Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1764 Currency Issuance

Chapter 1764 Currency Issuance
At 10 o'clock in the evening, the signal to turn off the lights was blown outside on time, and the dormitory of 40 people soon heard the sound of snoring one after another. After all, it is quite hard to arrange a full day.But Li Ziyu couldn't sleep, he always slept alone, how could he have the experience of sharing a room with so many people!Snoring, teeth grinding and the smell of people kept him from falling asleep.

He recalled today's class, thinking that he raised his hand today and really caught Zhen Kun's attention.When Chief Pan said that he could "raise his hand to ask questions" during class, he wondered whether he should "dare to be the first in the world", but he didn't expect that his treasure was right!Judging by Chief Pan's appearance, he already remembered himself.

As long as Chief Zhen Kun can remember himself, there will be some benefits in the future.

On the next bunk someone was whispering in barely audible whispers.Li Ziyu listened carefully, it turned out that he was talking about wages.This time, it was said that it was food for Badoumi every month, but it did not say how much it was paid.

Guangzhou is a big city and a provincial capital, and it has always been a place where "living is not easy". Although the price of a stone of rice fluctuates, it is never lower than one tael of silver.It is difficult for the people in the city to support their families if they do not have eleven or two taels of silver a year.

Badoumi's monthly income is less than one tael of silver, although it is not low, it is not high either.Because it is only said that this is "work food", not how much it is paid.So everyone still has some expectations.

Li Ziyu secretly laughed at the two classmates who were "ignorant". The fast-track yamen servants in the yamen only had three buckets of rice for work in a month, and they didn't even have a penny. Could it be that they don't support their families anymore?Speaking of it, the family still eats and drinks spicy food.Since ancient times, people who eat official meals have lived on that little salary!Besides, the Australians are "the most under control", even if the military pay for the chief soldiers is much higher than that of Ming Dynasty, they will not treat them badly for the future minions of the Senate.

"Come here, try this, I made it myself, sweet and sour pork ribs!"

In the restaurant dedicated to veterans on the top floor of Guangzhou World, there were six people sitting. The person speaking was the new Guangzhou Mayor Liu Xiang, and he was greeting the Director of the Policy Planning Department of the Central Reserve Bank.The two sat across the table and divided each other into the guest of honor. On Liu Xiang's left was Zheng Shangjie, director of the Guangzhou Bureau of Commerce and Trade; next to Zheng Shangjie was Meng Xian.The other two are Zhang Yikun and Lin Baiguang, the general managers of Guangzhou World.

As far as pork is concerned, Lingao has not been able to let go of it until now—although the scale of farming has expanded, the population has also exploded, and the protein supply is still mainly fish, chicken, duck and eggs, and large livestock such as pork and beef. But it is rare.Although the ticket supply system is not implemented, the number of slaughtered slaughtered per day is still limited.Even if you are an old man, if you want to buy good quality small ribs and pork belly, you have to call in advance, otherwise you may not have it when you need it.But in Guangfu, there is no such restriction. Live pigs are slaughtered on the spot. As long as they pass the quarantine and there are no pork tapeworms, they are really free to eat.Meng Xian and Zheng Shangjie have been in Guangzhou for a long time, so it's not too rare for the other three to eat good sweet and sour pork ribs made of crispy small ribs, and I heard that Liu Xiang cooks it himself. , So each took a piece and ate it.

Liu Xiang never uses too much ingredients when making this dish, but according to the ratio of one, two, three, four, one spoonful of sugar, two spoonfuls of cooking wine, three spoonfuls of vinegar, four spoonfuls of water, boil on high heat and reduce the juice. Put it on the steamer and pass another steam—in the original time and space, it should be put into a pressure cooker to soften it, but now the Lingao plane has launched a cast iron kitchen pressure cooker, which is also very popular in the Lingao market, but Liu Xiang is not sure about the quality , I didn't buy this at home.Besides, the cast iron pressure cooker used by Lin Gaochan is too heavy, weighing more than [-] kilograms, it is really laborious to use.

After everyone tasted it, they all complimented and said it was delicious, and the others picked up a piece and ate it again. Only Chen Ce extended his chopsticks to other dishes, and after a closer look, they were all salty and spicy dishes. You don't like sweets.Liu Xiang didn't care too much, and pulled some other wild cotton, the atmosphere became more and more active.

The banquet was coming to an end, and the six people at the table were leaning on the backs of their chairs with their stomachs full - they were full, and each drank the drinks they invited, some of them drank wine, some drank tea, but Chen Ce asked first and then asked. The cook, and then ordered a stomach-warming drink that the officials and nobles of the Ming Dynasty drank after meals.Talking about things at the wine table is an ancient practice, but as a big foodie, a carnivorous animal, Liu Xiang hates talking about business while eating. If you have to talk about things at the table, you can do it first after eating, such as now.

The life secretaries cleared away the leftover dishes on the table, re-covered the tablecloth, and delivered the drinks they ordered.

"Is the plan for the issuance of new coins finalized? I can wait for the implementation." Liu Xiang knew the purpose of Chen Ce's coming to Guangzhou, and this meeting finally entered the stage of discussing serious matters.

