Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1721

Chapter 1721
Huang Tinkun hesitated for a while, the Huang family has always been "farming and studying heirlooms", boasting that the heirlooms of poetry and etiquette are the most upright Taoism, and the children are never allowed to set foot in places like brothels.

While hesitating, Wu Bi pushed him from behind: "Quick, it's not suitable to stay on the street for a long time!"

Huang Tingkun thought to himself that this was a matter of urgency, and the two of them rushed into the courtyard, behind them, the turtle slave closed the back door and put down the bar, and said in a low voice, "You two come with me."

Huang Tikun originally thought that this courtyard was full of wine pools and meat groves, but he didn't think it was just a very secluded courtyard.He followed Gui Nu all the way forward, only to see that there is a cave here, the flowers and trees are scattered, and the courtyard is deep, it is very quiet and elegant.I couldn't help feeling ashamed in my heart: I am really ignorant!
Fangchunyuan is a large courtyard in Guangzhou city.The high-end houses in the Ming Dynasty were not simple brothels, but actually complexes with dining, entertainment and fashion centers.There are not only prostitutes, helpers, musicians, etc., but also a large number of service staff who support tailors, jewelry craftsmen, cooks, etc.Rich people stay here for leisure, not out of "sex" needs - all of them have beautiful wives and concubines in their homes - it is more similar to the nature of modern leisure clubs.

Mr. Lin combed a pink hair here.Come here often for pleasure.He is a great benefactor here, and he also meets and discusses some confidential and important matters here.

Guinu took them to the gate of a small courtyard and went there.The maid ushered them in.A table of fruit had been set up in the middle hall, and there were quite a few people coming. Huang Tinkun took a look, and besides the acquaintances of Yuyuan Society, there were still a few new faces.Mr. Liang was not among them - he probably had a noble status, and it was inconvenient for him to come out in such a chaotic situation.

Because most of the acquaintances no longer sit down one by one.The two sat down, someone offered tea, and everyone at the table was talking freely.


"Australians are so sophisticated, we don't need to discuss it anymore. Just look at the calmness of the market, this city of Guangzhou is undoubtedly dominated by Australians."

"This Guangzhou gold mountain and silver mountain, the Australians may have been coveting it for a long time!"

"Entering the city is peaceful, my little brother thought there would be a bloody war." Someone seemed to be rejoicing, "It's no wonder their military discipline is so strict!"

"I've heard that the thieves have the strongest control, but they are strictly disciplined."

"Even the young people in the city don't dare to move around. Suppression is very effective. We who have families and property are most afraid of the turmoil in the market," the speaker seemed to be terrified, "I just came here in time, see you A shelf has been set up at the intersection, and a few bandits are hanging there—it is said that they are all beggars who took advantage of the chaos.”

"Good kill! These scoundrels are used to extorting money from the market, and even scholars and gentlemen have been harassed by them for a long time."

"Australians have always been strong, but they don't know what they will do next when they occupy Guangzhou."

"It would be great if the imperial court was invited to discuss peace."

"If you want to recruit security, you can recruit security in Lingao. How can the imperial court in the provincial capital let it go!"

"I'm only worried that the imperial court will gather troops to suppress the rebellion. I'm afraid this prosperous Wuyang City will be turned into ashes!" Someone worried.

These words resonated with everyone. The common people are most afraid of war. Once the city is besieged and fought, the people will be the most unlucky. At that time, let alone you, a small scholar, even the gentry will inevitably lose his family.It has not been a few years since the siege of Guiyang by the She'an Rebellion.Guiyang was under siege for several years. The food in the city was exhausted, and people were eating each other. Even the daughters of officials' families were taken to cook by the defenders. The whole city was almost turned into a ghost town.Before the siege, in addition to the original soldiers and civilians, there were also refugees pouring in from all over the city, totaling tens of 10 people.By the time the siege was rescued, only 600 people had survived.

The people in Guangzhou have also heard these terrible news. Thinking that if the imperial army came to suppress them, wouldn't this Guangzhou be the second Guiyang?Everyone showed a look of uneasiness.

"I think brother is worrying too much." Wu Yu said, "Let's not talk about the imperial court's current difficulties, can we gather people to fight it? Even if we can mobilize the army from several provinces, I don't think there is much chance of winning." He looked at the audience "How many people did Australians have when Du Wang was besieging and suppressing Lingao? Now there are many more Australians than before!"

"So, even if the imperial court wants to suppress them, they probably won't be able to reach the city of Guangzhou."

Wu Ni nodded: "Australians have strong soldiers, strong ships and powerful guns. Even if the imperial court can send troops from several provinces to attack, I think the odds of winning are very slim!"

Huang Tinkun originally wanted to scold Wu Bi for "where is his position?", but after thinking about it, what he said was completely reasonable.In fact, he knew better than him about the strength of the Australians. We had to rely on the weak officers and soldiers to defeat the bandits in one fell swoop, fearing that the sun would come out from the west.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel secretly frustrated.At this time, someone whispered: "That's good." Before he could think about it, he heard someone say:
"Now that the Australians are advancing into Guangzhou, the province's cities will not be able to protect themselves. My wealth and lives are all here, and from now on, I can only let the Australians squeeze and flatten me."

"I have to bow my head under the eaves, and I still have to make friends with some Australian dignitaries to protect myself."

"If you want to talk about the high officials in Australia, I heard that it is the head of the Wen Envoy, but there is no way for me to wait for the common people to see it. It would be great to see Dongzhu Guo, but it's abominable to hold it high!"

"Brother Shi, be careful! That person is very hot right now, so you and I can't talk about it."

"Yes, maybe in the future we will have to rely on Master Gao."

