Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1695 Summary

Chapter 1695 Summary
"Little Yun," Du Wen pushed down the black-rimmed glasses on her nose, stood up from behind the table, and took a few hurried steps in the room, "Your report is very good! I have already told the Office of Truth, Morning Star will publish the full text of your report -- not the stereotype in the Times."

When she said this, Stalin was staring at Yun Suji from the plaster bust on the table.Yun Suji felt a little uncomfortable, not because of Comrade Iron Man's gaze, but because the title "Little Yun" really turned him off.

"It's okay." Yun Suji hid his emotions, "Go down and have a look, everything is there."

"The problem is that no one is willing to go down there to have a look! Everyone wants to be a bureaucrat and a master!" Du Wen said angrily, "I knew this bunch of petty bourgeoisie couldn't do anything..."

Yun Suji didn't want to discuss this issue any further, he bowed his head: "If there's nothing wrong..."

"No, I still have something to say." Du Wen sat down on the chair again, "This time the elders went to the countryside, in my opinion, the symbolic meaning is greater than the actual meaning, but even so, it is enough for the elders to know the real truth. What does the countryside look like now. You don’t have to work behind closed doors all day long.”

"That's right." Yun Suji nodded.

"What I'm most worried about now is that after the elders go to the countryside, one by one the Virgin Mary will attack." Du Wen expressed worry, "After a discussion, the elders' ears softened, and when they came back, they would talk about 'farmers are too hard and the burden is too heavy' , to restrain the reasonable basic construction requirements of an industrial society, and let nature take its course, pastoral."

Yun Suji nodded.

"If it goes on like this, it will end up being old-fashioned: the village is full of nothing to do, and it takes a long time to eat a meal and squat at the head of the village with a big bowl. They gamble, fight and beat their wives... I know very well the life in the countryside. Traditionally, there are two crops a year in the countryside where we often sow and receive goods. The field management is busy for only two months, and there are ten months of rest when I have nothing to do. Now there is a little more labor. Just so they don't have time to beat their wives..."

She probably noticed the smile on the corner of Yun Suji's mouth, and Du Wen continued: "Comrade Xiao Yun, don't think that I oppose wife beating is a feminist thinking. Wife beating is a shameful manifestation of a patriarchal society, but in rural areas Such floods fully prove that farmers still have a lot of free time! You can see that workers’ families rarely have this kind of thing. Didn’t you say that the villages you visited beat their wives and broke their shoes a lot? So there is not enough hard labor!”

Yun Suji said: "I personally think the amount of forced labor is debatable. The current total amount of labor may not reach the lower limit, but there are still many editors on the distribution of labor, and there are cases of abuse and unfair distribution. In addition , some labor arrangements are unscientific, such as apportioning military shoes according to the head. I have communicated with the joint logistics department, and the quality of the apportioned military shoes is generally not high, and cutting corners is very serious. Also, labor should be nearby, and it should be too far Not only will it take up more time on the journey, but farmers will also have to bring dry food and luggage along the way, which will increase the burden on farmers.”

"These are details that can be fine-tuned." Du Wen said, "but the tone of rural work cannot be changed! They must be educated to change old concepts, customs and backward lifestyles, otherwise, once backward and old habits and concepts return, 'famine, death and displacement' will occur." Waiting for the suffering to reincarnate immediately; the true meaning of life is "you have to work when you are born, so that your life can be prosperous and secure", which contributes to the faith guidance of "the Senate saves and leads the world".Some veterans have already said that I am simple and rude in organizing study classes and engaging in sports -- there are indeed some cases where I have gone too far, and I admit this, but the general direction is correct!If the Senate wants to realize the [-]nd Five-Year Plan for rapid technological advancement and land expansion, it has to transform society, giving priority to development efficiency! "

"Yes, yes, I think so too." Seeing the agitated Du Wen, Yun Suji couldn't help but flinch.

"So we're on the same page."

"On the issue of rural work, I have the same opinion as you." Yun Suji nodded.Doesn’t this agree? To realize the various grand aspirations at the beginning of time travel, it has to be more efficient than other systems: whether it’s the efficient extraction of surplus products.Restraining the expansion of bureaucratic corruption and alienation, restraining the tendency of grassroots control to involute, or climbing the technological tree, the expansion of industrialization is no exception.

"Our Secretary of State Ma said: 'A large part of the surplus products owned by the upper class is still consumed by the upper class itself, and a lot of wealth is even embezzled by officials and lower-level nobles during the expropriation process. But from the general trend See, the expropriation of surplus products is directly proportional to the stability and expansion capacity of the upper class. Therefore, the long-term competition between systems is conducive to the system that expropriates as much surplus product as possible. How can we collect products as effectively as possible? How can we be more effective? Improve labor efficiency? This needs to be discussed carefully," Du Wen talked very much, "In the final analysis, it is necessary to have a grassroots organization with combat effectiveness!"

