Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1688 Investigation continued

Chapter 1688 Investigation continued

"So jealous?"

"I think she can't give birth to a son—not to mention a son, she didn't even give birth to a girl!" Lao Yang raised his neck and poured the last bit of bittern into his mouth, wiping his mouth, "His mother and son are two Not in a hurry?"

"It's enough to beat your wife?" Yun Suji wondered what the reason was.

His daughter-in-law spoke at this time: "I've heard from women that a man who changes his phoenix is ​​useless, so he can't have a son..."

Lao Yang scolded: "What nonsense are you talking about! I learned it from the words of an unfounded woman who chewed her tongue. Is it itchy again?"

Old Yang's daughter-in-law was too frightened to speak.

Yun Suji said: "Lao Yang, you are wrong. Just now you said that you would not beat your wife. Now you will go back on your word? Are you still a man!"

Lao Yang hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, Chief, I am confused!"

Yun Suji thought to himself, this meal was very rewarding.He felt that what Lao Yang's daughter-in-law said was probably the truth. Only women know best about women's affairs.Then he asked Lao Yang's wife: "What else do you know?"

Old Yang's daughter-in-law didn't dare to speak, Yun Suji said: "Don't worry! I will decide everything for you. I will definitely not let your man slap your buttocks, or I will ask the guards to use a pole to smack his buttocks!"

Lao Yang chuckled and said, "You can say whatever you want. I just pretend I didn't hear it."

Old Yang's daughter-in-law then said: "...I heard it was the root cause of the disease when I was fleeing! It is pitiful to say the least!"

"Didn't you find any medicine?" Yun Suji thought that Runshitang was an old shop that specialized in nourishing yin and tonifying yang.

"Look at what you've always said. It's a word of resistance for our farmers to get sick, let alone how easy it is for him to mention this disease to others?"

Old Yang's daughter-in-law continued: "He is pitiful, isn't Gaifeng even more pitiful? We women talk together on weekdays: Gaifeng is a widow, and Gaifeng's mother-in-law is even more of a tricky woman. Going to the field alone, Mrs. Cao will give it to her, to her..."

Although Lao Yang's daughter-in-law couldn't continue talking, Yun Suji asked in puzzlement, "What can I do to her?"

Lao Yang's daughter-in-law apologized and said with a smile: "It's all a woman's business, talking about it will dirty your ears!"

Yun Suji said: "It's okay, let's talk about it."

"Use a needle and thread to sew her trousers tightly. If a few threads are torn when I go home at night, I will be beaten when I press it on the bench! Gaifeng was so afraid that she didn't even dare to take a sip of water. She went home every day. My face turned blue, and I even pissed on my pants a few times, hey, what a crime..."

This is too vicious.Yun Suji couldn't help being stunned, isn't this the poor man's version of a chastity belt?He reverted to thinking that only European nobles could play.

"Madam Cao is also from a poor background, so she treats her daughter-in-law so cruelly?"

"How can there be a child bride in a poor family? The child bride in a poor family is worse than coptis! It's really not as good as the poor girl from a small grain household!" Lao Yang sighed, "When we were in our hometown, there was a spring famine. If you don’t go on, some people say it’s better to ask Hei Ni to be a child bride-in-law, but I would rather let her starve to death at home than let her be abused to death! Now the world has finally changed!"

Old Yang's daughter-in-law went on to say: "...After Gaifeng's dead ghost man is gone, she is afraid that Gaifeng will remarry, so she is more concerned about it. Not only does she have to sew her pants with a needle and thread when she goes out, she even follows her to eat, go to the bathroom, and sleep at home. Let Gaifeng sleep inside."

After dinner, Lao Yang's daughter-in-law cleared away the dishes and made another pot of sour jujube leaf tea. Yun Suji asked, "Her son is gone. What do you want a daughter-in-law for? What's the use of looking so closely at it?"

"Young widows are valuable." Lao Yang smiled, "Nowadays, marrying a young widow also requires a large gift. Like Gaifeng, who is young and has no trouble, at least three cows will be given as a gift."

"Since you are greedy for bride price, why don't you hurry up and find someone to marry? If you hold it in your hands, you can give birth to a grandson?"

"How long can the three cows last?" Lao Yang said, "She is thinking about long-term plans."

"What's the long-term plan? Is it planning to recruit a husband and raise relatives?"

Lao Yang slapped his thigh: "Sir, you are really good at predicting things! Mrs. Cao wants to recruit a distant nephew from her natal family - the fat and water will not flow to outsiders."

Yun Suji smiled and said, "Since I wanted to recruit, why didn't I succeed?"

"I'm serving as a soldier on Jeju Island, who knows when I'll be back?" Lao Yang said, "At this moment, Liu Yuanhu has taken a fancy to Gaifeng..."

"Slow, slow, didn't you say that Liu Yuanhu didn't rob the widow?"

"It's true that he didn't rob him. Gaifeng himself was willing to follow him." Old Yang's wife interjected, "Liu Yuanhu's family has no in-laws, and he is a cadre and a strong young man. Would Gaifeng not be happy?"

Lao Yang's wife talked about gossip again: how the two met eyes, how they met secretly, and how they hid in the woods and kissed, "That's called a dry fire" if she witnessed it all , Yun Suji thought: Women's ability to gossip is really extraordinary.

