Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1691

Chapter 1691

Not only is there no business in the village, but there is also a lack of culture, education and health—but this is limited by objective conditions, and there is no rush.But all kinds of commercial sidelines should be developed.Lao Meng's tofu workshop can be established, and the cooperative can also set up a consignment point here to sell daily necessities such as oil, salt, soap, matches, etc., and at the same time purchase some sideline products to activate the market, which is beneficial to the country and the people.

As for village administration, he feels that the current management is too detailed, which obviously exceeds the actual ability of grassroots cadres.Even if it is barely made, the data is greatly distorted.Excessive data is also insufficient for the current calculation and statistical capabilities of the Senate, so it should be reduced, and it is enough to focus on a few important data.

He felt that the practice of giving so-called office land was very bad. Firstly, the output of the land was unstable, and secondly, village cadres abused villagers' labor, which could easily cause dissatisfaction.Corresponding office fees and subsidies should be given directly.The problem of eating and drinking for cadres going to the countryside has not been completely resolved in the 21st century. Basically, once they have been grasped for a long time, they will rebound immediately; for the time being, they can only think of controlling the number of inspection groups and visiting groups...

Yun Suji wrote while thinking like this, without feeling the passage of time at all.After a long time, he felt a little chilly on his body, got up and put on a piece of clothing, and saw the dawn on the window. He knew that the night had passed, but he didn't feel sleepy at all. He felt that the air in the room was a bit dirty, so he simply pushed Open the door and come to the courtyard.

As soon as the door was opened, a gust of cold and refreshing air rushed towards my face, and I couldn't help but feel refreshed.Seeing a second-floor watchtower in the corner of the yard—this is also the standard configuration of Standard Village, and there is a bell hanging on it, which can ring the bell to summon the villagers in an emergency—he was very interested, so he simply climbed up the stairs, Come to the observation deck.

On the stage, one of his guards was standing guard. When he saw him coming up, he quickly saluted: "Chief..."

"Relax, I'll come up and take a look." Yun Suji waved his hand.He did a few chest stretches and took a few deep breaths.Pulling off his coat, which was about to fall off, and looking out from the platform, the houses and yards of Standard Village were neatly spread out from under his feet. Outside the village was a large field with criss-cross paths, and while the miscellaneous forests were dotted, there was a ribbon in the distance. Like the Nandu River flowing through the fertile fields for thousands of miles, the early morning mist floats on the river.

Suddenly, the sun burst out from the mist, and the sun was shining. A half round of red sun rose from the river, and instantly dyed the sky red.Yun Suji couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart, and hummed softly: "When the sun shines in all directions, the revolutionary people have their own ideas..."

After eating breakfast made by Mrs. Liu Yuanhu at the village office, the police stationed in Boli Village came.This policeman was assigned here the year before last, and he was also a refugee from Shandong.I heard that the chief is here, so hurry up and report.

Yun Suji saw that the policeman was about 50 years old, with a beard and a crumpled black uniform. He probably arrived in a hurry and didn't even wear a belt.How did Xindao Ranyao choose the police?It's useless to get some old, weak, sick and disabled to be stationed in the police.

Yun Suji talked to him a few words, saw that he spoke clearly and handled things in an orderly manner, and his impression of him changed.Speaking of Mrs. Cao's suicide in the village hall, the policeman smiled wryly and said, "This old lady, I have convinced her!"


"She is well-known in our area. I brought her back from the county twice, and brought her back from the village about three or four times. She filed a complaint everywhere. If Liu Yuanhu didn't stop her here, she would have gone to Lingao early. I’ve filed a complaint.” The policeman said, “Actually, I couldn’t turn the corner after holding my breath for a long time, and I’m afraid I’ve lost my mind.”

"She said that the son of Lao Meng, who made tofu in this village, was beaten to death by Liu Yuanhu. Is this true?"

"How is this possible?" The policeman shook his head, "Liu Yuanhu is so bold? Don't we policemen have nothing to eat? Besides, I know about Lao Meng's son: the brick and tile factory only went through formal employment procedures for him last week. , come to my place to transfer household registration——can the brick and tile factory transfer the household registration office for the dead?"

Yun Suji didn't quite believe it at first, but he was completely relieved after hearing what the police said.

"This time it's her own death, and she must be dealt with as a crime of disrupting the government and public institutions!" The resident police seemed to have grudges against the old lady Cao, and they were gearing up.

"She went to the countryside and counties so many times, but didn't do anything about her?"

"If we had to do it seriously, we would have been arrested a long time ago. At the beginning, everyone was sympathetic to the old and the poor. She was a widow in her 50s. She lost her son and her daughter-in-law ran away. It's really pitiful!" the resident policeman sighed. "I brought her back from the village for the first time, and the Shangguan in the institute told me: Mrs. Cao is very pitiful, and told me to treat her politely on the way. Later, when I went to the county to lead people, Chief Liu specially used the county The official carriage will take us back."

