Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1788 The Lost and Found Lever

Chapter 1788 The Lost and Found Lever
When he said that, the people below were naturally speechless.But the porter who had lost his lever was still muttering.The old reminder became impatient, and scolded: "All the sticks are mine, what are you still muttering about?"

It turned out that although the porter got the lever for free, the rope and cloth bag on it were gone-these two things are really nothing to be distressed about, but without the rope and cloth bag, business still cannot be done.In particular, his cloth pocket is an oilcloth pocket, which is specially used for working in the pig industry...

Hearing this, Li Zhenguo suddenly interrupted their conversation, and said to the porter, tell me about the lost things, what is it like?When was it lost?
The porter said that this set of rope and cloth bag was specially prepared because he worked for the "Fuchangyu" pig shop in Scissors Alley all the year round.This Fuchangyu pig store is located in Zhongjianzi Alley, next to the river, and the live pigs from the countryside are transported by boat to Hebutou behind the pig store, where they are housed, slaughtered and sold to butcher stalls, restaurants and wealthy families every day.

The pig shop ships a large amount of pork and miscellaneous pigs every day, so they use many porters to deliver meat to customers all year round.If it's a whole fan of pork, you just need to pick it with an iron hook.But pig offal and processed meat cannot be hung on hooks, and porters use cloth bags to carry them.Because they often work for the butcher shop, the porters who often work for the pig shop have special oilcloth bags.

Yesterday they also went to work in the pig shop as usual, and after the work was over, they put the tools in the tea shed as usual-this is also an old rule, and generally no one will steal them.Most of the porters come from other counties. In Guangzhou, most of them live in chicken feather shops, and there is no place to store tools.

Unexpectedly, when I was working this morning, the tools of other people in the tea shed were still there, but his was missing.

Li Zhenguo frowned upon hearing the news.he asked:

"Where is the tea shed where you are waiting?"

"South Jianzi Lane West Branch Eleventh Lane."

"Go and have a look."

Now Li Ziyu was a little confused, because he was planning to investigate Widow Wang's house—according to the clues provided by Lao Cui, the mysterious man on the wall of Widow Wang's house was obviously the most suspicious.Li Zhenguo's sudden change of mind made him puzzled.He knew about this tea shed—the places where such manual laborers gather were listed as key monitoring objects—it was just a simple bamboo shed, built on a piece of abandoned land after a building collapsed, and inside it were more than a dozen A table made of broken bricks and rotten wood by Zhang Que with broken arms and legs.The rough porcelain teapot and yellow sand bowl are very simple.

The porter’s stick was placed on a bamboo shelf on the side, and Lao Cui said that whoever puts it there is certain.

Li Zhenguo looked at the surroundings. The tea shed didn't even have walls, so it couldn't be said to be anti-theft, but it wasn't completely open, because the old enemy who watched the tea shed slept in a reed mat shed next to the tea shed.

Lao Qiu said that he doesn't sleep too much on weekdays: it's not that he's afraid of stealing things, but that sometimes someone does work at night and asks porters to work hard, and he will contact them.When someone knocks on the door outside, he has to get up.But last night he slept very soundly. Originally, he had to get up at four o'clock to carry water and chop wood to boil water, but today he slept until the sky was bright and he didn't wake up.

Now Li Zhenguo felt that there was a problem.He walked into the thatched hut where Lao Qiu lived, and seemed to smell a faint smell, but it was not very real. He was about to speak, when suddenly another person broke into the hut and shouted:


It was none other than Gao Chongjiu who came.

Gao Chongjiu was originally going door to door with the household registration police in the police station, and it would take at least the afternoon to get to the tea shed.He broke in here suddenly to get a new clue.

This clue came from the butler who salvaged the corpse.The two gangsters fished all morning, and suddenly the person at the stern was excited, and said to the punter: "Boss, stop! We have it!" Before that.This kind of "have" has happened several times, but the hooks are all debris from the bottom of the river, so the boss is not very excited at the moment, just coping: "Then pull it up."

But the weight of the thing at the bottom of the river seemed to be very heavy, and the brother at the stern was struggling alone. After some hard work, what was pulled out of the water was not a corpse or even other sundries, but a stick.

As for a bamboo stick, it is impossible to sink to the bottom of the river, let alone so heavy that it takes a lot of effort to pull it up. The reason why the stick is particularly heavy is because a stone is tied to it.

