Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1747 Household Census

Chapter 1747 Household Census
Because Zhang Yu and the others have read "Australian military science" magazines such as "War History Research", they all know that Australians value the "sense of military honor" the most, and they hold the "emphasis on literature over military" and "using literature to control military" since the Song Dynasty. Criticism, especially the criticism of Daming's extreme derogation of the status of military commanders-for this reason, Li Ziyu also sympathized.

"Only soldiers with a sense of honor can form an invincible army." Zhang Yu was deeply impressed by the words at the beginning, but he had no idea what constituted a "sense of honor".Now, from these "Senate soldiers", he probably understands what is meant by "sense of honor for soldiers".

The soldiers of the Fubo Army stand like pine trees and sit like bells; they walk neatly in rows of two and three, and their appearance and attire are neat and tidy. The sense of fear generated by ferocity and savagery is completely on two levels.

Even so, they spoke very kindly to the common people, and they did not ask for anything from the common people.A few years ago, Zhang Yu's house was emptied by Chaozhou Yong who came to "assist in the defense".His parents knelt on the ground and kowtowed, begging bitterly, and finally the little boss dropped a bunch of bad money that would shatter into eight pieces on the ground, patted his ass and left.

It really has changed the world.Zhang Yu felt emotional.

Taking the opportunity of delivering goods everywhere, he went to his friends.Zeng Juan is similar to him now: he helps with work at home, and sometimes goes out to deliver goods; but the door of Li Ziyu's house is closed, and he knocks on the door for a long time but no one answers.Zeng Juan said that his family might have fled to the countryside—the Australians put up notices asking military households in the guard stations in the city to report for check-in and reorganization.Many guard officers fled.

"Why did you run away? What use are those soldiers in the guard?" Zhang Yu knew that the soldiers in the guard were useless at all, and the Australians would not want to be slaughtered, and they might not be required to serve as soldiers—whatever. There is nothing wrong with serving as a soldier for Australians, at least they are paid on time.

"Ordinary military households are ordinary people, so naturally there is nothing to be afraid of." Zeng Juan said, "But Li Ziyu's family is a hereditary military officer... This time the Australians punished the subordinate servants in the yamen, and let the common people complain. Those with blood debts were taken down, and now they are locked in prisons, tortured and hunted down..."

"So what? They are military households, not subordinate officials." Zhang Yu was puzzled.

"My young master, why don't you understand? The military officers eat delicious food and drink spicy food on weekdays, and the military households work for them all year round. And died. What will happen if you say this whole compilation test?"

"So that's how it is!" Zhang Yu suddenly understood, "So..."

"That's right, I heard people say that these heavenly troops were concentrated in the school grounds, and the soldiers and military households were asked to report. Many officers have been arrested." Zeng Juan said, "Li Ziyu's family will be okay if they don't run away?"

"Ziyu's family should be fine..." Zhang Yuyuan wanted to say, "It's nothing." But after thinking about it again, Li Ziyu said that his uncle is very rich, and the money was obtained by exploiting military households. As for whether his uncle has blood debts, that's not their responsibility Things that can be known.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help sighing: "I don't know where Ziyu has gone now."

"I don't think we'll see him anymore. Maybe he's gone to the north." Zeng Juan also sighed, no matter what kind of temperament Li Ziyu used to be, they are good friends after all, and they are still part of their small group. "Golden Lord", everyone has been touched by his glory.It just disappeared so suddenly, and I couldn't help but feel sad.

When he came back from delivering goods that day, when he entered the store, he saw that there were several people in his store. The leaders were a few "Australians" in black livery, and there were a few "Associates" in copper basin hats beside them. .In recent days he has seen them checking pedestrians and patrolling the streets on the street.I heard people say that this is the "fast class of Australians" - the Australian name is "police".

For no reason, what does this Australian fast class come to his house?Zhang Yu suddenly became flustered.Then look at someone in it, but I know him, it's the local Jiachang, Father He.

Seeing acquaintances makes me feel more at ease.When his mother saw that he had come back, she hurriedly greeted him: "Yu'er, come quickly and greet the others!"

Zhang Yu hurried over to make a bow, only to see an Australian in the lead say, "You're welcome, since my brother is back, let's hurry up and fill out all the forms. There are still many people to do."

Only then did Zhang Yu know that these policemen came to the house to "declare their household registration".This matter is not unfamiliar, because every year, Baochang and Jiachang will accompany the yamen servants to "check the cards and armor books". In fact, they don't check anything. Hundreds of "straw sandal money".His mother said, "Once a check is made, the shop will spend a day in vain."