Huang Erye carefully observed everyone's expressions and found that no one showed strange expressions, but some people were secretly happy.These mediocre people, they must be rebels!His face was getting darker and darker.These people have read the books of sages and sages, and they have been favored by the king. When things come to an end, all they think about is how to act in order to protect themselves.He sneered, and said with a hint of sarcasm: "My lords, the kung fu of Kun Bandit is the best in the world. So don't worry too much about this sword disaster. I think the court is determined not to be an opponent, so you can rest assured."

Many people's faces were slightly heated, remembering that they still have the fame of being a scholar of the Ming Dynasty, supervisor of students and so on.Then I heard him say, "The most worrying thing for you is how the scholars will deal with themselves?"

"Why did Brother Huang say that?"

"The kun thief employs people, and his subordinates have always used the fake kuns he taught. Now he employs fake kuns, and he likes to use poor people, ignorant and foolish people. Where can I wait for scholars to go?"

There was an uproar as soon as this remark came out.Everyone shook their heads one after another, and most of them had expressions of disbelief.Someone said, "In the Song Dynasty, we ruled the world with the scholar-bureaucrats, so we don't need to worry about it. Now he trusts mud legs and fake hair, but scholars still don't trust him, so they can't do it. If Australians want to compete in the world, they must be courteous corporals, It is not allowed to select celebrities for the imperial examinations. Mud legs and fake knuckles are just a stopgap measure."

As soon as this statement came out, it was immediately approved by the majority.

Seeing that everyone didn't believe it, Second Master Huang secretly smiled wryly, and didn't say anything more.He didn't have much confidence in these people, and now he just thought they were talking to themselves.

While talking, a servant hurried in from the outside and whispered something in Mr. Lin's ear.Lin Zunxiu's face changed, and the servant took out a scroll from his arms and handed it over.

Mr. Lin unfolded the scroll and glanced at it, his face turned pale.Everyone asked anxiously: "What is it?" "Could it be an announcement from the Australians?" "What did you say?"

"This is a bulletin posted on the street just now. The servant copied it." Lin Zunxiu said, and the sailor handed the scroll to Mr. Shi.

"Begging for Zhu..." Mr. Shi only read two words, but he didn't dare to say any more.The expressions of the people around him changed, and they already understood what he was holding in his hand.Huang Tikun quickly took it over and took a look, and it was indeed a rebellious essay.

Zhu Mingxi
Unfortunately in the Song Dynasty, he was repeatedly attacked by the Tartars, first met Jingkang, and Wanyan deceived Huiqin for his benevolence.When I met Yashan again, the midge Yuanling Youjun was alone.Huo Song De, although the country is far away from the middle land.It was relocated overseas, but the ancestral temple still exists in Australia.The Yuan government has no way, and heroes rise.Forging ahead at the head of Guizhou, Hu has no luck for a hundred years.After the restoration of Shenzhou, Zhongxia has a unique sage.

Husband Zhu Ming Taizu Yuanzhang, stood up and marched in the army, peeping at the magic weapon in his heart.Killing King Ming and colleagues, Youliang, Guozhen, Shicheng and others were all slaughtered.The expulsion of the Tartars is the common cause of the heroes of the Central Xia Dynasty.How can Huaixi do it alone when his skills are so magnificent?In Yuan Zhang's regime, all the violence followed Hu's customs.The strong beam is domineering, and the fishy smell is still in the middle beam.Rabbits die and dogs cook, Liu Ji and Song Lian perish.The birds are all bowed and hidden, and the good leader Sapphire is killed.Longyou and left, all can't stand it.

The founding of the puppet dynasty was like this, and it was even worse when it was passed on to the second generation.The uncle seizes the nephew's place, and the jackal becomes a wolf.Close to evil and secluded, cruel to Zhongliang.God and man are jealous, but heaven and earth cannot tolerate it.

In the middle of the time, it was even more absurd: Wang Haobian made meritorious service, and Huben's master died of civil engineering.The ministers are evil to the sea, and the Japanese pirates are poisoning the southeast.There are so many kinds that cannot be counted.Chinese people are all immoral.Since Shenzong, the government has been declining.Love is far from good, and a child is like a grass and a tree.A group of ugliness is in power, and meat is nothing more than eunuchs.With one whip, ten households will die nine times, the silver will be collected, the spirit of the people will be weakened, the yin and yang will not be adjusted, the parents will be on the road, the grain will not grow, and the child will cry for food.

From day to day, dying.In the three cases of the inner court, the peace between the government and the wild has been lost.Wang Gong exploded, and the sky seized his kingly energy again.Eunuchs are confused and chaotic, and Wei Eunuchs can be called a thousand years old.The bandits are rampant, and the postmen may be called Chuangwang.Internal and external troubles are at stake.Stirring the whale waves, the red barbarians breed in the sea.Iron horses and bows are carved, and female straights are rampant in Cyprus.The dragon and the snake take off from the land, and the crape myrtle manifests its murderous intent.Competing for the championship, Zhu Ming is exhausted!
This dynasty made a fortune in the southern wilderness, inherited the ancestors, looked north to the South China Sea, and aimed at peace of the people.According to the order of Tianjing, Guangqi Huangji, raised the banner of righteousness, to clear the evildoers.The Sixth Army will set up southern Guangdong, and Yao, Shun and Yu Tang will reappear in the present.Thousands of miles will return to Qiongya, and the confusion of the four seas and books can be expected.

Today, it is reported that the two capitals and the thirteen chief secretaries and four hundred states:
The destiny is in the Song Dynasty, and the end of the Ming Dynasty can be counted!The heavenly soldiers are approaching, and the officials and the people will do it for themselves!
Don't say it is unpredictable!

(End of this chapter)

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