Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1789 The Vanishing Danjia Boat

Chapter 1789 The Vanishing Danjia Boat

Judging from the food, utensils, and clothes found, the man is quite particular about food and clothing, and he should be a rich man.

Then, the second doubt was also discovered.Widow Wang's house was cleaned cleanly.According to shopkeeper Xie, Wang Xiuzhu is a clean person, even though the family is poor, she will clean the house every morning.A person who is suicidal is unlikely to care so much about sanitation.What's more, the basket for grocery shopping and several hundred copper coins were placed on the table in the main room--obviously, she was planning to go shopping for vegetables.

Combining the conclusion of the forensic doctor with the two doubtful points discovered before, the criminal police believed: Wang Xiuzhu died of homicide!

"I think the murderer is looking for something." Gao Chongjiu said.

"Properties?" Li Ziyu said cautiously.After all, everything in the dressing box was gone.

"It may not be property." Gao Chongjiu frowned, "There are obviously five ingots and ten taels of silver in the box behind the bed. There are also some scattered silver taels in the drawer—I haven't taken them away."

There are obvious signs of disturbance in these two places. The murderer clearly saw the silver but did not take it, which shows that he did not find the silver.There were traces of disturbance throughout the house, but the murderer was very careful when searching in order to give the illusion of "suicide".

Now, Gao Chongjiu, Li Zhenguo and Li Ziyu all know that the case is "deep".It is also basically affirmed that Wang Xiuzhu's death is related to the "headless corpse" whose whereabouts are still unknown.The man who climbed the wall that Lao Cui saw had serious suspicions.

Now that there is a second victim, the case has a new direction for detection.

After the murderer killed Wang Xiuzhu, he was disguised as a suicide attempt, apparently to silence the victim.Wang Xiuzhu is likely to be a participant or an important insider of the "Headless Corpse Case".

Li Zhenguo immediately decided to investigate from the interpersonal relationships around Widow Wang, focusing on finding out who Wang Xiuzhu's concubine is.

Although Wang Xiuzhu is an outsider, she has settled down in Nanjianzixiang for ten years.There are many acquaintances around.The neighbors have no special impression of her, they only say that she is hardworking and capable. In the past, when her husband's family was still there, she had never heard of any quarrels between her and her husband's family or looking for a good friend outside.

In short, Wang Xiuzhu is an ordinary housewife in a small household in Guangzhou.

As for the fact that she found a concubine recently, many neighbors know about it, but most of them know it from "street trumpets" like Mrs. Liu and Lao Cui. Almost no one has actually seen this "wild guy" ".

After a lot of searching, the only information they had on Wang Xiuzhu's concubine was what Sister-in-law Liu told Li Ziyu yesterday.

As a result, the reconnaissance work has reached a deadlock again.Not only did not find many cases of "wild men", but also did not find a key link in the case: the headless corpse.

"Comrade Li..." Li Ziyu was a little hesitant. He had been running with the criminal police all morning, and he had some thoughts in his mind, but he never had a chance to say--according to the rules, a newcomer like him is not qualified to speak, but Li Ziyu is in Wanshou. The first phase of the palace is also considered a top student, and his ability to memorize by rote is even more top-notch. He has memorized the textbooks of several training courses fluently. There are cases in these books. One or two.

"...I have an idea," Li Ziyu mustered up his courage, and said, "Could it be that the corpse was not thrown into the river, but instead loaded onto the Dan family's boat?"

This idea caught the eyes of Gao Chongjiu and the others. They both scolded themselves for being confused. There was no street gate on the river. The murderer put the body on the Danjia boat and transported it out along the river with ease. .It's useless even if I turn my head upside down in South Scissors Alley!

However, when they arrived at the survey site early in the morning, they did not see a boat on the river, which made this reasoning more likely.

Several people made a division of labor, Gao Chongjiu went to investigate the whereabouts of the two small boats, Li Zhenguo and Li Ziyu continued to investigate and explore in South Jianzi Lane.

When Danhu was involved, this matter was a bit tricky, and Gao Chongjiu couldn't help but have a headache.It's not that there is any "political sensitivity" in Danhu, but that Danhu is basically a "people outside the culture", and Daming didn't care about Danhu.Theoretically speaking, Danhu also has household registration, but their household registration is managed by the local river for the purpose of collecting fishing lessons.

As time went on, the government was exhausted, and the Hepo Office only wanted to search for fishing courses, and did not ask about the real household registration of Danhu at all.These household registrations are basically the same as the yellow books in the county government.Even more wrong.

Danhu lives on the water on weekdays, drifting indefinitely, has its own special language and customs, and has a deep gap with the people on the shore, and rarely communicates with them.Therefore, the government knew nothing about the situation of Danhu.

