Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1687 Investigation

Chapter 1687 Investigation
However, he recalled that Lao Meng had indeed said that his son was working in the brick and tile factory in the county.
Yun Suji thought for a while, but it was easy to find out whether Lao Meng's son was alive, and he would know if he went to the factory and asked.It's a pity that there is neither a telephone nor a telegraph in the village, so someone has to be sent there.

Just as she was thinking, Mrs. Cao was crying again, saying that Liu Yuanhu had taken over her daughter-in-law.

"...less than two years after my son's death, that bastard Liu Yuanhu snatched away my family's phoenix—since my son was gone, the two of us depended on each other for life, even mother and daughter without our relatives I didn't expect Liu Yuanhu to break into my house to snatch people like this in full swing! My son—" When she talked about the sad place, she threw herself on the ground and screamed, crying in a babbling manner, with a tone.

Yun Suji thought: What else is there? !He felt that things were a little complicated.He asked again: "Don't cry, don't cry, what else do you have wronged, just say it."

Mrs. Cao's wails were all she could say, and while wiping her tears, she said a lot about the "Gang of Three" who abused and bullied their "solitary daughter-in-law and widowed mother". What's worse, there was another time when she tried to rape her daughter-in-law, but fortunately she didn't succeed when she came back... When it came to the emotional part, there was another cry, which was so miserable that Yun Suji couldn't help being moved.

She also exposed the bad things of many village cadres, such as cadres who do not participate in labor, and ask others to farm for them; thief's handprint", and said "cooks do not steal, and grains are not harvested", Liu Yuanhu arrested him and beat him for forty poles, and he was sent to labor for three months. Living on Pumpkin Sweet Potatoes…

Seeing that she couldn't say anything new, Yun Suji said: "I know everything you said. Go back and rest, and I will find out the matter and give you justice."

"Thank you, Chief Qingtian!" Mrs. Cao knelt on the ground, kowtowed several times, and said, "But I dare not go back—I went home, and tomorrow I will end up with a 'severe illness and death'! Please Qingtian The elder is in charge!"

Yun Suji thought, he had to be on guard against this, if the grassroots were rotten, they would be able to do anything insane.Immediately nodded and said: "Well, you have the right to rest in this village hall for the night. There are my guards here, and I will definitely not let you get hurt."

He got up and came out, called the captain of the guard, and told him to keep an eye on Mrs. Cao at night and not let her get hurt.

"She eats and drinks with you, and you guard the door outside when you sleep. Understand?"

"Yes, Chief!"

When Yun Suji went out, he met Fan Twelve, and saw him standing at the gate of the village office in a dazed state. Seeing him coming out, he forced himself to greet him as if nothing had happened: "Chief..."

Yun Suji nodded: "I know what you want to say. You don't need to say it, I have a good idea. The policy of the Senate has always been 'don't let a bad person go, and don't wrong a good person'. I don't care about your work in the village. It is visible."

Fan Twelve was pondering the meaning of the chief's words, Yun Suji said again: "I'm going to have dinner now, and I'll talk to you after dinner."

After saying that, he went to Lao Yang's house for dinner, leaving Fan Twelve, who was a little lost, wandering around the gate of the village office.

When the old Yang family heard that the chief was coming for dinner, they were also in a panic.He felt that Chief Yun was honest and he was a member of the Zhuanghu people, so he was very enthusiastic.His family was originally a relatively decent family, so he asked his wife to take out the white noodles that were saved for the New Year, and rolled out the noodles.According to the new Australian method, boil a pot of "tomato and egg stew".

As soon as Yun Suji entered the room, he could smell the delicious smell. The main room was steaming, and the table was already placed with noodles and brine, and Mrs. Yang mixed some cold dishes.

Lao Yang respectfully served the lunch box sent by the guards in advance, which was full of hand-rolled noodles.Yun Suji couldn't get over it at first glance: local farmers seldom eat white noodles, which are really "precious ingredients".Needless to say, this pot of noodles took out all the noodles saved for the Chinese New Year.

"It's too polite, I can just eat some pancakes and porridge!"

"Where is it?" Lao Yang was very happy, "I'm happy to give you some food!"

Old Mrs. Yang also smiled and said: "There is no meat, only eggs to make do."

Seeing that they were sincere, Yun Suji was not polite.Sit down and pour marinade on it and start eating.Mrs. Yang filled noodles for herself and Hei Ni, and was carrying bowls to the yard to eat, Yun Suji said, "You eat here too."

Lao Yang's daughter-in-law apologized and said with a smile: "I am a woman, how can I have dinner at the same table with the chief!"

"Let's eat by ourselves, so you don't have to be so polite." There is a reason why Yun Suji chose to have dinner at Lao Yang's house today. He has already noticed that Lao Yang is a very straightforward person, and he will definitely get a lot of truth from eating and talking with him. situation in the village.

Old Yang's daughter-in-law couldn't hold back, so she asked Heini to eat in the courtyard by herself, and she also served at the table.

