Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1783 Information

Chapter 1783 Information
In police work, due to the low case value of small and micro cases, the manpower and material resources required to solve the case are not a lot.Therefore, they often adopt the working idea of ​​catching the big and letting go of the small, strictly investigating vicious criminal cases such as homicide and robbery, and paying little attention to theft and pickpocketing cases with low case value, or waiting for more cases to occur and the criminals are caught before "doing nothing" Case Handling".

This is of course a last resort due to insufficient resources, but after a long time, a large number of small and micro cases will go unsolved, which will inevitably cause the public to lose their sense of trust in the police's ability to maintain law and order.

Once the sense of trust is lost, the "group prevention and group governance" advocated by the police agency of the Senate will become water without a source and a tree without roots.Therefore, from the very beginning of the police administration, Ran Yao specifically pointed out that he should pay attention to the handling of small and micro cases related to the immediate interests of the people.The resulting system introduced magistrates' courts, caning, "catch the waves" and labor camps.At the same time, cooperation with the judiciary has legally expanded the police's law enforcement power and on-site disposal power, coupled with the police's patrol system, which has greatly reduced the incidence of such cases.

Although it has been less than a month since this system was replicated in Guangzhou, the incidence of such small cases has dropped.With a sense of security, the common people are naturally willing to provide more help to the police.

Li Ziyu smiled and said, "This is what we should do. How can we say thank you. What's going on on the streets these days?"

"You guys are really talking nonsense. There are dozens of families in this street. How can there be new situations every day? If there is, it is that the Liu family couple fought again yesterday, and they screamed in the middle of the night..."

Sister-in-law Liu talked about these parents' short stories and trivial things with great interest, and there were a lot of details. I don't know how she knew.

Li Ziyu listened, nodded incessantly, and scolded "Fuck" hundreds of times in her heart, she really bowed down for the badoumi!Come and listen to an old lady talking nonsense.In the end, Sister-in-law Liu said that the house of Widow Wang on the street has been visited by men lately at night.

"I heard that she is a handsome young man!" Sister-in-law Liu swallowed unconsciously as she spoke, "It seems that the widow of the king can't hold on anymore—no wonder, this torment... tsk tsk..." She sighed empathetically , took another look at Li Ziyu, his eyes were watery, "It would be great if you, Uncle Liu, had a body like yours..." Then he cast a wink.

Zhao Gui couldn't help but scratched his crotch, but Li Ziyu got goose bumps all over his body.Even though Li Ziyu is only 19 years old and unmarried, she has been to Fengyue places many times and knows how to be a woman.He hurriedly said in a perfunctory way: "Sister-in-law Liu was joking." He immediately changed the subject, "Is there anything new about the mother and daughter of Dong Mingdang's family on the 61st?"

Sister-in-law Liu teased and said, "It's a baby after all, and I miss pretty girls..."

Li Ziyu chuckled: "Sister-in-law Liu, stop joking, I'm on business..."

After Dong Mingpeng's mother and daughter were screened out from Guangdong Gongyuan, they rented a small courtyard here and lived with two servants.They were on the "watch list" issued by the Political Security Service.According to regulations, the police station should monitor it and report the specific situation every month.So when Li Ziyu met the leader of the brand A group and activists, he would always ask.

"There are two mothers and daughters, what new situation can there be? If there is a wild man." Liu sister-in-law said, "I think they are safe. The Dong family's wife usually doesn't open the door, but this Dong family The girl is quite pungent, and it is often seen that she takes her servants to the streets, sometimes shopping, and sometimes just wandering. If the world had not changed now, she would have been deceived by the floating bachelor long ago with her crazy appearance! "

"What? Someone has a crush on them?"

"Ziyu, you really came from a young master, and you don't know much about the world!" Sister-in-law Liu smiled and nodded Li Ziyu's chest muscles, "There are many gossips in front of the widow's house. The Dong family's wife is a widow, and there is such a flowery girl at home. If it weren't for the family servant Dong Xiang who set up a household, they would have been disturbed by a bunch of floating bachelors throwing bricks and tiles. Just like this, there are still many people who want to take advantage of them... It has been rumored outside : It is said that the lady of the Dong family is the former concubine of the prefect of Dong, and she probably has a lot of money in her hands, she is both beautiful and rich, can you not make people think?"

Li Ziyu thought that this was a security situation: the abduction of women and children was the "key target" of the police station, so she asked a few more questions.

"...I heard Mrs. Duan, who sells tea soup in the alley next door, say: Someone asked her to be a matchmaker for Mrs. Dong's family." Sister-in-law Liu went on and on, talking about such things with great enthusiasm, "It is said that the master of a rich family wants to take her as a concubine. , promised a lot of benefits. In the future, when the daughter of the Dong family gets married, she is willing to give her a good companion..."

"The Dong family's wife is in her thirties, and there are big families who want to take her as a concubine?" Li Ziyu shook her head, "Sister-in-law Liu, why don't you joke with me?"

"Hey, look at what you said. The Dong family's wife is full of water, and she's a concubine from a rich family. You're a little boy, and you don't know the benefits of a half-aged lady..." After finishing speaking, Sister Liu winked again.

