Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1696 Food Factory

Chapter 1696 Food Factory

Yun Suji couldn't help but sighed as he looked at the numbers behind the delivery schedule.

Insufficient delivery of soybeans affects not only the production of soy sauce, but also the production of tofu, tempeh, and yellow sauce. These are the top products of food factories. Although broad beans can be used instead in some places, it is not the same thing after all.

On the railway tracks in the factory area, workers are pushing flatbed carts to the cleaning workshop. On the carts are rattan baskets filled with white radishes. On the other track, dried shredded radishes are being transported from the drying workshop and are being sent for packaging.

Yun Suji was watching intently, when suddenly the secretary knocked on the door to report: "Chief Executive Xi Yazhou is here."

"Please wait downstairs for a while, I'll come down right away." Yun Suji said.

Accompanying the new Chief of Staff of the Army and the Commander-in-Chief of the South China Army is Chen Sigen. He is a fitness trainer and nutritionist who has retired from the position of the captain of the Special Investigation Team. National nutrition work.

They came to the food factory this time mainly for the logistics and food support work for the upcoming mainland raid.

The Senate has entered its sixth year since the establishment of the army, and the logistics supply of the army has undergone several changes. However, the basic daily supply standard is still in accordance with the standard established by Chen Sigen when the security regiment was first established. The specific supply standard is: rice 6 grams, 850 grams of vegetables, 350 grams of soy products, 50 grams of meat or aquatic products, 50 grams of oil, and 20 grams of salt.This standard is not high, but it basically meets the needs of soldiers for daily training and organizing battalion affairs.When encountering collective labor service, field training and expedition, the supply standard will be adjusted according to the situation.

As Chen Sigen pointed out many times, the supply standard of the Fubo army can only be regarded as meeting the calorie and vitamin requirements, and the supply of protein and fat is seriously insufficient, so the physical fitness level of the soldiers is relatively low-muscle needs a lot of protein to synthesize .Training alone doesn't really solve this problem.

The supply tone set in the mainland strategy is to rely on "local distribution" for staple foods, but for the supply of non-staple foods, it has to rely on the food industry of the Senate to provide them.Although the affluent Pearl River Delta will not lack chickens, ducks, freshwater fish and pigs, the health department is still cautious about the local distribution of animal food.

The Joint Logistics Headquarters sent several official letters to food factories, asking them to develop military food that is "easy to carry", "easy to eat", "non-perishable", and "rich in protein and fat".After reading this official letter, Yun Suji could only secretly smile bitterly.

The only thing that meets this requirement is canned food. If you kill the glass bottle and canned food yourself, isn’t the rest just bacon and jerky?Not to mention whether these things are "healthy" enough, "easy to eat" is not enough.Most of these foods are hard or very salty, and it is difficult to eat them without secondary cooking.

Xi Yazhou and Chen Sigen are both soldiers who have served overseas for a long time, so they are both dark-skinned and muscular brothers.Seeing Yun Suji, Xi Yazhou stretched out his hand and opened his mouth wide and laughed, "Director Yun, long time no see! The dry sausage you tried for Lianqin last time is very good! It's delicious to eat directly."

Yun Suji shook hands and said, "It's a pity that there are too few raw materials for dried sausages, so we can't process more." He wanted to say "there are not enough leftovers", but he swallowed the words in the end .

"We are here this time to see if we can find more substitutes." Chen Sigen said, "Soldiers' intake of protein and fat is insufficient. I estimate that during the invasion of the mainland, the daily calorie needs of soldiers will not be less than 5000. Ka, just eating is not enough."

"We've already thought about it." Don't look at Yun Suji who has been in the countryside for half a month, and usually has work to do at Tiandihui, but the development of new products in the food factory has not been let go.In recent years, as long as the supply conditions permit, he will try to produce various foods in small quantities, even if mass production is not possible, he will try to see if it is possible.Therefore, there are quite a lot of products that can be put into production after accumulation.Some products are produced in small batches and supplied to the special supply store of the Senate and the Zijizihao in Guangzhou for sale.

"Come on, let's go to the workshop to have a look." Yun Suji said, "I'll introduce you as I walk, and you can see which products are suitable. As long as the raw materials can be supplied, the production line can be adjusted."

"This is great." Xi Yaya's eyes lit up.

Yun Suji led them to the production area and entered the first workshop.

"This is the poultry and egg pickling workshop." Yun Suji introduced, "Pay attention to your steps."

The most eye-catching thing in the workshop is the large pools covered with tiles one after another. A wooden frame is suspended above the pools, and rows of large bamboo baskets are hung below, sinking in the pool water.

It was the first time for Xi Yazhou and Chen Sigen to come to the workshop of the food factory. Although the smell inside was really unpleasant and the ground was still wet, they were still very curious.

