Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1722 Nantou City

Chapter 1722 Nantou City

Huang Tikun threw it down casually, and said with a sneer: "It's really rough! The diction is crude, and the words are unreasonable. Since ancient times, apart from Han Gaozu, it has been the Taizu of this dynasty. What is the Song Dynasty? Song Taizu bullied orphans and widows After winning the throne, Emperor Taizong frowned with the sound of an axe, Huizong frolicked and subjugated the country; Gaozong killed Zhongliang arbitrarily! This is how you dare to say that this dynasty is not right! Even Mr. Sanjiacun is far better than this kind of bad writing!"

Wu Ni said leisurely: "I have doubts about whether the Australians are the descendants of the Great Song Dynasty. In the past, I saw them behave in a way that did not mean to respect the Great Song Dynasty. I think this is just a cover-the so-called wanting to impose crimes is nothing to worry about. resign."

Everyone nodded, and circulated the call to action. What they cared most about was not the quality of the words, but the specific content of the call to action.

After looking around, Mr. Lin said in a deep voice: "It seems that the Australian is the second prisoner from the East!" After speaking, he let out a long sigh.

The originally lively room also fell silent. It seemed that those present had just realized what had happened, and they were no longer in the mood to talk about the issue of "common world".

Their ancestors lived under the rule of the Ming Dynasty for generations, and their lives were relatively comfortable. Now that the dynasty has changed suddenly, everyone is still a little uncomfortable-not to mention that the people who changed the dynasty are still from overseas!

The original lively energy suddenly disappeared, and everyone became a little depressed. Mr. Shi sighed: "People are swords and I am fish and meat, and you are talking about loyalty and adultery. If you can keep your wealth and life in troubled times, you will be lucky."

"I won't ask everyone to shave their hair." Someone muttered.

Some people think of the rumor that every time the Eastern captives occupy a land, they have to ask the surrendered officials, gentry, soldiers and civilians to shave their heads.I thought that before the Australians entered Guangzhou, all kinds of Australian things had become popular. This time they became the masters of Guangzhou, and they acted even more unscrupulously. I don’t know if there will be troubles in the future. Something happened?How will I face myself?

"Probably... no way..."

"If you had to shave your hair, wouldn't Lingao shave all of them long ago. Didn't Mr. Huang also shave his head?"

Huang Tingkun nodded and said: "The shaved hair is fake hair that begs for food under the gangsters. Ordinary people don't ask the gangsters."

Now everyone is a little relieved.However, someone said worriedly: "Although the thieves are strictly disciplined and do not plunder, this Guangzhou is the most prosperous and prosperous place in the world. If it falls into their hands, it will be exploited a lot? Don't you want it?" I forgot that when they were in the four townships, they wiped out many big families..."

"That's against them. If they obey, apart from extorting some reasonable burdens, there is no harm."


Seeing their discussions, Huang Tinkun didn't mean to "be loyal to the emperor and serve the country" at all, they just wanted to take care of their own affairs, so he couldn't help feeling a little depressed.Just as he was looking for a reason to leave, another servant came in, whispered a few times, and delivered a roll of paper.

Everyone looked at it again, and it turned out that this notice of Anmin was written in vernacular, and the main content was to strictly enforce the law: regardless of whether it is military or civilian, anyone who robs, sets fire and commits suicide will be punished on the spot.A curfew is imposed, travel is prohibited after the start of the shift, and so on.The notice also mentioned that the current officials and squires in the city of Guangzhou will not be killed as long as they do not correct the crowd to rebel against the heavenly soldiers.

"How's the situation outside?" Mr. Lin asked.

"The thieves are patrolling with horses, and they seem to be another kind of people, wearing gray cloth jackets." The servant gestured, "Now each of the four cities has opened a gate, and some shops on the street are open. All traffic is prohibited in the Tianzi Wharf area outside the gate, and I heard that an Australian official has arrived on a giant ship."

"Perhaps the Guangdong envoy of the thieves has arrived. At worst, the new Guangzhou prefect..."

"I think the Guangdong envoy must be Dongzhu Guo. It would be better if this is the case!"

"What's the situation in the various government offices? How about the adults?" Lin Zunxiu asked again.

"It's very quiet. I heard that someone committed suicide, but there is no definite news." The servant said, "The officers and soldiers in the city are now gathering at the guerrilla training camp in the east of the city. I heard that they will be tested there."

"You go."

The servants went.The people at the table chattered a lot more, seeing that they were all empty talk, and they were all thinking of sitting and waiting to die, and resigned themselves to it, Huang Tingkun couldn't help but feel a little bored, so he got up and left.Lin Zunxiu didn't hold him back either, and personally sent him outside the small courtyard, saying in a low voice: "At this time tomorrow, you come here again. There are important people who want to see you—don't let outsiders know."

Huang Tingkun was stunned, and said: "I know. But how do I come in to find you?"

"At that time, I will send someone to respond."

Huang Tingkun got out of the back door of Fangchunyuan, and walked back along the way he came from - he was not a local aborigine, so he lost his way after going around, and walked to the street, and then saw that the street market had recovered, Most shops are already open.Although there were not many pedestrians, the atmosphere of panic and tension just now was gone.He saw that many ordinary people still lit incense at the gates, and the words "Shunmin" were pasted on the foreheads.A kind of pain of national subjugation rushed into his heart - is this Daming going to perish like this?
No, he absolutely didn't agree with Dad's statement of "adapting to the times".He will continue to fight the Kun thief!Thinking of this, he couldn't help speeding up his pace and rushed towards the monastery where he was staying.