Chen Ce waved, called the accompanying guards over, and opened a beautiful small box.

"This is a sample coin of the new coin!"

When the box was opened, there were rows of coins shining brightly.

Directly above it is a rectangular silver bar from a top view, with a trapezoidal cross-section. Except for the top surface, the other sides are polished to a mirror-like silver.The top surface was processed by some unknown technical means, and there were several rows of golden characters printed on it.The top row is "Central Reserve Bank of the Senate", the middle row is "silver ingots in stock weighing one kilogram", and the bottom row is a string of numbers, 875-020-8888-0001.On the two short sides, there are two vertical lines of the same words "prohibition of circulation".

The number must mean something.Liu Xiang thought so, but what is the use of this silver in stock that cannot be circulated?Instead of asking, he looked at the coin below.

Below the silver ingots are three horizontal rows of six round pancakes of different sizes, which are embedded in the soft-lined trough like the silver ingots. Each piece is covered with a small piece of silk veil. This silk veil is also exquisite, made of bright yellow silk thread Lock the side, and embroider some auspicious and freehand patterns that point radially to the center of the veil, and the silver coin is pressed in the center, which feels like a "gold plate and jade cup".Twist the corner of the handkerchief with your hand and lift it lightly, a silver coin came out of the slot, poured in your hand just to play with.

This silver coin has a bright luster and a diameter of 35 mm. It feels heavy in the hand. When the thumb is flying to guess the coin, the silver coin hums and trembles in the air.

On the front is "One Yuan" in Song Dynasty, surrounded by a pattern of wheat ears, and below is the small font of "Central Reserve Bank" and the year of issue in Arabic numerals.On the back is the Arabic numeral "1" and the earth illuminated by the morning star.The globe is surrounded by streamers with four letters in Latin: SPQM
The extruded convex edge of the silver dollar is rolled with hobbing teeth-presumably this is to prevent "scratching".

"Cut, it's not Ma Datou or Wen Datou!" Liu Xiang's heart was full of frustration that he had no material to complain about.

The lower row is a circle of silver coins that are obviously smaller in diameter, with a denomination of "half yuan" on the front, "50" on the back, and a pattern on the back of "Holy Ship".

"Don't dare to be more lazy! Isn't the graphic of this holy ship already used on cigarettes! If you change the angle, you will die!" Liu Xiang frowned and forced his complaints to his heart.

The following is the 20-cent denomination, the pattern is more simplified, and the color of the coin is worse than the first two.

Chen CE noticed Liu Xiang's actions of "appreciating" various coins, and seeing the change in his expression, he immediately explained with a smile: "Actually, these three kinds of silver coins are not only different in size and weight, but also have different silver contents. The lower the currency value, the lower the silver content."

"Where is the highest one-dollar fineness?"

"The silver content is 87.5%," Chen Ce said, "the lowest 20 points is 60% silver."

In terms of silver content alone, it is also a "good currency" in the market, and there is no problem with its acceptance.

Then there are the banknotes inlaid in wooden frames of glass panels.There are seven types of banknotes. In addition to the equal value banknotes of the three silver coins, there are 10 cents, 5 cents, 1 cent and half cents."Central Reserve Bank of the Ministry of Finance? Silver dollar reserve certificate" is printed on the face of the ticket, and the words "one yuan, half yuan, twenty cents..." are printed according to the value.The bottom plate and pattern of banknotes are extremely exquisitely printed, even more exquisite than the newly printed grain circulation coupons in recent years.Especially the texture of the paper is very close to the feeling of the old time and space banknote paper.Copperplate engravings have delicate and cumbersome designs on the bottom plate, and it is impossible to find similar engravers in this time and space. However, there were no copperplate making and printing techniques in Ming and Qing Dynasties, which can be regarded as the strongest anti-counterfeiting means.

"The issuance of the new currency this time is carried out simultaneously in various places. To avoid someone taking advantage of the different exchange rates between the two places." Chen Ce said, "The grain circulation coupons in Hainan, Jeju Island and Taiwan will also begin to be gradually recycled and replaced with new currency. However, We will focus on promoting paper money in these three places. Silver coins are only put into circulation in the Guangfu area on the mainland. So you don’t have to worry about the silver coin reserves, Mayor Liu.”

Liu Xiang played with the coins in his hands for a long time before putting them down and saying, "This money is so exquisite, I'm afraid I won't be able to get it back after I take it out."

Chen Ce smiled slightly: "I fully understand your concerns, but President Meng must have told you that our policy is to vigorously promote banknotes. Silver coins are a guarantee for banknotes. Especially when new currency is issued In the early days, the role of silver coins was to calm people's minds. But this alone is not enough."

For banknotes to circulate, on the one hand, there must be the support of the state apparatus, and on the other hand, there must be enough circulating commodities to guarantee the value of the currency.Although the new currency was on a "silver standard," it still needed sufficient commodities to back it.To put it simply, the silver dollar reserve certificates of the Senate can be spent to buy things.This thing cannot be an Australian mirror or a Nanyang spice, but something that everyone really needs.

(End of this chapter)

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