Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1760 Pan Jiexin

Chapter 1760 Pan Jiexin

Coming out of the Yamen of the Chasi Yamen, the sun was already in the west, and the three little friends were walking on the street, each with a feeling in his heart.

Zeng Juan's face turned pale—he had never experienced such a long-distance race as a "1000-meter" run. Since entering social studies, he has paid attention to good manners, and he would be reprimanded by his husband even for running around. He has no idea how long 5 minutes is, but he has never felt that time passes so slowly, and he finally finished the run. As soon as he stopped, his stomach was full of turmoil, and he vomited up his breakfast.I haven't recovered yet.

After suffering such a serious crime, the result was still too late. Zeng Juan was greatly disappointed. He thought that he had come to "vote for money", even though he was a year or two behind in age. Dare to count on the Australians to "walk backwards", at least it is easy to apply for a police officer who is almost a "subordinate".

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be this result!Zeng Juan was unhappy. Before he came, his inner struggle was "whether or not to apply", not "whether he can pass the exam".But now, the Australian told him clearly: "You are not qualified."

This hit him hard.Zeng Juan's self-esteem was greatly hurt, and his hope of relying on the power of the Australians to deal with his brother-in-law also fell through.

But Zhang Yu didn't feel lonely, he was a bit reluctant to seek refuge in the beginning - the business in the store was booming, and the family's intention was to ask him to take care of it more at home.This time I went to accompany him to apply for the exam because of my brother's loyalty, but I felt relieved when I failed.

Li Ziyu was full of joy: his uncle asked him to "learn the bow and horse diligently" on weekdays - he thought it was unnecessary, but he didn't expect it to come in handy!It doesn't matter if you work for the Australians, whether you are a dragon or not, as long as the monthly salary is eight dollars, you can finally support your family when you take it back.Since I grew up, I have always been a "rice bug" and "Huagulong" in the eyes of my family. I never thought that I could earn money to support my family today!Thinking of this, he couldn't help being both happy and sad.

Li Ziyu and Zhang Yu chatted excitedly, and after walking for a long time, they realized that Zeng Juan had been silent all the time. He comforted him and said, "Ah Juan! Don't be sullen, you heard what the policeman said just now—the one who will be recruited in the future." Too much, if you don’t pass the exam this time, you’ll just go next time. Since Australians place the most emphasis on running, let’s practice hard! As long as we put in some effort, we won’t have to worry about failing!”

But Zhang Yu knew why he was unhappy, and said, "Ah Juan, although you failed the exam, Ziyu did. There is someone of his own in the yamen. If there is anything, just ask him to take care of it."

Li Ziyu also came to his senses, patted his chest and said: "Juan! We are brothers, your business is my business! Don't worry, your nephew is my nephew, and I will definitely not let her suffer!"

Zeng Juan hesitated and said, "This—"

Li Ziyu said: "It's not that I'm talking about you, it's a big deal? Even if someone died back then, as long as the people in the fast class wanted to make peace, they wouldn't be able to make peace, let alone such a small matter like yours. Give it to your brother-in-law who is on the street." After suffering, he will naturally know how to advance and retreat."

Zhang Yu also said: "Actually, it's better for Ziyu to come forward in this matter than for you to come forward after passing the exam. There is really something to tear the captive away. Otherwise, your brother-in-law said that you are 'fake public affairs for private interests' and 'revenge for private interests', and you can't stand it. "

Zeng Juan's heart felt hot, and he said, "Ziyu! Ayu, thank you for your trouble." After saying that, his eyes felt hot, and he was about to shed tears again.

"We are all good brothers, thank you for nothing." Li Ziyu said, "You should practice running more, and you will go for new exams in the future—with an official position to rely on, everything will be easy!"

Liu Xiang was originally cautious about whether he could recruit a sufficient number of patrol officers—after all, they still wore the hats of "overseas thieves" and "rebels" on their heads, and Guangzhou was not a Central Plains where the people were struggling for thousands of miles. area.Compared with the subordinates of the old fritters, he really didn't know how many "good people" would "give their money".

Unexpectedly, the registration situation was unexpected: 600 people signed up on the first day. Although the physical examination and physical fitness patrol test eliminated two-thirds of the people, the [-] patrol officers were fully recruited within a week.

"Put up the recruiting flag, and there will be people who eat food." Liu Xiang said unconsciously, "No wonder the Ming Dynasty is about to perish! No wonder the Qing Dynasty beat the British so hard!"

Liu Xiang read a book in the past, which mentioned that in the 16th century, the Spaniards in the Philippines made plans to conquer Ming Dynasty several times.The force used in the plan, including mercenaries and natives, was only a few thousand people. At that time, I only felt that the Spaniards had a super big brain.Now that I think about it, I am afraid that this brain hole is not too big-after all, the Spaniards are also preparing to recruit the "green battalion".

