Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1723 Public Opinion

Chapter 1723 Public Opinion
County magistrate Wu knew that he was in a dangerous city, and it would be difficult to break through, so he was determined to hold on until the end, waiting for reinforcements from the prefecture—he didn't believe the Kun bandits' Guangzhou had already fallen: such a big city, even if the Kun bandits could capture it, it would be impossible. It took ten days and a half months of work, not to mention that I haven't heard a single cannon shot from night to now.

But he also knew that the people did not agree with him, and the officers and soldiers were willing to defend the city only because they would spend money on him without hesitation.So he issued a notice: Anyone who dares to seduce the thieves outside the city without authorization will be beheaded by the whole family; after the property is confiscated, it will be rewarded to the guarding soldiers and people, trying to strengthen the determination of the guarding army.At the same time, it is strictly forbidden for the people defending the city to speak with the rebels outside the city.However, most of the soldiers in the city are familiar with the people, and they are all afraid that they will be retaliated if the city is broken, so when they found people talking outside the city, even though they kept scolding and wielding big knives, they didn't mean it. hands-on.

Wu Guangzhi saw that the people in the city were talking to each other, he was afraid that the people would be bewitched by the thieves, and when he saw many thieves approaching the city, he immediately ordered the city to light the cannons.

The officers and soldiers hesitated and refused to do anything, Wu Guangzhi was furious: "Hurry up!" Then he shouted: "One shot, five taels of silver!"

Now Nanguan fired two cannons at the same time.The shells flew out, but the gunner deliberately aimed too high, one fell directly into the river, and the other landed on the mudflat.

The naval guns on the patrol boat immediately returned fire, and the six cannons were ignited at the same time, shooting towards the city.Wu Guangjiu saw a flash of fire on the city, and immediately waved his hand, telling everyone to disperse quickly and lean down to avoid it.The shells smashed two more battlements, and cut the three strong men hiding behind in two. One shell flew into the city, destroyed a thatched cottage, and set it on fire.

At this time, a few big tin trumpets were set up under the city, and some soldiers with loud voices were called there: "Military, civilian, gentry, and gentlemen in the city are waiting: immediately seize the county magistrate and open the city to surrender, otherwise Xin'an will be captured and the whole city will be slaughtered." Exterminate, no dog or chicken will be left behind!"

There was a commotion in the city, Wu Guangzhi held a Japanese sword, stared into blood red eyes and shouted: "Everyone, don't be afraid! This is a false threat from the gangsters. They only have hundreds of people and a few boats. Don't try to touch me in Xin'an!" A hair! Run away the thieves, and the guards and civilians will be rewarded with 50 taels per person! Those who die in battle will be doubled!"

Beside him were dozens of soldiers Ding Minzhuang who had been fed with silver, and they also roared and waved the big knife in their hands from time to time.Temporarily suppress the commotion.

Seeing that people's hearts were unstable, Wu Guangzhi stared and saw a Min Zhuang not far away peeping out, as if making some gesture, he immediately pointed at the knife and shouted: "Take it!"

The soldiers rushed over and pushed the Min Zhuang in front of him, twisting his arms and grabbing his shoulders.Min Zhuang's expression was ignorant and mixed with panic, and he shouted again and again: "Please help me?"

Wu Guangzhi said in a serious way: "I can see clearly that you are chatting with the Kun bandits in the city and making gestures outside just now, you must be a spy of the Kun bandits! Come on! Slay!"

The minzhuang was wronged, and the soldiers on both sides dragged him off the horse slope, and cut off his head with a knife at the bottom of the city wall.

"The order is at the city gate!" County Magistrate Wu roared, "Whoever dares to collude with the gangster again and does not spare any effort to defend the city, this will be the end!"

Wu Guangzhi killed someone, established his prestige, and temporarily suppressed him.However, at this time, more than a dozen ringing arrows were shot from outside the city, and there were "Xiaoyu" attached to the ringing arrows. Afraid that someone would pick them up to shake people's hearts, Wu Guangzhi sternly said, "Don't pick up the ringing arrows!" His soldiers hurried over to pick them up, but Still some were picked up by people with fast legs.

He opened the "Revelation" and saw that it was scrawled in ink that the soldiers and civilians within the city were allowed to open their gates and dedicate their lives to the city within an hour.When the army entered Xin'an County, it only killed the county magistrate.

Although he tried his best to block the news, the officials and gentry in the city still saw the "revelation", and some of the soldiers also saw it.Everyone discussed it in private, and it was impossible to stop it.

The gentry and people in the city were willing to surrender and did not want to fight.Australians have a reputation for innocence, but they also have a reputation for being ruthless to those who resist.Therefore, everyone felt that no matter whether Fucheng fell or not, the most important thing was to surrender first to save one's own wealth and life.Especially the gentry, who have been forced to spend a large sum of money to defend the city, feel that their interests have been damaged, and they no longer want to stay "loyal" with County Magistrate Wu.

Wu Guangzhi knew that people in the city were unstable, especially the gentry's attitude was ambiguous.This made him very alarmed.Because when he was working in Shaanxi, he defeated the "rogue bandits" who attempted to attack the city more than once, relying on the great assistance of the county gentry.But the thieves here seem to be different from the rogues—the gentry and the common people have no hatred or fear towards them.

