm down, he said: "Don't panic! It's a blessing or a disaster, but it's a disaster, the incident has happened, and now there is nothing to do, only bite the bullet and fight the lawsuit! I, we first get first Let's have a discussion. Chief Yun will definitely ask us something. Let's think about how to stand up and how to answer. So that we don't get confused when we ask temporarily, and say everything that shouldn't be said—then It's the bad things!"

They were discussing here, and Yun Suji talked to Bai Puting about some production matters before going out to the village office.Ask the guards to bring Mrs. Cao over for questioning.

The guards brought an old woman, and Yun Suji knelt on the ground with a plop, and shouted, "I'm wronged!" Yun Suji hurriedly said, "Get up, get up, sit and talk!"

However, the old woman obviously couldn't understand his Mandarin, she opened her mouth in Shandong dialect, Yun Suji couldn't understand, and felt a little unhappy, fortunately, someone in the guard could understand her and acted as an interpreter.

From her words, Yun Suji roughly knew that the old woman's surname was Cao and her husband's surname was Huang.Her husband and family were all killed in the Dengzhou Rebellion. She and her son and daughter-in-law escaped from birth and were resettled in the village.

The old woman's son felt that farming made little money, so he recruited workers to work in the county timber factory.He died of a work-related injury a few years ago, and the county civil affairs department said that there was a pension, but so far he has not seen a penny.

"...I'm an old woman who lost her son and was alone. The village swallowed up my pension and even locked me up!" Granny Cao gritted her teeth, "Fan Twelve, Han Daoguo, and Liu Yuanhu are three bastards! They have no conscience! My lonely old lady’s money even took my land! When it comes to farming on behalf of me, I didn’t even give me a single hen of rice!”

Yun Suji knew that there was something tricky in the farming agent, but when he heard that he didn't even pay the pension, his expression changed.Although the pensions given by the Senate are not much, except for the families of the fallen soldiers, they are all one-time, but they are also very important social stabilizers.Although the amount of this matter is limited, the social impact is very bad.In the old time and space, the credibility of grassroots government agencies was gradually damaged in this way.

He couldn't help becoming serious, and asked, "Is this all the truth?"

"If my old lady tells half a lie, there will be a thunderbolt!" The old lady Cao's expression was firm and sure, and Yun Suji felt that it was unlikely that he would lie.

"Fan Twelve, Han Daoguo, Liu Yuanhu... are all bad people with rotten intestines," she said again, "Yurou Township! Anyone who doesn't follow them will say that you are against the Senate. If you are tied up, you will be beaten with a pole. It is also common to be beaten to pieces! Last year, one was beaten to death..."

Upon hearing this, Yun Suji quickly asked, "Did you kill someone?"

Mrs. Cao nodded: "If you beat him to death, you just roll up the mat and throw it into the river. It's really lawless!"

Yun Suji felt a little unbelievable, but he knew that the lawlessness of the grassroots was indeed beyond the imagination of ordinary people, so he hurriedly asked: "It actually happened! Who was killed?"

"Old Meng's son!"

"Old Meng? Which Lao Meng?"

"It's Lao Meng who makes tofu!" Mrs. Cao's voice became louder and louder, "Lao Meng thought his son was working in the county, and it was Fan Twelve who lied to him! I told him several times, and he I don't even believe it!"

Yun Suji was skeptical, Lao Mengneng didn't know about such a big thing?This is too unbelievable. Could it be that Borang Village is really a "fake advanced and really reactionary" village?

(End of this chapter)

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