Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1692 Going to the Countryside Notes

Chapter 1692 Going to the Countryside Notes

"Lingao Times" editor's note:

At the end of the "First Five-Year Plan", agricultural and rural work is very difficult and the challenges are unprecedented.This newspaper has continuously published the "Notes on Going to the Countryside and Living in the Village" written by Comrade Yun Suji, a veteran who is active in the agricultural front of the Senate. Through his vivid examples, we can more clearly feel the current "agricultural development lags behind, rural grassroots soft , The current situation of peasants' lives is not satisfactory", and I have a deeper understanding of the important instructions of Secretary of State Ma at the No. 12 State Conference that "the policy of transforming the countryside and transforming farmers cannot be changed, and the intensity cannot be reduced".


Only by being down-to-earth can we have confidence. In the face of the myriad rural work, only by sinking our hearts and going deep into the front line can we understand the thoughts and expectations of the peasants, grasp the actual situation of the current rural work, and grasp the initiative in the "three rural" work .To resolve the problems of agricultural and rural development, more down-to-earth research should be done.

Recently, I often go to the countryside. Sometimes I go to five or six villages a day from dawn to dusk, but I often come and go in a hurry.Recently, I went to the countryside to live in the countryside for research in Haikou, which made me make up for the shortcomings of previous rural research.

Sunny to cloudy, northwest wind three or four to five or six.

Early this morning, I rushed to Tankou Village, Longtang Town, the new resettlement site under Pingshenling Mountain.This time, it can be regarded as a "light car and simple", with only 2 security guards, and took the fishing boat of Tiandihui to go up the river.In order to avoid being accompanied at all levels and not to interfere with the work of the county and township comrades, I did not say hello to them at all.I just want to stick to the end, quietly live in the village, and try my best to "do not disturb the people in the village and the officials in the county".

Just after 9 o'clock in the morning, we came to Tankou.This is a standard village on the west side of the Nandu River. The houses of the villagers are as neat as a military camp. There are more than 160 immigrant households with more than 500 people in the village. The dry land mainly grows sweet potatoes, and the irrigated land is double-cropping rice plus one-season green manure. Various cereals.According to the cadres in the county, the economic level is relatively low among the immigrant villages, but it is not the poorest village.

I thought there would be more people in the village during the slack season, but after entering the village, I didn't see many people.Only after I found the village head did I know that most people in the village had gone to labor.After entering the village, I didn't look for a place to live. The first thing I did was to ask the village chief Lao Huo: "Now is the time for farmland and water conservancy construction. There is no rush for food and accommodation. Go to the construction site to see the situation first."

The village chief, Huo Huo, is in his 40s, simple and honest. He is an excellent cadre we selected from Shandong immigrants. He didn’t want me to go. "It doesn't matter. I'm going to the countryside to do what I'm afraid of. I'll live in your village tonight. There must be enough time."

On the way, Lao Huo mentioned that there are too many low-lying wetlands around the village, and they are often flooded when there is a lot of rain in summer.

Only after this walk did I realize that there are quite a few low-lying lands here!This is the place where a backwater bend of the Nandu River is silted up, and it can be called the water town of Zeguo.Ponds and pools are full of stars.It was really a long way around before we came to the construction site of the water conservancy project.As soon as I arrived at the construction site, I saw a young man in his 20s driving a "Simendal" cattle in the car.

Many people gathered above and below the ditch, all digging the ditch.The tools are relatively simple, basically people dig their shoulders, and there are not even a few wheelbarrows.The groundwater level here is very high, and it is the dry season, but there is water at the bottom of the ditch that does not reach the calf, so we have to use cattle to drive water continuously.The migrant workers roll up their trousers and work in the water. Although the weather here is much warmer than that on the mainland, and the water temperature is very low in winter, they can't help but feel the difficulty of the farmers.

The person who is directing the construction on the embankment is a young girl who looks less than 20 years old, but she is very experienced in her work.I asked, and it turned out that she designed the project here and was in charge of the construction at the same time.

I was secretly surprised that she was already designing and presiding over projects at such a young age. After asking again, I found out that she was a student of veteran Ji Runzhi, a leading figure in the architectural planning field, and had been studying with him for five years.He is a rare all-round naturalized civil construction engineer.She and her brother Ji Shu have been engaged in design and construction since they were 16 years old.The design and construction projects are all over Hainan, Taiwan and Jeju.It's really a boy born from a hero since ancient times.

I asked about the specific construction situation. Ji Yuan said that this is a drainage system, including drainage channels and supporting gates and ponds. After the completion, it can drain excess water from about 1000 acres of land.

“Tankou’s terrain is unfavorable to agricultural production,” Ji Yuan told me, “Part of the cultivated land here is located in the hilly area by the river, and the terrain is high and high, so it needs to be irrigated with water. "

After listening to what she said, it seems that the agricultural production here will have a new situation, and more labor and resources will have to be invested.

