Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1748 Tofu Workshop

Chapter 1748 Tofu Workshop
If it is a street where rich families gather, there are not many houses in one street. For ordinary middle-class families, there are many houses on the street, so it is easy to count them wrong.If you knock on the wrong door, you will inevitably be scolded by the residents again.

Seeing that the girl from the tofu shop was not there, Zhang Yu went back to the shop, but saw his parents sorting out a few pages of paper - but he recognized that it was his house deed and land deed.This thing is the most expensive, Zhang Yu has never seen it a few times since he was a child, and he usually puts it in an iron box and keeps it solemnly.Why did you take it out again today?
After asking, I found out that the Australians came today not only to "check the household registration", but also to check the house deed and land deed, and to measure the size.

"No, it's even stamped for inspection." His father said.

Zhang Yu looked over, and sure enough, a new red stamp was stamped on both the house deed and the land deed.This stamp is different from the official seal of Ming Dynasty. It is round, with a "four-pointed star" in the middle - Zhang Yu knows it is called "Venus star" - surrounding the Venus star is a line of flat Song characters: "Guangzhou Special City Real Estate Registry Office is dedicated to authentication" chapter".

"Once the stamp is covered, the land of this house will be considered secure." Zhang Yuniang said with emotion.Every change of dynasty is a redistribution of social wealth. For small urban bourgeoisies like them, the hard work of several generations is nothing more than this little house and land.Look at nature more than anything else.

"How much did it cost?" Zhang Yu knew that every official business must cost.He took part in the boy's test last year, and he had to spend money to get the test paper, and he had to spend a few dollars to "reward" those who saw the number.

"The money is not spent..." Zhang Yu's father was happy but also worried, and said in a low voice, "I'm afraid this change of dynasty will not be reliable."

If the government comes back and the Australians go away, the stamp on the house deed will not be erased. If the government wants to make things difficult, the matter can be big or small.It is not impossible to meet someone who is ruthless and evil, and asks you to break the house for it.

Having said that, Zhang Yuniang became nervous again, and stammered: "This...this...what should I do?"

But Zhang Yu's father can't say that he is ugly and Yinmao.Of course, it’s okay to say “no” when re-registering for certification, but he heard people say that Australians have posted notices all over the city: Anyone who can’t produce the deed and title deed is considered an “illegal building” and will be demolished within a time limit.This is not just talking—whether you are a century-old shop or a small shop on Chengxuan Street, as long as it belongs to "illegal construction", it will be completely demolished.

Zhang Yu said, "I think... the government may not be able to come back..."

His voice was very low, which still frightened his parents.Although it is said that this will be the world of Australians, it only took a total of more than ten days.No one dared to say that this was the end of Daming and that he would never call back to Guangzhou.

"Don't talk nonsense..." his father scolded in a low voice, "Don't talk nonsense outside!"

Zhang Yu nodded and said: "I can save this. But according to my son these days: Australians have strict discipline, and they have no desires. The whole world must gather to respond, and they will win the food." He saw that his parents couldn't understand him. Then he said, "Australian policemen come into the store to do business, and don't eat a piece of snacks, and don't get a penny. Just because of this, Daming can't come back!"

Liu San walked from the narrow and dark shop to the bright street, and suddenly felt relieved: it was too stuffy inside.There are not only counters, but also a huge noodle table and a large oven in the shop of more than ten square meters. All kinds of money-making guys and raw materials fill the remaining space.After the census team went in, there was almost no place to turn around.

The room is filled with a strange smell, the aroma of fat, dried fruit and flour unique to baked snacks; the musty smell of the materials after being damp; the smoky smell of burning charcoal, and an indescribable body odor and— ——He saw that the quilt was stuffed messily under the big chopping board, probably the apprentices slept on this chopping board at night.And there was a chamber pot stuffed next to the oven.

Looking back at the "Designated Supplier of the Great World" sign in the store, Liu San couldn't help but secretly smiled bitterly—how did Yi Kun get this one?The supplier is also designated. With such hygienic conditions, it is no wonder that the food produced can be eaten without any problems.

Liu San was wearing a police uniform—in order to conceal his identity as a veteran.He proposed to Lin Baiguang that he would go deep into the streets and alleys to investigate the public health situation in Guangzhou.Lin Baiguang arranged for him to participate in a census team every day and inspect with the team, so that he would not attract attention, and he could continue to report his household registration to go deep into places that are usually difficult to enter.

He wanted to really take a look at the actual health situation in Guangzhou.Especially how much pressure is facing the epidemic prevention.

The Guangdong Raiders do not expect too many combat casualties, and the biggest pressure on the health department actually comes from epidemic prevention.Guangzhou is a large city with a population of 60 million, and the pressure of sanitation and epidemic prevention is not small even now, let alone in the 17th century when sanitation conditions were poor and infectious diseases were rampant.