The sky was already bright, and the doors and windows of every household in Xin'an County, not far from Humen, were closed. Officers, soldiers and civilians armed with knives and guns were running on the streets, creating a chilling scene before the war.

On the screen wall of the county government office, there are more than a dozen human heads hanging bloody.One of them belonged to Mr. Qian, the officer and soldier stationed here.Others are nothing more than his cronies, soldiers and the like.

It is also called Nantou City, because it is an important place for coastal defense. In the 14th year of Ming Hongwu (1381), the "Dongguan Guard Thousand Households" was established here. In the first year of Wanli (1573), it was expanded to Xin'an County on the basis of Suocheng. .The geographical location of Nantou is very important. Foreign ships going to Guangzhou have to go around Lantau Island and enter Humen through Nantou before entering the Pearl River. Therefore, Nantou is called "the gateway of Quanguang".

However, Nantou played no role in the Senate's last invasion of the Pearl River.The cannons on the city can't hit the sailing ships, let alone the water battles.So I just watched the Pearl River Squadron pass by under my eyelids.

This time, the garrison at South Head was still powerless against the invading Senate fleet.But it also did not surrender as expected.The Leading Party in Xin'an County encountered a strong opponent. Wu Guangzhi, the magistrate of Xin'an County, took office not long ago, young and vigorous, and quite enterprising.Seeing the Australians pressing on, the hearts of the people in the city fluttered - he had never seen the power of the Australians, so he still had a strong idea of ​​"serving the country with loyalty", so he made secret preparations.Mr. Qian, who had already been the leader of the party, invited Wu Guangzhi to the banquet. He originally wanted to perform a Hongmen banquet, but he was killed by the preparatory Liu county magistrate and cut off his head.

Wu Guangzhi was transferred from Shaanxi, where the refugees were the most rampant, and he has rich experience in "fighting against thieves".After killing Zong Qian and his cronies, he forced the big households in the city to pay the garrison with money and rewards to stabilize the morale of the army;Insufficient materials have demolished many houses.

By the time of daylight, the walls of the city are already "tough and strict" and "sternly awaited".

In this way, the national army that was originally planning to enter Xin'an County was blocked outside the city.Seeing that the city gate would not be opened, the call to the city to surrender would not be heard, but several heads were thrown instead. The director of Guihuamin County Office, who led the team, knew something was wrong, and hurriedly sent someone to Humen to report Shi Zhiqi.

Shi Zhiqi knew that the national army had no heavy weapons and insufficient training, so it was difficult for them to take on the important task of attacking the city, so he had to send a naval platoon and three two-masted patrol boats to Xin'an for reinforcements.

Nantoucheng is on the bank of the Pearl River. The patrol boat drove to the shore, dropped the anchor, and bombarded Nantoucheng with the 12-pound cannon on board. The tower on the south gate was riddled with holes and a fire broke out.

The county magistrate Wu Guangzhi was very calm. While directing the Minzhuang to put out the fire, he ordered the two cannons in the city to fire back.Nantou City's walls are 1 foot thick at the top and 2 feet thick at the bottom. The interior is rammed with earth and the outside is covered with blue bricks. It still has a certain effect on resisting the blow of solid bullets.There are only 6 naval guns on the patrol boat, which cannot form an advantage in firepower. The two sides fired several rounds of artillery. Although many battlements and checkpoints on the city were destroyed, they failed to shake the city defense.

The naval platoon leader saw that the artillery fire could not shake the defense, so he prepared to attack the city directly. Although he only had 30 people, the naval corps has always been well-equipped and well-trained.There is a complete set of fire suppression-throwing smoke bombs for cover-explosives delivery to break the siege tactics. A box of high-density black powder is enough to blow open most city gates.

However, the director of the Guihuamin County Office is unwilling to attack by force. After all, once the city is broken by force, it will cause great damage to the public and private lives and property in the county.

The sound of the cannon had ceased.Wu Guangzhi told the soldiers to take turns eating breakfast as soon as possible.There is another gate outside Ningnan Gate, called Ying'en Gate, where Magistrate Wu presided over the resistance.He didn't have a lot of people, and the number of warriors and miscellaneous soldiers recruited from Qianhusuo was no more than 500, and the mobilized civilians were less than 2000 in total.It seems that there are many, but the bandits outside the city are well-armed and well-trained, so he did not send troops out of the city to counterattack.

The Kun bandits outside the city shouted to the soldiers and civilians defending the city from time to time, persuading them to tie up the county magistrate and Mr. Qian to surrender, so as to avoid being slaughtered.Many soldiers of the National Army were conscripted by the Hong Kong Land Reclamation Unit. They often travel to and from this area on weekdays, and they are familiar with most of the local people.Therefore, even if they were very close, the strong men on the city and the local military household soldiers did not fire cannons or shoot arrows. Sometimes they saw that the county magistrate's personal soldiers were not around, so they stretched out their heads to look at the national army. Talk to me below.

(End of this chapter)

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