Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1725

Chapter 1725
Kneeling at the front was Wei Bifu, the former general judge of the Guangzhou government. When he saw the thief Shangguan get out of the sedan chair, he hurriedly said loudly: "Wei Bifu and other civil and military descendants from Guangzhou have a meeting with Lord Liu."

Only then did Liu Xiang pay attention to the crowd of people in front of the screen wall. He saw that there were dozens of people kneeling below, all prostrate on the ground, not daring to breathe.Unable to swell his "official addiction", he coughed and said, "Who is kneeling down?"

Wei Bifu hurriedly said: "Wei Bifu, the guilty minister, led civil and military descendants from one prefecture and two counties in Guangzhou to meet your lord here."

Liu Xiang saw that Wei Bifu's beard and hair were all white, and he tried his best to look like a servile man at a young age, so he couldn't help sighing secretly: Fame and fortune are really good things to kill people!He said, "Wait and talk."

Wei Bifu took the lead and stood up tremblingly, followed by a group of descendants behind him, bowing respectfully and daring not to look up.

Tong San is the assistant official of the magistrate, who is usually in charge of specific affairs in one aspect, and is quite an official in a prefecture.However, the biggest official who surrendered in the Guangzhou government was only a general judge, which made Liu Xiang a little disappointed.Although the Foreign Intelligence Agency has said that there may not be too many local officials surrendering, Liu Xiang still hopes that the prefect of Guangzhou will surrender.

"Where's the magistrate?"

Wei Bifu trembled slightly, and said: "My lord, Mr. Dong... rebelliously resisted the heavenly soldiers, and committed suicide by taking poison in the Houya..."

The prefect of Dong has been in office for less than half a year.Being able to come to Guangzhou to be a magistrate was regarded as a poor job in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and no one would have expected that it would become a life-threatening talisman.

"There are quite a few officials in the entire Guangzhou government, so how many of you are there?"

"Returning to my lord, many of them are stubborn people, some committed suicide to fight against the heavenly soldiers, and some abandoned their officials and don't know their whereabouts."

Liu Xiang nodded and said, "Go, let's go in and have a look."

When Zhu Yuanzhang was in power, he formulated the "national standard for the construction of government offices at all levels across the country", so the government offices in prefectures and counties all over the world were basically built according to the same shape.Liu Xiang visited Hongdong County Government Office and Nanyang Government Office during his travels in the past, and he has also visited the county government offices on Hainan Island after this time. Except for the differences in size and the exquisiteness of the buildings, the basic shape is similar.

But this is the first time he has accepted a government office as a winner, and the taste is different again.

Wei Bifu hurriedly said: "Rong Beizhi will lead the way for your lord."

At present, Wei Bifu is leading the way. The front of Zhaobi is the archway, and the inscription "Chengxuanfang", and the left and right are "Shenming Pavilion" and "Jingshan Pavilion".After entering the door, there is a shadow wall, the so-called Xiao Wall.Go around the Xiao wall and come to the courtyard.Then he saw the second Yimen.There are two courtyards on the left and right of Yimen, the Yin Hotel is on the east, the jailer and the earth temple are on the west.Liu Xiang was startled when he saw five or six corpses lying in front of the jailer's door, and asked, "What's going on?"

"My lord, the Heavenly Soldiers came to the government office to release all the prisoners, and executed several prison guards..." Wei Bifu said anxiously.

"Where's the prisoner?" Liu Xiang didn't hear it right, it wasn't in the reception plan.

"The Heavenly Soldiers have exhausted themselves..."

Liu Xiang's face changed, and he couldn't help whispering: "Nonsense!"

Although Wei Bifu didn't hear what he said, but when he saw that his face suddenly became very unsightly, and something touched his back scales, he was afraid in his heart, and hurriedly lowered his body even lower.

Liu Xiang didn't care to talk nonsense with him, and called a naturalized civilian cadre beside him: "Go to the police headquarters immediately and convey my order: Anyone who sees on the street wearing prisoner's clothes or half-clothed, suspected to be Anyone who escapes from prison will be arrested."

"Yes! Chief!"

Any rebellion will often "indulge the prisoners" every time a city is conquered, to show contempt for the old authority, to embody benevolent governance, and at the same time to strengthen one's own strength.Not so with the Senate.Even though there are many innocent people held in prisons, many are held for trivial "crimes".There are also a large number of real "criminals" among them, ranging from robbers and bandits to murderers and thieves... What's more, the prison in Guangzhou is different from the county prisons in Shunde and Nanhai.Once these people are directly released into the society, they will go home without money and have no food and clothing, and they will immediately become an unstable factor in social security.

When formulating the plan to enter the city this time, Liu Xiang paid special attention to the acceptance policy of the government and county level prisons, which is "accept as it is and not deal with it for the time being".I didn't expect it to be disturbed.

He asked again: "Which army is here and who is responsible for receiving it? Call me the chief officer who leads the team!"

Wei Bifu saw that his face was not looking good, so he hurriedly stood back.But I saw the "fake Kun" officer who was the first to enter the government office just now trotting over, stood at attention in front of the chief, and raised his hand to his forehead-this is the military salute of the Kun thief.Just listen to him say loudly:
"The leader of the 4st platoon of the 4th company and 1st platoon of the [-]th Infantry Battalion, Second Lieutenant Wu Baliu."

