Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1755 Measures

Chapter 1755 Measures
Liu Sandao: "I'm not a magistrate, nor a judge. If you have any grievances, go to the city to find the city government, and there will be someone to receive you..."

The girl who claimed to be He Xiaoyue shook her head and said: "Your servant has grievances, but if the lord does not save your servant now, your servant will never escape the sea of ​​suffering."

Liu San took a closer look at He Xiaoyue, and saw that she was very young, only sixteen or seventeen years old, probably because of getting through thorns, her hair and clothes were messy, her clothes were torn in several places, and her face was scratched a few times. Road bloodstains.He thought that this girl should have escaped from the Qingjie Hospital, otherwise how would she know that she is "Liu Dian doctor"?
He asked, "Did you escape from the Qingjie courtyard?"

"Yes!" He Xiaoyue said, "I beg the master to show mercy and bring the slaves back to the city! Save the slaves."

The yamen servant of the detective team who led the way whispered: "Master, it can't be helped. She is a chaste woman in the Qingjie courtyard. There is absolutely no reason for her to sneak out. If it gets out, it will be the master who abducts women and hinders the official voice... "

Liu Sanyi thought it made sense. He just came to Pujitang to inspect the work, and then he took a little widow to the city. What would the outsiders say about him?Some suspicions still have to be avoided.Thinking of this he said:

He Xiaoyue saw that he was hesitant, knelt down a few steps and said, "Master, you are a living Bodhisattva who rescues suffering and suffering, please save your servant. If you stay any longer, you will only die." She fell to the ground and cried loudly.

Liu San was startled by the miserable cry, and felt soft-hearted, thinking that this girl ran out and hid in the eerie cemetery, if there was no great injustice, she would not have done such a thing.Sideways: "Is your home in the city?"

"Yes, but the slaves can't go home." He Xiaoyue's face was full of desolation, "I beg the master to bring the slaves back to the city. As long as you return to the city, no matter where the slaves are, there will always be a place to go, so you don't need to worry about it."

Although this place is not far from the city, it is like a world outside the law. Bandits even rob in daylight, and a single woman's journey is like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth.

Liu San was taken by guards one after another, and the group returned to the city, ordering He Xiaoyue to be sent to the temporary detention center first—the former squad room to be temporarily detained, and then send someone to send her there after finding a suitable place.

After running around for a day, he was already very tired. Wang Sangou brought him dinner. After he ate dinner hastily, he went to Lin Baiguang's office again. Filed down, Lin Baiguang saw them off at the door—probably the meeting had just ended.Seeing Liu San coming, he beckoned him to come in and sit down.

Seeing that his eyelids were swollen, Liu San probably hadn't slept much, and persuaded him, "You have to pay attention to rest even if you work a lot. If you don't get enough sleep, you'll be prone to sudden death if you're overtired."

Lin Baiguang nodded, but didn't say much.It was the first time for Liu San to come back to his office.One bright and two dark east wing rooms, the middle is the conference room, and the south end is probably the bedroom, with bamboo curtains hanging.To the north is his office.Lin Baiguang invited him into the office and took a seat.The kerosene lamps were brightly lit. On the two desks, one large and one small, stacks of documents were everywhere on the bookshelves and on the brick floor, with labels of various colors attached.

Seeing the look in Liu San's eyes, he smiled: "I'm considered a half-mayor now. All chores are mine. Tell me, how do you feel after wandering around these days?"

Liu San said: "The burden is not light. There are too many things to do." He opened his notebook and briefly talked about his impressions and opinions.

The first is to dredge the ditch and clear the silt, and clean up the urban garbage.This is the established policy of the municipal government, but Liu San still puts it first, because he thinks there are too many problems in it.

"...According to my investigation, all kinds of severe infectious diseases have occurred in Chengli. Now that the weather is getting warmer, it will soon enter a peak period of incidence. Once it breaks out, we have nothing to deal with except setting up isolation camps. So we just Can work hard on 'prevention'. Clean up ditches and garbage, improve environmental sanitation, and eliminate intermediate hosts. Garbage dumps and sewers are natural habitats and breeding grounds for mosquitoes, flies and mice. They will also pollute groundwater—— Most of the drinking water is groundwater," Liu San continued, "I took a rough look and found that the quality of groundwater is generally good. Even those who drink river water know how to use alum to disinfect and boil it. But many poor households do not have this condition—especially There are tens of thousands of Dan people on the Pearl River outside the city of Guangzhou. Although they are not in the city, they are actually very close to the city. If a plague breaks out, they will spread to the city. If possible, I suggest that a water quality guarantee should be established in the city public wells for water supply.”

Lin Baiguang just nodded without speaking.