The lever is not a valuable thing, and it is not illegal. Even if it is useless, someone will pick it up on the street and set it on fire. No one will tie a stone and sink it to the bottom of the river. have to.

The two gangsters have been salvaging corpses for the Yamen all year round, and they have seen a lot of various cases.Looking at the situation, he knew there was a problem, so he quickly turned the boat back and reported to Gao Chongjiu.

Gao Chongjiu is an old police officer. After hearing the report from the gangster, he immediately concluded that the stick was probably related to the case of the headless corpse. The porter needed it, and after inquiring about it at the police station, he came to the tea shed.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I arrived at the shed, I smelled a scent of incense.

Li Zhenguo hurriedly asked: "Is it really Mixiang?"

Gao Chongjiu nodded: "That's right. Someone must have ordered here last night!"

Mixiang is used, either to rob money or to rob sex. Lao Qiu is a poor and old porter. He can't do any work here. He sells tea and looks at the sheds. He has neither sex nor money. What is the plan?Could it really be for the purpose of stealing bars?
As soon as the two exchanged the case, they felt that this was a major discovery, so they asked the porter who had lost the lever to come and identify it, and it turned out that he had lost it!

Someone took so much trouble to steal such a worthless lever, it is impossible to sink it to the bottom of the river. The reason for doing this is actually to "destroy the corpse".The two judged that this lever was probably related to the headless corpse case.

what's the point?Li Zhenguo's heart moved, could it be used to carry the corpse?
Not only he had this idea, but several policemen present had similar thoughts, and involuntarily turned their attention to the bar.

This is an ordinary bamboo stick. It has been used for a long time, and its color is shiny and almost dark yellow. Not only does it feel very smooth, but it also has a greasy feeling. This is probably because porters often help pigs pick goods. .But such a smooth bar with almost "patina" soaked in the water for a long time, left no traces.Li Zhenguo studied it over and over again for a long time, digging out all the trifles and trifles he learned from training and following Mu Min, Wu Xiang and others, and looked at it carefully, but he didn't see that he was ugly from the stick.

Li Ziyu who was next to him could see it clearly. Seeing that the stone and the rope were still thrown aside, he suddenly had an idea and said, "Comrade Li, I haven't looked at the bundle of rope yet."

Having said that, everyone realized that they had neglected the rope.Gao Chongjiu quickly picked up the rope. The rope was wet, and it was made of brown and linen mixed with bamboo strips. It was very strong.Old Cui said yes, this is the rope commonly used by porters.

Although the rope was fished out of the water, it was still greasy in the hand. Obviously, this thing must be the original match on the lever, and it has become like this for a long time to transport pork.Li Zhenguo asked the porter who lost the stick, and he said that the rope belonged to him.

Soaked in lard and blood over the years, the rope was completely blackened, and at first glance it looked like nothing.Li Zhenguo lifted the rope and examined it carefully under the sunlight, but found clues. On the seemingly completely blackened rope, there were fresh stains.Neither Li Zhenguo nor Gao Chongjiu was sure that the stain was human blood. Fortunately, the Australians in the city bureau had a way to identify whether it was human blood.If it is, then there is no doubt that it is evidence.

Combined with the porter's oilcloth bag... Li Zhenguo's eyes lit up, and he asked, "Who else has that kind of oilcloth bag?"

There is more than one porter working for the pig shop, naturally everyone has one.At that moment, shopkeeper Xie took a pair over and said that they were about the same size.Li Zhenguo unfolded the oilcloth bag and spread it out on the ground. After looking at it, he felt that his deduction was more and more reasonable.

The appearance of the lever gave a glimmer of light to the investigation that had been vague.After discussing with each other, the two decided that it was not too late. They immediately went to Widow Wang's house to investigate on the spot to find out who the person who climbed the Widow Wang's wall in the middle of the night was.

Widow Wang's house is not far from the tea shed, and she wanted to call Ben Jia's group leader, but Xie group leader said don't bother, I know the situation of her house very well, and the road is not far, so let me take you there.

When I arrived at the door, I saw that it was a very dilapidated house with a small frontage and barely even a single room. The white plaster and mud on the walls were peeling off, revealing the broken bricks and tiles inside and the brick wall made up of yellow mud.The eaves are also low.But how tall is a person.The door was now closed and bolted from the inside.Shopkeeper Xie knocked on the door outside for a long time, but nothing happened.

