Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1762 Training

Chapter 1762 Training
The police cadets opened their mouths and stared wide-eyed.They originally thought that the police were subordinate staff, and even if Australians did not regard subordinate staff as pariahs, they had nothing to brag about.I didn't expect the Australians to come up with such a big idea of ​​"serving the people" first, and elevate the "untouchables to eat with a bowl" to the level of "a knight-errant who fights for justice".

"As for why you want to be a policeman, I believe everyone will have a variety of answers. Most people come here just to make a living, to support their families, to eat a few bites, and to bring more money home. "Before the words fell, the people below were already laughing.Pan Jiexin laughed himself: "There is nothing wrong with that! We are human beings, we have to eat whole grains, we have emotions and desires, and we have a large family to support. But everyone, don't forget that our food and clothing are all provided by the Senate and the people." .Being a policeman is indeed for personal development and treatment, but more importantly, it is to repay the Senate and the people. No matter where you are from or what kind of business you have done before, you must always remember this!" He swept his eyes across the field, "Always remember to be loyal to the Senate! Loyal to the country! Loyal to the people! Loyal to the law!"

After he finished speaking, he glanced at him: "I'm done talking!"

All the students shouted in unison: "Here!"

After the opening ceremony, the sergeants took the students to the playground.Begin basic police etiquette and queue training.Pan Jiexin went over to take a look.As soon as I walked to the training ground, I heard two whistles of "di-di-", the square team that was training in unison stopped immediately, and a sergeant who was the commander of the formation immediately ran over to salute and report: "Report to the chief! The trainees of the first short-term training course of the Guangzhou Police College are undergoing queue training, please give instructions!"

Pan Jiexin thought silently while returning the gift. "As planned," he replied.So the sergeant turned back and shouted the password to adjust the pace of the queue.

The queue training at the police academy has always been organized by the army, and Pan Jiexin has never worried about it. He saw that each student was wearing two different shoes, one cloth shoe and the other straw sandal.This is an indigenous method of training recruits that has been effective for many years-because most ordinary people don't know what left and right are.

From this scattered formation, he also knew that the training of this formation would take a lot of time.Still, nothing helps develop a sense of discipline and obedience like queue training.

Li Ziyu stood in the queue and groaned in his heart, these are the slaves who are on the fast squad, are they being trained as big soldiers at all!It's a battalion soldier, and they don't practice like this when they go out to practice!Just thinking about these messy things, he unconsciously made a wrong step, and almost stepped on the cloth shoes of the guy in front of him.

"Stand still!" The sergeant ordered loudly, "No. 3 in the third row, why is it you again? It was you when you stood in the police position just now. Your hands are loose and loose!"

"Ah, I—" Li Ziyu was stunned.

"Ah what, call for a report!" the sergeant roared.

Li Ziyu finally reacted and shouted: "Report!"

"Get out, 10 push-ups! Count out loud!" the sergeant ordered.

"Yes, one-two-three-" Li Ziyu hurriedly stepped out and got down on the ground, and began to do this new exercise that he had just learned not long ago.

"No, come back!"

"What are you doing with your butt so high?" As he spoke, he was kicked hard on his butt.Li Ziyu groaned and immediately fell to the ground.

"Get up! Don't be a bitch!"

"Put your elbows flat! Press your chest down! Yes...don't bend your legs."

The sergeant "fucked" Li Ziyu alone for seven or eight minutes, while the others stood upright.

Pan Jiexin looked at the entire playground. This was originally the open space where the Longevity Palace built the sacrificial altar. Now it has been flattened and used as a playground, but it still feels a bit small. Several workers are installing horizontal bars and single-plank bridges next to the playground.

Although physical fitness was tested during the recruitment, the students looked relatively healthy.However, the training with a lot of exercise and the learning of continuous rotation cannot withstand their physique-the standard of 1000 minutes for 5 meters is not up to the standard of physical exercise for junior high school students in the 21st century, but it is enough to eliminate many people here.The push-up guy in front of him was sweating.

Pan Jiexin came to the kitchen quietly, and the newly remodeled kitchen was steaming.As meal time approaches, the aroma of dishes and rice fills the air.

His appearance immediately caused a small commotion.A naturalized cadre in charge of the cafeteria trotted over to greet him: "Chief..."

"Give me clothes." He said without any nonsense, "Don't stop, keep working!"

Putting on his overalls and hat, Pan Jiexin wandered around the kitchen.This kitchen was sent from the Joint Logistics Headquarters.In order to reduce the problem of supply links and redundant construction, the logistics work in Guangdong is currently under the responsibility of the Joint Logistics Headquarters.Minister Hong predicted that food would be a big problem after the various teams entered the city, so he set up a "cooking training class" in Hong Kong in advance and trained dozens of catering teams that could meet the food standards and hygiene needs of the Senate.