Li Ziyu had never met Dong's wife, so naturally he didn't know how to use the "Shui Ling" method.But since it was a matchmaker, it shouldn't have anything to do with abduction.

"Oh, the same person does not share the same fate." Sister-in-law Liu sighed, "Look at the lady of the Dong family, she used to be the concubine of the magistrate's family, how much blessing she enjoyed! Now that she has been reduced, there are still rich families who are willing to take her as a concubine , the same food and drink. Widow Wang has worked with his man for more than ten years, but she hasn't lost much of her property. Now she can't keep it and can only sneak around!"

Li Ziyu replied indiscriminately: "It's not a good thing to be a concubine for others--the widow can't bear it anymore and remarries, and his family is not a rich family with education, so why keep the festival?" He wanted to say goodbye, but suddenly remembered What is it, and asked: "Is this wild man from your street?"

"Probably not." Sister-in-law Liu shook her head, as if she was still a little disappointed, "He always comes when the street gates are closed when it is almost dark, and leaves when the street gates are opened at dawn. According to the people on the street, he looks like an accountant, Someone like a master."

Li Ziyu wrote it down in the record book, because his master said: Most of the cases of widow abduction are caused by a bachelor seducing a widow, and the two "collude into adultery".So keep an eye out.

"Help me watch Widow Wang's house these few days." Li Ziyu instructed, said goodbye to Sister Liu, and walked forward again.

Zhao Gui didn't make a sound during the conversation just now, he looked like a wooden man except for grabbing his crotch a few times, then he suddenly opened his mouth and murmured, "Ayu, older women don' okay?"

Li Ziyu didn't expect the honest and honest Zhao Gui to ask such a question suddenly, and he was taken aback, thinking that he is also in his thirties, so he might not be a "boy chicken", and said with a smile: "It's nothing bad Ah, it’s just that if a rich family takes concubines, no matter whether they are looking for sex or prolonging an heir, they must be young and beautiful; if they want to practice warfare, they must be young girls. No one is looking for a woman who is well-matched.” He laughed and said, "If you say that, you must know the benefits of such women?"

Zhao Gui blushed and shook his head, "Me? I haven't tasted women yet, how can I know their benefits?"

It turned out that Zhao Gui had been hiding a woman in his heart.He used to work as a part-time job in the city for a living, and he often went in and out of several big families as coolie helpers.When there is work, the housekeeper will send someone to call, to work for a day and a half, to mix two meals, and to give a few copper coins.Sometimes if you are lucky, you will get some old things and clothes that are not in the mansion.You can make a few bucks by reselling them.

Among them is the family of Mr. Zhong, a big family. There is a servant named Qiao who is a rough envoy.When she was young, she was quite pretty, and was hooked up by the master.But bad luck, the master got tired of playing for seven or eight years, so he just threw it away and ignored it, let alone his name and role, and was sent directly to the backyard to do rough work by the eldest wife who had hated him for a long time.

Zhao Gui often went to work and had a lot of interactions with Sister Qiao, which inevitably led to one of the three major illusions of men: "She is interested in me".Sometimes when I see sister Qiao busy, I rush up to contribute and show my courtesy.Sister Qiao was so happy to have someone help her, so she naturally looked forward to it with joy and called "Brother Gui" a few times indiscriminately.I am so happy that I can't find the north.When I was alone and doing that at night, all I could think about was Miss Qiao.

But wanting to marry Sister Qiao is far away. Sister Qiao is a servant of Master Zhong's family - if you want to marry a servant of a rich family, you have to pay a price.Sister Qiao is no longer a young girl, and her worth of three or four taels of silver is enough.But for Zhao Gui, he never even had one or two small silver ingots in his life.Where to find this money.

As for saving money, that's even more impossible. Both he and his old mother live and work every day.If there is no work for a day, you will go hungry.

The days passed day by day.His mother has nothing to hope for, she just hopes that he can be a daughter-in-law and hold a grandson with her eyes closed.In the eyes of outsiders, this is just nonsense, and they often say, "What?! Ah Gui still wants to marry a wife? Then I can be a son-in-law!"

Whenever at this time, Ah Gui would always turn red and say: "Sister Qiao in Mr. Zhong's house is very kind to me! Every time I go to help a job, I always wink my eyes."

Everyone laughed and said: "Haha, you, Agui, can rely on your bragging rights. Who doesn't know that Sister Qiao is the best friend of Master Gou in Master Zhong's residence!"

Mr. Zhao Gui took these words as slander, and he didn't refute even if he was clumsy.I firmly believe that sister Qiao likes me.Waiting for him to chip in the money to marry her.

Until one day, he went to work in Zhongfu, chopping firewood in the backyard, and went to pee in a secluded corner next to the firewood house when he was in a hurry to urinate. He heard Sister Qiao's moans of pain in the house, and thought she was suffering from some kind of illness. , hurriedly pushed the door open and went in, only to see Sister Qiao being pressed on a broken table by Master Gou, her "beep beep" pouted high, and the "beep beep" on her chest was shaking violently with the impact of Master Gou...

(End of this chapter)

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