Shopkeeper Xie felt strange now, because he had seen Widow Wang go out earlier in the morning, if she hadn't come back, then the door should be locked, since it was plugged in from the inside, it meant that someone was inside.The most recent one is going back to Nantian, the weather is getting hot and humid. During the day, every household closes the gates and opens the gates to ventilate. What do you do with the barred gates in the blue sky?
Both Li Zhenguo and Gao Chongjiu felt that something was wrong, Gao Chongjiu knew a thing or two about all kinds of activities in the world, so he immediately took out a piece of soft bamboo from his side, stuffed it in through the crack of the door, and slowly pushed the door bolt in. They moved aside and took a few minutes to open the door. As soon as the door was opened, they smelled a strange aroma—it was the same aroma they smelled in Lao Qiu's shed, but it was stronger.

Li Zhenguo's complexion changed, and he screamed inwardly. He walked through the main room in three steps and two steps in parallel. Behind it was a small courtyard. There was an old tree with a crooked neck, and a person was hanging from the tree!

Shopkeeper Xie screamed involuntarily: It was Widow Wang who hanged herself!

"Quick, untie the man!"

Several policemen hurriedly went up to untie the rope, Li Ziyu secretly felt bad luck, but he had no choice but to go up to help, but fortunately Zhao Gui didn't care too much, so he stood below and asked someone to untie Widow Wang. down.

When it was untied, it was found that the person had passed away, but the body was not stiff, and it was not long before he died—combined with the fact that shopkeeper Xie had seen Widow Wang early this morning, it showed that she hanged herself within a few hours from morning to noon.

Although there is no forensic doctor or forensic doctor, based on Gao Chongjiu's years of experience, the strangle marks on Widow Wang's neck are horseshoe-shaped, and the ends do not intersect with a lifting belt. This is the difference between hanging and strangulation. Horseshoe-shaped strangle marks are Formed by hanging.It was not strangled and then hung up, which shows that Wang Xiuzhu was indeed hanged to death.

However, both Gao Chongjiu and Li Zhenguo felt that Widow Wang's sudden hanging was unreasonable both emotionally and rationally.In addition, when they entered the room, they all smelled the incense, so it cannot be ruled out that she was "hanged" after being stunned by the incense.Gao Chongjiu has encountered this kind of case before-it's just that the murderer committed the crime by getting the victim drunk.

On-site investigation immediately found some doubts.A stool had been overturned on the flagstone floor below the body, and the footprints of the deceased were left on the stool.

The first suspicious point was discovered on this stool.The pair of footprints on the stool made Li Zhenguo feel strange.If it is said that Wang Xiuzhu stepped on this stool and tied a rope to the branch, then put her head into the rope and kicked the stool over to kill herself, but after inspection, the traces left on the front and sides of the stool are only those For clear footprints, there is no trace of friction left when the stool is kicked over.Li Zhenguo asked Li Ziyu to move an identical stool and conduct a simulation test under the tree in the yard - grasping the branches with his hands, kicking the stool to make the body hang in the air.The results show that no matter how lightly the force is used to overturn the stool, marks will definitely be left on the stool.

A comprehensive survey of the site was conducted again, and the residence of Widow Wang was a bungalow with three entrances and one facade.Entering the door is the main room, next to it is the kitchen.Through the small bluestone slab patio is a bright and dark bedroom.Go out from the bedroom and there is a small courtyard behind.Build some tank clutter.The place is small, the houses are humble, and the furniture is simple. It looks like the residence of the poor.But upon inspection, the criminal police immediately discovered many incongruities.

The bedding on the bed was very new and of good quality, obviously not used by low-class women like the Widow Wang; a brand-new mother-of-pearl dressing box with a mirror was found beside the bed—it was an authentic Australian product, from Zizhenzhai, and it was light. The crystal mirror inside is expensive, and the cheapest one costs four taels of silver each.The vanity box was open, obviously it had been turned over by someone, and most of the things were gone, but there was still a silver ring with pearls inside - although it was not very valuable, it was not something a woman like her could afford to wear.Similar consumption and things that do not match the status are the clothes in the suitcase-all are newly made silk clothes.However, the more direct evidence is that there are more than one set of men's clothes in the suitcase.It seems that this man often stays here.

Obviously, these were all provided by the "wild man".In the kitchen they found more similar traces: half a jar of wine.Unfinished wind chicken marinade...

(End of this chapter)

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