Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1713 Cannot accept disciples

Chapter 1713 Cannot accept disciples
Liu San was determined not to accept it, but Zhang Yikun next to him said "oh", and said, "Isn't this the book you dried that day?"

Yu Qing also thanked Zhang Yikun: "Exactly, the villain would like to thank Mr. Zhang for taking the trouble to keep this ancestral thing of the villain."

It turned out that after Yu Qing was rescued that day, Yi Ying Ruan fell into the water. When the nurse was packing his wet clothes, she found this book wrapped in oilcloth in her arms, and handed it to Zhang Yikun for disposal.Master Zhang didn't care, and ordered to dry it and return it to him.It happened that Liu San was next to him. He had been interested in sorting out and restoring ancient books. Seeing this, he said, "It cannot be dried. Although the book is tightly wrapped and not soaked in much water, once it is exposed to the sun, the pages will stick together, the paper will become wrinkled, and the handwriting will be wiped out. This book is valuable, so it would be a pity to destroy it like this? You soak it up with a muslin cloth, put it in a dry box, press it with a heavy object, and put lime with strong water absorption around it, and change it every day. The water can be sucked up in two days." The maid followed suit and saved the book.

Zhang Yikun laughed, and said to Yu Qing: "You should keep this book as a souvenir, you, Liu Engong, don't need it." Then he took a book from Liu San's bookshelf and handed it to Yu Qing: "Look Looking at this book, how is it better than the one handed down by your family?"

Yu Qing took it over, and saw that the title of the book was "Collection of Folk Remedies", and the bottom line read "Written by Liu San in the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the Academy of Sciences in Australia". Among them, the compatibility is slightly different.Surprised and embarrassed, Ai Ai couldn't speak for a while, thinking: "My family's book is obviously a secret book from the ancestors, and it is never shown to outsiders. I thought it was a priceless treasure. Who knows that this benefactor is a master of Xinglin, and he knows about it. The recipe is more than ten times better than my family's. My own team used an ax to offer celery, but it made a fool of myself." At that moment, his ears were red and he was very disappointed.

Liu San couldn't help but glance at Zhang Yikun, and said in his heart: "This guy is still so incapable of being a man, can't I see that his treasure is worthless? But why make it embarrassing for others?" He comforted him immediately: "The ancestral thing, It is of special value to you, so please put it away carefully so as not to damage it. Besides, since you also have family medicine, if you want to come or go with it, I will give you this book as well."

But Yu Qing knelt down and kowtowed again: "The villain is now homeless. Since I have met such a genius doctor as my benefactor, I beg my benefactor to take me in as a disciple. The little man is willing to follow around and serve the master all his life in order to repay his rebirth." Grace."

Liu San saw that he was sincere, and he was quite smart and capable, so he was very interested in accepting him as an apprentice.But he thought of the security education lectures and reminders issued by the Political Security Bureau recently.The origin of this Yu Qing is unknown, and the Political Security Bureau has no ability to investigate his real background, so there will be great hidden dangers in rashly keeping him by his side.I don't feel a little hesitant.

Seeing his troubled expression, Yu Qing knew he was in a difficult situation, so he didn't dare to say anything.

Zhang Yikun came out to smooth things over: "This Doctor Liu doesn't accept apprentices easily, so let's open a pharmacy in our big world. You can sit here for a living. On the one hand, you can make a living for Liu The doctor teaches from time to time."

Although this is not regarded as apprenticeship, he can get along day and night and receive teachings from time to time. Yu Qing was overjoyed, and said that Liu San is like his reborn parents, and in order to show his loyalty, he is willing to change his name to Liu Qing from his master's surname.

Liu San persuaded him, "It's impossible. How can you change your ancestor's surname casually." But Yu Qing insisted on changing it, and finally Zhang Yikun smoothed things over and suggested that he should change his name to Liu Yuqing.So both of them agreed, and Liu Yuqing met with his senior brother again, so he was speechless.

Liu San ordered his disciples to go down and pack up.Zhang Yikun said: "The origin of this person is unknown, you should be more careful."

Liu San didn't take it seriously: "He can be regarded as a spy, but it doesn't mean that this appendicitis is also a disguise..."

"The spy Wang Qisuo was captured by Lingao, and he didn't intend to be knifed in front of Emperor Zhao. This man came from Shaanxi, not the spy sent by Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong."

"You are too weak. Li Zicheng has such a great ability?" Liu San expressed his disbelief, "Besides, he is thousands of miles away from us. What's the use of setting up a scout here? You have to contact us once and for all. About a year."

"You are careless, innocent." Zhang Yikun shook his head, "You don't know that the twists and turns of this Ming's stomach are much stronger than ours."

"Don't talk, don't talk," Liu San hurriedly interrupted the topic, and the two resumed what they had interrupted earlier.Liu San smiled and said to Zhang Yikun: "Runshitang is a small business, and it is not as powerful as your boss Zhang. Please take care of the business in Guangdong in the future. We have a semicolon here..."