"These ponds mainly produce salted eggs. The eggs are in the baskets. The production process of salted eggs is simple, and the eggs can be stored for a long time if the shell is not broken." Yun Suji said, "Poultry eggs are a relatively sufficient source of protein for us now. One. The high salt content can replenish the salt in the soldiers’ body.”

Xi Yaya was very interested: "How do I remember that salted eggs are made with yellow mud?"

"Yellow mud is also available. But the process of pickling in salt water is simpler. Just test the PPM concentration of salt in the pool water every day. If it is not enough, add table salt directly. If it is mud, you need more stirring after adding salt. Let's talk about salt water Its fluidity is also relatively good, it can be soaked directly, and there is no need to artificially wrap it in mud."

"What's in those big cloth bags?" Xi Ya pointed to the half-sinking and half-floating cloth bags on the surface of the pool.

"It's red pepper. The yolk of the salted egg is easy to shorten and produce oil." Yun Suji said, "I have also thought about the transportation, and it is packaged in an egg tray. It is the common kind in supermarkets, a group of twelve. Use It is made of coagulated paper pulp. It is equipped with a thicker carton. Then it is put into a standard packing box, which can withstand long-distance transportation..."

Chen Sigen shook his head and said: "Salted eggs are not good. The shelf life is too short. Even if we are fighting in spring, the temperature is not high, and the shelf life of raw eggs is only one month. And you pickled in salt water, it takes about a month to leave the salt water." Can't save it."

Now Xi Yazhou also shook his head. He knows the transfer efficiency of the Joint Logistics Headquarters. It will be shipped from Lingao to Hong Kong, then transferred from Hong Kong to Guangzhou, and then sent to the front line-this process will indeed not exceed 30 days, but this time Salted eggs have become "fresh", and warehouses at all levels cannot store them, but can only send them out as they arrive.Obviously somewhat unrealistic.

"If you want to distribute salted eggs, it is more feasible to use salted eggs pickled with yellow mud. But they must be transported in sealed baskets. If they are packaged separately, the yellow mud will not work after drying." Chen Sigen looked into the pool water Baskets of salted eggs, "Egg powder is the best for rationing the army."

Xi Yazhou asked: "Can you produce egg powder?"

"Technically, there is no difficulty, but the production quality is very unstable." Yun Suji had thought about this a long time ago, "We are not capable of spray drying, so we can only use hot steam to mix and dry."

Then they entered the second workshop. Since cooked food was produced here, Yun Suji asked Guihuamin to fetch three cotton white coats, hats and masks, and oilcloth water boots.

"The clothes are all cleaned and disinfected." Yun Suji said, "The main thing is not to touch any equipment."

As soon as the workshop door was opened, there was the sound of rumbling machines turning inside.Xi Yazhou noticed that there is a powered sky shaft on the ceiling of the workshop, which is a mechanized production.

"This is the meat workshop." Because of wearing a mask, Yun Suji's voice was a bit vague.

"Dried sausage is made here?"

"Yes, but here we only make sausages. To make dry sausages, we need to go through a process of air-drying and smoking." Yun Suji said.

The workshop was filled with steam, and Xi Yazhou didn't smell the fragrance, but smelled an indescribable smell.

"The sausage stuffing is mixed here." Yun Suji said, pointing to a piece of equipment that resembles a cement mixer in appearance and shape. It is driven by a belt on the sky shaft and is stirring rumblingly. Different specifications: ground meat, diced meat, and then you stir it up here, and of course you have to add starch as a filler. Then you add salt, spices, various flavorings, and finally a small amount of sodium nitrite.”

"Sodium nitrite?" Xi Yazhou was taken aback, "This is poisonous."

"That's right, this thing is indeed poisonous, so the amount should be controlled. But it is an important additive in processed meat products. In addition to being used for color development, it also has a seasoning effect-you think the sausage is delicious. It is very useful. Of course, the more important use is to act as a preservative."

A worker dumps a vat full of green plant debris into a blender.

"This is basil. This batch is Italian-style herb sausage." Yun Suji said, "You can make sausages with different flavors according to the added spices and seasonings."

While talking, the worker pulled the shift lever to stop the machine, and he opened the discharge port
Chen Sigen looked at the minced meat being released from the outlet, feeling a little uncomfortable: "To be honest, I really don't want to know what kind of meat this is made of..."

"An enema, commonly known as a creamy offal tube." Yun Suji joked, "After the Germans slaughtered a pig, there was nothing left—it was all chopped up and made into an enema."

"The store in Nanhai sells it," Xi Yazhou quickly asked, "it should be good meat." He felt a little uncomfortable in his stomach.

"This is natural. The starch is still added, and a part of chicken or duck is added for filling. But you can rest assured that no matter what kind of meat you use, it will be good meat, especially the fat diced, which is serious and hard fat .” Yun Suji said.

"What about these?" Chen Sigen asked the minced meat in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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