Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1712 Surgery

Chapter 1712 Surgery
At this time, the young man opened his eyes slightly, and saw that someone was feeling his pulse, and said with all his strength, "Sir, don't bother... The intestinal carbuncle of the villain is a chronic disease, this time I won't be able to get over it... I only beg your benefactor Bury the villain's corpse, and don't let the corpse be exposed in the wilderness. For the kindness of the public, the villain can only be repaid by being a cow and a horse knot in the next life..."

Liu Sanxin thought that there was no way to have an operation and he had to prepare for his funeral. Just as he was about to say a few words of comfort, the crew came to report that they were almost at the Great World Wharf.

Meng Xiandao: "There is a health center in the big world, which can perform minor operations..."

Liu San also remembered that there was indeed a small consulting room in Dashijie, which was not open to the public, in order to protect the health of several veterans and naturalized cadres stationed in Guangzhou. After all, the medical level of the Ming Dynasty could not reassure the veterans.Later, the Ministry of Health planned to open a provincial and Hong Kong General Hospital in Guangzhou based on this, and engaged in medical industrialization to make a fortune in the local area—of course, the official reason was "to meet the needs of veteran health services after the Northward Raiders"—and dispatched a lot of materials and equipment to the big world.Therefore, the current equipment and medicines in this health center are quite strong.

It's no problem to have these things to save his life.He quickly asked the crew to find a stretcher, put the young man on the stretcher and rushed to the big world.

Zhang Yikun, the manager of the Great World, personally greeted him at the door. Liu San didn't have time to exchange greetings. After greeting, he directly asked whether the Great World was qualified for surgery. Zhang Yikun nodded, "There is a small operating room, who wants to perform surgery?"

Liu San briefly introduced the situation.Zhang Yikun showed embarrassment: "Healing the wounded and dying is the right thing to do, but you are saving a person of unknown origin, and you have to use control materials, this, this..."

Liu San said anxiously: "His life is at stake, it's not that we are incapable of saving it, I can't just watch him die like this..."

Expatriate veterans like Zhang Yikun have long been accustomed to the cruelty of medieval society, and the life and death of non-naturalized aborigines are completely meaningless to them. Even if Liu San said so, he still hesitated.

Liu Sandao: "In this way, I assure you that no first-level controlled materials will be used, only equipment and a small amount of consumables - I will pay for these - do you think this will work?"

Speaking of this, Zhang Yikun was too embarrassed to object.Stop talking nonsense, and take Liu San directly to the health center.Liu San looked at the various equipment and medicines in the appliance cabinet, and it seemed that he could still make do with the operation.There is an operating table in the operating room, but there is no shadowless lamp, but the lamps equipped are enough for surgery.

Although he specializes in traditional Chinese medicine, he graduated from a serious medical university and can handle general surgery.

At this time, the dead horse can only be used as a living horse doctor, and the doctors and nurses in the health center are used as assistants, washing hands, disinfecting and changing clothes.The two apprentices also washed their hands and changed their clothes to observe.

There is no modern anesthetic in the clinic—even if it is not used up, it is expired—he uses laughing gas for anesthesia. Nitrous oxide is the easiest anesthetic gas to produce in the inorganic chemical industry of the Senate. It is obtained by heating and decomposing ammonium nitrate powder.When inhaled, it is generally mixed with oxygen. Since it is difficult to produce pure oxygen, a mixed gas of laughing gas and air is used.

After the anesthesia took effect, Liu San immediately picked up the scalpel and made an incision.He did neither with an EKG.Blood pressure monitoring, and due to the unknown situation in the abdomen, instead of using the standard McBurney incision in the right lower abdomen, a large incision was made in the right lower rectus abdominis muscle—because the patient is anonymous, and if he cannot be saved, there is no need to worry about family members coming to the doctor make trouble", beating and killing doctors and nurses or extorting money, so Liu Yuan is more daring to think and act.The patient fell into anesthesia at this time and was left unresponsive at the mercy of him.

He explained to his disciples while operating.The muscles and peritoneum were opened in turn, the pus was sucked out, the cecum was lifted out, and the appendix that had been severely inflamed and gangrene was found.Clamp it with vascular forceps first, ligate it with No. 4 thread, and do a purse suture with silk thread on the cecum wall about one and a half minutes from the root of the appendix, then cut the appendix; rub the stump of the appendix with iodophor cotton swab, and wrap the stump inwards Embed in the purse-string suture, pull back the mosquito forceps while tightening the purse-string suture, and finally tighten the suture so that the stump of the appendix is ​​completely buried, and then suture the seromuscular layer intermittently on the cecum at the root of the appendix with No. 1 thread Strengthen a few stitches; clean and suck out the pus and exudate in the abdominal cavity, put it back into the cecum, place a drainage tube, and draw it out below the incision; suture continuously with absorbable sutures, and close the abdominal cavity; rinse the wound with normal saline to avoid infection; use No. 4 The external oblique aponeurosis was sutured intermittently with nonabsorbable sutures, and then the subcutaneous tissue was sutured intermittently with No. 1 nonabsorbable sutures, and the operation was completed.

Although it was only a minor operation in the original time and space, Liu San was also sweating.The two apprentices originally only followed him to learn Chinese medicine, but today their eyes were obviously opened, they frequently exclaimed and looked at this powerful master with admiration.

