Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1781 Patrolman Li Ziyu

Chapter 1781 Patrolman Li Ziyu

Zhang Yu didn't know if the sun came out from the west, but it was true that the sky changed when the Australians came.Zhang Yu is literate and has read a few more Australian magazines, and his sophistication and sophistication from social studies are better than his father, the honest walnut cake shop owner.I have a little understanding of the Taoism of Australians.

"Old Dou, you just go to the meeting," Zhang Yu said to his father, "You should respond to what the chief says. If you want you to go up and speak, you should say the truth—anyway, it's a good thing."

"Well, this is easy, but what if the chief wants to apportion... I heard from Boss Niu in Qianjie that the government always invites businessmen to meetings for money."

"If you want to apportion, you can just do it," Zhang Yu said, "The big households will support the sky, how many coins do we have? There is no need to worry about the big households. You are anxious, they are more anxious than you."

Although his father didn't quite understand, he still nodded: Zhang Yu has been reading "Kunshu" and mastering "Kunxue", so he obviously knows more about the new "Kunren" than himself.

It was already 9 o'clock in the evening when Li Ziyu returned home, and he ate dinner in the cafeteria of the police station—as usual, there was a meal for overtime work.

In the past few days, he has been working overtime, and his task is to follow the brigade to arrest people.It is said that all the dentists caught are dental dealers.Li Ziyu doesn't know much about Yahang—he only knows that these people are "evil" people.Since the chief wants to catch him, he should do it.Anyway, it is always right to do what you are asked to do when you are on an errand and eat food.

The work of arresting is also very simple. A rookie like him just sets up a cordon on the road to prevent idlers from passing by.Watching the policemen who came from Lingao directing people to smash the door with wooden pillars, then a dozen people rushed in waving their batons with a cry, shouting "police, kneel down! put your head in your hands".He felt fresh just looking at it - this Australian is really fresh in everything he does, even arresting people is fresh.

He worked continuously for two days, but he couldn't remember how many families he went to arrest.In addition to pulling the cordon, he also rushed through several houses -- of course, at the back, holding a stick and screaming, in fact, it was just to build momentum.

Most of those arrested were big households.Li Ziyu knew that it was going to be under the rule of the Ming Dynasty, so those who participated in the arrest operation these days, no matter how big or small, could get a small fortune: in addition to distributing money according to the size of the official position, when rushing in to arrest people, everyone showed their talents and could make money. Got a lot of good stuff.

But none of the Australians dared to make mistakes, let alone fish in troubled waters, even a small piece of money that an aunt slipped into his waist quietly and entrusted him to "take care of one or two", he didn't dare to take it, so he gave it to the captain directly. go back.Later, he discovered that the things that everyone handed over were really quite a lot.

After handing over the payment, Li Ziyu still felt very distressed—this piece of silver was at least four or five dollars.The white silver is touching.Naturally, Li Ziyu couldn't escape the vulgarity.

But it doesn’t work if you don’t hand in, because every day at the summary class meeting before get off work, the old naturalized policemen from Lingao will engage in a kind of “criticism and self-criticism” activities. Bring out the shortcomings and mistakes of others.It’s not okay to understate the important and avoid the important and just ignore it, you have to expect it—don’t get off work if you can’t say it——for Li Ziyu and the local naturalized people who are newly recruited into the police, this kind of activity is really uncomfortable.

Accepting bribes has always been a "normal income" for officials. The Senate must curb corruption at the grassroots level to the greatest extent. In addition to "strict management", it is not to allow grassroots cadres to "came together".At the same time, try to create an atmosphere of "the Senate knows everything".

In order to make up for this regret and loss, he let go of his stomach and ate a hard meal in the cafeteria.Looking forward to whether I can eat tomorrow's breakfast - tomorrow is the evening shift, and I don't go to work until the afternoon.Breakfast and lunch have to be taken care of by yourself.

The police station provides two meals, which saves the family a lot of expenses. In addition to the eight buckets of rice I receive every month, the person who used to "eat dry rice" in the family seems to be the "pillar" who can support the family up.

"Eight buckets of rice can feed a family of four, and the canteen at the police station provides two extra meals. I don't know where the Australians got the gold and silver to be so extravagant..." Li Ziyu took off her leggings as if He murmured, "This suit is so airy, which bastard thought up these leggings, and it's too difficult to take off!"

Complaints are all complaints. Li Ziyu, who was not used to the Australian-style uniforms at first, liked the police uniforms more and more. As soon as she put them on, she naturally raised her chest and raised her head, and even walked with a gust of leanness.On the other hand, when I used to wander around wearing a long gown, Li Ziyu now seems to be a completely newcomer.

