Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1756 Financial Difficulties

Chapter 1756 Financial Difficulties
Generally speaking, the Guangzhou Municipal Government intends to launch a "New Life Movement" in the city of Guangzhou.

"Although the name is a bit unlucky, I think it is very appropriate." Lin Baiguang said with a smile, "We want to bring a new concept of life to Guangzhou citizens, change customs, and let them know what a 'civilized' lifestyle is like. .”

Specifically, it is to mobilize government staff, the army and the people to carry out a general cleaning within the city to clean up ditches and urban garbage.

"But I think there is still a lot of work to be done," Liu San said, "for example, the long-term management of street sanitation and the implementation of the Food Sanitation Law."

"This is only the first phase of work." Lin Baiguang said, "It is far from enough to transform the city. So we still have the second phase—we are short of manpower now, and we don't know enough about the details of the city. We can check the soft persimmon first. It is easy to promulgate a few laws, the key is to enforce the law in place. The old time and space formulated various laws and regulations very diligently. They are all principled things, that is, there are no implementation rules and no specific implementation methods. , Enforcement is even more useless. Over time, the government has lost its credibility, and no matter how many laws and regulations you publish, the masses will only think you are farting. So we either don’t say it, or we can ensure that it will be implemented.”

"Well, I have no problem with this, it's all up to you." Liu San agreed.

After Liu San left, Lin Baiguang carefully read the "Guangzhou Special City Police Station Phase [-] Police Recruitment and Training Plan" sent by Mu Min.

In fact, at today's meeting, there was a debate about the civil servant recruitment exam. Liu Xiang's opinion was that the exam started too early, which would easily cause the old forces to enter the ranks on a large scale. Do this action after a month or even half a year.After all, stereotyped essays cannot be used in the civil servant recruitment examination of the Senate, and it is impossible to use the Four Books and Five Classics as the scope of the examination.It is necessary to give the test scope and sample questions, and publish various tutoring materials and real test sets, so that test takers can think according to the new thinking mode.

Exam-taking is very exercise in people's thinking.And the Chinese are the most pragmatic in the world.As long as you formulate the rules, there will naturally be a lot of people to study them.New thinking patterns and knowledge concepts are also infiltrated through this.

Such a transition will take at least half a year.

However, Lin Baiguang, Mu Min, and Liu San all responded that there were too many civil issues to be resolved, and the shortage of manpower had reached the extreme, so they had to be resolved immediately, at least in part.

After discussion, it was decided to recruit the police first.Because what they lack most now is the grassroots control capability.The police, with the power to enforce the law with violence, can effectively complement it.The grassroots police do not need to be highly educated. Literacy is the best, and the problem of illiteracy is not a big problem. They can completely absorb the large number of urban poor.Even if some people are not suitable for it, it can be easily replaced.The most important thing is that there is no "class issue" that Liu Xiang is worried about.

With the police force, they have a manpower base for many things they will do next.

The plan proposed by Mu Min is to recruit 1000 people in the first phase, and all of them will be used as patrol officers.

Patrol is the most basic type of police. It does not require high quality personnel and does not require much professional training.As long as you patrol at fixed points on time and respond to emergencies on the street in time, you don't need too much training.As long as you implement "doing things by the rules", you will be fine.

Mu Min planned that this group of local police officers would be led by naturalized police officers transferred from Hainan, and a small number of former fast-shift personnel who were familiar with the street conditions would be allocated as appropriate. In this "three-in-one" method, the students would learn while working. Training.One month later, according to their study and work performance, they will conduct split training.If it's not suitable, you won't feel heartache when you clear it-after all, it doesn't cost much training.

This compromise won their approval.With these thousand patrol officers, the National Army can be liberated from the large number of daily security patrol duties it undertakes.Prepare for the next few large-scale operations.

But then there was a new problem.

Adding more people means increasing expenses, not to mention that the uniforms of the thousand policemen are a big expense.Once they start working, they have to pay monthly wages.

The government of the Ming Dynasty has always not paid or paid a symbolic salary to its grassroots civil servants.Since the Senate has put forward unprecedented work and discipline requirements for grassroots civil servants, it cannot be so stingy.At least it must be at the same level as Hainan: the basic income of a grassroots cadre should be able to afford the food and clothing expenses of a family of four.

A rough calculation shows that as the number of cadres increases, the financial pressure they face will invisibly increase a lot.

Now the municipal government of Guangzhou Special City is poor and empty in terms of fiscal revenue. There is no place to "reduce expenditure", only "open source".

