Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1771 Federation of Industry and Commerce

Chapter 1771 Federation of Industry and Commerce

In the past, at any rate, they talked about friendship with the big boss of the Australians in Guangzhou, calling them brothers and sisters; but now they have to pass a woman, relying on old favors to give the "leader" a word.

Maybe what Zhao Tongsheng said is right?Then Guo Yi is actually just the head of an Australian Secret Service or the Imperial City Department. He has made great contributions in Guangzhou, and when he returns to Lingao, he is only promoted to be an ambassador?And this old man Liu Yuan is the appeasement envoy sent by the Australian Song Dynasty, the envoy?

Thinking of that Zhao Tongsheng, Gao Ju felt irritable. The saying "You are worthy of the surname Zhao" has been widely spread in the business circles and scholars in Guangzhou Prefecture.This Zhao Tongsheng is an old Tongsheng from Nanhai County.Guangzhou is a prosperous place, and there are many scholars. Although the results of the examination are not as good as those in the south of the Yangtze River, the gathering of talents is still worthy of it.In Guangzhou, not to mention winning the exam, it is difficult to just take the exam for a student.This Zhao Laotong was born in his 40s and had not yet entered school.On weekdays, he always hints that he is a descendant of the royal family of Zhao and Song, and he has also done a lot of research on Song history.After the Australians came up with the title of "Da Song in Australia", this Zhao Tongsheng was even more excited. Every Australian "true girl" who had shown his face in Guangzhou had to inquire about his whereabouts, and then he would install them. An official name in the official system of the Song Dynasty, and then analyze the origin.After coming and going again and again, it really hit the mark, and he became quite famous in the scholarly and business circles.However, after several times on this old Zheng Yuan, the halberd was broken several times, and in the end he could only exclaim, "It's not proper for a woman to be in power."

Before and after the change of the Dawang Banner at the head of Guangzhou city, Zhao Tongsheng first kept claiming that the old man Hong must be the "Guangnan East Road Transit Envoy", the "Austrian Envoy of the Song Dynasty", and the "Transit Minister". He ran to flatter this "sister", but violated the taboo of Australians, and everyone in the business world hated him; later, after the city of Guangzhou was "recovered" by the "Great Song" army, this Zhao Tongsheng brought his family tree with him. He ran to the gate of the city hall and asked the "fu Yin" to come out to meet him, the "Zhao family's domestic clan", and also demanded the recognition of his clan's status... In the end, he was chased away by the Japanese guards who could not understand his words at the gate. "He also deserves the surname Zhao" is said to be a comment given by a certain veteran and spread all over the city of Guangzhou. Go to jail.

While raising his mind, he didn't notice the situation of the previous registration at all.If it wasn't for Hanyue's familiar voice, Gao Ju might still be in a daze.

"Treasurer Gao, I've been waiting for a long time!"

"Ah! Miss Hanyue!" Gao Ju nodded with a smile.

"Shi Gang, this is the shopkeeper Gao Da, who is an important relationship with the chief. In the future, he doesn't need to register when he visits, just report it directly." Han Yue turned and said to the correspondent.

The correspondent named Shi Gang frowned, and asked firmly, "Is it an order from the chief?"

Han Yue was held back and couldn't speak, she just gave Shi Gang a hard look, and said, "Maybe I still want Chief Zheng to write a warrant for you?" Then she turned her head and said to Gao Ju: " Shopkeeper Gao, this is a correspondent sent by the central government to the chief, and he has not been here for a long time, and he still doesn't know the situation, and he speaks and does things according to Lingao's method, so you should take care of him."

Gao Ju took a closer look at the scene just now, still hesitating in his heart whether this is a change of wind on Zheng Yuanlao's side, or just a conflict between Aunt Hanyue and this newcomer.Thoughts were turning in his heart, but he was not slow in his mouth, and replied: "The guest can do whatever he wants. Since the recovery is over, we can follow the method of Ausong. Always replace the new peach with the old talisman! Please also ask Miss Hanyue to lead the way!"

"New peaches for old talismans" obviously means that the sky in Guangzhou has changed, but here it implies that Aunt Hanyue has been deprived of her job.Han Yue was at a sensitive time, she couldn't help but turn dark when she heard this sentence, she stared blankly at Gao Ju, but still had a smiling face, same as usual, she only thought that she was thinking too much, so she responded with Lifted up and went inside.But he didn't know that Gao Ju confirmed what he thought in his heart when her face turned black, and she let go of most of her heart.

The layout of the Australians' rooms is compact. It is said that there are internal and external compartments, but in fact it is only a few steps away, so I didn't ask any more questions.Han Yue knocked on the door of the living room to report, then opened the door and let Gao Ju in.

As soon as the door of this room was opened, Gao Ju found that today's side is different from the past.The big and small officials in Australia are different from the yamen in the Ming Dynasty. The chief officer also has to take care of the details. In the past, even if he made an appointment in advance to see him, this Zheng Yuan usually handled official documents in the main seat of the living room, although there may be some It's meant to be a posture and a show of favor, but it's really busy, not just shaking your head with an official document.When I saw it today, the desk in front of Mr. Zheng Yuan was clean and fresh. There were only a few khaki cardboard boxes containing the sorted documents, which were neatly arranged into a small square.

