Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1711

Chapter 1711
During the smelting process, the worker continuously stirs and mixes the alloy solution in the crucible with a stirring rod.After confirming that the mixture is uniform and smelted, the solution is poured into steel molds to make silver slats for making coins.

Since silver is heavier than copper and zinc, it is easy to cause silver to sink to the bottom and other metals to float during mixing and smelting.If it is not fully mixed, it is easy to cause insufficient silver content in the first strip and high silver content in the last strip.Therefore, a small amount of powder is ground from the end of the first bar and the upper end of the last bar cast from each furnace and sent for testing to ensure that the proportion of silver bars is consistent.

The cast silver strip cannot be used as a stamping material, it is only a casting, and has not yet undergone the "forging" process.The finished strips are sent to the flaking shop, where they are rolled into slabs to size for stamping.Compared with steel plates processed under high temperature and high pressure, it is not a big deal for the current Lingao industrial system to make silver alloys with good ductility into plates with uniform thickness and smooth appearance.

Next is stamping.Use a punching machine to punch out the circular light boards one by one, which are the embryos of various coins.After stamping, the leftover scraps are recovered and remelted to form new plates.

The stamped silver cake blanks are polished with a smoothing machine to remove burrs, and then sent to the pickling workshop to clean and remove oil stains.

The polished boards are neatly stacked into the curling machine after washing and polishing.This machine presses the bare panels one by one, and then forcibly squeezes the edges of the bare panels to form a ledge.This ledge, common on later coins, protects the coin's design from wear.Of course, this design is very advanced in this time and space.The mint also presses fine patterns when curling. In normal use, the wear of the pattern is difficult to detect with the naked eye, but once it is bruised by someone with a file, it will immediately show traces. This is to curb the very popular in this time and space. The "cutting edge" trick.

The bare coin blanks that have been crimped are put into the press one by one.The press is equipped with steel coin dies, and the silver cake blanks are stamped into coins.

The pressed coins also need to go through a weighing procedure.A characteristic of stamped coins is the precision of the weight.However, in actual production, it is difficult to achieve the exact same weight of each coin.This requires a control tolerance value.

After discussion, the industrial port and the financial port believe that with their current technical capabilities, the tolerance can be controlled within 3‰.Coins are weighed on specialized continuous weighing machines.The principle of the weighing machine is similar to a balance. After the coin falls on the machine, the weight shakes within a certain value, and the coins will continue to flow down the outlet. Once the shaking exceeds the tolerance, another cover will be opened to discharge the coins.

Pressed coins are scrubbed clean again after human inspection.A pack of [-] pieces was sealed with mulberry paper and stamped with the stamp of the Ministry of Finance, then put into a strong cash box, sealed, and sent to the central reserve bank's treasury in Hong Kong, waiting to be used.

In Guangzhou in the middle of spring, the winter is not over, and there is still a lingering cold.A bleak wind and rain have just arrived, and the sky is still overcast, which makes people feel a little more depressed.

At this moment, on the Lion Ocean at the estuary of the Pearl River, an Australian-style self-propelled boat blowing smoke is going upstream.On the side of the boat, Meng Xian looked at the gloomy river with a worried look on his face.

It is now seven years after D-Day, 1635 AD.Even according to the Datong calendar prevailing in the Ming Dynasty, the time has entered the eighth year of Chongzhen.

Since the first year of Chongzhen, there have been constant disasters in the north of the Ming Dynasty. In the first year of Chongzhen, there was a severe drought, three years of severe famine, five years of severe famine, six years of floods, and seven years of autumn locusts and severe famine.From the Central Plains to the northwest, there are thousands of miles of barren land, and no grass grows.The people were displaced and starved to death.Shaanxi inspector Ma Maocai said in "Preparing Chen Da Hunger" that the common people scrambled to eat the grass in the mountains. After eating the grass, they peeled the bark and ate it. After the bark was eaten, they could only eat Guanyin soil, and finally died of abdominal distension.

Later Jin in Liaodong invaded the borders year after year. Not only did the imperial court fail to provide relief to the disaster-stricken areas, but they had to intensify taxation.The government forced the people to rebel, and countless hungry people who could not survive rose up. The north was full of smoke and dust, and thousands of miles were corrupted.

In November of the sixth year of Chongzhen, the Northwest Peasant Army crossed the Yellow River in large numbers and entered the Henan area.

In July of the seventh year of Chongzhen, Houjin entered the fortress for the second time and ravaged Xuanfu and Datong.

In the first month of the eighth year of Chongzhen, Gao Yingxiang, Zhang Xianzhong, Lao Huihui, Luo Rucai, Ge Liyan, Hun Shiwan, Jiutiaolong, Zuojinwang, Changshiwang, Hengtianwang, Shuntianwang, Guotianxing, Shetatian and other thirteen schools72 The battalion and peasant army gathered in Xingyang, and Li Zicheng, general of Gao Yingxiang's department, proposed the strategy of "dividing troops and targeting them, and attacking from four directions".Afterwards, Gao Yingxiang, Zhang Xianzhong, and Li Zicheng led their troops south to Fengyang, dug the ancestral graves of the Ming royal family, burned down the Huangjue Temple where Zhu Yuanzhang once became a monk, killed more than [-] eunuchs, beheaded the guard general Zhu Guoxiang, and took away countless rare treasures .The entire country was shocked by the court, and many insightful people in the court and the public were secretly sighing: The Ming Dynasty may be coming to an end.

