Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1761 Police Training Class

Chapter 1761 Police Training Class

Liu Xiang briefly talked about the current shortage of police force in Guangzhou, and talked about the recruitment plan just completed.

Pan Jiexin nodded: "Insufficient police force is inevitable. But recruiting a thousand police officers this time will put a lot of pressure on training."

Liu Xiang said: "We have no choice. Without the police, many of our measures cannot be implemented. Now it takes a lot of energy to maintain law and order in the urban area, and it is completely dependent on the National Army."

The national army will soon be involved in the security and purge operations in the four townships outside the city, and cannot remain in the city without restriction as a security force.After all, ensuring the security of the four townships is also an important task.

Now the law and order in the four townships is chaotic, and even in the city, I have heard about it. In relatively remote places such as Beimen, there are bandits and bandits not far from the customs. Water bandits are extremely rampant on the Pearl River. Coast Guard patrol boats can protect the river Only the Pearl River from Baietan to Hong Kong is safe, and the lower reaches of the Xijiang River from Sanshui to Jiangmen are no longer safe.

"I generally understand." Pan Jiexin said, "But since 1000 people are going to be on the job at one time, and time is tight, we can only adopt crash training. I think it can be compressed to 30 days. Have you arranged the venue and logistics?"

"You don't have to worry about this," Liu Xiang said, "Except for some things that have to be transported from Lingao, we have prepared everything else." He added, "As long as it is related to police work, we will guarantee the green light all the way." .”

To train the police, you must first have a venue. In ancient times, there were very few public buildings that could accommodate a large number of people. They were nothing more than various temples and government offices.Liu Xiang chose the Longevity Palace in Guangzhou.

The Longevity Palace is originally a Taoist temple, but most of them enshrine the long live tablet (longevity tablet) of the current emperor. On the birthday of the emperor, the so-called Longevity Festival, officials from all over the city gather here to hold a congratulatory ceremony; if the emperor dies, Then set up a spirit here to offer sacrifices and mourn for mourning.Usually it is used as a place to welcome the imperial edict.

"This temple has a large area, so there is no problem accommodating the trainees." Liu Xiang said, "I have confiscated it under the pretext that there is a memorial tablet of the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, which was identified as 'enemy property'. This temple is allocated for your use. Now the workers are transforming the facility - it's just very poor conditions, lack of training facilities."

"At present, all the recruits are patrol officers, and the skill requirements are not high. The training can also be simplified. It is the old habits of the ordinary citizens who have to change." Pan Jiexin has been engaged in police education and training in Lingao for several years, and he seems to have a plan in mind. Just a few dozen non-commissioned officers from the Polish Army or the National Army will do.”

In front of the Longevity Palace, there is now a newly made sign in black and white on a white background: "Guangzhou Special City National Police College of the People's Security Province".There were also two policemen in black and holding long whistle sticks standing at the door.

Li Ziyu walked up the steps timidly - he had been to this place several times, and his uncle brought him here every year to kowtow to the long live card.Naturally, it is not their turn to be on the first day of the Longevity Festival, and only local officials with a reputation are eligible to come.Li Ziyu is very afraid of coming here, every time he comes here, if there is a slight mistake in clothing or behavior, he will be severely reprimanded by his uncle.

What he held in his hand was the "Admission Notice".Li Ziyu passed the second trial very smoothly: his parents and family members are all in Guangzhou, and he can read and write.

After checking the notice at the gate, Li Ziyu entered the school gate, only to see that the original decorative pattern on the screen wall in front of him had been shoveled and smoothed, and a shield-shaped badge was chiseled on it. Li Ziyu could only recognize two Chinese characters on it. :"Policemen".

Below the badge are a few lines of engraved regular script: Loyal to the Senate, loyal to the country, loyal to the people, and loyal to the law. He was born as Guangdong Jiedu, a very big official.

In front of the screen wall, there were two rows of tables, behind which sat some policemen in black, and a sign beside them: "Report Office." There were many people lined up in front of the tables.

"In order, come one by one, line up!" Someone was maintaining order.Li Ziyu already knew that the Australians took the matter of queuing very seriously, so she quickly followed the queue.

After a series of procedures: filling out forms, leaving fingerprints, and then "purification", when he came out of the bathhouse, Li Ziyu, who used to be quite a scholarly demeanor, had become a recruit in a black uniform with a bare head.

The first time she put on this suit, Li Ziyu just felt uncomfortable. The clothes were too narrow for people who are used to wide-sleeved robes, and the trousers felt tight. The shoes were okay, but the one-piece leggings His calf was so tight that it was uncomfortable.

"Take your things and enter the dormitory according to the number!" The sergeants transferred from the National Army held bamboo sticks and shouted, "One after another! No whispering!"