Lao Yang likes to drink a little wine for dinner. He thinks the sugar cane wine sold in the market town is "sweet", so he brews some local wine with the small yellow rice he grew, and pours it for Yun Suji.

Yun Suji and Lao Yang and his wife ate and chatted, talking about the harvest and life, and asked about Mrs. Cao while talking.

Lao Yang sighed: "Old lady Cao is also a poor person! I heard that she was a widow in her early years, and she finally brought her son up to marry a wife. Her family fled and settled here. After dividing the land and owning a house, she lived a happy life. Life was very prosperous, but I never thought that my son Hulaba would be gone! He didn’t even leave any grandchildren behind, no wonder he couldn’t turn his head around!”

"How did her son die?"

"I went to work in the coal mine. I didn't pay attention when I was pushing the mine cart, and I was hit." Lao Yang sighed, "It was really miserable when I carried it back. My upper body was bloody and my head couldn't be seen!"

"Without her son, who will plant the land to support her?" Yun Suji asked, "I think she looks neat, not like someone who lacks food and clothing."

"In the village." Lao Yang said, "She is an extinct family, and the village has to support her. Of course, don't even think about eating and drinking..."

"Where is her family's land? It is said that someone has plowed it for you."

"Of course there are people." Lao Yang was easy to talk at first, but the wine got into his stomach, and he started to talk more, "She is an extinct land, who doesn't like to plant? After paying the grain, I will pay [-]% to the village, and the rest will be my own." It has nothing to do with Lao Fan, if you want to plant it, you won’t be able to plant it.”

"I don't think it counts." Yun Suji calculated, "The public grain is more than [-] percent. If you hand over [-] percent to the village, you will lose half of it yourself, and you have to pay for seeds, fertilizers and labor..."

"The important thing is not the [-]% of the grain, but an account that pays the public grain," Lao Yang blushed when he drank, "The people who farm on behalf of them are all big grain households. In the past, they paid more taxes and paid more. Now there are two taxpayers. account, they will transfer some of the grain produced in their own fields to the account of the sub-cultivator..."

Yun Suji already understood, it turned out to be this way!He couldn't help secretly admiring the wisdom of the people, and he asked again:

"Won't you give her the food you laid down?"

"Old lady Cao is now an orphan. The village is counted among the social security households. Food and clothing are all provided by the village. The harvest paid on behalf of the farmers is considered to support her." Lao Yang said, "As for how much she can spend, it is up to her. On the body, it is each according to the conscience."

"I heard that her son died, and the county provides a pension."

"I don't know about this. Who knows what's going on in the county." Lao Yang said, "Besides, the money is distributed from the county, layer by layer. It may be peeled layer by layer. How much can old lady Cao get?" Money? Don’t you rely on the village to support you!”

Yun Suji was not very clear about the process of distributing the pension, so he couldn't talk about it any further, so he asked, "Did Mrs. Cao never mention the pension?"

Lao Yang shook his head, his daughter-in-law said timidly, "I've heard of it..." She said and glanced at her husband again.

Lao Yang said: "You can say whatever you hear, and see what I do? Today the chief allows you to speak at the table, and you won't be slapped if you say something wrong."

Lao Yang's wife just said that she once heard Mrs. Cao scold her daughter-in-law for taking away her son's "life money", which is "utterly devoid of conscience", and sooner or later "the adulterer will go to the execution ground together".

"...I don't think this 'life money' is a pension?"

Yun Suji nodded, what Lao Yang's wife said should be true, so the pension was paid, but it was taken away by her daughter-in-law... He asked again:
"What happened to Mrs. Cao's daughter-in-law? I heard that someone robbed her, so why is there another adulterer..."

"Steal it?" Lao Yang smiled, "It's almost as good as running away by yourself!"

"So Liu Yuanhu didn't snatch it?"

"Liu Yuanhu is a stupid boy, although he is domineering, he does all kinds of nonsense. But he can't do things like robbing widows and giving birth to sons without assholes." Lao Yang almost drank a pot of wine, poured marinade on the noodles, and served While eating the bowl, he said, "Old lady Cao is not good to Gaifeng—she is a child bride, and she has suffered and been beaten since she was a child. After she settled in the village, she couldn't live in peace. She made her son beat his wife all day long—his wife It’s not a big deal—but it’s rare to beat him to death like this!”

Old Yang's daughter-in-law said, "Oh, what a crime: I took a bamboo stick soaked in water and pumped it; I pressed it on a bench and beat it with a pole! She couldn't stand up and sit on the bench, and she was forced to carry water to do work, with two legs. It's all black and blue..."

Yun Suji frowned and said, "It's my own daughter-in-law, why are you making such a heavy hand?"

Lao Yang said: "Her family is very jealous! We didn't know it when we first arrived in the village, but later we found out that as long as it is a man, no matter how young or strong or old, as long as he gets close to her and talks to her If so, it will be a good meal when you go back!"

(End of this chapter)

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