The sanitation conditions in ancient cities were very poor, although Liu San read a lot of papers, monographs and documentaries on sanitation facilities in ancient cities in the 21st century, which were full of "the wisdom of the ancient working people" and "leading the world" " and the like.If there were not a large number of real images and written materials left by the living specimens of the medieval society not far away from them in the late Qing Dynasty, he probably would have believed it, thinking that Hengdian Film and Television City is a replica of an ancient city.

But this is not the case.Liu San knew very well that most cities in the medieval society had no or very few sanitary water systems.Every spring and summer, outbreaks of epidemics will rage.The "fasha" caused by unhygienic diet has even become one of the common causes of death in summer.

This is also the reason why the Senate stayed away from the cities of the Ming Dynasty, preferring to build a new city on the wasteland to live in.Wen Desi said: "The ancient city is essentially a garbage dump full of rats, bedbugs, fleas and various pathogens. No amount of silk, marble and historical sites can cover up the stench it emits."

One of Liu San's tasks is to protect the health of the city.In particular, it is necessary to try to eliminate all kinds of potential health and epidemic prevention hazards in this city-malignant infectious diseases were no joke in the 17th century.

But as the census team looked along the road, he knew that this task was not easy. Guangzhou in the 17th century was not considered a crowded city. Like all traditional Chinese cities, there were many wastelands within the city walls. Some of the land has been reclaimed into fields for growing vegetables and rice, and there are even sporadic cemeteries.

However, the residential shops of the residents are quite narrow.This strange phenomenon made it difficult for him to understand.After asking Jia Jue, the household book office who was retained, he realized that although there is a lot of land in the city, the land price is not too expensive.But the cost of building a house is not low.Many citizens can afford to buy a small piece of land, but not many people can afford to build a big house in a serious way-the price of bricks and tiles is too expensive.Not to mention ordinary small households, even middle-class families have to mix some broken bricks and old bricks to build a house.Houses that can be built with serious bricks and tiles "grind the bricks to the seams" are all places such as wealthy families or temples and government offices.

The production of bricks and tiles by the indigenous method is entirely dependent on manpower, and firing takes time and fuel, so the output is very low, and the price is naturally not cheap.

Bricks and tiles are expensive, and wood such as beams and columns is not cheap.Guangzhou is located in the Pearl River Delta, and the nearby counties in the middle and upper reaches of the Pearl River rely on the supply of timber that cannot be used to build houses.After a long journey, tofu became the price of meat.

He stayed in Guangzhou for more than ten days, and gained a deeper understanding of the lives of residents in the 17th century. Not only industrial products, but also natural resources are very expensive. Compared with the extremely cheap labor force, the only thing that can be explained That is, labor productivity is too low.

Even though there is land, the residences are so narrow, and the population density of the residential area is very high - it can be said that it is a common phenomenon in the business workshops in the city that guys and apprentices like Zhang's walnut shop sleep in the shop at night.

What's even more frightening is that just outside the city wall, on the official land on the edge of the city, there are many shantytowns for the urban poor—this is not the shantytowns of China's urban transformation in the 21st century, nor is it the slums like Brazil and India, but It is a lower-level version. There are basically no houses higher than one person, and some are just "rolling dragons".Use bamboo poles, straw, and waste wood to build directly beside the wet and muddy river.Often next to it is the mass grave site.Some shantytowns are simply built on "righteous land".Neighbors with the dead.

Crowded living environment, almost no drainage facilities, no public toilets, open excrement tanks everywhere, years of undredded stinky rivers running across the streets... Liu San thought, this is perfect Infectious disease broke out.I don’t know how Guangzhou in the past persisted?I have to go back and ask to understand.

He didn't want to go to the tofu shop to see again - the situation of this shop is no better than that of the walnut cake shop.But on second thought, the tofu shop consumes a lot of water, and it is impossible to maintain production by carrying water. There must be a well, so it is better to check the water quality.

Walking into the tofu shop, I saw that it was registering.He didn't pay attention to it, just looked at the surrounding environment.This is also a small shop that combines pavement and workshop.The ground is muddy, because making tofu requires a lot of water, it is very muddy.Probably for the convenience of operation, straw bags were laid on the ground.The pot for boiling the soy milk, the wooden bucket for holding the soy milk, and the board for making tofu looked clean, and they were covered with a yellowed white cloth.However, behind the stove where the soybean milk was cooked, there were ashes piled up and a lot of firewood.The beans packed in straw bags just lay on the mud floor like this, with a broken reed mat underneath.

(End of this chapter)

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