Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1726 Surrender People

Chapter 1726 Surrender People

Before entering the city this time, he estimated that if the officials did not surrender and commit suicide, their family members would probably commit suicide—this time and space did not treat captives preferentially, and treat women and children well.Once defeated and captured, it is common for men to beheaded and women to act as prostitutes.Unless the victor is willing to show mercy: which is rare.

This time, no one of the female relatives of Dong Zhifu survived, which is too strange.He couldn't help asking again: "What's going on?"

"It was supposed to be strict, but I hesitated for a while for some reason, and waited until the Heavenly Soldiers arrived—then they were rescued." Wei Bifu said, "I thought that death was not firm."

"It's no wonder. Ants are greedy for life."

"Yes." Wei Bifu bowed his head and said, "Sir, do you want to call me for questioning?"

"No need," Liu Xiang shook his head, "Just lead the way."

Next to the flower hall, there is another side courtyard, which is the living place of the master. Wei Bifu said that the master's whereabouts are unknown at the moment, and he has probably gone into hiding.

Behind the flower hall is the prefect's daily life, which is no different from that of ordinary big families, and there is also a small garden in the backyard.Slightly dotted with spring stones for rest.

Liu Xiang saw that the furniture in the hall was in a mess, and all kinds of clothes were scattered all over the floor.The rosewood tea tray fell to the ground, and several smashed cups... One can imagine the fear, confusion and despair that Zhifu Dong's family experienced before committing suicide by taking poison.Liu Xiang couldn't help but sigh.

Wei Bifu cautiously accompanied "Lord Liu" to check, and saw the soldiers of the Fubo Army who had rushed in early in the morning standing guard in front of each doorway step, each of them standing straight without looking sideways.Even though all kinds of soft golden beads were sprinkled on the ground in front of him, he didn't move.I secretly wondered in my heart - if it was someone else, Houzhai would probably have started fighting each other for the property, and the property would have been robbed so much that there was not even a teacup left!

It was another group of fake men who were collecting property. They were in groups of three. One carried a small wooden box and carried a bag on his back to transport property; .The other person is in charge of picking it up, raising it up and yelling every time it is picked up.

"Dian Cui Silver Step Shake One!"

"Semi-new blue makeup brocade bijia!"

"One piece of broken silver is not worth the weight!"

"A string of copper coins, more than a hundred! Not counted!"


Such cries echoed in the hall.There is another person to monitor.Wei Bifu thought to himself: I used to hear that the kun thieves are as fine as a hair, and a penny is like a life, but now I see it, it is as it should be!
However, he didn't dare to express this kind of thinking, he just bowed his head and waited for orders.At this time, a staff member of the naturalized civilian trotted over, stopped in front of Liu Xiang and bowed: "Chief!"

Liu Xiang knew that they were part of the special search team of the Planning Institute, and the magistrate's private wealth in the yamen probably was quite a lot, so he could make a good fortune.Then he smiled and said: "There is no need to be too polite. How long have you been here, have you taken stock of the treasury?"

"It's been three hours." The cadre said bluntly, "Most of the front ones have been searched, and the treasury will be listed tomorrow. The back house is the focus of today, so we need to check it carefully."

"The harvest is not small, right?"

The cadre was a little embarrassed: "To be honest, I didn't get much. No matter whether it was the master's residence or here, I didn't find a large amount of silver taels. There are quite a lot of treasures. I'm going to dig up the treasure next."

"Oh, any clues?"

"Yes, although the prefect Dong's family members have already escaped a lot, his housekeeper and long-term follower have all been captured. We can find them after they have been interrogated--no matter how bad it is, we have a way. Never let the silver grow moldy in the ground."

"Okay, as soon as possible. Clean up the house for visitors. I'm still waiting to use it here."

"Yes, Chief. We must hurry."

Liu Xiang took a general look at the government office and saw that there are many houses and high-rise buildings here, which are much better than Wuyangyi, so he decided to temporarily locate the Guangzhou Municipal Government here.Although according to the plan, the Senate is planning to build a new "Guangzhou New City" on Henan Island, the administrative center will also be located in the new city.But right now their main work still needs to be carried out in this old town.

Rather than having to go in and out of the city every time to deal with business, it is better to open a government office here to do business nearby and convenient.

In fact, Liu Xiang also passed the examination of the Guangdong Provincial Government Office, but after thinking about it, it is better to leave it to Wen Zong's Guangdong Regional Office.Anyway, as the mayor of Guangzhou, in addition to the government office, there are also yamen in Nanhai and Panyu counties available.Moreover, Guangzhou, as the capital of a province, had numerous yamen and government offices on the east and west sides of Chengxuan Avenue, and there were also many large temples in the city.

It was immediately decided to set up the Guangzhou Military Control Commission in the Guangzhou Government Yamen.At present, the officials and their family members at all levels who are living in the government office are not dead or running away, and their families are moved out as soon as possible, and the houses are vacated.

