Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1718 Occupying Humen

Chapter 1718 Occupying Humen
Another part of the officers who he felt were unreliable stayed in the Chinese army to "assist in military affairs" which was actually to monitor and control them.He sent his cronies to take over the troops.After finishing all this work, he sent someone to call Liu Zhipei over, trying to find out how he managed to make the officers and soldiers rush out of the barracks, causing such a big disturbance.

Unexpectedly, it was not Liu Zhipei who came, but one of his personal soldiers.After asking, he found out that his nephew was killed last night.

"Liu gathered the brothers who were in charge of the general manager, but he didn't come after waiting for more than an hour. The younger ones went to see, only to find that he had been killed!" The soldier said, "We have no idea, Later, someone sent a letter saying that the top officers and soldiers of the Chinese army were besieging the general anyway, so everyone hurried over."

"Good job, Ma Chengzu! So you have a conspiracy!" Liu Fengsheng lamented the tragic death of his nephew, and thought of Ma Chengzu's greeting, and dozens of people poured in outside, which showed that he had already prepared.What happened today is really sinister!
On the river, more than a dozen large boats were emitting black smoke, chug ahead of the light sailing sloop, and sailed towards Humen, Shanghengdang Island, etc. The boats were loaded with soldiers from the First Marine Expeditionary Team .

Although the blue flags symbolizing surrender have been hung in various fort camps in Humen, the soldiers are still very nervous. According to the usual training, they are lying on their bodies, carrying rifles with caps and bayonets already loaded, Always ready to jump out and plunge into the fray.The guns on the sloop on the river were also equipped with scales, and the muzzles were pointed directly at the target, ready to fire at any time.

There was no battle during the landing. There were only a few guards on the fort, most of whom were old and weak.After the fleet approached, there was no general order from Humenzhai, and no one came out to command the resistance. Seeing the army of the Kun bandits approaching, they rushed away before Liu Fengsheng's general order of "stand by and not resist" arrived. scattered.The sailors boarded the forts everywhere, but there was no one there.

Liu Fengsheng was dressed all over his body, and led all the officers to stand outside Humen Village, surrounded by more than a dozen "elders" from Taipingxu. It is now the end of winter and early spring, and the wind blowing from the river is very chilly. Several "elders" in thin clothes I couldn't bear to stomp my feet and hands.

In contrast, Liu Fengsheng's side is still neat.It's just that compared with the completely numb "elders", the generals are more disturbed.Regardless of a person's concept of honor or disgrace, it is always a dishonorable thing to seek honor from the Lord.Furthermore, how will the Australians deal with them after they surrendered? No matter how many tickets He Xin made, the surrendered generals still murmured in their hearts.

Seeing the Australians in blue-gray clothes on the fort continuously landing from the river, they became more and more worried.

Just as he was beating his heart, suddenly an Australian soldier rushed over and asked, "Which one is Liu Fengsheng, the guard of Humen Village?"

Liu Fengsheng quickly responded, "It's a humble job."

"Old man Shi Zhiqi told you to meet the generals and gentry of Humen village in the past."

Liu Fengsheng hurriedly said: "Yes, I will go to the humble position."

The one who landed in Humen was Shi Zhiqi, the commander of the First Marine Expeditionary Team.At the moment, the deployment and takeover work of the Marine Corps is being arranged in the government office behind the Yaniangxie Fort.Xi Yazhou asked him to expand locally as soon as possible after occupying Humen, and firmly control the key to Guangzhou.

He originally wanted to go directly to Humenzhai to set up a headquarters—there are many houses in the camp, and it is a ready-made garrison camp.But the staff of the Ministry of Urban and Industrial Affairs who came to respond just now said that a fierce battle took place in the Humen village, and now the yamen is full of blood and has not been cleaned up.Shi Zhiqi had no choice but to give up this idea, and now settle down here.

He has roughly learned about the situation of the guards and garrisons in Humenzhai from the Ministry of Urban Industry. He is not interested in these old officers, but right now they are short of manpower and there are stretches everywhere. Old soldiers who have received the "Certificate of Voting" can still take advantage of it temporarily.

Under the leadership of the guards, Liu Fengsheng walked into the courtyard of the Fort Government Office, walked to a place one foot away from the dripping eaves, and quickly knelt down.A woman's voice came from inside: "The chief has an order, you don't have to kneel down, please come in General Liu!"

Liu Fengsheng was taken aback for a moment, thinking, why does the gangster bring women with him when he fights?He suddenly realized that his thoughts were "disrespectful". They were not "thieves" or even "Australians", but serious "chiefs".Thinking of this, he quickly got up, walked up a few steps, and signed up: "The humble general Liu Fengsheng will see the chief."

"Don't be too polite, let's go into the house."

Liu Fengsheng hurried into the room, and saw that the room had been tidied up. There was only a big table in the middle, and something hung against the wall, covered by a curtain.Two Australian soldiers stood on both sides of the door, one on the left and the other on the right, with short guns hanging from crosses on their bodies.The head of Australia is a man in his thirties. At first glance, he is dressed in the same clothes as a soldier, and there is a female soldier beside him.He didn't dare to look too much, so he quickly lowered his head, held his breath and waited for questions.