At present, Runshitang does not have its own branch directly under it in Guangdong, and all the stores opened in Guangdong are joint ventures through the cooperation of Yang Runkaitang to sell proprietary medicines.It can only be regarded as a counter.Now that they want to attack Guangdong, and they have the ready-made stronghold of Dashijie, Liu San immediately encourages the big bosses of Sanitation to support Runshitang to advance to Guangdong and open a Runshitang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital.On the one hand, it can publicize the efficacy of various Chinese patent medicines, and on the other hand, it can also be used to recruit Chinese medicine talents in Guangdong.

However, the big bosses at Sanitation Kou are basically Chinese medicine blacks. Fortunately, Chinese medicine, acupuncture and the like are quite effective, and have solved many medical problems after D-Day. Liu San still has a place in Sanitation Kou.But when it comes to opening a Runshitang branch with the nature of a "Chinese medicine hospital", Dr. Shi and others seem not so happy-after all, this will squeeze the resources of the Provincial and Hong Kong General Hospital. Section Chief Deng, who was in charge of general affairs, even made excuses in every possible way, which made Liu San at a loss. In the end, Shangshangkou expressed a strong interest in this, and the project was approved.However, because it is a commercial project, it can only be regarded as a pharmacy leading a doctor.

Zhang Yikun patted his stomach and laughed: "It's easy to talk about, I can still talk about this three-acre land in the big world." He has been doing well in Guangzhou for the past few years, full of ambitions, and a good life. The standard Ming Dynasty gentlemanly demeanor. "We are not outsiders. Brother Liu's business is my business. I didn't say anything. But... Although I have the name of a rich man, in fact all the assets belong to the Senate. I ordered the maid to get the key , the family is not the master. Don't look at my store, personnel, and money, but if you want to spend money and use resources, you have to apply to your superiors first, and then dare to move after approval. Of course, since Brother Liu has opened his mouth, he can help I will still do my best to serve the Senate, haha."

Liu San saw that his words were smooth, and he didn't have a solid word after he said a lot, so he couldn't help being a little angry: "Old Zhang, when we first met a few years ago, you were still a very straightforward person, why are you now smelling like copper? Is it the feudal and decadent atmosphere of Ming Dynasty that knocked you down? Sure enough, this person is different once he has money, haha."

Zhang Yikun felt a little unhappy when he heard this, and his face was still full of spring breeze: "Xiao Liu, what you said is wronged, you don't know how expensive you are if you are not in charge of the family, if you can come out and take some responsibility, you will know that we are here Difficulties outside. Let’s talk about the preparations of the Great World in the past few years. Although we relied on our power to attack Guangzhou and the support of the special investigation team, it still took countless efforts.”

"Don't pretend, whoever wronged you, you have a bad conscience."

Zhang Yikun saw that his words were not right, so he changed the topic and discussed the matter of the Guangdong Raiders: "There are so many elders here this time, it seems that the Senate is going to do a big job here."

"Although there is no specific plan for the attack on the mainland this time, it is different from the previous attacks. In the past, when we attacked Guangzhou and Xiamen, we just left after finishing the attack. We didn't care about killing or burying them. This time we went to the mainland, but Occupy and not go away. Establishing effective governance is much more difficult than simply destroying."

"It's not that we are inexperienced. Now in Hainan Island, Taiwan, and Jeju Island, the government's production and construction are all doing well."

"It's not the same. We have overwhelming advantages in military, organization, and manpower in these places. To put it bluntly, these are the fringes of Ming society, where the ruling power is weak and the people's power is not strong. Once we arrive on the mainland , facing the feudal people a hundred times larger than ours and the feudal forces that are intricately intertwined, it is not as easy as imagined."

"I don't think it's a big deal. Did the Manchu and Qing Tartars have more people than us when they entered the customs? Was the production relationship more advanced than ours? Its system of universal slavery was worse than that of the Ming Dynasty. Didn't it rule China in the end? Don't forget that it was still a feudal society. Rule the most successful dynasty, why? The fist is the truth."

"I don't think it's a good time now, and we should take a long-term view. This time, I don't agree with the putschism of those guys in the military. If we wait another ten years, the Ming Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty, and the rogue bandits will all lose. , All three losers, when the whole of China is suffering, wouldn't it be easier and more popular for us to pick peaches as liberators and saviors?"

"That's what I thought at first. The problem is that we can't wait for another ten years." Zhang Yikun rubbed his head, deeply moved, "Although people can live to be 80 or [-] years old, how many years can they really work? I was in my thirties on D-day, and now I am over forty. How many years are there in five or ten years in life?"
Liu San opened his mouth, originally wanting to talk about the "Nanshan Project" that Sanitation Kou is researching, but then he thought that this project was carried out in secret, speaking rashly would put a lot of pressure on Sanitation Kou, so it's better not to mention it.Still couldn't help but clicked: "It is said that it is more than 40, how do you think your energy is better than before?"

"It's not bad. I don't think there is any sign of decline." Zhang Yikun didn't know what he meant, "Maybe we live in a good natural environment, eat organic food, and live a regular life."

(End of this chapter)

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