Although Lin Baiguang doesn't care about the financial affairs, he knows that the current fiscal revenue of Guangzhou Special City is only two yuan: the "start-up fee" allocated by the financial department;

Although the amount of the latter is huge, most of them are not cash but exist in the form of various objects, which must be realized before they can be used.This is another headache for Liu Xiang.Lin Baiguang knew that he had been arguing with the Planning Institute and Caijingkou on the telegraph for the past few days, and wanted to "sell" the returned spoils to the Planning Institute.

Naturally, his wishful thinking failed.The Planning Institute stated that they never "buy and sell" any materials, only transfer.Caijingkou believes that the return of the seized materials is the "allocation" procedure of the Planning Institute, which has nothing to do with Caijingkou.No matter who the ultimate owner of the material is, Caijingkou has no obligation to pay for "purchase".

Looking at the various expenses listed in Mu Min's report, he touched his chin involuntarily.I can't help thinking of the time when he just graduated from university and became a pen writer in the county's writing team-at that time, there was no land finance, and the five small industries in the county were all ruined. There is almost no decent tax source, so paying cadres' salaries has become a headache for the secretary and county magistrate every month.

Liu Xiang's mood at the moment is probably the same as theirs.Lin Baiguang smiled and picked up the next document.

At this time, Liu Xiang was going around in circles in the office, worrying about financial issues.

The government is the same as others: there are seven things to do when you open the door, and everything costs money.When Liu Xiang was the director of the Qiongshan County Office, he had already experienced the difficulty of being in charge.

However, that would be a big financial package. Although it feels that there are many constraints, the basic administrative expenses of the county are covered by the central government. He uses his brains to "open source" and build construction. Getting down is no problem.Now, he has to try to achieve financial balance by himself-not only that, the senate's land is not for his political achievements, Guangzhou must provide new financial resources for the senate's great cause as soon as possible.

The start-up fee allocated to him by the Senate was 120 million yuan: 20 yuan in coins and 100 million yuan in banknotes.Most of them are banknotes, and whether they can be circulated smoothly depends on the specific implementation situation-after all, the abolition of the two yuan and the reform of the yuan is a big battle, and it cannot be achieved overnight.What is left to take advantage of is the so-called "fiscal rebate".And his biggest concern is this "financial return".

"The central government decided to issue silver coins and set up a silver district, which solved a big problem for me!" Liu Xiang talked loudly in the office with his hands behind his back, "Now the Ministry of Finance has approved me to return some of the spoils of war in the Guangzhou area as a financial return—first down Sign the pot again, and transfer the account. I am grateful. But what are the things I have here? Let’s not talk about the inconsistency between the accounts and the inventory, just talk about the things inside: Kuyin is good That’s right! Variegated silver is also considered good! Food, no matter how old it is, is good! There is also a silk coin in the warehouse that was put in the warehouse before. It looks like a layer of lime powder, but even the cloth is directly Broken into slag—I don’t know how many years it’s been, it’s all rotten!” Liu Xiang started pouring bitter water mode.

"There are also copper coins! The rope that wears copper coins is rotten. Don't wait for a prosperous age. There are too many prefectures and counties in Guangzhou! And there are all kinds of copper coins! Not to mention all kinds of weird government-made and private casts, the Northern Song Dynasty's "Dang Shi" Wen' and 'Dang Wuwen' have been found a lot of big money, and hundreds of Han five baht coins have been cleared!" Liu Xiang looked bitter and hated, "You say, I treat them as government assets Should I keep it and use it, or turn it over to the country as an antique?"

Meng Xian, the president of Delong Bank and the Guangdong Branch of the Central Reserve Bank, smiled cooperatively.He no longer had the western demeanor of an overseas student back then, and his demeanor was no different from that of a mature and prudent merchant from the Ming Dynasty.

In Guangzhou, he is not only the president of the bank, but also the director of finance of the Guangdong and Guangzhou governments.Guaranteeing the issuance of new currency, stabilizing the financial order, and expanding fiscal and tax revenue are all his jobs.

Generally speaking, the Ming Dynasty was a dynasty that did not pay much attention to minting money. Most of the emperors did not mint much money when they were in power.This has brought great trouble to Liu Xiang's financial work.Because he couldn't estimate how much money there was in the treasury of Fuku County.And the various physical stocks cannot be used directly-Emperor Yongle did this kind of thing with spices and treasures to pay officials, which is very hateful.

"There are also all kinds of goods taxed into the warehouse, and the five or six-meter-long moso bamboo has also become government inventory! The purpose is clearly written, and it is used for drilling wells and cleaning. Why do we need this? There are also feathers and isinglass. , dyes, long as there are things on the market, there will be everything in the official treasury. And it will last for three to fifty years, and what is taken out can only be regarded as garbage!"

(End of this chapter)

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