Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1765 Issuance Means

Chapter 1765 Issuance Means
The Senate originally had an idea to use the "silver reserve certificate" as a purchase certificate for industrial products. To purchase the goods produced by the Senate, the new currency must be used. However, it is still not big enough in terms of the coverage of the population and the scope of use.

Caijingkou’s opinion is that the Senate must master the channels for the three basic consumer goods of Guangzhou’s residents, rice, salt, and cloth, to ensure that new coins can buy these three necessities at any time.

As long as paper money can buy the necessities of life, whether it can be converted into silver dollars is not critical.Otherwise, even if it can be guaranteed that there is one silver dollar in the bank as a reserve for every dollar of silver deposit certificates on the market, it will not help.

At the beginning, the RMB was able to gain a firm foothold in the chaotic currency market. In addition to relying on administrative power to force the silver dollar to withdraw from the market, the key is that the government can control the supply channels of "two whites and one black" (rice, cotton yarn and coal), thereby maintaining the basic credit of banknotes. .

The situation faced by the Ministry of Finance and Economics is different from that in 1949, but the abolition of the currency exchange and the exchange of banknotes is still a major event for the financial market. To ensure that the new currency can be accepted and circulated, no amount of financial theory can be worth it. The basic principle: make money "worth money".

Gold and silver are not naturally "valuable", and they are also greatly depreciated in places where gold and silver are flooded and commodities are scarce.There is a living example in China in the 17th century: Manchu.

The Manchu Qing Dynasty gained astronomical wealth relative to its land area and population by repeatedly entering the customs and plundering, but the huge amount of gold and silver treasures were poured on this small piece of cold and barren land, which brought only vicious inflation.As a result of the trade embargo imposed by the Ming Dynasty on it, the Manchu Qing could only conduct almost compulsory trade with the equally barren and hostile North Korea, and the goods obtained from Shanxi merchants were even more in vain.

The original report written by Huang Hua, who was sent to Shengjing for trade, was full of words such as "everything is expensive" and "commodities are scarce". The middle and lower-level officials had a difficult life, and some officials were even convicted of being forced to sell the imperial gifts. things happen.The Qing Dynasty kept asking the Senate to bring in grain, and the asking price was even as high as 40 taels of silver per stone.

"So how many silver coins to prepare is not the key issue. Although our new currency is no longer based on the rice standard, the value of the currency still needs to be endorsed by these basic commodities." Chen CE added this sentence after explaining the new currency issuance plan Conclusion.

Liu Xiang said: "I'm not questioning the policy of the Ministry of Finance. But... But, the common people don't have a good opinion of banknotes. Now we use banknotes to pay wages and buy things. I'm afraid, I'm's not that easy, and the market acceptance is not so good. Gao, you can’t engage in forced trade, it must be a gradual process.”

Chen Ce said: "That's natural. Otherwise, why would the Ministry of Finance give you an additional 20 yuan in silver coins? It's just to reduce circulation resistance."

Liu Xiang thought to himself that this is clearly a spoil captured in Guangzhou!The Planning Institute has turned upside down the official treasury of the Chief Secretary of Guangdong in one prefecture and two counties, and got 10,000+ taels of silver to hand over to the state treasury. Isn't it natural to allocate 20 yuan to Guangzhou now?Even if there is a problem of variegated color loss, you have lost a lot!
However, he has no right to say how to dispose of the loot, so he had to give a sincere letter of thanks: "I need your support. I definitely have a lot of money stolen from my house here. I just ask the Ministry of Finance and Economics to consider us as a new currency test area." particularity."

Chen Ce said: "You can rest assured. The new currency system is not only a matter of Guangzhou, but also a matter of the great cause of the entire Senate."

Now that the Ministry of Finance and Economics has set the tone, Liu Xiang can only "resolutely implement it."The meeting tonight is actually arranging work according to the Ministry of Finance and Economics' issuance plan.

Zheng Shangjie said: "I have a question. If the new currency is still endorsed by rice, don't we have to stipulate how much rice can be bought with one silver dollar?" Zheng Shangjie hesitated, "It is equivalent to the rice standard in disguise."

"No, Director Zheng, your concept is not the rice standard, but the price limit policy." Chen Ce said, "The prices of rice, salt, and cloth in the market are determined by the market, and it is allowed to rise or fall within a certain range. What we have to do is to adjust prices through market means and maintain price stability."

Zheng Shangjie suddenly realized the heavy workload of this matter, and she exclaimed: "In this case, don't we want to control all the rice and cloth stores in the city, or are we planning to open state-owned stores on a large scale?"

"No, it's not that exaggerated." Zhang Yikun said, "We just need to control the wholesale channels."

Lin Baiguang nodded: "That's right, the necessities of life in Guangzhou actually depend on external supplies, and controlling external wholesale channels is equivalent to controlling the market."

Chen Ce asked, "Is this easy to handle?"

Lin Baiguang smiled slightly and said: "It is difficult to handle any matter that involves vested interest groups. The advantage is that we are a new government and outsiders, and we are not bound by innumerable interests."