At least the elders can rest assured that the food is provided by the joint logistics kitchen.The hygienic standards of the new and old time and space are completely different, and the hygienic concepts of the cleanest indigenous people are also very problematic according to the standards of the old time and space.The most important thing is that the naturalized cooks are much better behaved than the aboriginal cooks who are used to "cooks don't steal and don't harvest grain".

Although running a canteen is a trivial matter, it is a major event if it fails.Although the first phase of Longevity Palace is only a short training class, Pan Jiexin regards it as the starting capital of the national police in Guangdong, and attaches great importance to the students.

The large steamer was taken down, revealing neatly arranged galvanized iron lunch boxes inside.Pan Jiexin picked up a clip and took out a box, opened it casually, picked up a chopstick and stuck it in, waited for a few seconds, pulled it out again, and looked at it in front of his eyes.

The softness, hardness and water vapor of the rice are just right, and there is no need to add more water to improve the "rice yield".He took another bit of rice and put it in his mouth. It was brown rice with a slightly rough texture. The aroma of the rice was normal, and there was no musty or strange smell.The rice grains are neat, not broken or powdered.It shows that there is no problem with rice.

"Give me this box of lunch."

"Yes, chief." Although the head chef is used to all kinds of surprise checks and inspections, he is still very nervous when the chief comes to check the kitchen himself - everyone knows that the chief has high requirements.

Dishes are ready.Meals for police cadets are implemented in accordance with the supply standards for recruits formulated by the Joint Logistics Headquarters.Because the physical fitness of the recruits recruited in this time and space is generally low, the food standard is relatively high, and the protein intake is increased.

On a large tin plate, there are fragrant and golden grilled fish patties that have just been poured out of the baking pan, next to a large pot of stew.The stew is made of vegetables with "frozen minced meat" and okara.The so-called frozen minced meat is the residue that is cleaned from the machine every day on the production line of sausage and surimi products, mixed together and frozen hard.It is specially used to make big pot dishes.

Finally, seasonal vegetables, "fried" in salt water.Theoretically, these vegetables are "locally dispatched"-in fact, they are all shipped from Hong Kong.Because Minister Hong found that it was much cheaper and more convenient to transport the agricultural reclamation team from Hong Kong to grow vegetables than to buy them in the four townships of Guangzhou.According to the general supply standard of this time and space, this meal is quite rich.

Pan Jiexin tasted every dish.I also looked at the hygienic situation and the separation of raw and cooked, and felt that it was barely enough.Although naturalized people are more reliable, they are not completely trustworthy and must be supervised from time to time.

"Okay." He said, "Dinner will be served on time!"

The morning training was soon over, and the students, led by their captains, lined up in the auditorium to receive their meals—except for the auditorium, there is no such big hall in the Longevity Palace.Even so, you have to eat in shifts.

Panting and voices were everywhere in the auditorium. The original intention of the queue training was to develop good discipline habits. For these aboriginals who were not usually disciplined, the "rigid" queue training was quite a torture. matter.

Meals are distributed, with one box per person.Since the founding of the army, the Fubo Army has not adopted a shared food system. The shared food system is not only unhygienic, but also prone to dishes "covering the bottom of the plate".It also gives sergeants and veterans the opportunity to eat more.

For most people, this first meal was too good to be true, so that before the food was served, there were loud swallowing sounds everywhere.One sound: "Dinning" was ordered, and there was a sound of gobbling in the cafeteria, and some people even ate while crying.

For Li Ziyu, although the taste of the food is not bad, it is not good enough to make him cry. Besides, on the first day of class, there is not even a whole chicken, duck or fish, which is a bit stingy.Looking at the people at the next table looking like reincarnated starving ghosts, he couldn't help but secretly despise: "What a bunch of poor ghosts!"

He turned his gaze, and suddenly saw that the "principal" who spoke to them in the morning was also eating here.Sitting on the table in the first row, you can clearly see the "chief"'s food from him: it's the same as the students.

Li Ziyu was secretly surprised. When he read Australian magazines, he saw a lot of sayings of "sharing joys and sorrows", but he didn't think it was true.Although there is a saying in the book that Bai Qi "same clothes and food with the lowest soldiers. He does not have a seat when he sleeps, and he does not ride when he walks. He wraps up food for himself and shares the labor with the soldiers. If the soldier has gangrene, he starts to suck it", but this is The ancients, at least in Ming Dynasty, he had never seen any general or military officer like this.It is the norm in Ming Dynasty that the officials are well-clothed and the soldiers suffer from hunger and cold. No one thinks there is anything abnormal.So I also doubt whether the Australian magazine is bragging.

"I didn't expect the Australians to be able to do it!" He was taken aback, and suddenly thought that the reason why the Australians were invincible and the "dare to fight" was not only because of their sharp firearms.

(End of this chapter)

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