"It was you who smashed up the prison, killed the jailer, and released the prisoners?"

"Yes!" Wu Baliu said loudly, "It's simply not a place for people to stay inside, it's like a living hell. The prisoner's hands and feet are rotten in the shackles and maggots are rotting. I see there are a few more wrapped in the reed mat behind. The corpses were all bleeding from the seven orifices——the prisoner said that the jailer got money and killed people quietly...I was so angry, is there any reason for this? Kill the jailer and release all the prisoners Already!" After saying that, he was a little proud, as if doing justice for the sky.

"You are confused!" Liu Xiang yelled, seeing the other party's astonished eyes, he realized that he had overreacted, and calmed down, "The jailer tortured and killed the prisoners, he deserved the crime. Prisoners Those who have been wronged and those who have been wronged must be screened one by one. This is a matter for the national police and the court, not your job!" He took a breath, "There are good people and bad people in this cell. You put the prisoners Who will you turn to if you have let go of your entire brain, killed your relatives, robbed and robbed your money? Who told you that all the people in the prison are good people?"

"This..." Wu Baliu scratched his scalp.Annoyed, "I think it's bad."

"How many prisoners did you let out?"

"No... not counting..." he stammered, "When the prison door was opened, a lot of people rushed out. Now, there are only a dozen wounded and sick people left in the prison. First... Chief... Chief, did I make a mistake..."

Liu Xiang said, "Your mistakes will be dealt with by the army. You return to the army now and wait for the National Army to take over." After finishing speaking, he turned to Wei Bifu and said, "Go on."

Wei Bifu was a little relieved, and he didn't dare to make fun of it any more, he just led the way, and after passing the Yimen Gate, he could see a pavilion in the middle corridor of the courtyard, named "Jieshi Pavilion".This is also the form established by Zhu Yuanzhang.Liu Xiang knew that the inner side of the stone was engraved in the direction of the lobby: "Your salary is rich, the people anoint the people; the people are easy to abuse, but the sky is hard to bully", and the outside is engraved with the three characters "Gongshengming".

The east and west of the main hall are the official houses.To the east is the Department of Economics and Officials (in charge of receiving and issuing documents); to the west is Zhaomosuo (in charge of investigating Liufang dossiers). Soldiers guard.Everywhere else was sealed.

After Liu Xiang asked a few words, he learned that the Yongping treasury (treasury) had also been sealed off and sent troops to guard it.He was relieved that there were no mistakes in the two places he was most concerned about in the government office.

After the lobby is the second hall, which is used for hearing general cases on weekdays. After passing through the second hall, you will arrive at the flower hall-this is already the residential part of the government office.The flower hall is the place where the head of the yamen holds public and private banquets and entertains guests. Some cases that are not suitable for public trial are sometimes held here.Therefore, the layout is more life-like, not as chilling as the lobby and the second hall.

But at this moment, the seats in the flower hall were messed up and it was in chaos.There were several corpses on the ground, all covered with white cloth.There are naturalized civilian clerks guarding the side.

"This is--"

"This is Mr. Dong...the body of Nihe's family members, waiting for your lord to investigate." Wei Bifu hurriedly said.

Liu Xiang nodded, and the waiter at the side lifted the white cloth and said flatteringly: "My lord, please take a look, it is indeed poison."

The prefect who died was a middle-aged man, not rich, even a little old, probably not from a wealthy family.Liu Xiang remembered that Lin Baiguang had told him that Mr. Dong had a close relationship with Guangzhou, and he had no hesitation in accepting Guo Yi's "gift" and "subsidy".He originally thought that someone like Master Dong would surrender, but he didn't expect him to commit suicide so resolutely.

"Dong Ni's attendant is waiting for orders in the corridor, do you want to ask him to come over and ask questions?" Wei Bifu asked.

"it is good."

Wei Bifu hurriedly waved to those who were under the steps of the flower hall, and a middle-aged man rushed in from the corridor, first knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Liu Xiang: "Greetings to the elder."

"Get up." Liu Xiang waved his hands, "Are you master Dong's follower?"

"Yes, slave Dong Qing."

"Have you ever recognized the corpses here?"

"Yes, they were all collected by slaves and slave women." Dong Qing looked distressed, "Master Dong, Mrs. Dong, Mrs. Dong's personal maid, and Mr. Dong's nephew. They all committed suicide by taking poison."

Liu Xiang sighed, waved his hands and said: "Find a few coffins and bury them as soon as possible."

"Yes, thank you for your grace." Dong Qingyou knelt down and kowtowed a few more times.

Liu Xiang asked again: "Is there anyone else in his family?"

Before Dong Qing could answer, Wei Bifu hurriedly said, "There is also an aunt and a young lady. There are other servant girls and servants. They are all detained behind. They are guarded by humble officials to prevent them from committing suicide and wait for the adults to dispose of them."

"Oh?" Liu Xiang was a little surprised.He participated in security battles and broke through the villages of many powerful landlords.Every time after breaking down the stronghold, not only the family members of the master's family, but also the maids and maids would commit suicide for fear of being humiliated.So every time a stronghold is broken, a special team must be sent to intercept and dissuade them.

(End of this chapter)

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