Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1719

Chapter 1719
"You can rest assured that you are all contributing to this matter, and it will definitely not cost you money--there are benefits."

The liaison officer complained secretly. Although the Australians acted in a proper manner, when the army crossed the border, it was only grass, grain, and firewood.A few years ago, the Australians also occupied Humen and stationed soldiers here. Although the conscripts were paid for, everything in the Taiping Market became more expensive when the money increased, and the merchants made a lot of profits, but the common people complained.

He didn't dare to say anything more - Fubo's army didn't rob or kill, they bought and sold at the same level, as far as soldiers were concerned, they were already like Bodhisattvas, so they didn't dare to care about other things.

Shi Zhiqi smiled and let him back out.This liaison officer is not very effective, but unfortunately they have too few cadres, and there are only ten cadres who are going to be sent to Dongguan County. Naturally, there is no way to send cadres to take over this small Taipingxu.

Then he arrived at the Planning Institute's special search team and began to take a comprehensive inventory of the official properties of Humenzhai. Shi Zhiqi didn't care about these things. What he cared most about was the progress of the various companies along the Pearl River system.

He looked at his watch. According to the action plan, the units of the Special Investigation Brigade of the General Reconnaissance Bureau should have controlled several city gates in the east and south of the city. Occupy the main points in the city.In another 4 hours, the first batch of squadrons of the Guangdong Corps of the National Army from Hong Kong will pass through the Pearl River to the provincial capital and the first batch of occupied counties and important towns.

According to the Ministry of Urban and Industrial Development, the march from the Pearl River Estuary to Guangzhou will be an armed parade.The provincial river defense system that Xiong Wencan barely recovered after coming to power is itself very weak. After experiencing the invasion of the Pearl River Estuary, the officers and soldiers were afraid of the Australian military power and were unwilling to fight to the death.Leading parties are everywhere.As long as the Ministry of Urban and Industrial Affairs issued the conditions of "guaranteeing the safety of personal and family property, and those who are willing to leave, they can be escorted to leave Guangdong" is enough for many people to agree to cooperate.

As the commander-in-chief of the first stage, Shi Zhiqi didn't dare to be careless at all. The plan was never [-]% executed.The internal strife in Humen Village fully shows that it is not enough to have only a few high-level leading parties.Today's matter, in fact, Ma Chengzu is very likely to come back, although whether he makes a comeback does not affect the situation, but the journey of marching will not be smooth sailing.

"Report to me every hour about the progress of each detachment." He ordered, and looked at the map of Guangzhou City on the map again. The gates of the cities have been marked: which ones have already done work , the blue ones have been agreed to open the door and sacrifice the city, and the red ones may need to be resolved by force.

From the map, several gates in the east of the city: Dadongmen, Wenmingmen, and Guidemen, which is the boundary between Panyu and Nanhai counties, have been marked in blue—the total number is not many, but most of them are occupied The key point of Guangzhou.There are also very few red city gates, most of them are gray with an ambiguous attitude.

But once the Fubo army entered Guangzhou, these ambiguous grays would follow the "front uprising" - at least that's what Lin Baiguang said.Under normal circumstances, the guard of a city gate is just a general, with thirty or forty soldiers under his command.If there is no additional troops from the city to support, there will be no waves.

The sky was twilight, and it was not yet the first hour of the morning.Inside the East Gate of Guangzhou City University.Dai Laochang carried a whole set of plasterer's tools as usual, ready to go to work on the construction site in the big world outside the city.

At this time, the gate of the city hadn't been opened yet, and a large group of craftsmen who were also going out of the city early were squatting at the entrance of the Yuecheng Gate, chatting and having breakfast.All kinds of food stalls that specialize in this bitter business are lined up at the base of the city wall, steaming.Lao Chang did not go to join them as usual, but went straight to the military academy on duty at the door opening, flattering the authentic: "Master, why haven't you opened the door today?!"

He's been here all his life, and he's acquainted with the soldiers guarding the gate.

"What's the rush?! The water leak hasn't finished dripping yet. There's still half an hour left."

"How long will it take?!" Dai Laochang whispered as if he was talking to himself, "The survivors are weeping in the dust!"

Hearing this, the military academy on duty was stunned for a moment, quickly glanced left and right, and then answered in a low voice, "Nanwang Wangshi is today."

After receiving the signal that the city gate was ready, Dai Laochang retreated while laughing.After waiting for a while to confirm that no one noticed him, he came to the watchtower of Dongping Dabao next to the city gate, took out a piece of blue cloth, walked in and asked, "Shopkeeper, is this right?!

The shopkeeper of the pawn shop took the blue cloth, looked at it, and said, "Wait a minute, I need someone to look at it."

"No rush, I'll wait here."

After a while, a small blue flag was hung on the watchtower of Dongping Dabao.

At this time, a heavy iron wheel sound suddenly sounded from far to near outside the east gate. People who live in this area and people who often go to the Dashijie construction site know that it is the sound of an Australian iron ladder car.The iron ladder was laid from the gate of Dashijie to the intersection of Yuanyun Street. Because the gentry living in Dongguanxiang outside the Dadongmen objected, and the street was narrow, it was not laid to the gate of the city.

