Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1780 Invitation

Chapter 1780 Invitation
"Actually, you guys are in a bit of a hurry to do real estate registration and business registration," Chen Zhijue felt regretful. "Originally, this opportunity of exchanging contracts can collect a large amount of stamp duty. It will be fine if you wait until the new currency is released." gone."

Stamp duty has the characteristics of "light tax burden, rich tax sources, and easy collection". Since it was invented by the Dutch in 1624, it has been imitated by governments of all countries, and the Senate is no exception.

Stamp duty has already started to be implemented in Hainan, but Hainan’s stamp duty is based on grain circulation coupons as the currency unit, while Guangdong’s silver deposit coupons are about to be fully promoted, so they were not transplanted to Guangzhou immediately.

"We have also thought about this, and now we have an annual review system for the license and property deed issued this time." Zheng Shangjie said, "The business license is once a year, and the property deed is once every three years—"

Chen Ce said, "You guys have considered everything comprehensively."

"There is no way not to be comprehensive, after all, it is a source of income." Liu Xiang said, "Stamp duty is a good tax type. There are many commercial transactions in Guangzhou. It is commonplace to issue deeds and coupons. With stamp duty, it is a constant source of taxation all year round."

"However, merchants and common people in this time and space, although there are names such as middlemen, guarantors, and witnesses when signing contracts and issuing bonds, there are not many records in the yamen. But if you go to the yamen to file a lawsuit, these contract documents are also considered evidence. I am afraid that there will be resistance to our implementation of this revenue stamp—after all, it was not a mandatory requirement to file in the government office." Zheng Shangjie said.

"It's easy." Chen Ce is confident, "There is no contract document with tax stamps, and it cannot be used as a proof in lawsuits. As long as there are several lawsuits, the common people will naturally understand."

They then discussed several types of taxes that could be imposed.Tariff rectification is a matter for the Customs. We have to wait for the Customs to issue specific policies. Liu Xiang decided to collect indirect taxes from the distribution channels first.

The plan is to set up a wholesale market in the south and east of the city to deal in the wholesale of bulk goods.Regulate the supply, demand and prices of goods in the city through the purchase and distribution of wholesale markets. Liu Xiang does not intend to engage in the unified purchase and sale of people's livelihood materials such as grain and cotton cloth-this is beyond the capabilities of the city government and the Senate.

Although there is no unified purchase and sale, the three major commodities of grain, cotton cloth and fuel must be traded in the wholesale market no matter whether they are shipped in or shipped out, so as to ensure that both buyers and sellers pay taxes.The types of taxes collected are mainly relatively simple stamp duty and business tax.After the merchant pays the tax and obtains the tax invoice, he is allowed to sell the goods.

"Is it mandatory for bulk commodities to be traded and paid taxes in the wholesale market, will it cause businessmen to stop?" Liu Xiang was a little worried.

"When they were transported to Guangzhou in the past, they were also exploited by Yaren. Isn't the money, warehouse rent and exploitation given to Yaren not money?" Chen CE laughed, "Why did the Yaren set up Yaren in the past dynasties?" In our opinion, things that have very little income and obviously violate the laws of the market? In fact, the traditional Chinese government in ancient China was unable to manage complex commercial activities and could not obtain benefits from them. It had to obtain a small amount of income by selling benefits to individuals. You can think of Yaren as a kind of government taxpayer. A similar example is the salt monopoly system in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, which is exactly the same in terms of its original intention: to obtain financial resources in the simplest way and simplify management. As for the results, we all know It is clear that the country’s huge financial resources are losing money every year under the disguised tax system.”

"This is the same as asking beggars to take on the task of public security..."

"Yes," Chen Ce said, "the traditional government cannot afford many essential public services. What should we do? Then transfer some public power to exchange services. As for the level of services, the actual cost of social maintenance expenditures depends on The government doesn’t worry about how big it is, and the cost is borne by the common people anyway—so we are ahead of the world in the concept of socializing public services.” He said that he became interested, “We always say that Ming’s commercial tax is low. .Is it really less? You don’t need to go to investigate and just look at the historical records to know that the burden on the merchants is not light-where does the money go? Most of the expenses are consumed in the "hidden rules". And our tax system is to put these "hidden rules" Clear rules, so that there are laws to follow in taxation, and reduce this gray area.”

"Zhang Juzheng has the same idea as you in doing the 'One Whip'." Zheng Shangjie said suddenly, "I'm worried..."

Chen Ce smiled: "Zhang Juzheng's whip method failed in the end, not because of his tax laws, but because of the backwardness of the Ming government system. All taxes under the modern social system, except for some exotic countries, basically have no troubles. There were big problems."