Liu San had no idea, because after the operation, there was still the hurdle of anti-infection, otherwise the recovery after the operation would depend entirely on the patient's own immunity, and the mortality rate was quite high.Since he said that he would not use the controlled materials, he would naturally not be able to use the antibiotics brought from the original time and space, so he could only use the antibiotics produced by Sanitation Pharmaceutical Factory. Not only the purity is limited, but also the side effects are very serious. Many patients belch farts due to drug side effects.

"Let's use it for him first." He wrote a prescription and handed it to the nurse, "Is it all there?"

"All these medicines are available." The nurse said respectfully, "Sir, your surgery is really clever..."

"It's okay, it's okay." Liu San said, "I haven't done it for a long time, and my hands are a little raw."

Zhang Yikun came over to talk to him, and also complimented him on his excellent medical skills and immeasurable merits, which greatly benefited the tired old Liu Yuan.

In the next few days, Liu Sanzi went to various places to deal with official business, and only had a follow-up visit a few days later, and performed aftercare treatment such as removing the drainage tube and stitches, and ordered Liu De, who stayed behind, to give the patient Tongmai Sini Decoction every day Take it, followed by Huangqi Jianzhong Decoction, Guipi Yangxin Decoction and other aftercare treatments.Zhang Yikun also ordered a waiter to take care of him daily.

This young man's body was originally strong, with proper breathing adjustment and adequate nutrition, he has gradually recovered after a few days.He has become very familiar with Liu San's apprentice these days, and he learned that the one who saved his life was the elder of the Australian Song Dynasty from Megatron Tiannan, he frequently raised the amount with his hand, and was very grateful.

This day was the Shangsi Festival on March [-]rd, and Liu De told him that Old Man Liu Yuan was back.He hurriedly invited himself to thank him.As soon as he entered Liu San's temporary office, he saw the cheerful Liu San talking and laughing happily with Zhang Yikun. He immediately fell to the ground and thanked Liu San for saving his life.

Liu San ordered his disciples to lift him up and asked him about his physical condition and his identity.The young man spoke Shaanxi-flavored Mandarin, and replied respectfully: "Meng En Gong asked, the villain is already in good health. The villain's surname is Yu, and his name is Qing, a native of Suide, Shaanxi. Because his hometown has been hit by disasters for years, he had to leave his hometown. On the way to escape , both parents died... The villain wandered to Jingxiang, and heard that someone from Guangzhou recruited refugees to farm in Qiongzhou, and provided three meals a day of white rice. That day, when I was going to Guangzhou by boat, I didn’t expect to meet a white dragon patrolling the river. At that time, it was dusk, and suddenly I saw the color of the sky and the earth change, and the wind and waves surged. The time ship capsized. Passengers were all submerged. After falling into the water, the villain escaped by encountering a plank. I don’t want the villain’s intestinal ulcer to break out again. In the storm and heavy rain, he was sore and cold. He thought he would die There is no way to escape... I can't believe that the heavens are so gracious that the elder benefactor rescued the villain on the road to Huangquan, otherwise the villain would have been in the belly of the fish! The benefactor cured the villain's body Serious illness, such a great kindness, it is difficult for a villain to repay it in his life..." As he said, something sad happened, and he couldn't help but shed tears and wailed endlessly.

Liu Sanjie comforted her with kind words, and Yu Qing gradually stopped crying, not daring to cry anymore.But Zhang Yi Kun asked with great interest: "The white dragon you met that day is probably a tornado that is not common in southern China. This is common in America, and there is nothing magical about it. Please tell me in detail what happened to the tornado."

Yu Qing obviously didn't want to recall that horrifying scene, and he didn't dare not answer. He just said: "At that time, the villain was panicked and lost his wits. He could only vaguely see the white dragon touch the sky, and then the boat capsized. What happened later was trivial." People can't remember."

Zhang Yikun smacked his lips in regret.Liu San comforted Yu Qing and said, "You are just fine, go and rest first."

But Yu Qing said again: "The benefactor has the grace of reinventing the villain. He is really a reborn parent. The villain has nothing to repay, and there is nothing else around him. The only thing is an ancestral medical book, which the villain has relied on for generations. Dedicated to benefactor today, I hope benefactor will keep it.” While speaking, he took out an oilcloth bag from his bosom, opened it to reveal a thread-bound book, and offered both hands to Liu San.

Liu San took it over, and saw that the book was covered with wax paper, and the words "Qingniu Medical Prescription" written on it seemed to have been soaked in water, and the handwriting was somewhat blurred.After opening, it was a book block of hard yellow paper, the contents were all handwritten, and after flipping through it, they were all some medical prescriptions.So he closed the book and said solemnly: "A gentleman does not take away the love of others. Since this is your family heirloom, you should keep it for yourself. I am a doctor. Since I am in danger on the road, how can I not reach out to help? Healing the wounded and dying is my responsibility." My vocation is not to ask you for anything in return. Just talking about my medical skills, I may not be willing to cure him if a high-ranking official of the Ming Dynasty asks for it. It is fate that you and I can meet. I will be happy if I can cure your illness "Liu San's words are half true, and half high-profile, to show the broad mind of the elders of the Australian and Song Dynasties.

Yu Qing begged again: "The villain knows that Engong's medical skills are supernatural, even if Hua Tuo comes back to life, and the king of medicine is resurrected, he can't match it. But please benefactor to read the villain's gratitude and accept this book. One, it can be regarded as repaying the villain for a little kindness."

(End of this chapter)

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