In fact, Gao Ju is not used to the layout of the Australian-style living room. He is used to the layout of the large hall, where the host and guest are seated separately, the prologue is left and right, and the etiquette is not respected.And since the change of sky in Guangzhou Mansion, every time I come to Gaoju, I see this kind of study-like layout: a big desk is horizontal in the middle, the host sits with his back to the window facing the door, and on the other side of the table is a chair for the guests. .In addition to the filing cabinets with iron glass windows and tea cabinets, there are some potted plants on the wall.On the wall are distorted maps of the world and China that have been "revised" by the Office of Truth, and there are a few stacked round stools in the corners for the servants to sit on.This is what Gao Yang is most unaccustomed to: it is a great grace for the servants who follow to stand behind and listen, but Australians are not like this. Wait outside.

"The chief is sitting and talking, but you, a servant, dare to stand condescending and stare at the chief?" A certain Ye sister who was arrested not long ago once explained to Gao Ju in this way.

It's a pity that Sister Ye was arrested.But he tore this matter cleanly, only benefited from it, and didn't touch a bit of it.This is also the benefit of his "familiarity with Kun Qing" for many years.

After exchanging some nonsense nonsense, Han Yue had already served Limushan oolong tea—this Australian has no rules about ordering soup as a gift.Gao raised to take the tea, took a sniff, took a few sips, continued to praise very unnutritiously that only Mr. Zheng Yuan could have authentic Limushan oolong tea here, the taste was different from other places, but Zheng Shangjie didn't want to continue this unnutritive He did not follow the usual nonsense routine to answer, but just smiled, and took a sip slowly with his mouth pursed, and said slowly:
"Shopkeeper Gao, I have invited you here this time because I have something important to discuss, and I need you to make more suggestions in the future."

Lifting his spirits, he hurriedly said: "Don't dare, dare not, but the Senate has orders, and the little people will do their best to obey."

The original Zheng Shangjie meant to ask him to come forward to organize the "Federation of Industry and Commerce".

There are a large number of private industries and businesses in Guangzhou, with complex categories and a large number of employees.It not only involves all aspects of the life of citizens, but also involves a lot of domestic and foreign trade.

The Senate did not intend to do everything in the planned economy, even if it did not conform to their economic theory, it could not actually do it.But such a large-scale industry and commerce still needs effective organization.In particular, the subsequent tax reform, currency system reform, promotion of new equipment and other measures all require the assistance of an organization of local industrial and commercial practitioners.It is also beneficial for the local government to effectively mobilize the human and material resources of Guangzhou's industrial and commercial circles by organizing such an organization.Control prices and material circulation.At the same time, it also gives industrial and commercial people an information circulation channel for upward response.

Industrial and commercial people were also organized in the past, some of them were organized by industry, such as the "Rice and Grain Guild", "Sand Satin Office", "Money Industry Office"... There are also guild halls organized according to regions.The situation of guild halls is more complicated than industry organizations, that is, there are those in the same industry, and there are also cross-industry organizations.Take the big grain merchants who transported grain to Guangzhou. They not only participated in organizing the "Haiyang Guild", but also joined the larger "Chaoshan Guild", and they were also members of the "Rice and Grain Guild".

Like this high-handed master, although he is not a member of the Foreign Goods Guild, he is one of the directors of the Xiuning Guild Hall.

These various guilds and guild halls must be organized so that they can be effectively controlled and used.At the same time, it also restrains them from playing too large a role in social life. "It is difficult to find a guild hall." For businessmen and scholars living in other places, the guild hall is their only reliance.

Gao Ju naturally didn't know that the Senate had so many attempts to organize the "Federation of Industry and Commerce".But he instinctively realized that this thing had "another meaning".

From the consistent practice of Australians, it is a tradition for them to "emphasize business".A place like Lingao, which was originally considered to have no business, has been turned into a prosperous place where "merchants gather".How can you not show your talents when you arrive in Guangzhou, which is originally a converging city with a large number of business travelers?
However, judging from his many years of experience in dealing with the government as a businessman, the government takes the lead in doing things, no matter how grand the reason is, the ultimate goal is to gather money.If you come to be the "President of the Federation of Industry and Commerce" yourself, you will be completely on the "thief ship" of the Australians. There will inevitably be many troubles and troubles, and I am afraid that you will have to bear a lot of infamy.

However, on the other hand, Australians value business the most. As the "chairman", I am the "talker" of the Guangzhou business community. The upload and release of the Australians and the Guangzhou business community is equivalent to passing through myself.Many things must be discussed with him, and this kind of power is the first among the merchants in Guangzhou!
The mood of holding high is sometimes excited and sometimes frightened, the two emotions are turbulent in his heart, and his face is involuntarily unpredictable.

(End of this chapter)

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