Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1689

Chapter 1689 Conversation
When I entered the yard, I saw that Mrs. Cao had been placed on the door panel, several people were surrounding her, and a guard was doing cardiopulmonary resuscitation.Yun Suji asked, "How is the person?"

The captain of the guard said: "It has been rescued, so dangerous!"

"When did you find out?"

"It's just not long," the captain of the guard was terrified, "There was no sound at all! If the chief hadn't told you to check every hour, everyone would be hardened by tomorrow morning!"

When Fan Twelve heard that the person was not dead, his expression finally recovered a little.

Yun Suji nodded. At this moment, a woman came in and brought a bowl of ginger soup to Mrs. Cao to drink. Seeing that her face turned red, she had probably recovered, so she asked someone to carry her to the Lie down in the wing room first.Called two more women to watch her.

Mrs. Cao wants to "kill the fish and break the net".Yun Suji lit a cigarette, he wasn't too surprised, it was a very common practice in the old days: directly hanged at the door of the enemy's house, causing the other's family to be ruined - the government doesn't care about suicide or homicide, as usual At the door of anyone's house, treat the family as a murder suspect. Even if the injustice can be cleared in the end, it will end in ruin.

Even in the rural areas of China in the 20th century, because of various disputes, it was not news that women broke into the house of their "rivals" to drink pesticides.Even trivial matters such as anger with family members and quarrels may induce women to commit suicide.In the survey of suicide population in China, the suicide rate of rural women is the highest.

This is the rhythm to make people like Fan Twelve and Liu Yuanhu look good.Yun Suji thought.He said to Fan Twelve, who was trembling all the way in, "Go and call Han Daoguo and Liu Yuanhu, I have something to ask."

Fan Twelve answered and was about to go out, but Yun Suji called him back again: "Call Liu Yuanhu's wife here too."

The captain of the guard saw that Fan Twelve was gone in a daze, and asked, "Chief, do you want me to ask someone to accompany you?"

Yun Suji shook his head: "If he wants to run away, there is nothing to ask, there must be something wrong." He ordered the captain of the guard to guard the door of Mrs. Cao's room and not allow her to come out.

After a while, Fan Twelve really called everyone together, and Yun Suji called in one by one for questioning.He is very familiar with grassroots work, and he can tell whether there are any drawbacks in a few words, and whether the cadres are telling the truth.

Judging from his interviews and discussions throughout the day today, there are no major problems in Borang Village, but a lot of minor problems.To use the formula: "The general direction is a good place."As for the burden of the village cadres eating too much, asking the villagers to work for themselves, beating and scolding the villagers in a rough manner, it is not a big deal at this stage.

Yun Suji believes that the easiest way to see the administrative ability of grassroots cadres is only two things: people's livelihood and infrastructure.Whether the grassroots cadres are dedicated and capable can be seen from this.Judging from these two points, Borang Village has done quite well.

The county does have some financial support for the infrastructure construction of the model villages, but the bulk depends on the villagers themselves putting in the work and materials. If the village cadres do not have certain charisma and work ability, it is impossible to do all this.

As for anti-footbinding and improving environmental sanitation, it is not a major issue of people's livelihood to solve food and clothing, but it is actually related to people's livelihood.It is also an important criterion to test whether cadres are committed to their work.

Therefore, he didn't bother too much about the details of the village administration, but only asked about Mrs. Cao's affairs.Ask Fan Twelve: "I know that you came back from Shandong with Mr. Lu Yuan, and you are also an old naturalized citizen who has passed the test. Tell me, what is the pension of Mrs. Cao's son?" ? Mrs. Cao kept saying she didn’t get it, did she get it?”

Fan Twelve said: "Chief, this pension matter is a matter of conscience! We didn't blackmail her money. After her son's accident, the pension was indeed brought back by Yuan Hu, and it was entered into the official account in the village. This is written in black and white..."

Yun Suji said: "Since the money has been brought back, why isn't it sent to her and put into the village's public account?"

Fan Twelve swallowed.Mrs. Cao's pension has been spent long ago.Fortunately, they had discussed this matter long ago, and Han Daoguo had found a policy basis in the first place.So he was not too nervous: "There is a reason here. Mrs. Cao has no son and no grandchildren—this means she has become extinct. According to the document issued by the "Ministry of Civil Affairs" issued by the county, this is called "no heirs." Social security households', return to the village to support them." He rummaged for a while, and found a crumpled red-headed document from the cabinet, saying that according to the meaning of the document, the land of the extinct households will be managed by the village in a unified manner, and people will be hired to cultivate it.The pension is managed by the village and reserved for major expenses.

Yun Suji took it over and looked at it. The red-headed document was not fake.It is also true about land farming and pension management, but there is a word "possible" in the clause that the pension is managed by the village.In other words, it is not a hard and fast rule to entrust the management to the village.