"Yu'er is back? Come and soak your feet." When Li Ziyu's mother heard that her son had returned from work, she quickly poured the hot water from a newly bought Australian thermos into a wooden barrel and got it ready.Since Li Ziyu became a policeman and began to go out on patrol, she has developed the habit of soaking her feet in hot water after returning home. The warm hot water can just relieve the fatigue of her feet after walking during the day.It also eliminates the smell of feet that have been covered for a day.You must know that this policeman has not been on the street for a few days, and he has been nicknamed "Stinky Foot Patrol" in the market.

As soon as the leather-soled shoes with iron palms were taken off, there was a stench that filled the whole room. Li Ziyu's mother held her nose and carried the shoes to the yard, stuffing them with a small paper bag of quicklime.A total of only one pair of these shoes has been issued, and it is said that the reissue will have to wait until next year.

"No wonder Australians place so much emphasis on running in their selection exams. They have walked more in Guangzhou in the past few months than I have in the past few years!" Li Ziyu complained bitterly to her mother.

"Do you think that eight buckets of rice are so easy to get? Besides, you can get eight buckets of rice by walking every day for a month. Others can't go if they want to go."

"That's right, we have thousands of people taking the police exam this time." Li Ziyu couldn't help but feel complacent when talking about becoming a policeman, "But my job is not as easy as my mother said. , we not only catch thieves, but also take care of a mess of things. What kind of new life movement is the head of the government, and this month is the National Hygiene Month. We are responsible for catching people who litter and defecate on the street, not to mention how tired they are... ...By the way, mother, when you and dad go out on the street, you must be careful not to litter, otherwise I will lose face if I get caught in the police station."

"The 'bureau' you mentioned means the class room, right?... Don't worry, your father has been working for the government. Can Wang Farulu not understand the truth? Parents will not embarrass you." Li Zi Yu's mother said with a smile on her face, and then she restrained her smile and asked Li Ziyu seriously: "Yu'er, can you be a good policeman?"

"Mum... haven't I told you many times that Australians are a combination of officials and officials. If you want to be a high-ranking official, you have to start from a small job, which is what the chiefs often say, 'start from the grassroots'. My child I can read and write again, and it is said that there are about a hundred people in the study department I am participating in, and it is said that they are preparing to become cadres in the future... Oh, yes, these cadres are Australian officials.”

"The more you listen to this set of Australians, the more confused you become. I, a woman, can't figure it out." Li Ziyu's mother shook her head slightly and said, "Yu'er, I don't think it's a big organ. Don't be a pawn, just in case... if the Ming army comes back, the shrimp soldiers and crab generals will save their lives if they surrender, and this high-ranking official can't escape his head."

Ever since her uncle's family was killed by water bandits on the Xijiang River, Li Ziyu's mother was most worried about the safety of her family. Being a high-ranking official in this troubled world was obviously not as important as saving her own life.

"My child, I have my own measure... Mom, you can no longer call me an officer, you have to call me Mingjun." Li Ziyu comforted his mother when he saw his mother was worried, and he was very concerned about the Ming army after a few years. Not being able to call back to Guangzhou put a big question mark in my heart.

"Mother can save it... Yu'er, since you have found a job with the Australian government, mother and father also discussed that we should start a family for you... Now that you are an official, you can't even meet the other party's conditions." That's too bad... Do you have a favorite girl? Mother, go ask Matchmaker Wang to talk to her... Matchmaker Wang can talk about it, and it has resulted in more than a dozen marriages. Li Quanfu from Shuanghua Lane knows him, his family Such poor conditions have been negotiated..." When it comes to the marriage of their children, Chinese mothers of any dynasty can talk endlessly for a long time.

"Mother... let's talk about this again, is Agui back?" Li Ziyu quickly changed the subject.It's not that he doesn't want to get married, it's just that he feels that he is still just a "smelly foot patrol", and his level is a little lower.It's best to discuss after another promotion - you can marry a girl with a higher family status.

Agui's name is Zhao Gui, and he is his partner on patrol and a newcomer to the police.Zhao Gui was originally a bachelor working part-time, homeless and jobless, and now rents a servant's room in Li Ziyu's house.

"He came back early and helped sweep the yard and fetched water." Li Ziyu's mother sighed, "I think he is very good, but his brain is not working well. I'm afraid he can't help you. The key You still have to be smart when you are in school. I thought that kid Zeng Juan looked good, but he didn't pass the exam!"

"It's not necessarily bad if you don't pass the exam." Li Ziyu wiped off her feet. "I heard from the chief that there will be more cadres recruited in the future. He is very quiet and doesn't like to talk, so he may not be suitable for being a policeman."

Speaking of Zeng Juan, he remembered that he and Zeng Juan had patted their chests to "protect his nephew". Now let alone venting his anger on him, even Zeng Juan had never met him once. I don't know what he was thinking——Li Zi Yu now cares more about a few friends than before - I have to visit him on my rest day this month.

His mother wanted to say a few more words about his marriage, but Li Ziyu pushed that she was very tired and had to go to bed for work tomorrow, so she hurried over.

(End of this chapter)

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