Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1763 Acting in accordance with the law

Chapter 1763 Acting in accordance with the law
Pan Jiexin didn't expect that someone was thinking about his lunch box.His mind was not on eating, he had a brief exchange with the sergeants at the dining table about the situation in the queue training in the morning, and at the same time chatted with everyone about physical training.

Since the area of ​​the Longevity Palace is not enough to accommodate 1000 people to live and study at the same time, the students who start the class today are students with certain reading and writing skills, about 300 people.According to Pan Jiexin's plan, the first phase of Wanshou Palace adopts a rolling class system, with a new class every ten days.He planned to take the students to the street on the tenth day, and the old naturalized policemen would lead them to carry out the actual tasks. After ten days of practice, he would come back for supplementary teaching, and then "roll" the second batch of students to the street for practice. .This can maximize the use of space and manpower.

But in this way, the time seems even more tense.Which subjects are required and which can be simplified has become a question that has been considered in my mind.

Time was tight, and lunch was limited to half an hour, and then all the soldiers followed the sergeants of each team to go for a walk for half an hour-this was mandatory, and it was impossible not to go.

Li Ziyu followed the people of his team around the playground, feeling like a fool.However, once you eat the food, you have to obey it.

Afternoon classes begin immediately after the walk.In the first class, Pan Jiexin taught police theory.

"I believe that most of the students here do not know the meaning of the police. So the first lesson today is to tell you what the police are." Pan Jiexin talked eloquently, "The police are different from the familiar police officers and officials , Fundamentally speaking, the reason why you are police is because your daily work is a kind of police behavior.” He paused, looked at the ignorant expressions of the students, and spoke to a group of aboriginals who only knew the 17th-century Cantonese Mandarin. For me, it is too difficult to understand what he said.

He went on to say: "The actions of the Senate in accordance with the will of the Senate and the people to use armed, administrative, and criminal means to maintain the safety and social order of the Song Dynasty are called police actions, and you act as such. The perpetrators are called the police, please turn the book to page 2, and I will explain some of the words in detail below."

Fortunately, the students in these classes are all somewhat similar. Under Pan Jiexin's exhaustive explanation, these future policemen of the Senate have at least a preliminary understanding of the meaning of the word police.In fact, at the beginning of the establishment of the police organization, several veterans were not interested in studying the so-called police theory, but Ran Yao still supported Pan Jiexin's proposition.There is no other reason. If a team doesn't even know their own identities, don't expect them to have strong combat effectiveness.

Pan Jiexin was giving a lecture, when he suddenly saw a student raised his hand, he nodded to signal the students to stand up and ask questions.

It was none other than Li Ziyu who stood up.I saw Li Ziyu asked unnaturally: "Reporting chief, student Li Ziyu, I just want to ask a question. My grandfather told me "Shangshu" back then. I still remember the story of Situ and the scholar in Yushun's time. The students are thinking, are they still the policemen that the chief said today?"

Pan Jiexin nodded, and said in an appreciative tone: "You have read a lot! They are just similar to the policemen I mentioned, but in more respects, they are not policemen. Li Ziyu's question is about Very good, because I will make a difference between the so-called ancient policemen such as the policemen, Situ, and scholars, and the Senate policemen I want to talk about."

Pan Jiexin still remembers that when he was a freshman, the teacher who graduated from the People's Public Security University of China and taught the basic theory of public security also raised this question.He knew that the police in the slave society and the feudal society acted in the name of the police without the name of the police. The lynching of the country was widespread, even as a supplement to the ancient police function.

As far as the local government office in Daming is concerned, the Kuaiban Yamen is not only responsible for public security and criminal investigation, but even detains prisoners in the detention center.The so-called jail in the common saying does not actually refer to prison. The jail is not a prison established by the state, but a detention institution privately set up by the leader of Kuaiban.Because the class room is not a national system, it has actually become an extrajudicial world where the servants can do whatever they want.

"We know that in the government of the Ming Dynasty, there were Kuaiban, Zhuangban, and a group of so-called white slaves attached to them. They didn't have the title of police, but they did jobs similar to policemen, and they managed Things are quite broad, ranging from tax collection to street sanitation. But their so-called law enforcement is very arbitrary, and some of them are even illegal at all. Their purpose is not to protect social order, but to simply This is an example of the characteristics of the traditional police I mentioned earlier.” Pan Jiexin paused, and took a sip of the cold tea, “As for the police in our Senate, there is a special police administrative agency called the Police Headquarters. It is your head of office—this is an agency in the central government. And there are small agencies in every locality, just like our Guangzhou police station and various police stations. Everything has to be handled according to the law. So as the police, we must first be familiar with the law.”