Yun Suji is clear in his heart, Fan Shier and the others are "extreme households", not to mention the Ming Dynasty in the 17th century, even the Chinese countryside in the 21st century is not uncommon.A word "可" on a document can make a wonderful chapter.For the villagers who are basically illiterate and semi-literate, how can they understand the mystery?But this is not the lower limit - Fan Twelve and the others are still taking advantage of policy loopholes, playing with word games, somewhat "spirit of the rule of law".

"The definition of you as an extinct household is a bit far-fetched. The Cao family has a daughter-in-law. You always know that there is such a thing as recruiting a husband and raising relatives." Yun Suji shook his head, "That's still the first thing, and the second is that the pension is Mrs. Cao has shares with Gaifeng, so her share should go to her."

Fan Twelve never dreamed that his daughter-in-law would also be counted as a share. When Yun Suji said this, he panicked, and hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, we are not sure about the policy."

"As for the issue of extinct households, I don't care too much with you." Yun Suji said, "Gaifeng has remarried now, so I don't care about recruiting a husband and raising relatives."

"I'll arrange to send Gaifeng's share to her tomorrow..."

"You also want to send the old lady Cao's money! If you don't know what the word 'ke' means, ask Han Daoguo to tell you." Yun Suji smiled slightly, and said seriously, "In addition, now pay social security on behalf of the farmers. There is too little rice in the household, 400 catties per person, that is only enough for rations," Yun Suji said slowly, "People have to wear clothes, even if they have vegetables in their fields, they have to buy salt; , I still need to eat some fish... The farmer’s advantage is too great. I can’t say enough about the tax benefits, don’t you think so?”

Fan Twelve was taken aback, knowing that he couldn't hide his tricks, he hurriedly said, "Yes, yes."

"Go and call Gaifeng."

"Yes, I'm going right now!"

After a while, Fan Twelve called Gaifeng in.Yun Suji saw that she was about 25 or [-] years old, and she was wearing an indigo tie-dyed Indian cotton jacket. It seems that life with Liu Yuanhu is not bad.

Yun Suji noticed that she had a slight limp when she walked, so when she entered the house, she knelt down and gave her a blessing, and called: "Sir." Then she bowed her head and said nothing.Seeing that there were still tears in the corners of her eyes, Yun Suji thought to himself that Mrs. Cao's torment would not be safe for her.

Feeling pity for her suffering, she said kindly at the moment:

"You are Gaifeng?"

"Yes, the servant is."

"What's your maiden name?"

Gaifeng raised his head to look at him, then lowered his head and said: "My maidservant's parents died early, I don't know what her surname is, her husband's family name is Liu."

"Were you old lady Cao's daughter-in-law before?"

Hearing this, Gaifeng's body trembled: "Yes."

"How did they treat you?"

Gaifeng lowered her head. Although Yun Suji couldn't see her expression, she could see the ups and downs in her heart from her slightly shrugged shoulders.It took a while to hear her whisper: "There is always a bite to eat."

He asked again: "You are married to Liu Yuanhu now, how does he treat you?"

Gaifeng replied almost immediately: "Treat me well! I am willing to be with him." She seemed to be afraid that Yun Suji would have anything to do with her ex-husband's family, and said, "Whether it's eating bran or swallowing vegetables or being beaten and scolded, I will be with you." I am willing, even if he is in prison, I will bring him food, and wait for him to come out!"

Yun Suji already fully understood that Lao Yang's wife was telling the truth.But he was a little surprised, why did she mention "sleeping in prison"?Then he laughed and said, "Who said he was going to jail?"

"Since you entered the village, some people have said so." Gaifeng whispered.

"Your husband didn't do anything wrong, why should he go to jail?"

Gaifeng raised his eyes to look at him, then lowered his head and said: "As a sesame official, he always does wrong things. He treats the villagers very harshly on weekdays, and Village Chief Fan just uses him as a club. What really happened? It's not like the wall is falling and everyone is pushing."

Yun Suji nodded and said, "You are very knowledgeable."

"The slaves dare not."

"Liu Yuanhu has some problems with his working methods, but his work is still very good." Yun Suji said, "It's just rumors about being in prison, it's nothing like that."

"Yes, thank you, Master Qingtian..." Gaifeng was already in tears.

"What happened to your feet? Did Liu Yuanhu slap your ass?"

Gaifeng shook his head, and said indifferently: "This is from a long time ago. Four or five bamboo sticks were broken from the stool. I climbed onto the kang that night."

Yun Suji felt very sympathetic, and said, "I've already found out about your ex-husband's pension. It's wrong for the village to keep it. It will be issued tomorrow! Logically, you have to have a share..."

Gaifeng shook his head and said, "I don't want this money."

"This is your ex-husband's pension. You have always been husband and wife with him, and you deserve it both emotionally and rationally..."

Gaifeng resolutely said: "I don't touch anything from his house, dead or alive. Anyone who cares about it will take it, and I don't want a penny."

Yun Suji nodded secretly, this woman is quite staunch.He said: "Go out and ask Liu Yuanhu to come in."

(End of this chapter)

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