Li Ziyu didn't expect that the "fast class" of the Australians turned out to be the "marching method", so she couldn't help complaining, but since she came, there was no reason to regret it.Under the "guidance" of the sergeants' roars and sticks, he found his dormitory bed smoothly.

"Start tidying up the house now! Concentrate in the auditorium in one hour!"

Li Ziyu looked at the dormitory. It probably used to be a certain palace, but now it has been cleaned up and empty, looking tall and empty.There are more than 20 bunk beds in a row along the wall.

He has never lived in a place like this since he was a child, let alone sleeping in a room with more than 40 people - and he has to sleep up and down!

He looked at his bed number, and it was "down", which made him feel relieved: he was really at a loss if he was really asked to go to the upper bunk.

In a small courtyard several yards away from the student dormitory, Pan Jiexin was holding a copy of "Basic Theory of Public Security" thinking about tomorrow's lecture.

This is not the first time he has given lessons to students, but this police training course is super fast.Neither Liu Xiang nor Mu Min could wait to complete the training in accordance with the "Police Training Outline" he formulated in the past.According to this outline, the students in the short training class will study for 60 days, plus half a month of post practice.

Now he can only compress the time to 30 days, and the theory and practice must be taken together.Pan Jiexin thought over and over again, and decided to conduct training only in accordance with the minimum standards, mainly focusing on security management training, strengthening practical training, and focusing on instilling the concept of discipline.

The training plan he formulated was to conduct police skills, physical fitness and queue training in the small playground in the morning, theoretical study in the afternoon, and political study and cultural tutoring in the evening.The final assessment will be divided into theory examination, skill assessment and physical fitness standard.

Since the proportion of students who are illiterate in Chinese is not small, Pan Jiexin decided to divide them into two categories. For students who can read and write, more theoretical lectures will be arranged for future cadre training.The illiterate focus on cultural tutoring.

Early the next morning, a brief opening ceremony was held in the main hall of the Longevity Palace—the current auditorium.Both Liu Xiang and Mu Min were present, Liu Xiang was speaking, Pan Jiexin was sitting on the stage, looking at the crooked queue below, he couldn't help showing a wry smile: In terms of basic literacy, it can be said to be absolutely polarized, and the side of the sergeant who was transferred can be said to be disciplined. Yan Ming, on the other side, the so-called "social recruitment" students came in various poses, and a few people in the back row were giving various speeches.

Mu Min smiled bitterly and whispered: "It seems that the concept of discipline still needs to be instilled."

"It doesn't matter, the queue training will be arranged later, and it will last about two weeks. Let them experience what queue discipline is." Pan Jiexin muttered.

"Now I invite Pan Jiexin, the regional commander of the National Police, and the principal of the National Police College in Guangzhou Special City, to speak!"

There was a burst of neat applause first, and then a burst of scattered applause.

Pan Jiexin pulled down his armed belt, got up and walked to the microphone.

"Comrades! Welcome to Guangzhou Special City Police College and become a glorious national police cadet. I am the principal Pan Jiexin." He saluted cleanly.

"From today onwards, you are members of the national police. Although you are still only students and have not been officially awarded a police badge. But I look forward to your studies and tests to prove that you are worthy of this glorious title!"

His voice was so stern that the students who were originally a little loose stood up straight.

Pan Jiexin slowed down a little: "The word police is very unfamiliar to everyone. Because in the past, there were only so-called fast and strong squads in the government of the Ming Dynasty. Indeed, they also undertake part of the work of the police. But they are not Go to the police. Why? Because in places under the rule of our Senate, the police are there to eliminate violence and punish crimes, to ensure the stability and order of the social order, so that ordinary people can work, do business, and live with peace of mind. This is what our police do Work is also the greatest value of our existence. What are those fast and strong squads in the old government doing? They are more likely to harm the people!

"Indeed, to a certain extent they also played the role of 'keeping one side safe'. But their so-called keeping one side safe is to enrich themselves by harming the interests of the people. Many slaves do evil by themselves and harm the people. To the gentry The big households are obedient and courteous, intimidating and blackmailing the ordinary people with fabricated charges. Facing thieves and strongmen, they either run away or collude to share the spoils. They are just a group of villains who work for tigers and bully the good. I think you have all experienced such things "Pan Jiexin paused, looked at the reaction of the audience, and continued to speak: "Under the governance of our Senate, there are no such corrupt officials. When the people encounter bullying, gangsters and danger, it is the police who come forward. From another perspective, we are chivalrous knights, relying on our own abilities, conveying the law, and conveying the voice of the Senate and the people."

(End of this chapter)

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