Gao Chongjiu went out from the street gate, went around to the street opposite Heyong, and found the Hebutou that Li Ziyu mentioned without any trouble.Hebutou is very small, and it is also at the bottom of a branch alley.The difference is that there are more residents in this branch alley, and people often use this river port to wash rice, vegetables and clothes.Danhu's small boats often anchor here to sell fresh fish to residents.After a long time, we all know each other.According to the residents, there are three or four Danhu small boats that often come here, and two of them moored at Hebu last night.The owner of one is called "Ah Shui", and the other is called "Aqiu".However, the two boats disappeared shortly after dawn today.

Apart from knowing their names as "A Shui" and "A Qiu" and how many men, women and children were on board, the residents could not provide any clues: ordinary people rarely interact with Danhu, This Hebutou has been in business for seven or eight years, and no one even knows their exact name.

Gao Chongjiu thought that it was unlikely that the body would be transported out of the city by boat - because the exit from the city would have to pass through the water gate, which used to be guarded by relevant officials, but now it is also managed by the police.No matter in the past or now, when small boats want to enter and leave Guangzhou, there must be some inspections at the water customs: the main purpose of the water customs is to collect taxes, so the inspections have always been relatively strict.There was no place to hide the corpse on the boat, and most of the corpses were abandoned halfway.

But since it is a small boat that often enters the city, the people who closed the water must have an impression.It might be possible to know one or two.

There are 10 water gates in the entire city of Guangzhou. As long as they are willing to detour, any of the water gates may leave the city, and they may not leave the city, and berth on a certain river port in the city.Gao Chong thought about it for a long time, and it was too slow to inquire about the water gates one by one. It is better to go to the Hebo Station—now called the Water Police Station to inquire.

Gao Chongjiu went to investigate the Dan family's boat, Li Zhenguo took Li Ziyu and the others to continue their investigation and questioning in the dark at South Jianzi Lane, until the sun was almost westward, but they still found nothing.Just feeling disappointed, Wuxiang came.

Wu Xiang didn't intend to get involved in this case, but he returned to the bureau after a busy day today and saw the newly released "Case Brief". There is no telephone to contact at any time.However, the mission they undertake requires that the city bureau and sub-bureaus, police stations, stationed stations, and between police stations must communicate with each other as soon as possible, so they follow the local method of the old time and space in the 50s: each branch and police station is at 12 noon every day Manually report to the Municipal Bureau all kinds of cases that occurred in various jurisdictions within 24 hours.The Municipal Bureau quickly sorted out the cases reported by each branch and reported them into a briefing report, which was printed and sent to each branch and office before 2:[-] p.m.Make sure that the latest case status is available to all parties as quickly as possible.

The headless corpse in South Scissors Lane did not go missing, but another "pretend suicide case" appeared, which aroused Wuxiang's interest.He immediately rushed to South Scissors Lane, just in time to meet Li Zhenguo who was in a state of desperation.

After listening to Li Zhenguo's report, Wu Xiang fell into deep thought.

So far, Gao Chongjiu and Li Zhenguo's judgments are fine, including the investigation of the Danjia boat is also a breakthrough direction.But Wu Xiang felt that there must be some details that they hadn't noticed.

Judging from the clues we have so far, the murderer of the unknown corpse case is likely to be two people, because two people must cooperate to carry the corpse with a lever-Wang Xiuzhu is probably one of them.For a young and strong woman from the countryside like her, it is no problem to carry a burden of one or two hundred catties.It's easier to team up with a dead body.

The rods and ropes were found from the river, but the oilcloth was not found. Why didn't the murderer sink into the river together?Wu Xiang estimated that nine times out of ten the murderer wrapped the corpse in an oilcloth—this could explain why there was no bloodstain along the way, only at the entrance of Dongbazhi Alley where they left the corpse...

Wu Xiang suddenly thought: This is a headless corpse!Since it was a headless corpse, where did the head go?

The murderer deliberately chopped off the head before moving the corpse. Generally speaking, in this kind of case, he has a deep hatred with the victim, so he deliberately took the head away. A sacrificial offering.

It is impossible to walk too far with a bloody forest head, and it is easy to be exposed after dawn.

Whether it was the murderer, or the body that had been split in two, was clearly still hiding somewhere on the block.

Wu Xiang thought over and over again, and said, "Come on, let's walk along the known route of the crime. See if we can find any new clues."

Li Ziyu thought about how many times he had gone back and forth, so he almost shoveled the wall and dug out the paving stones.Can you see any new tricks?No matter how great the Australians are, they can't create something out of nothing.However, he also admires the meticulousness of the Australians - the government that wants to let go will not file a case if there is no body, and the widow Wang will not make so many rumors when she dies, just "suicide" and it's over .He would never go out of his way to solve the case and find the murderer by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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