He convened several county officials to discuss, but they couldn't come up with any ideas, but advised him not to keep it.The county education decree said: Kun thieves have always been popular in the local area, and they will not support them if they fight hard against the common people and the gentry.He added:
"The Kun bandits have always been lenient to those who obey, and strict to those who are against them. There has not been a big battle yet, and there have been no major casualties. If Wu Ling goes out of the city and surrenders, the Kun bandits will definitely not harm him."

Wu Guang ordered them to withdraw, and stayed alone in the house, thinking repeatedly, unable to think of a good solution.The river was firing again.He couldn't help stamping his feet and sighing, wandering around the pillar, and said to himself:
"Oh, I didn't expect that I would end up like this!"

When it was almost noon, the officials, gentry, and elders in the city came to the county government to ask for an audience.Wu Guangzhi welcomed everyone into the flower hall.The scene in the hall today is very different from the past.When he first arrived in Xin'an three months ago, the elders of the noble gentry greeted him, and he was very unhappy in the hall.In the morning, he suppressed Mr. Qian who was trying to rebel, and called officials and gentry to discuss strengthening the city defense.The elders of the gentry are also respectful and obedient.He is called a rare "talent".However, the situation changed suddenly, and the flower hall was full of frowns.

After everyone sat down, a leading gentry said first:
"Now the officials, gentry, and elders of a city come to see Wu Ling, not for anything else, but to ask Wu Ling to try to save the lives of the officials, gentry, soldiers and civilians of the city."

He understood their intentions in his heart, and wanted to try his best to persuade them again: "The county is trying its best to defend and prepare to fight the thieves to the death. This is to protect the lives of the officials and people in the city."

Another gentry said: "You can never win a battle to the death, and you can never be sure of defending the city. If you stick to it, not only will you not be able to save the lives of officials, gentry and people, but you will be slaughtered. Has Wu Ling ever thought about it?"

Wu Guangzhi said: "It's true that you can live for a while without your hands, but it's like fish on the sword. After the gangsters enter the city, whether they burn or kill them is a matter of their thoughts-even if they don't kill or burn, what are you gentlemen and elders?" One does not have a family, a business, and a group of wives and concubines. If the gangsters want you to serve the army and donate beauties, at that time, will the elders obey or not? You must know that it is up to you at that time!"

These words are well-founded, and if they are placed elsewhere, these words will be enough.When he was a county magistrate in Shaanxi, he repeatedly used such words to motivate the gentry, almost trying everything.However it doesn't work here.A gentry said: "Australians have always kept their promises, and they are not greedy for money and lustful."

All the gentry knew about the various deeds of the Australians breaking into the Pearl River a few years ago.The Australians did not destroy any market towns and villages that obeyed the Australians' donations, and the "reasonable burden" of expropriation was also very light;Those who formed a group to fight against were severely punished, and the local gentry and powerful were all wiped out.The gentry were afraid that they would end up like this, so they tried their best to advocate Kaesong's obedience.

"It's the master himself. Although he is confused for a while, we will speak well to the Australians and try our best to keep it."

Another gentry hurriedly said: "Even if the Australians have been here not long ago, as long as the master is not false, he will never persecute him with the temper of the Australians. At this time, the situation is urgent, and the situation should be changed according to the power. We cannot stick to a word of loyalty. Australia After the people retreat, we still guard the land for the court, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds? Even if the court has something to pursue, the gentry of this county will try their best to speak for the master."

Wu Guangzhi smoked from his seven orifices, secretly cursing "shameless".He suppressed his anger and said slowly: "Chanhui (his characters) was taught by himself, and he read it like a book of saints. The words of loyalty to the emperor and patriotism have been kept in his heart since childhood, and he will never forget. There is absolutely no reason to surrender because of the grace of Lu Meng."

The county decree didn't want to talk too much, but now that the gentry were deadlocked with Wu Guangzhi's words, he had no choice but to say: "Master Wu, please think twice. Today, people have no firm will, and a lonely city has no support. There is no reason to break it." I am also an official of the imperial court. I am here to bear the burden of poverty, and I have the responsibility to guard the land. Wu Ling is loyal to the imperial court, so am I not loyal? I am also from Bagong, and I have been taught by Confucius and Mencius. Right now is the safety of the people in this city! Master If you look at the common people, temporarily surrender and save the common people, it is considered a good deed.”

Wu Guangzhi sneered and said: "Since you are born in Juren, you are a person who is blessed by the country and eats the emperor's salary, how will you treat the emperor in the future? Even if the people understand you, how can the national law understand you?"

The teaching said: "Mencius has a saying: the people are the most important, the community is second, and the king is the least. Don't kill the lives of the people in a city just for the word 'loyalty'!"

Everyone agreed.Seeing that he was in a very isolated situation, Wu Guangzhi was silent for a while, sighed, and said:
"You go out, let me think about it first. Don't worry, Wu will never hurt the officials and people of the city!"

"Time is running out..."

After the meeting was over, Wu Guangzhi wandered around the flower hall alone, very depressed.The ambitions of this morning have been reduced to ashes.He had the idea of ​​committing suicide. If he died, he would be worthy of both the people and the emperor...

However, before he could finish his thoughts, riots broke out outside the county government office.One of his servants ran in staggeringly covered in blood, threw his head on the ground, and shouted with the last of his strength: "Master! It's not good, soldiers... soldiers... have changed!"

(End of this chapter)

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