Yun Suji agreed with this.

"It's a pity that the existing human resources are no longer available. They are too much infected by the old society, and it is difficult to change their outlook on life and values. We still have to pin our hopes on young people."

"That's true." Yun Suji had a rare sympathy with Du Wen, "The current village cadres, like Fan Twelve, are already considered rare talents. Old Huo is so-so. More can only It’s unusable. But young people have to take on heavy responsibilities and need adequate education.”

Du Wen nodded with satisfaction: "So we need a strong social group to unite, organize and guide them!" Du Wen was full of enthusiasm, which made Yun Suji a little confused.

"What do you think of Yuan Qingtuan?" Du Wen asked suddenly.

"Very good. We really need such a youth organization." Yun Suji recalled the Yuan Youth League cadre training class he met in Qiongshan, and he had a good impression of it: pragmatic.

"A good organization must have a good leader. Otherwise, I'm afraid it will go astray."

Yun Suji suddenly understood that Du Wen also wanted to get involved in Yuanqingtuan!That's why she wins herself over like this, in the final analysis, she thinks that she agrees with her ideas.

Speaking of many of her ideas, Yun Suji still quite agrees. At least in grassroots work, being down-to-earth is her biggest advantage.In the entire Senate, the only people in her social investigation department who have been able to concentrate on doing research at the grassroots level in the past few years are the only ones.

"Some people want to turn the Yuanqing League into boy scouts. I don't agree with that. Having a bonfire party, camping, hunting a few rabbits, learning a few knots, enriching the students' lives, and exercising their physique, this is a good idea. Not wrong, but they have much more important things to learn - first of all political learning!"

In order to avoid listening to her long-winded speech, Yun Suji hurriedly stated: "On this issue, I absolutely support you."

A smile appeared on Du Wen's face: "Very good, very good."

Yun Suji returned to the office of the food factory in a daze. Du Wen's talk made him a little uneasy.It seems that there will inevitably be another struggle surrounding the leadership and ideals of the Yuan Qingtuan.

Yun Suji pushed open the window of his office. His current office is already a small suite on the second floor. Outside the window is the earliest No. [-] workshop of the food factory: "cleaning workshop".These workshops are no longer simple red brick columns, bamboo and wood trusses, and reed mat sheds; except for the brick columns, the trusses have become wrought iron, and the roof has been replaced with galvanized iron hot-rolled corrugated panels.Looking out from the window, the chimney is emitting black and white smoke, and it has returned to the appearance of the old industrial area in the old time and space.

There is a sweet smell in the air.It was the smell of the mush being boiled for relief rations in the fast food workshop.In addition to dry sweet potato powder, a considerable proportion of bagasse powder is also mixed in as a filler. Of course, it can also increase a little heat.After all, there is still a lot of sugar left in bagasse.

The production scale of relief rations has been doubled, while the production scale of the kvass workshop has been reduced by half: on the one hand, sweet potatoes, the main raw material of kvass, will be used to make relief rations, and on the other hand, more workers will be freed up. .After all, the mainland strategy still only depends on food, not drinks.

Because of the Mainland Raiders, the production of the food factory has fully entered the state of combat readiness, and the product line has been fully adjusted. Now, except for the products that have foreign trade needs, the production capacity has not been reduced for the time being, the rest of the products are all made way for the production of combat readiness.

"A new quota of 5 tons of fruit candy has been issued. Is this to learn from the Japanese devils?" Yun Suji looked at the latest "military use order" and muttered
In addition to fruit candy, the "Military Use" catalog lists all kinds of things.Yun Suji originally planned to produce cans for the army: After the mass production of galvanized iron sheets, it is still difficult to produce all-metal cans, but it is not difficult to produce tinplate-sealed glass bottles and cans. The food factory has already produced small-scale batches.However, the Joint Logistics Headquarters rejected the proposal because the glass jars were easily broken and the loss was too large.So the army's fast food is mainly dry goods and pickles.

He picked up the latest production schedule and planning table from the scheduling room on the table.He manages not only a food factory, but also a series of food processing enterprises in Lingao County, such as Tianchu sauce garden, seafood processing factory, and grain processing factory, as well as a group of private workshops and commercial firms in and outside the county as cooperative units. .It's like a food trust.

He quickly drew a few lines on it with a pencil. The arrival of soybeans from Daming was far below his expectation, which would affect the production of soy sauce; the supply of potatoes from Jeju Island was completed on schedule, but beef and horses The delivery of meat is obviously lagging behind. If there is no accident, the delivery plan will not be completed for the third consecutive month; the delivery schedule of salt is normal...

(End of this chapter)

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