"You are Liu Fengsheng?" Shi Zhiqi looked at the middle-aged man in front of him who was dressed in a respectful manner. He had read Liu Fengsheng's information: he was born in the army, joined the army at the age of 16, accumulated meritorious service to a thousand, and won military exploits in the She'an Rebellion. He won the title of "Guerrilla" and spent money on sports for a few years before taking up the post of garrison in Humen Village.

"Yes, the humble general is."

It was not easy for Shi Zhiqi when he thought about it. After more than 20 years of military career, he worked hard in battle and gave money to others, so he finally climbed to this position.According to the information, he did not marry his wife until he was in his thirties when he became CEO of a thousand companies, and it was only in recent years that he bought a house in Guangzhou.The materials said that he was both greedy and stingy, so it was no wonder that the Ministry of Urban and Industrial Affairs did not take much effort to persuade him to surrender.

"I heard that there was a fierce battle in your government office today?"

"Yes." Liu Fengsheng was about to narrate what happened early this morning, how he prepared to convene the generals to discuss joining the Senate, how Gao Xidian and Ma Chengzu launched an attack, and a fierce battle broke out between the two sides in the Central Army Office.

"...Gao Xidian and Ma Chengzu are arrogant and rebellious. They tried to resist the heavenly soldiers with their arms. Now they have wiped out all these ugly creatures! The leader ordered the gate of the camp to show the prestige of the Song Dynasty and the Senate..."

Shi Zhiqi nodded slightly. Ma Chengzu knew this person, so it was expected that he would resist so fiercely.Only Gao Xidian had no memory of who he was. These people were able to fight despite being completely hopeless. Daming still had loyal ministers and righteous men.

But he didn't dislike Liu Fengsheng in front of him. If the ground was full of loyal ministers and righteous men, the Senate would not be confused.In the final analysis, man is a kind of animal that conforms to the general trend. As long as the Senate leads the general trend well, there will be a majority of people who understand current affairs, and the world will be in its pocket.

He nodded slightly and said: "Although they are ignorant of current affairs, they don't obey Wang Hua, and they resist to the end. They are still Zhu Ming's loyal ministers. The leaders don't give orders, and the corpses should be buried as soon as possible. Put a mark on them so that the family members can be saved later. Come collect the body."

Liu Fengsheng hurriedly said: "The chief is benevolent..."

"I am now appointing you as the captain of the [-]st Brigade of the National Army's Guangdong General Corps. You go back to the camp now and go through the handover procedures with the people I sent—you can rest assured that our promises are all valid. Yours You can take all your personal property away; if you can’t take it away temporarily, I have informed the receiving staff to arrange a house as a temporary warehouse for you to store your private property.”

Liu Fengsheng quickly knelt down to thank him.Shi Zhiqi frowned and said: "My Senate cannot kneel and worship etiquette, you can get rid of this in the future. After the handover, you will lead the troops of the headquarters to Hong Kong Island for training. You have your own arrangements for how to go. You just need to restrain your subordinates and wait! He glanced at Liu Fengsheng again, "I know that there are many bad habits and old rules among the officers and soldiers. Now that you are newly surrendered, I don't care about it with you, but you must remember that you must never disturb the people. If there is any disturbance to the people, you will never forgive !"

Liu Fengsheng hurriedly said: "The subordinates are all local aborigines, and there will never be anything that disturbs the people."

Shi Zhiqi nodded: "I trust you, you must discipline your subordinates and obey orders. You will have a great future in the future. You go."

He said something, and Liu Fengsheng responded, he didn't know how big the position of the captain was, but he understood it when he went to Huangpu Island for training.It stands to reason that as long as people move places, there must be a starting fee.He was also counting on the Australians to give him a generous "reward", but he didn't mention it until Shi Zhiqi said, "You go."I couldn't help but feel disappointed: it is said that Australian Life is generous, but it is so stingy.

However, he didn't dare to mention it, and he didn't dare to show his disappointment, so he withdrew respectfully.Then Shi Zhiqi met with military officers at all levels above the Humenzhai Foreign Affairs Committee in batches, and said some comforting words.

The last ones to be interviewed were the liaison officers and gentry from Taipingxu.For them, the Australians are old acquaintances. Every year, Taipingxu pays a "reasonable burden" to the Australians, so the arrival of the Australians this time did not cause panic.After Shi Zhiqi said a few words on the scene, he sent the gentry away, leaving the liaison officer to ask about the food of the garrison.

According to the plan, the Marine Corps will leave a company here to guard Humenzhai.

"Don't worry, the chief, the town has already prepared it," the liaison officer said respectfully, "There are thirty shi of grain in the storeroom for use at any time."

"You are here at the Pearl River Pass, and the Joint Logistics Headquarters is going to open a supply station here. Please do your best." Seeing the liaison officer's frown, Shi Zhiqi smiled, "Why? I'm afraid you will be poor?"

"The little ones don't dare, dare not." The liaison officer was frightened out of his wits, and immediately knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

(End of this chapter)

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