But if you deal with it carelessly and annoy the old men, saying that you are suspected of "concealing the bandit", and you just lock it in the yamen with a chain, then it will not be a matter of hundreds of dollars.Once a person enters the classroom, he can't get out without some real money.Shopkeeper Cao, who runs Xiaomuzuo, has experienced this kind of suffering. Those who did not eat or drink were locked next to the urinal for one night, and it took several taels of silver to release them the next day.

"Is this your son?" asked the policeman.

"Yes, it's the dog." Father Zhang Yu quickly replied.

"You're the only child?"

"Originally there were a few more, but none of them were kept..."


"It's called Zhang Yu."

"How do you write it? Do you know how to read? Come on, write it!" He said and handed over the paper, pen and ink.

Zhang Yu quickly wrote down his name.The policeman looked at it carefully, and handed it to a policeman who looked like a book office next to him, "write it." He ordered, "name Zhang Yu, relationship with the head of the household: father and son." Then he asked, "date of birth?"

"Born on the ninth day of March in the Wuwu Year of Wanli."

"What year is it in the Gregorian calendar?" The policeman who served as the scribe wrote it and then asked the inquiring policeman.

"Wanli Wuwu is the 46th year of Wanli..." The policeman opened the book, "1618!"

The Zhang family didn't know what 1618 meant, and they didn't dare to ask more.

"Was it born here? Was it you and your current wife?"

In the medieval society, the reproductive mortality rate of women was extremely high, and men with some financial means naturally wanted to marry.In addition, there are various complicated factors such as the birth of maids and concubines, and the birth of pawned wives. It is not uncommon for children not to be born by housewives.

"Yes, it is at home." Zhang Yu's father replied, "The child is indeed born of Shan's wife."

"Educational level?" After the policeman asked, he probably felt that this question was inappropriate, and added, "Do you study?"

"Yes, Quanzi is studying in social studies..."

"Master Zhang," said the policeman, "let your son speak for himself."

Zhang Yu thought for a while and said, "I have been studying in social science for seven years, and I have read all the four books and five classics. I have already learned how to write articles and poems, and I participated in the boy's test last year..."

However, his article was only in exchange for filling out the "Private School Intermediate" on the form.

Because the cultural level of traditional education is difficult for the Senate to measure the level, a simplified model is adopted for the registration of household registration. For those who have fame, the education level is directly filled in according to the fame they have obtained; for those who do not have fame, they are divided into three levels. Those who have studied in a private school for several years and have not studied stereotyped essays are considered "primary private schools"; those who have participated in the boy's test are considered intermediate;

Since the names of those who participated in the imperial examinations and the list of those who participated in each boy's test are archived in the official office, they can be compared and approved.Avoid someone deliberately over-reporting or under-reporting.

"Will you make plans?"

This was added to meet the needs of this time and space.After all, those who could use an abacus were considered professionals in the 17th century.Still useful to the Senate.It must therefore be registered.

"Yes." Zhang Yu secretly wondered, should I also ask about the plan?
"Are you married?"

Zhang Yu couldn't help but blushed: "No."

"Okay." The inquiring policeman said, "The next one!"

After talking, a few people packed up their things and got up to leave. Zhang Yu's father hurriedly presented a bunch of money and said with a smile on his face: "You guys have worked hard. This is straw sandal money. It's not a mere respect..."

Zhang Yu saw that the eyes of several "Associates" were shining, but the black-clothed policemen were unmoved, and the leader said: "Shopkeeper, we under the Senate will not engage in this kind of thing! You cooperate with us." Work is the best help. You take the money back, and it’s not easy for you to do small business to make some money.”

Zhang Yu's father wanted to be more polite, but the police had already led them out.Father He said: "Shopkeeper Zhang, don't need it! Now it's the Senate's world, so I don't like this."

His father said in a low voice: "Father He, you can't just count on it (deception)."

Father He smiled and said: "I have already gone to six families with them today, and I didn't take any money for straw sandals before. Is it an exception to come to your house? Your vain money is touching, so you should take it back and spend it yourself."

Hearing what Lie Jia said, the whole family was relieved. Zhang Yu went out to look, but saw that a group of people had already entered the tofu shop, and only two people were holding hammers on the door lintel of the tofu shop. It frightened him. one jump.When I took a closer look, I saw that there was a wooden sign nailed up, and words were written on it with fire.On the one hand, it says Welfare Street, and on the other hand, it is the "big food number" seen in "Australian Magazine".There are Chinese characters marked on the side.

Looking at the houses along the street they came over, they have already nailed this sign, and the number of each house is different.He also nailed this house number—he thought to himself that the Australians had a brilliant idea!Every household is numbered, so it is much easier to find them.He went out to deliver goods, and it was okay to deliver to teahouses, just look at the signboard, but it was difficult to deliver to private houses.Because it only talks about the number of houses from east to west of XX street/lane.At most, add a sentence such as "there is a big tree at the door" and "there is a well not far from the street".

(End of this chapter)

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