Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1770

Chapter 1770
"Treasurer Gao Da, is it still not possible to ask to see Mrs. Liu?" The middle-aged man wearing an old cocoon silk embroidered with sweat on his brow, sat on the guest seat on the left hand side of Gao Gao, and asked eagerly.This is the owner of the largest dental shop in the city, He Guirong, a family of "official teeth" who has been a dentist for generations.

The He family was originally a military household in Guangzhou, and has been in the old land of Guangzhou for many generations.It is said that his family's leader Yatie was a dentist can be traced back to the Chenghua period.In the early days, it was just doing business for grain merchants on the wharf, earning some hard-earned money.Gradually, it became the dominant player in the rice and grain trade in Guangzhou.In Guangzhou city, all the people who got the toothpaste to mess around, no matter whether they bought food or not, they only follow his lead.

But now he is more anxious than anyone else.

Daming's dental post is now a piece of waste paper, but this Da Song's dental post has not even heard of it!

All the merchants in the tooth shop can rely on are the dental stickers with the big seal of the Ministry of Households. Without this, they are nothing!

Fang Ya, Ren Ya, etc., relying on their old relationship for many years, they are familiar with each other, even if they don't have teeth, they can always get a job.These people rely on this tiger skin to eat up the sellers and eat up the buyers.Without this tiger skin, which of those Chaoshan people who run boats on the Xijiang River to sell food will be easy to get along with?
The relationship between myself and them has never been good. If this tiger skin is gone, it is really hard to say what these Chaoshan guys will do!
"Master He! When I visited Director Zheng's mansion yesterday, your master also went there for the first time." Gao Ju was a little impatient, "Guo Dongzhu has already returned to the capital, but the one who is talking about things on the ground in Guangfu is that." Mayor Liu!"

Gaoju has nothing to do with Yaxing.Strictly speaking, they are still enemies.Strictly speaking, it is necessary to have teeth when operating foreign ship cargo.Whether it is the export goods loaded on the foreign ships or the imports unloaded from the foreign ships, as usual, they must be handled by themselves.It’s just that Maritime Trade has always had amazing profits. Private businessmen like Gaoju who have a large threshold behind them have been involved in it very early. Although the dental firm can’t do anything to them, they will still try to restrain them whenever they have the opportunity to give them “eye medicine”.

It is enough to see how "Master He went to the doctor in a hurry" when he raised his door high.As for the thousands of taels of silver and the four stunning singing girls donated by the dental shop, Mr. Gao really didn't pay attention.

"Then, this toothpaste from the Senate..." Master He was so anxious that he grabbed his high neck and asked to understand.A few days ago, I heard that the woman, Director Zheng, had hosted a banquet for more than 50 major merchants in Guangzhou.It can almost be said that it covers the main merchants of all walks of life in Guangzhou.However, there is not even a dentist on this banquet list!

Businessmen are very sensitive and have a deep connection with the government. The almost semi-official dental business is even more sensitive to the dynamics of the officialdom.Australians entered Guangzhou to change the dynasty.Master He and a group of dentists smelled a bad smell.

Without the toothpaste sent by the Australians, the next time the goods enter the city, they have nothing to do with them.This wealth that has been eaten for more than a hundred years can only be handed over to others in vain!
In order to get new dental posts from Australians as soon as possible.It is not the first time that Mr. He has come to Gaoju's mansion, and the price of entrustment is also constantly increasing.

However, Gao Ju always looked left and right to talk about him, because he knew very well that the tooth paste of the Senate that Master He and the others wanted-this thing really didn't exist.

Although Gao Ju has never been to Lingao, there are quite a few stewards and servants who are sent to do business and inquire about news. Australians are very concerned about "free trade" and are very "merchant-oriented", and the most important thing for merchants is "convenience". .Naturally, there would be no toothpaste system capable of obstructing it—at least he had never heard of it.

Gao Ju slowed down again, and deliberately said: "But if it's for business matters, I can talk to Director Zheng, and this old face of ours is only capable of this."

But I'm not here today for business!This Master He cursed bitterly in his heart.Unwilling to give up in his heart, he said again: "I heard that Kun... um... Chairman Wen of the Australian Song Dynasty and you, Mr. Gao..."

"Hey!" Gao Ju immediately interrupted very rudely. "The thing that happened back then was that I was a blessing from eight generations of my ancestors. I was able to admire Chairman Wen Qingguang. We should have self-knowledge."

This Mr. He was not forgiving, and argued for a long time, but in the end he returned in vain - Gao Ju didn't give him a chance to bid at all.

After ordering soup to see off the guests, he sipped the bagged herbal tea produced by Jishitang, looked at the back of Mr. He who left lonely, and let out a pooh.

"You haven't settled the debts back then! Do you want to have a grudge with a smile for this little thing? It's a dream!" Gao Ju secretly felt happy. These private businessmen have eaten countless "flies" from the fake and powerful tooth dealers. .

The steward came over to ask for instructions: how to deal with the gifts that Mr. He sent?