The sound of iron wheels and carts in the morning light immediately attracted the attention of the officers and soldiers on the city tower, and they all stuck their heads out to look at the intersection of Yuanyun Street not far away.

The sound of the iron carts disappeared, replaced by the sound of chaotic footsteps.A group of people wearing blue-gray jackets, iron helmets, leather boots, and firearms ran quickly near the east gate.

"Quick, quick, quicker, behind, follow up!"

After the leading officer shouted, he looked up at the top of the watchtower.It's a blue flag, which means everything is going well and going according to plan.

"Quan Company, be alert." After the officer gave the order, he shouted at the city gate: "My fellow, open the door and give me a piece of land!"

In the gate opening, the officers and soldiers in charge of guarding the city gate quickly ordered the soldiers to remove the horizontal bolt, opened the city gate and lowered the suspension bridge.

The Fubo army passed through the city gate and entered the city of Guangzhou without a single soldier.At this time, a group of people in civilian clothes with blue cloth strips tied to their arms also ran out of the prison next to the city gate.The leader shouted loudly to the officers of the Fubo Army: "Quick, go this way!"

"Okay, the guide is in place! The teams are proceeding according to the plan." The officer ordered: "The first row, occupy the drum tower. The second row, the bell tower, and the third row defend on the spot, ensure the communication line of the city gate, and meet the friendly troops."

"The messenger!"


"Report to Xiangqianzhi: Dadongmen, Master Wang has already landed."

"Bang bang," the wine glass fell to the ground, and the dignitary guarding the Civilization Gate knelt Zong Sazhifu to the ground, pressed his stomach in pain, stared at Chief Beaufort with hatred, and asked in a hoarse voice intermittently: "You, why did you poison..."

"I'm sorry, but I was forced to do so. Who told you to be so loyal to Daming?" Bo Fu stood up nonchalantly, and threw all the wine vessels on the table on the ground, "I don't know if Daming will die or not. The breaking of the city will happen in an instant. I won’t stop you if you want to die, but don’t drag us to die together if you don’t.”

"You...since you don't...wish...why...why do you agree, you still have to swear..."

Chief Beaufort smiled: "If you don't make an oath with you, why are you willing to drink this poisonous wine? What will you do if you go to drag other people? There are several generations of high-ranking officers and soldiers in Wuyang City, and they all have families. Because of your loyalty to Daming, do you want to die together?"

Before he finished speaking, Sa Zhifu already vomited blood and fell to the floor, motionless.

Chief Beaufort smiled again at the corpse, and said, "I will send your family to reunite with you soon, so you can go there with peace of mind."

He looked at the sky outside the window, took off the saber from the wall, and shouted: "Come here!"

Two soldiers entered in response.

"Master Sa Zhifu has already given his allegiance to Daming." He said solemnly, "You guys take his body away."

The soldiers responded, and Chief Beaufort walked out of the tower. The sky was already bright, and the opening of the city gate was much later than expected, but it didn't matter. The Australian troops should have entered the city from the Civilization Gate of Dadongmen early in the morning. .He only needs to dedicate the city gate to the Australians who came to receive him according to the original plan.

A confidant came over quietly and told Dao Zhazhi in a low voice that all his nephews and soldiers who were in the Civilization Gate had been "disposed of".

Chief Powell nodded slightly, and said in a low voice: "Cut the weeds and roots, we have to deal with it."

"Yes, I understand, I have already sent someone there..."

"You go in person." Chief Powell said viciously, "Don't let one go, it will be a disaster in the future."

"Yes, little one, let's go!"

After dismissing his cronies, he leaned against the parapet nervously and looked at the street.There are no pedestrians on the street, and the shops are not open. The strange phenomenon that the gate of civilization did not open on time has alerted the nearby residents. Although they don't know that Guangzhou City has changed its owner, they instinctively decide not to go to the streets or open the door.

Beaufort looked at the sky, it was about the early morning, and the Australian army should have arrived.But he hasn't seen them appear until now, so he can't help feeling a little worried.He is the garrison of Civilization Gate. In theory, the officers and soldiers here obey his command, but the Sazhifu family has multiplied here for several generations, and there are many relatives and old friends. !
The most dangerous thing doesn't stop there. In the east of Guangzhou City, there is a training ground for guerrilla training, with nearly a thousand troops stationed in the front and rear battalions.If the news is leaked, the training guerrilla general will directly counterattack before the Australians come to receive it. When the time comes to attack from inside and outside, he will immediately end up without a place to die!
He has sent his cronies to lead his own soldiers and family members to control various places inside and outside Dadongmen, but these people are a minority after all, and most ordinary soldiers have no friendly relationship with military officers on weekdays.The commanding skills of military officers are not only severe punishment but also deception. If there is no generous reward at the critical moment, it is absolutely unreliable.

(End of this chapter)

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