The interest groups in Lin Baiguang's mouth are the teeth.

Guangzhou cannot be self-sufficient in grain and needs to import rice grain from outside.But trade in the Ming Dynasty was not free trade.Foreign merchants cannot freely sell the goods brought in in the city, and must sell them through the tooth merchants who hold tooth paste.The tooth shop was originally an intermediary, but the government allowed them to monopolize the trade of certain industries by issuing tooth cards.

Since the tooth shop is a land tiger and has an "exclusive monopoly" granted by the government, it is natural to do everything possible to exploit the merchants.Dental firms have neither capital nor need for capital.The dental merchants forced the merchants to release the goods to the dental firm on credit, and then the dental firm sold them wholesale.In operation, merchants often fail to receive payment for goods or are in arrears for a long time.Even if you can settle the payment on time, you will often get a big discount.The British hated the Guangzhou Thirteen Banks System, which was forced to abolish the Qing government after the Opium War, was actually a dental practice.

The trade of rice and grain in Guangzhou was monopolized by dental firms.Lin Baiguang is very clear about this.

"How long will it take to kill the tooth shop?"

"It won't take long." Lin Baiguang smiled, "I think their posts have been on Mayor Liu's desk for a long time."

"I'm waiting for the Ministry of Justice to send me judges to set up a temporary court." Liu Xiang said, "We always organize military courts. First, it's not formal. Second, there are many people who are jealous. I have prepared a lot of high-sounding hats. , we can’t afford to wear them.”

Zheng Shangjie knew that the murderous intent in these few jokes had already been revealed.The families of the bosses who have monopolized Guangzhou's trade for hundreds of years will be ruined in an instant!

She still remembered that a few days ago, the boss of Youya Shop used her personal servant girl—no, the life secretary's way, and offered her a generous gift, humbly asking him to meet "Master Liu".And it implies that the dental practice will "do its best to serve" "both public and private", which means it is self-evident.Unexpectedly, people are already chatting and laughing here and preparing to "kill pigs"!

She suddenly felt a little scared. Although these men were different in height, fat and thin, they were all similar to her husband in essence. They were all ordinary citizens.But now their words are still the same kind of plain words, but there is a sinister and cruel smell in them.Even their smiles look hideous.

"Let's sum it up." Chen Ce said, "In order for the new currency to circulate, we need police..."

"There are, and a large number of workers will be employed soon." Liu Xiang said.

"The Tax Office."

"We have to wait for someone from the State Administration of Taxation to come here. I don't know who it is yet."

"Why tax bureau?" Zheng Shangjie asked.She has lived in the United States for many years, and she can't help but shudder when she hears the tax bureau.

Liu Xiang explained: "The credit of currency is largely reflected in whether the country recognizes its value. Taxation is the best embodiment. Even if you issue bamboo chips and wood chips, as long as you pay taxes, the people will recognize it. Value. The reason why the Ming Dynasty banknotes will be ruined is because the emperor’s wishful thinking is too good: when it is spent, it is real gold and silver, and when it is taxed, it is just waste paper-only a few banknotes in the country recognize it as money.”

"The court."

"It will be in place soon."

"The placement of rice, salt, and cloth."

Liu Xiang said: "Our other commercial channels in Guangzhou are all high-end luxury goods. Although Zichengji also sells daily industrial products, it does not touch rice and salt. Instead, it distributes cloth. Runshitang sells medicine. Yes, it’s not even a necessities of life.”

"The matter of salt is a bit complicated," Lin Baiguang said, "This is the business of the monopoly bureau."

"The problem of salt is not a big problem. The Monopoly Bureau only needs to set up a wholesale stall to basically solve it. For grain, we need a special grain store to handle the general grain wholesale in Guangzhou." Zheng Shangjie said, "We can call Dachang Guangzhou Branch to come. Do."

Dachang used to set up a branch in Guangzhou not for grain trade.In essence, it is a vest for the tax authorities stationed in Guangzhou to collect the "reasonable burden" of the Pearl River Delta.Most of the collected grain was also shipped to Hainan and Taiwan.Rarely sold locally.However, because of this history, no matter the brand, storage or personnel are ready-made, it is not difficult to directly transform into a grain wholesale enterprise.

"The role of Dachang's local taxation bureau can be abolished. Now there is no need for this layer of vest. Taxation functions and personnel are stripped to the taxation bureau. Dachang will be transformed into a state-owned commercial enterprise in the future. In addition to Dachang, people from Shanhai and Shanhai can also be asked to come in and open stores. " Zheng Shangjie has the intention to do a big job, and has long been planning to expand the power of his subordinates, "Wanyou distributes groceries from the north and the south, and the distribution of things is very miscellaneous. It can be used as a channel for returning currency."

Chen Ce said: "That's about it. Let me talk about the specific issuance measures."

He took out a sheet of paper from his briefcase and explained it point by point.

(End of this chapter)

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