As a large number of refugees, gentry, and wealthy households fled to the south, the harmonious and peaceful city of Guangzhou has added a deformed prosperity.The industries of the Senate, such as Ziminglou, Zichengji, and Dashijie, are thriving in business.At the same time, batches of refugees with no means of livelihood were transported to Lingao by sea boats to enjoy the rain and dew of the Senate.

The fruit is already rotten, and taking advantage of his illness to kill him, the Senate launched the Guangdong strategy at this juncture, which is tantamount to stabbing the weak patient again.From the bottom of his heart, Meng Xian still sympathized with Emperor Chongzhen in the Forbidden City—this kind of hardship of desperately maintaining the situation knowing that there is no cure is hard for ordinary people to understand.

However, Meng Xian was not happy at all.As the president of Delong Bank and the Guangdong branch of the Central Reserve Bank, he is the head of the Senate's financial front in this new area of ​​Guangdong.It is his duty to maintain the financial and financial stability of the new district, so he feels the pressure is heavy.

The hold of the ship was filled with new currency that he had just picked up from the Ministry of Finance's warehouse in Hong Kong. 20 yuan of silver coins in different denominations: This batch of silver coins is mainly half yuan and 20 cents. 1 yuan is not much.It is mainly used for the office expenses of the army and administrative agencies after entering Guangzhou.After all, 1 yuan coin is more than seven yuan and weighs more than silver, which is a bit too high according to the current purchasing power of silver on the Guangdong market.

In addition to silver coins are 20 boxes of banknotes, also mostly secondary coins.The total denomination is 100 million yuan.The money is the "start-up fee" of the Guangdong District Government of the Senate.Not only that, but it has to be used to try to maintain financial stability in the market.

The Hong Kong Mint continued to mint silver coins, and the printing presses at Lingao's printing house continued to turn. However, he knew that the available resources were limited, and he had to find financial resources for this freshly baked regime as soon as possible.

"With an expression of worrying about the country and the people, do you have something on your mind?" A joking voice came from the side.

"Let's go, I can't breathe due to the heavy burden, and worry about the whole country." Meng Xian turned around, and the person next to him was Liu San.He was appointed by the Ministry of People's Livelihood and Welfare this time to be responsible for the sanitation work in the new district.The reason why they chose a Chinese medicine doctor was probably because the Senate did not have many modern medical supplies to support the new district, so it was better to come first with traditional Chinese medicine that can be used locally.

Liu San nodded: "We are all going to cook without rice..."

Just as Meng Xian was about to speak, he suddenly heard some crew members exclaiming.Looking back, several crew members pointed to a black spot in Jiangxin ahead.Liu San was a little short-sighted, and it took him a long time to confirm that the black shadow was probably a person. Meng Xian had trained in the shooting team, and his eyesight was very good. He was seen holding a piece of wood tightly, going down the river, floating The load sank, even if the crew yelled, there was no response, and they didn't know whether they were alive or dead.

At this time, the captain came to ask for instructions. There were people floating on the river, should they be rescued?

Because the ship was loaded with "special materials", the captain did not dare to decide whether to slow down to save people without authorization.

Meng Xian saw that the boat had already sailed near Yuzhuzhou, not far from Dashijie.This is the sphere of influence of the Senate, the law and order has always been good, and there are no suspicious phenomena around, so there is no problem.Now agree to save people.

The captain ordered the boat to slow down, and several experienced sailors jumped into the river, dragging and pushing people onto the boat.Liu San stepped forward to check and found that the rescued person was a young man in his 20s. He probably had been soaking in the water for a long time. His complexion was purple, his teeth were clenched, his expression was painful, his body was cold, and he had fallen into a semi-comatose state.

Everyone rushed to carry him into the cabin.Liu San saw that he was breathing well and had never drowned.People pried open his mouth and fed him half a bowl of hot water.The young man gradually became conscious, and dazedly pressed his hands on his right abdomen, wheezing and screaming in pain.

Liu Sanming's two young apprentices—this is his newly adopted orphan, and Fu Wuben is now a famous Chinese medicine doctor in Lingao—Liu De and Liu Quan took off their wet clothes for them and checked their symptoms.This person has no trauma to his abdomen, but his face is red, his eyes are red, his lips are dry, his breath is bad, his tongue is red and his fur is yellow. Four cloths, it is the crisis of intestinal carbuncle.That is, acute appendicitis perforation causes diffuse peritonitis, which is quite serious.

Liu San couldn't help hesitating a bit, this kind of evil enters the blood system, and the crisis of yin and yang is about to be lost. The disease is dying, and it can be said that it is close to death. It can be treated with traditional Chinese medicine methods such as Dahuang Mudan Decoction and Dachengqi Decoction. I'm afraid it will be over if it doesn't work, but there is no way to do surgery on this ship, what should I do?

"This man's life is in danger, very dangerous!" Liu Sandao said, "There is no condition for an operation, alas!"

"It's fine if you can't save it..." Meng Xian has no interest in half-dead people. Anyway, he just saves people casually. Knowing that personal compassion cannot change the fate of most people, his heart is already hardened.

(End of this chapter)

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