Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1784 Headless Corpse

Chapter 1784 Headless Corpse

Having ruined Master Gou's good deed, Zhao Gui was beaten up by the servants of the Zhong family, but Master Zhong even put down his words and never allowed him to come to work.

Losing his job in the Zhong Mansion made his life even more difficult, and soon his mother passed away. Zhao Gui, who had lost his only relative, felt extremely lonely.The figure of Sister Qianqiao being pressed down by Master Gou still lingers in his mind.He thought: Sister Qiao must have been forced.One day, he will rescue Sister Qiao from Master Zhong and Master Gou.

Now that Li Ziyu asked, he didn't want to tell the story of the past, he just walked with his head down, his mind was full of Sister Qiao's beautiful image, and he silently grabbed his crotch again.

The sky was gradually darkening, and the curfew in Guangzhou had not been lifted, and this was a residential area, so there were no pedestrians on the streets after dark.Only the sound of the two people's shoes with iron palms on the stone road echoed monotonously.

Li Ziyu asked Zhao Gui to light a lantern and patrol the streets with a little light.

Their patrol distance is about 2.5 kilometers and they have to pass through several streets.It happened to be more than half an hour to go around.At this time, although the street gates were locked everywhere, the patrolmen had the keys to all the street gates on the section and could open and close them by themselves.Li Ziyu has to write down the time in his workbook every time he opens and closes. When the police go out on patrol, they will issue a "Zhong's No. 6 Pocket Watch" as big as a horseshoe alarm clock, so as to strictly control the time, especially after "checking in". The elapsed time must be written at the "point".

Patrolling at night is not only boring, but also there are no street lights in Guangzhou, and if the moonlight is not good, walking is difficult, and the quiet and dark environment also puts a lot of pressure on people's spirits.

"It's so dark, it's scary." Zhao Gui was a little worried. Walking on the deserted streets in this dark night is really a bit creepy, "I'm scary... afraid... afraid..." He said several times A "fear", did not dare to say the word "ghost".

"What are you afraid of? There are people living in the houses on both sides." Although Li Ziyu was a little timid in his heart, he pretended to be free and easy, "You haven't done anything wrong, don't be afraid...not afraid...that or something will knock you Door……"

A pair of green eyes suddenly passed in front of them, and Li Ziyu, who was caught off guard, trembled with fright, but when he fixed his eyes, it turned out to be a cat, and he was relieved.In order to cover up his gaffe, he said loudly, "Besides, we are on official business, and people with official status wear batons that have been sealed by the imperial seal of the Senate, which can suppress all evil..."

Just talking nonsense, suddenly tripped, Li Ziyu fell to the ground, and even Zhao Gui staggered and almost fell.

Li Ziyu fell in a daze, managed to get up from the ground, picked up his hat, patted the ashes, and cursed: "What a bad luck..." Before he finished speaking, he saw Zhao Gui trembling all over, the lantern in his hand trembling, Just about to scold him for not following the road well, by the light of the lantern, he saw a dead body lying across the street!
Now it was Li Ziyu's turn to tremble all over with horror -- the corpse was wrapped in coarse cloth, and only a human shape could be seen, but no head.There was a large black spot of blood oozing from the white cloth.

Even though Li Ziyu was born in a military family, and experienced the adventures of the Xijiang River, he has seen murder and arson before, but in this dark night, a headless corpse lying on the scary enough.

He made up his mind, told himself to be calm, took the lantern from Zhao Gui, and carefully took photos of the surroundings.This place is the mouth of a side alley.Li Ziyu looked around, and found that the inside of the alley was dark and narrow, with a foul smell, but there was a flickering light in the innermost part.

Li Ziyu bit the bullet and took off the baton, and asked Zhao Gui to light up the lantern in front of him, intending to go in and have a look.

"Ayu, I don't think we should go in..." Zhao Gui suggested weakly.

"If you don't investigate, how can you report it?" Li Ziyu said, "Let's go."

Zhao Gui had no choice but to carry the lantern and walk inside. There was no pavement on the ground in the branch alley, and when he stepped on it, it was either soft mud or crumbling bricks and tiles.The two walked with one foot deep and one foot shallow.

"Mother, this place is really scary..." Zhao Gui muttered, not daring to look back at the headless corpse on the road.

There are very few residents in the branch alley. With the weak light, you can see that they are all poor people. The houses are short and simple, and the walls are peeling off, revealing the broken bricks and tiles inside.However, after walking inside for a while, the wall on one side of the alley suddenly became a continuous brick wall, more than a foot high.Li Ziyu was taken aback: This is either a rich family or the back wall of a temple.Going forward, I saw a small door on the wall.He stepped forward and gave it a push, but the door was locked.

He has just been an intern. Although the security chief and team leader of the film took him through it, he is still very unfamiliar with the film, and he can't remember where the back door is for a while.