"So it is."

"It didn't work out later. When she went there a few times, everyone got annoyed. Besides, the things she said were either nothing, or they didn't break the law. I had to call the leader to deal with it. Who can wait? But this The old woman is also a thief: she doesn't break into the yamen to beat the drums to complain, she just "complains" outside the gate. The police will deal with her as "violating the rules and regulations", even if she is caught, she will not be sentenced. There are more than [-] people, and I'm afraid I won't be able to bear it——in the end, I asked me to go and bring it back."

This has become a major concern for the police stationed in the police station.It would take at least half a day to go back and forth, so you don't have to do anything else.

He chatted with the police about the local public security situation, and the police stationed said that there were basically no criminal cases in the local area; because the Senate dealt with all kinds of minor crimes severely, not only were they caught, they would be sent to labor camps, and three-time repeat offenders would be exiled to hard labor for life. , so some bums who were accustomed to petty theft that were common in rural areas were quickly purged out.In the past few years, there were many thefts of telegraph wires and poles, but after a special crackdown, there were very few.

"Are there many people who gamble here?"

"A lot!" The stationed policeman nodded, "Especially this will be the slack season, when men have nothing to do to gather together to gamble, and quarrels and fights are also very common."

This is all the result of a severe lack of cultural entertainment.Yun Suji thought, there are no cultural facilities in the village, and the vast majority of people are illiterate. There is really no entertainment at home at night except for fucking and beating their wives. The problem is that not many people have wives.

"In addition to gambling, there are also a lot of broken shoes." The policeman said, "There are more men than women here, and many bachelors look like red-eyed chickens. As long as women's belts are loosened, they can always get some benefits Forget about the widows, but there are some men! Because of this matter, the family had a quarrel, and there was almost a life lawsuit! Some widows simply stopped marrying because of the benefits of having broken shoes. In my village, there was a widow Yang who was unwilling to get married, no matter how big a dowry. In addition to the land allocated by the Senate, there was also a wasteland of seventy or eighty acres. Five or six people with her The wild man who made broken shoes helped to plant, earning a lot of family business..." He shook his head as he said.

Yun Suji couldn't laugh or cry, he read two magazines and one newspaper every day, and said that the situation in the countryside was "everything is good", and he didn't expect such a strange thing!

The garrison police are still rambling: "In the past, the clan was in charge of the village. No matter how bad it is, the elders of the family and the family are also there, so there is always a face. It is absolutely impossible to mess around like this. Now the village is full of irrelevant outsiders. , Many people became arrogant without the restraint of their parents and in-laws, saying: "My body is my own decision, and I can use it as I like." Listen to the chief, there are four words of courtesy, justice, integrity and shame! Some people Tell me to come out and take care of it, but the handbook given by the Senate doesn't include the item of catching broken shoes, so I don't know what to do..."

"It's better to make broken shoes than 'Red-Eyed Chicken' come out to seduce big girls and little daughter-in-laws, don't you think so?" Yun Suji said.This is far from a problem that can be solved with a few laws. If the problem is not solved at the root, just "strikes" will not reduce this phenomenon, it is nothing more than going from above ground to underground.Furthermore, "broken shoes" can be regarded as a way for the bottom to relieve social pressure on their own.

Yun Suji chatted with the police stationed for a long time, and got a grasp of the situation at the grassroots level.Because the resident police are vertical leaders, the relationship with the village is detached, and they are even more open when talking about problems.His work is destined to come into contact with many dark sides. Many things that he could not get when chatting with villagers and cadres can be learned from the police stationed here.

The resident police also mentioned that the current household registration in the village is not valid, and many young and middle-aged people have gone out to work in enterprises. People have left, but companies and individuals do not come to the local area to transfer household registration procedures, and there are many cases of vacant registration.

"It's difficult for me to get the resident population statistics now. The number of people in the household registration book can't match the people in the village!"

"Why don't you call me? I think it's troublesome?"

"It's probably troublesome in the factory; personally, I still don't want to lose the land under his name!"

Yun Suji remembered that when all the laborers settled down, they were allocated [-] standard acres of cultivated land!Semi-labor also has fifteen standard acres.This kind of arable land only has "field skin" and no "field bone". That is to say, farmers only have the right to use it but cannot buy or sell it.Once the farmer no longer cultivates, it will be withdrawn and redistributed.

"According to the rules, as soon as he loses his household registration, the land has to be taken back. Now that he doesn't lose his household registration, he rents the land to the villagers for planting, and the public food and labor will be counted as someone else's. Although the rent is not much, it is still an extra income. !"

"No wonder, there are so many twists and turns here!"

The more he heard, the more he felt that the work in the countryside had a long way to go.Unconsciously, I have the idea of ​​writing what I have seen and heard into a newsletter for two periodicals and one newspaper to make more people aware of the importance of rural work.

(End of this chapter)

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