However, he doesn't have time to sigh now, the police recruited for training, and a thousand more "civil servants" came out of thin air, and the monthly salary has to be spent—it's all money!
"Chief, Chief Mu and Chief Lin are here." Guo Xier came to report.

"Invite them to come in."

Mu Min is here to talk about the configuration and arrangement of police agencies.She took out a large-scale map of Guangzhou.

"This is the configuration arrangement that Director Lin and I made after discussing together." As she spoke, she unfolded a map on the conference table, on which many markers and symbols were drawn with red and blue pencils.

"This is the sub-bureau, police station, and security checkpoint that I roughly marked." Mu Min said, "This is a preliminary plan, basically based on Director Lin's introduction and the information obtained from our household registration survey in the previous stage. .It is very imperfect. It can be gradually adjusted in the future.”

According to Mu Min's plan, in Guangzhou City, the police agency will only set up the City Bureau for the time being, instead of the Nanhai and Panyu sub-bureaus that were originally planned.The police station is directly under the leadership of the Municipal Bureau.The jurisdiction of the police system is only in the urban area and customs.

"We are currently short of police officers who can take on middle-level policing work, and we don't have so many qualified agencies and professional technicians to deploy, so we adopt the simplest approach. Centralize resources to the city bureau, and all professional policing work will be done by The Municipal Bureau will take care of it." Mu Min elaborated on her idea, "The police station only undertakes household registration and grassroots governance work."

There are a total of forty police stations in the city, which are distributed throughout the city and in the Guanxiang outside the city.

"When setting up police stations, our principle is to set them up relatively densely, because our roads and means of communication are too backward, and communication can only rely on manpower, visual and auditory signals; there is no means of transportation, and the dispatch of police depends on feet. Therefore, each police station The administrative area should not be too large so that the police can be quickly received and dispatched in the event of a police situation.”

The police station is headed by the naturalized policeman from Hainan as the director and the backbone of the business.Each station is equipped with 10 to 30 police officers according to the geographical location, the size of the jurisdiction, and the population.In addition, a number of Zaolis who are familiar with the local conditions will be deployed additionally.In this way, the actual allocation of personnel in each institute is between 20 and 50 people.

"...In terms of the number of staff, each office can be regarded as overstaffed." Mu Min said, "There are many offices here that are equipped according to the old time and space standard, that is, a five-person office, but the security environment we are facing It is very complicated, and the quality of personnel is low, so we have to allocate more personnel. If we really allocate a five-person institute, I am afraid of accidents."

"Is this enough for our existing personnel?"

"Director Lin and I have done the calculations, and it's enough. Of course, the backbone of the old naturalized police officers is slightly insufficient," Mu Min sighed, tilting her head and said, "It really feels a little stretched."

Lin Baiguang said: "The street watchers are still working on shifts and opening and closing gates as usual. I suggest that we not touch these people for the time being. We will reorganize them after the Guandi Temple is cleaned up. At least some of them can be reorganized if we keep them now. effect."

While talking, Guo Xier came in again and reported that a Chief Pan had arrived.

Liu Xiang couldn't help but cheer up, this Police Officer Pan finally came!

This police officer is Pan Jiexin, director of the Criminal Investigation Department of the National Police. His sudden visit to Guangzhou was not to handle any major criminal investigations, but for a simple but important project: police training.

As soon as Liu Xiang proposed to recruit and train [-] policemen, the national police expressed their full support, and then Ran Yao sent Pan Jiexin here—in Lingao, he also served as the director of national police education.

So far, police training in Lingao has been rudimentary.Although the executive committee is very keen on violent institutions, it allocates very little resources to the police, especially in terms of personnel deployment. Up to 100 professional cadets - these cadets now make up the "professional groups" in the national police.

The police officers who come from short-term training courses account for the majority of the police force.Soldiers retired from the Fubo Army and recruited from naturalized civilians, after about [-] days of training, were assigned to various police departments to perform tasks.

In the old time and space, [-] days of training is not too short, but in the old time and space, even recruiting assistant police requires at least a high school graduate.But now they are facing a group of semi-literate people, the difficulty can be imagined.

For this reason, the veteran police officers of the national police have to attack on both sides, that is, they must be busy with their own work, and they must also teach students in the police training class.After five years of hard work, it was hard to set up the framework of the police agencies in the central government and Hainan Island.

However, they now have to face the whole province of Guangdong again.As far as Guangzhou is concerned, the number of people that Mu Min brought is not enough, not to mention that these people actually have to fill the entire police department in Guangdong.

The door opened, and Pan Jiexin walked in. He looked only 27 or [-] years old, but he was actually in his early thirties.He was not restrained, and after saying hello, he found a chair and sat down.

"Come, drink tea." Liu Xiang greeted, "It's better to go on the road."

"It's going well." Pan Jiexin replied simply and neatly, "Let's hurry up and talk about the current situation. I can go back and make detailed preparations."

(End of this chapter)

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