According to the reception plan, all the descendants and their family members' belongings in the city will be placed in the Guangdong Gongyuan on Dashi Street at the foot of Yuexiu Mountain.The Gongyuan has a large area and many houses, which are enough to accommodate surrendered and captured Ming Dynasty officials.More important officials and family members were sent to Guangxiao Temple for screening.All surrendered soldiers were sent to Hong Kong Island for reorganization.

Liu Xiang walked around and saw that the flower hall was almost cleared up, so he told him to meet the descendants from one prefecture and two counties in Guangzhou in the flower hall.Headed by Wei Bifu, the general judge of the Guangzhou government, the following county magistrates, master books, canon history, educational decrees, river parks, patrol inspections... all kinds of officials who have not yet entered the ranks, and the heads of the scribes of the three classes and six houses at the county level... ... standing densely in the courtyard.But there was not even a phlegm cough.

Liu Xiang asked Wei Bifu to roll his name, and the descendants came up one by one to greet him.After Liu Xiang asked a few words, he sent it off.It's not that he's showing off his authority, but it's actually about grasping the general situation of the descendant.See if you can take advantage of it.To his slight disappointment, not only the magistrate committed suicide, but even the county magistrates of Panyu and Nanhai counties committed suicide.Almost all those who surrendered were miscellaneous officials.

Zaza officials are far behind in terms of appeal.In Ming Dynasty, "people's hearts are available", but it is true that "officials' hearts are in Ming Dynasty".It would be great if the Foreign Intelligence Agency could win over several local officials to surrender this time.It will have a great effect on the future transmission.After all, high officials have the role of weathervane.

However, the whereabouts of the officials of other yamen is no longer within Liu Xiang's power.His calculations can only be made within the territory of the Guangzhou Mansion—if only there are authentic hall officials in other states and counties under the Guangzhou Mansion who can "follow the light".

Right now, it seems that Wei Bifu is a pretty good character. Although I don't know his real ability, at least he is active enough in "leading the way".You can temporarily ask him to help with errands.

After receiving the descendant, Wei Bifu came out of the class and reported: "The lowly ranks are the envoys to welcome the saints, and they have prepared gifts to show their sincerity. I implore the Senate and Master Liu to accept it."

The descendants donated 1 taels of silver, and there were many precious items, such as agarwood, jade belts, red gold jewelry, jade pots, etc., which are worth tens of thousands of taels of silver.

The gift was divided into two parts, the big one was dedicated to the Senate, and the small one was naturally given to Liu Xiang.

Liu Xiang said: "Everything that Wei Bifu and others donated shows their loyalty. I will accept the ones that are dedicated to the Senate. As for the gifts to me personally, I will not take them. Take them back with you." Wei Bifu and other descendants quickly knelt down He pleaded repeatedly on the ground: "Your Excellency, I don't accept anything. I'm really uneasy about my humble rank. Please give me some advice!" Seeing their sincerity, Liu Xiang ordered the secretary to accept a jade pot, and return everything else.

Liu Xiang "taught" a few more words, nothing more than telling them "don't be burdened", "study hard, accept reform, and strive to serve the Senate and the people as soon as possible"...

After speaking, he told the descendants to disperse, leaving only Wei Bifu and a few old officials in the yamen of the former Guangzhou Mansion and Nanhai Panyu counties.Inquired about the local people's sentiments in Guangzhou.

Liu Xiang called the staff of the Planning Institute to count all the belongings and make a book, and even the jade pot he collected was handed over to the public.Seeing this, several descendants wondered secretly: "Australians are greedy for money, it's really worth every penny, but their elders are all as clean as water."I really don't know how to think of it!

Then he casually chatted with the descendants about the basic situation in Guangzhou.

What he cares most about is the population, which is not only the labor force but also the consumer market.Guangzhou is no better than Qiongshan—the urban population of Qiongshan has not exceeded 4 until now—Guangzhou was a megacity in the 17th century, and feeding the non-agricultural population is a big deal.Especially now that Guangdong has not yet been fully occupied, the food supply from Guangxi will also be interrupted for a long period of time.Find out how many non-agricultural people there are, and what is the self-sufficiency rate of local necessities such as grain, firewood, and cloth, so that we can organize effective trade supply channels and avoid crises caused by insufficient supply.

However, the feedback received was unsatisfactory.The population statistics he can get are the numbers on the yellow books kept by government and county government offices—Liu Xiang has already seen the accuracy of the numbers in the yellow books in Qiongshan.

According to the records in the Yellow Book and the estimates of household scribes, there were 38000 households in Nanhai County, slightly less in Panyu County, and about 20 households in Guangzhou City, with a population of about 50.The real data is probably even more.The population of the entire Guangzhou Prefecture is between 60 and [-].

Liu Xiang started to go crazy. Although the yellow book listed in detail the names of military households, artisan households, and powerful households, these classifications of household registrations were meaningless in the late Ming Dynasty. Military households may not be soldiers, but artisan households They may not necessarily be artisans, and it takes a lot of imagination to calculate the number of non-agricultural population from them.

"We still have to do a census." Liu Xiang said to himself and wrote down this in his notebook.

After talking for a while, when he was free, Guo Huamin's secretary Guo walked in and whispered: "Chief, Miss Dong's family wants to see you."

(End of this chapter)

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