"The money is handed over to the room," Mr. Gao lazily said, "The other gifts are kept by the third concubine. The four singing girls took off their jewelry and clothes and changed into coarse cloth dresses, and handed them over to the housekeeper at the middle door to strictly control them. You pass My words: Each person plays forty boards first, and then sends them to dry laundry and light the fire."

These last few sentences made the manager stunned, but Master Gao's words are imperial edicts in this mansion.He responded with a cry and stepped back.

Although Gao Ju didn't know what the new Liu Fu Yin was planning, but depending on the situation, he could keep his family business even if he was the worst under the Australian rule.He is well aware of the behavior of Australians: the first is credit, the second is not forgetting the old, and the third is making the best use of people.

With these three points, he naturally doesn't have to worry about anything.

While he was feeling complacent, Yan Xiaomao suddenly ran in, very out of proportion to his age.Just as Gao Ju felt strange, Yan Xiaomao came over with a happy face:

"Master! Congratulations! Director Zheng invites you to come over and say that we have something important to discuss!"

"Ah?!" Gao Ju suddenly stood up, and the elder invited him alone, this was the first time he had been in the city.He closed the fan in his hand, "Change clothes, prepare the sedan chair!"

Yan Xiaomao responded repeatedly, and was about to get rid of it when Gao Ju stopped him again:

"I think this time's errand, just ask Xiaosi to follow me. I think he is quite clever."

Yan Xiaomao was overjoyed, Yan Xiaosi was his grandson, he was 12 years old this year, and he had already started working with the master.Since ancient times, those who have been slaves to others must be the master's personal servants in order to be "promising" in the future.He quickly knelt down and kowtowed:

"Thank you for the promotion, master!"

Yan Xiaosi walked into the hall, but the person who came out to greet her was not the familiar Aunt Hanyue, but a very energetic young man.Yan Xiaosi could tell at a glance that this was the so-called "cadre" of the Australians, similar to "book office" or "little official".Taking a closer look at the cloth label on the head soldier's chest, it reads the word "communication", which seems to be Australians' rush feet and shop soldiers.

Although Yan Xiaosi has been to Lingao several times with his grandfather and father, he has not had direct contact with too many "cadres", and there is no practicality in his dealings with others, except for the rumors of "cleanness and honesty" such as hearing that the family does not charge money. experience of.On the contrary, Aunt Hanyue has always followed Daming's set of human affairs to hand over things. Now that a cadre suddenly appeared to block the door, Yan Xiaosi didn't know what to do.

Listening to the master clearing his throat in dissatisfaction, Yan Xiaosi had no choice but to hold the greeting card in both hands, and leaned forward to speak according to the old rules.

"This gentleman! My proprietor is..."

"Comrade! Visiting registration! Do you have an appointment!" Before finishing speaking, the cadre at the door interrupted Yan Xiaosi directly, and stuffed a notebook.Yan Xiaosi was holding the invitation card in both hands, but this book was stuffed in, but all of a sudden he could only press his arms on his chest in a hurry.

This... this... this... what to do?Why didn't he play his cards according to the routine?Wait, visitor registration?Didn't he just go to see Mayor Liu?Why is it the same with Mr. Zheng Yuan?Why isn't Aunt Hanyue here?Yan Xiaosi became confused for a moment.Can't help but ask:
"Where's Aunt Hanyue?"

"I'm new here, so I don't know. Comrade, are you illiterate? I'll ask you to answer, and I'll write." Before Yan Xiaosi could react, the chief soldier took the notebook from him again and placed it at the door. On the table, he looked back at the clock in the living room, and began to write from the time.



"What do you call people who visit!"

"Ah? Oh! My proprietor... No, Mr. Jun, I can write. I will fill it in. My master was invited by Director Zheng!"

Sitting high on the sofa in the living room, looking at the scene in front of him, he felt quite emotional.Thinking back to the very beginning of the year, Dongzhu Guo was his own famous assassin, and he only accepted it after repeated concessions.Later, we came and went often, and when we met each other, we first handed over name cards, made an appointment with time and place, and then brought some small things to deal with the world to greet each other politely.Later, the city of Guangzhou was bombarded.After the flying fire meteor, Guo Yi came to Guangzhou City again. In addition to taking the initiative to come to the door to thank him at the beginning, Guo Yi's official authority became more and more serious later on, and gradually it became a serious visit to his master, who prepared all kinds of water rituals. ——Of course Guo Yi is not accepted, and often has to be blamed.

Now that Guangzhou City has changed masters, after Mayor Liu took office, his tall shopkeeper will only be summoned.In detail, Gao Ju met with Mayor Liu a few times, but most of them were called by Mayor Liu to consult various matters in the Guangzhou government, especially the business community, but there was no progress in personal friendship.He has come to visit several times, but he can only register and write down the reasons. If he has business, he will make an appointment on the list, and if he has no business, he will be dismissed directly.Of course, there is nothing "important" to hold high, so Mayor Liu will not accept it.Fortunately, this old Zheng Yuan had contact with him in the past two years, and he left some favors, and Guo Yi, the owner of Guo Guo, entrusted him face to face. There are still some things that he can talk to this old Zheng Yuan outside of work. .But compared to when Guo Yi was here, needless to say, his status has plummeted.

(End of this chapter)

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