"The second thing is to clean up the cemeteries and coffins in the city and its suburbs. Now there are cemeteries and coffins in the city and outside the city, and there are also many coffins in the temple. Many of them are separated from the shop residents by a wall and a street. I think Some of the coffins have decayed due to being too long, with corpse fluid oozing out. As for the cemetery, the situation is even worse. The tombs are almost piled up on top of each other. Many came. Residents in the neighborhood reported that when it rained, not only the smelly water flowed, but the corpses were washed everywhere, and many of them were washed directly into the streets and rivers. It polluted the environment very much. Moreover, many shanty towns are located in the Yizhong Next to the land, it is a high-density residential area with poor sanitation, once the epidemic spreads, it will be devastating."

The third is to implement the laws on garbage removal, excrement disposal, and food safety in Guangzhou as soon as possible. These laws have been implemented in Hainan for a long time and have achieved good results. Greater than Hainan.

"The last thing is to establish an infectious disease hospital as soon as possible to isolate the severely infectious patients. Now there are almost no isolation measures for infectious diseases. Now except for the leprosy patients who are deported to the outside of the city, which can be regarded as isolation measures, other infectious patients are in laissez-faire The situation of self-flow." Liu San said, "The establishment of an infectious disease hospital must not only be fast, but also large-scale. There is one more thing," Liu San said, "I went to inspect the Puji Hall today, and there are serious problems in it. The career has nothing to do with my business, but I think it should be taken over by us as soon as possible."

He talked about what he had seen and heard in Pujitang, especially mentioned that there were more than 2000 bolts of cloth in Pujitang, and he should send someone to bring them back as soon as possible.

"The relationship in Puji Hall is intricate and it's a black den. If we can investigate thoroughly, we should be able to seize a lot of property. This will also pay for the new charity."

After listening to his suggestion, Lin Baiguang lit a cigar:
"You're right. We can now be described as 'a waste of time waiting to be rebuilt'." Lin Baiguang showed a look of excitement and seriousness on his face, "But we are short of people now - people who can effectively implement our policies, so , This food for improving the environment in Guangzhou can only be eaten one bite at a time.”

Lin Baiguang just had a meeting with Liu Xiang and Mu Min today—the household investigation is being carried out smoothly, and it will take about half a month to 20 days to complete it all. Right now, all the cadres and most of the military and police forces entering the city— ——Whether it is the naturalized people from Hainan or the newly recruited subordinates, almost all of them are invested in this.The current Guangzhou Municipal Government is barely maintaining law and order, and this is only possible with the assistance of the Fubo Army.

The lack of cadres has become the primary problem they face. In fact, the Guangzhou Municipal Government not only used its own cadre team, but also occupied all the cadres that were not dispatched by the Qiongya Detachment. After all, there are still some counties in Guangdong Province that have not been occupied. , cadres temporarily stranded in Guangzhou.

Although they have used some of the old staff, they are far from meeting the governance and management needs of the new Guangzhou Municipal Government in terms of the quality and quantity of staff.Therefore, Lin Baiguang proposed to hold a "civil servant recruitment examination" in Guangzhou.

His reason was simple. It would be impossible to expect enough cadres from the existing administrative cadre system of the Senate.To meet the needs of the Guangzhou Municipal Government and the entire Guangdong Province for cadres, the only way is to base ourselves locally.

Although the cultural imperial examinations in Guangzhou in the Ming Dynasty were not as good as Jiangsu and Zhejiang, it was also the leading prosperous city in China, and the proportion of literate population should be higher than that of other regions.Lin Baiguang believes that this part of the population can be fully utilized.Basic administrative personnel are obtained through open recruitment.

"It is much easier to lead and train this group of newcomers with the backbone of the naturalized civilian cadres of the Qiongya Detachment as the guide than us to use the old subordinates with extremely old habits. After all, the newcomers are a blank sheet of paper. As long as we give them They have a good environment and they can grow up according to our needs."

Lin Baiguang believes that the quality of cadres is first of all a big environmental issue. The old-style officialdom and the ranks of subordinate officials are themselves a big dye vat. If honest people enter, they will either end up with the light or drown in it.Even an upright minister like Hai Rui and a peerless general like Qi Jiguang can only keep their official position, life and ideas by adhering to the principle of "loyal ministers are more treacherous than treacherous ministers", wasting a lot of energy and time in vain.

Although the cadre team of the Senate is not flawless, it is much cleaner and more efficient than the officialdom of Ming Dynasty.The cadres cultivated in such an environment, not to mention capable officials, are at least mediocre who can wait for it to act according to the rules.

The only problem is that they have not been ashore for a long time, and most of the people are still on the sidelines of "how long the red flag can be fought". They need to do a few things in a down-to-earth manner, so that they can deeply understand what it means to change the day and attract people to come. Work for this new regime: No matter whether he is really working for the welfare of the people or just for personal development, as long as he takes this path, he will naturally become a member of the cadres of the Senate.

Lin Baiguang said: "Doctor Liu, this is the result of our meeting today, next..."

(End of this chapter)

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