"...A month ago, I changed my property and went to Liu Yuanhu's house when Mrs. Cao didn't pay attention. When Mrs. Cao came back to her senses, both of them went to the town to collect it." Marriage letter' back, it is completely clear."

Liu Yuanhu's policy level is not bad, Yun Suji thought, the rural area has always been very indifferent to the issue of obtaining a certificate, and in the 21st century there are also a lot of couples who only serve wine without obtaining a certificate.Liu Yuanhu directly obtained the marriage certificate, which was a solid legal relationship.The village cadres are not in vain.

He said, "Madam Cao must be unhappy."

"It's natural. If you want to change someone else, this matter will definitely not work out! Mrs. Cao is a master who can make troubles! But Liu Yuanhu is a bachelor, has no relatives, is a stupefied young man, and is used to running amok as a cadre in the village. Don't talk about an orphan woman, I think he dares to beat his own parents! What can Mrs. Cao do if she goes to make a fuss? After suffering a few times, she dare not go to Liu Yuanhu. Go to Fan Twelve to complain— — Chief, do you think: Liu Yuanhu and Fan Shier would like to wear a pair of trousers, can you help her? Besides, in order to change Feng’s feet, Fan Shier and Mrs. Cao fought famine. So the daughter-in-law didn’t want to come back? He said that he even wore small shoes—he was sent to the construction site of Qiannvdi for several months. Mrs. Cao couldn’t swallow her breath, so she went directly to the village to file a complaint..."

"Oh? Go to the village to sue?" Yun Suji thought that there were also petitioners in this time and space.

"I've been there a few times, and the village said that since her daughter-in-law is dead, she can marry whoever she wants, and the village doesn't care about it." Compared with Lao Yang, his wife's news is much better. The county complained, but the county didn't pay any attention to her—but now she was so angry that she lost her head. She said in the village all day that the village swallowed her pension, robbed her daughter-in-law, and made Fan Twelve do many things. Get it on the street and say..."

Lao Yang felt that it was not appropriate, so he winked at his wife, and Yun Suji saw it, and Yun Suji smiled and said, "Why, do you still have concerns?"

Lao Yang was a little embarrassed: "To tell you the truth, sometimes Fan Twelve and the others do things unethically and messy! But everyone is still from the village, and he has done a lot of things for everyone. There are some things that I didn't think were useful when I did them at the beginning. Everyone yelled at her mother, and I found it really useful later, because our vision is not far away. I really feel sorry for getting him into the labor camp..."

Yun Suji said: "So Fan Shier has made some contributions to the village?"

Lao Yang nodded: "If you want to say that he has no selfish thoughts, he only cares for everyone. He is not a saint, and selfish thoughts are good. He eats more and occupies more. People can't do it. Just say that the roads outside the village, the canals for diverting water, and the biogas digesters that accumulate manure... If he doesn't worry about it, it can't be done. The surrounding villages envy our village for having a capable person as the village head. .”

Yun Suji asked again: "The old lady Cao said that the village swallowed up her pension, so what happened?"

"Only she knows this, and Fan Shier probably knows it too." Lao Yang said, "The pension was indeed collected by Liu Yuanhu from the village and handed over to the village office. As for whether Mrs. Cao got it, she got it. How much, that is, the public says that the public is right and the wife says that the woman is reasonable. We can't figure it out."

"Has Gaifeng ever received a pension?"

"She can get a penny?" Old Yang Chi smiled, "Gaifeng is a slave in her husband's house—even worse than a slave, and the master of the slave even pays monthly money and rice. It's not bad if she can eat a few full meals Already!"

Lao Yang's wife also said: "Liu Yuanhu's complexion has improved a lot since he got married! He also has a smiling face when working with everyone."

Yun Suji roughly understood what was going on.This is completely different from what he originally thought.It seems that obedience and faith are not enough, and "suffering and hatred" is not necessarily the embodiment of justice.Although people like Fan Shier and Liu Yuanhu cannot be said to be "clean and honest", Mrs. Cao is not "innocent" and "suffering persecution".The truth of things is always more complicated than it appears.

He felt that he had gained a lot from Lao Yang's house, so he continued to talk. Seeing that he was talking happily, Lao Yang added another wick to the oil lamp, and he didn't realize that the night was already dark.

Suddenly there was the sound of hurried footsteps outside, and a guard ran in sweating profusely. Seeing Yun Suji, he didn't have time to salute, and gasped, "Report...Report...Chief: Cao... Cao..."

Yun Suji was startled, and quickly asked, "Madam Cao?"

The guard nodded again and again: "Go...go... hang yourself!"

Yun Suji stood up with a bang, and said, "Go, hurry up and have a look!"

Yun Suji rushed to the gate of the village office, only to see that there was already a circle of people around the gate, and the noisy people stretched their necks to watch the excitement.Liu Yuanhu and several youths are maintaining order.Fan Twelve's face was pale, and he stood at the door looking bewildered.Seeing Yun Suji approaching, he said in an almost pleading tone: "Chief! Chief! I really don't have to do anything with me..."

"Why don't you panic if you don't do your business!" Yun Suji said, "Go, let's go in and have a look first!"

(End of this chapter)

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