"...In addition, one or two large non-staple food wholesale markets should be set up outside the city, so that vendors, catering businesses and farmers can conduct transactions directly." Zheng Shangjie gestured on the map, "First, we can collect taxes locally, and second, It can effectively adjust the price of non-staple food in the market—now the phenomenon of bullying and bullying in the wholesale of non-staple food is too serious.”

The people of Guandi Temple violently monopolized the wholesale channels of vegetables, poultry eggs, and aquatic products outside the city in various customs chambers.Both farmers and hawkers are forced to trade from them.Such a monopoly not only lost tax sources, but also increased the living burden of citizens.Breaking the monopoly has direct benefits for winning popular support and expanding income.

The municipal government does not directly intervene in the trade of the wholesale market, but only exists as a market manager, collecting taxes and collecting service fees such as field rent.

But in the market, the Senate must have an agent, so that it can affect the operation of the market, and all kinds of buying and selling to manipulate the market must also be operated by a commercial entity.After discussion, the municipal government decided that Dachang Rice Bank would handle the grain trade, Wanyou would handle the non-staple food, and the cooperative would handle bulk daily necessities, and at the same time sell monopoly salt and tobacco on consignment.

"With the wholesale market, we basically control the distribution channels of bulk commodities." Zheng Shangjie said, "The next step is to see the results."

Zhang Yu's father is very happy recently. Australians have entered the city. Relying on the brand of the big world supplier, his business is booming. Not to mention, he recently received a notice from Chief Jia asking him to attend as a representative of "small and micro businesses" "The First Congress of Guangzhou Chamber of Commerce and Industry".

Although Zhang Yu's father hadn't read many books, but with Zhang Yu, a son who was "proficient in Australian studies", the meaning of these lines on the big red invitation was much deeper than ordinary people's understanding.

To be honest, he was somewhat surprised that the Australians invited him to a meeting—not only he was surprised, but Zhang Yu was also surprised.Because his family's walnut cake shop, despite the recent boom in business, has always been a husband and wife shop, and it has not been possible to use a few apprentices like this in recent decades.

Small shops of this size can be said to be everywhere in the city of Guangzhou.Opening and closing all the time, although it is great to be able to open for three generations, it is insignificant in the business district of Guangzhou.The municipal government classifies them as "small and micro industrial and commercial households", which is worthy of the name.

To say that most of the businessmen in Guangzhou who received the invitations were sad-since ancient times, whether the government "invited" businessmen to a banquet or a meeting, the word "money" remained the same.

Whenever there is military use, famine, great work...the government will definitely think of businessmen and ask them to "donate happily and lose happily".So rich businessmen like Gaoju will have a headache when they hear that they want to "attend meetings and banquets".

In the past, Zhang Yu's family was not qualified to "give every opportunity to prosper". A small and micro household like them would not be able to pay three or fifty taels of silver even if the whole family was sold off.The government is naturally not interested in spending energy on them: the small shrimps are reserved for the small fish to eat.

Now that such an invitation came suddenly, what Zhang Yu's father thought was that his family had finally prospered. You must know that in the past, only wealthy businessmen who he could not even imagine were eligible to be invited to a "banquet" by the government. Now it is his turn. !
Zhang Yu thought more complicated than his father.Although he didn't know the purpose of inviting his family to a meeting, he had read many "Australian magazines" anyway, and he was regarded as an "Australian scholar".From the articles in those magazines, he probably guessed that the Australians wanted to unite the merchants—just like in Lingao.

No matter the Australian magazines or newspapers he has read, there are more or less reports on the activities of Lingao and various chambers of commerce and industry in the Australian-dominated areas, and the content of the reports is varied.But he can still understand the core content.

The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is actually similar to the various guilds and guild halls in Guangzhou, except that it is a "guild" for all industrial and commercial people, and is no longer divided by industry or region.Any orders from the Australians are communicated and implemented through the Chamber of Commerce and Industry; similarly, any demands of businessmen and workshop owners are also reported through the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.There are also some activities on weekdays - although he can't see the meaning of these "events" - such as going to plant trees together.

At first glance, it seems to be no different from the local guilds and guild halls, but from the reports, the Australian government seems to be more friendly, and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry can go to the government for any problems, and they can get a good deal quickly. The solution is convenient and fast, and there is no need to spend all kinds of "fees" and "benefits".Zhang Yu didn't quite believe this at first.But since his family "handed over the business" with the Great World, it is true that they have never spent any "benefits" in the process of dealing with the Great World.You must know that not to mention doing business with teahouses, even if you are delivering goods to wealthy families, you will have to spend such things as "rebates" and "snack money" as usual.What's more, since the Australians came, although the Australian police passed by the street in front of his shop every day, they never extorted a penny from any shop on this street.This is such a rare thing!No wonder the owner of the tofu shop opposite said: The sun is coming out from the west.

(End of this chapter)

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