He opened the wall chart as he spoke, and pointed with a pointer: "These laws are the basis for our law enforcement." He clicked on the shadows on the wall chart accordingly, "The Police Law, the Public Security Law, and the Criminal Law ", "Criminal Procedure Law" and "Civil Law". If you transfer to professional police in the future, then there will be "Health Law", "Tax Law", "Traffic Law" and so on." Seeing the blank faces of most of the students below , Pan Jiexin felt that there was no need to go into details, "These laws are very unfamiliar to everyone, and you will have the opportunity to study the specific content in detail in the future. But now you can simply understand that this is the "Da Ming Law" of my Senate."

Only then did the students below have a "suddenly enlightened" expression.Pan Jiexin continued: "However, there are many provisions in these laws, and the relationship is relatively complicated. Therefore, in order to facilitate everyone to quickly and accurately grasp them at work, you should focus on mastering these contents."

He turned to the next wall chart: "Regulations on Procedures for Handling Public Security Cases", "Regulations on Procedures for Handling Criminal Cases", "Disciplinary Regulations" and "Guidelines for Handling Cases for Grassroots Police Officers". These four books will be distributed after the course begins. in your hands"

Pan Jiexin first briefly explained the content, meaning and purpose of the "Four Books", and then said: "...especially the "Guide", which is full of examples and is a rare textbook. You You have to read it carefully, keep it in your mind, and then you will feel handy when you use it in actual work.”

The afternoon class ended quickly, and the hungry students lined up to eat, followed by another half-hour "walking in line", followed by "night tutoring".The naturalized policemen acted as the responsible teachers to tutor the students in culture—because these people are all able to read and write, so the content is vernacular reading and writing, and natural common sense popular science.At the same time, individual guidance will be provided for the content that the students do not understand in today's course.

Sitting among the teachers, Li Ziyu looked at the newly issued textbooks, feeling a little hopeless—he was actually a person who was afraid of studying. He came to work as a policeman for his livelihood, and secondly, he did not go to social studies to study.

I didn't expect to be an "Australian police officer" and I also have to study!It's still a book full of unfamiliar words!
It's nothing more than reading, and even writing and writing articles have to be changed.This is much more difficult than sociology.

Although the study of sociology is boring, it is not stressful.Especially for a child like Li Ziyu who has already read the Four Books and Five Classics by heart and can fool the essays, if there is no great pressure from the imperial examination, going to school is nothing but dawdling.The gentlemen in sociology also knew that Li Ziyu had a hereditary future, so they basically let him go.

Right now, this learning is incredible, there are "outlines", "progress", and countless "knowledge points".Poor him, it took a lot of effort to even understand the meaning.Those case-handling procedures and case explanations were easy to understand, and Li Ziyu was fascinated by them.

After seeing it, Li Ziyu was secretly surprised: the Australian policemen are stricter than dogs!
In his understanding, the police are nothing more than arresting thieves and maintaining order on the streets.But the word "maintaining order" is all-encompassing in the eyes of Australians.And the concept is also different from that of the Ming government.

The simplest is fighting on the street.Logically, this is the main job of "maintaining order".But Li Ziyu knew that the government always "don't prosecute and prosecute" such matters. As long as no one was killed or injured in the fight, and no one came forward to file a complaint, the yamen generally ignored it.If the parties want to investigate and comment, they can only invite the fast team leader or powerful yamen servants to come forward in private and "eat and talk about tea" in the teahouse.

But for the Australians, even if there are no casualties, they must be stopped on the spot, and the interrogation transcripts should be brought back to make a "case".Then give corresponding punishment according to the responsibility.He thought to himself, isn't this just asking for trouble?We must know that in the officialdom, this kind of matter has always been "reduced from a big matter to a small matter, and a small matter is reduced to a small matter."

Next, he saw that even defecating, urinating, emptying dirty water, and throwing garbage in the street had to be stopped, so he couldn't help but secretly sighed. Then he saw that there were arrests of hawkers, demolition of illegal buildings, etc., all inclusive, and everything was under the police's control.Australian police is really hard to do.Li Ziyu thought to herself.

Do you understand it or not, anyway, you have already boarded the pirate ship of the Australians, and you have to follow their rules.Fortunately, he has received many years of traditional education, and reciting kung fu is a small feat, so he simply used his ability to memorize by rote and memorized it first.

(End of this chapter)

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