After passing the small gate and walking forward for more than ten steps, there was the sound of gurgling water in front. It turned out that the end of this alley was Hebutou.The river water shimmers in the night, so the flickering lights can only be seen at the entrance of the alley.

Li Ziyu looked at Hebutou, only a few small boats from Danhu moored on the river, no lights, no sound.Nothing suspicious.

"Let's go back and report quickly," Li Ziyu said.

Zhao Gui was eager for him to say that, and hurriedly said: "Okay, okay."

The two came back from the alley, but it was not easy to call the police.The police in Guangzhou city don’t have telephones. If they want to report, they can only go back to the police station, and then the station will send a correspondent to report to the Criminal Division of the General Administration.

Of course, they also carry a spark rocket with them, but this thing can only be used in times of riots and emergencies.

"Zhao Gui, just watch here, I'll go to the police station..." Li Ziyu just said this, Zhao Gui was out of his wits, pulled his arm and said, "Ayu, don't, don't, don't leave me... I go back with you."

"What if we all go back to the scene?" Li Ziyu remembers memorizing the standard handling procedures in the "Procedures for Handling Criminal Cases". It is a basic requirement to send someone to guard the scene to prevent clues from being destroyed.

However, no matter what Zhao Gui said, he would not leave alone to guard the corpse, nor would Li Ziyu be here to guard him.While in a stalemate, Li Ziyu suddenly thought that this place is not far from the house where the street watchman lives, so he just walked over and asked the street watchman to come over and help Zhao Gui to embolden him.

So the two turned back together, the changing room was only two or three hundred steps away, but it was raining lightly, and the sky was pitch black, Zhao Gui hurriedly took out the oil paper cover to cover it, the two of them were nervous and flustered, and it took a while. It took several minutes to get the rain cover in place.The light from the lantern grew dimmer.

However, when they returned to the street gate, the watchman was not in the locker room—they went out to watch the watchman, so the two hurried to look for it, and it took a while to find the watchman.Only then did Li Ziyu realize that he didn't even record the time when he found the body, so he quickly took out his "pocket watch".I glanced at it by the light of the lantern, but it was just after 1 o'clock in the evening, almost at the beginning of the night.He thought about the tossing just now, and the time when he found the body should be just after 12 o'clock.

The three hurried over, but when they reached the alley, Li Ziyu and Zhao Gui were shocked: the body was gone!
When they left just now, the corpse was still lying on the ground, but now there is nothing on the ground.Li Ziyu took the lantern with his hands and moved it closer to the ground, but nothing was left on the ground.

Zhao Gui's face was pale, and he stammered, "Heavenly Bodhisattva! This, this, is a headless corpse..."

When he said this, the watchman also became frightened: "Could it be, could it be a fraudulent corpse?"

Li Ziyu stood there blankly, his mind a mess.The headless corpse was indeed at this place just now, where did it go after such a while?He didn't really believe in such things as fraudulent corpses. Someone obviously moved the corpse away, but they walked all the way without seeing even a ghost. How could they be someone?
The three of them searched around again, but found nothing.Seeing the rain getting heavier, Li Ziyu lost his mind for a moment: go back and report, what if there is no body?If he hadn't reported it, he and Zhao Gui had seen the headless corpse just now -- he also tripped a somersault, and now his knees are still aching.

Seeing that the body could not be found, the watchman breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "Even if there is no body, there is no such thing! One piece of business is missing. How much trouble will be saved."

Zhao Gui stammered: "But, but, it was indeed a corpse just now, without a head."

Da Geng glanced at Zhao Gui, with contempt on his face, and said: "Master, life lawsuits have always been to see people alive, and corpses to die. Even if there is no corpse, then there is no case. Why bother? Don't even mention it here. There is no sufferer, even if there is a sufferer, and the body cannot be found, which official is willing to accept his case? Besides, there are tens of thousands of people in the city of Guangzhou, and one hundred and ten people will die someday. More, one less than he is." He smiled and said, "It's dark and it's raining, maybe the two poor masters have misunderstood. Just pretend that you didn't hear anything or see anything." He lowered his waist and went to play more on his own.

The rain became more and more dense, and there were only Li Ziyu and Zhao Gui left on the street. He didn't know what to say. Li Ziyu clenched his fists. He knew that what the street watchers said was right.But when they were studying in the Longevity Palace, the Australians instilled another set of concepts in them: they are the police, and they have the responsibility to maintain social stability, "to ensure the peace of the world" - what is social stability, "the world is peaceful", they Li Ziyu's feelings are the most real.

Just now, there was a dead body lying on the ground without a head - Ludao Zong would not cut off his own head, this person must have been killed!The rain hit him in the face, and the scene of his uncle's family being slaughtered by strong men on the Xijiang River came to mind again.He suddenly made up his mind and said to Zhao Gui: "Let's go! Let's go back and report right away!"

(End of this chapter)

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