Seeing the labor scene in full swing, I couldn't bear to get involved.I asked the guard who went with me to lead the oxen in front, and I drove the oxen behind me, and soon I was sweating profusely.I took off my coat and threw it in the grass on the ground. The young man immediately picked up the clothes and held them in his arms.This little detail moved me.

The "Simendal" ox struggled to pull the waterwheel, but it was very obedient.An old lady who was boiling water next to me told me, "This cow will calve in about 10 days. You can't let the cow go too fast, for fear of exhausting it."

I asked whose family this cow belonged to?The old lady said that this was a cattle tied together. It turned out that most of the villagers were poor and could not afford to tie up a large animal. Finally, under the suggestion of Lao Huo, seven or eight families tied up such a cow. Even though this was not enough, they applied for a part loan.

"It's more meticulous than serving the ancestors." The old lady said, "Just point at it to repay the loan."

I was saddened to hear this situation. I didn't expect the farmers here to be so poor!It is completely incomparable with the advanced villages I have been to, and the gap between the villages has widened.

Because it was still during the New Year's holiday, work was over from the afternoon to four o'clock.I went back to the village with everyone.Tankou Village is also a standard village built by the Senate for the resettlement of refugees. The houses and streets are neat, but the cleanliness is not satisfactory.Some farmers let pigs run around in the streets looking for food, which is not only unhygienic, but also easy to spread diseases.

I talked with Lao Huo about the living conditions of the villagers: the yield of the land here is low, and the village generally still has two meals a day, which is dry in the morning and thin in the evening.When farming is busy, eat two dry and one dilute instead.The total amount of grain eaten is similar to that of other relatively good villages, but the proportion of refined grains is less, and even the proportion of miscellaneous grains has also decreased. Lao Huo reported that there are many farmers in the village who often eat pumpkins as "melon and vegetable substitutes".I wanted to know how much grain the farmers had in store, so I walked into the collective warehouse in the village, and was surprised to see a brand new small steam pump inside.I asked Lao Huo, and Lao Huo said that it was used to support the irrigation system for dry fields on the highlands.

Following the vines, I followed him to the north of the village. The terrain here is high, but the land is very flat. Lao Huo said that the area of ​​this land is more than 200 mu.The land has been leveled, the pipes connecting the irrigation canals under the hillside are also in good order, and even the floor for installing the pumps has been completed, but there are no traces of use.I asked, "Why didn't you install the water pump?" The accompanying village cadre looked around and said, "We won't."

Later, Lao Huo told me that the Qiongshan Agricultural Demonstration Hongqi’s project of “diverting water up the mountain” has not been used since its completion, because the installation of the steam pump is a technical job, and the people who use it have to be trained before they can work.But Qiongshan does not have a master who can install this, so we have to wait for a high-profile one to install it.

"It's been a few months, and I don't know when it will be installed."

Standing on the cement base of the water pump, I saw that there was a water conservancy project on the Nandu River that didn't seem to be in use.

"That's the 'Thousand Girls Embankment'. Last year, the county organized thousands of immigrant women to build it. Even the central government came to it, and it was published in newspapers and publicized. But in the spring, the channel broke down, and the supporting gates and so on They didn't arrive either. The Tiandihui applied for the allocation of materials, but the higher-ups haven't approved it yet. There is no cement repair, no gate, and water is useless!" Old Huo Wangshui's sigh was beyond words.

The embarrassing situation of "diverting water up the mountain" and "Thousand Girls Embankment" exposed a blind spot in our work. Project construction must solve the problems of supporting facilities, use and management, otherwise it will be a waste of people and money.

Although Qiongshan is one of the few large agricultural counties in Hainan, the problems of engineering water shortage and poor utilization of water conservancy projects exist at the same time, which is a common problem.To implement the agricultural spirit of the Senate, it is necessary not only to increase investment in construction projects, but also to improve and improve the management system and mechanism.

It was past 1:10 noon when I came back from the field. The village head’s wife cooked sweet potato porridge in the kitchen, and fried pancakes with oil, salt and green onion.I worked in the morning and walked a lot on paddy field roads. In addition, there was no food. I drank two bowls of sweet potato porridge and a large bowl of pancake flowers. I still felt not full, and I even ate two free-range eggs.There was no one to accompany the meal, and there was no politeness. It only took more than [-] minutes for lunch.In contrast, in some official occasions, eating has become a burden that wastes time and money.In fact, this kind of burden is "uncomfortable on both sides", and the way to change the official reception can be very simple, that is, first, do not need to be accompanied by others, and second, you must implement the principle of paying for yourself.Do these two, "eating and drinking chronic disease" can be easily solved.

After dinner, I went to the village office, and all the main cadres of the village came. The militia captain had served as a soldier in Shandong, and he returned from the army because he was old.He is honest and sincere without losing his shrewdness, and he speaks good Newspeak.Accounting is our own training of young people.The account books here are incomplete. At my request, Lao Huo found a few materials from the cabinet: there are village cadre meeting records, Tiandihui business registration, and red and white council activity records, etc.

 Push a book: Southern Song Dynasty First Immortal ISBN 3647180
(End of this chapter)

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